HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2006-06-27Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37 69 Inspection Line Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00807ISSUED: 0612712006APPLIED: 0612712006 EXPIRESz 1212712006 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 1487 30TH ST ASSESSOR'SPARCELNO.: 170230340r90r PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolish mobile home Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence TYPE OF USE: Demolition Residential PhoneNumber: 541-747-9943Owner: Address: EVONNE MERRILL 1465 3OTH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 to Contractor Type General Contractor GEORGE J GEORGE J Phone 541-342-3201 541-342-3201thet -u44). nla S\\ E0 0s Date # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: ufr \s1 Height of Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: oh oflLot 0t2007 Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: \t Type: Downspouts/Drains: REQUTRED PARKING R-3 VN \$0 0 DEVELOPMENT INFORMATI( Notes: Page I of3 0 Total: t0s Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springlield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line OF Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00807ISSUED: 0612712006 APPLIED: 0612712006 EXPIRESz 1212712006 VALUE: Description Tvpe of Construction Fee Description + lDoh Administrative Fee + 87o State Surcharge Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Total Amount Paid Total Value of Project Date Paid 6t27106 6t27106 6t27t06 6t27t06 Value Date Calculated Receipt Number 1200600000000000984 r200600000000000984 r200600000000000984 r200600000000000984 $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Amount Paid $9.00 $7.20 $45.00 $45.00 $106.20 Plan Reviews To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Demolition: After demolition is complete, sewer is capped or septic is pumped and filled and inspection is requested and approved, and all debris is removed from the site. Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. f,lonrrirprl Insneefions Page 2 of3 Lj Fees ],atd I Valuation Descrintion I FIELD Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fa'x 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00807ISSUED: 0612712006 APPLIEDz 0612712006 EXPIRESz 1212712006 VALUE: By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein' and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. o Owner or Contractors Date Paee 3 of3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone C;'- of Springfield Official Receipt L . elopment Services DePartment Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1200600000000000984 Date: 0612712006 3:05:4lPM Job/Journal Number coM2006-00807 coM2006-00807 coM2006-00807 coM2006-00807 Description Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Demolition + 8% State Surcharge + llYo Administrative Fee Amount Due 45.00 45.00 7.20 9.00 Item Total:$106.20 Payments: Type of Payment Paid By CheckNumber Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received CreditCard EVONNE MERRILL djb 063025 In Person $106.20 Payment Total: -5'TdT76- cReceint I Page I of I 612712006 sffi*n Amount Paid City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax November 22,2006 MERRILL 1465 3OTH ST SPRINGFIELD Job Number: Location: EVONNE oR 97477 coM2006-00807 1487 3OTH ST Project Demolish mobile home Dear Permit Holder: The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code provides that in order for a permit to remain valid, the work which has been authorized by the permit must begin within 180 days of the date of issuance, and an inspection must be requested at least every 180 days. According to our records, you obtained a permit for a project at 1487 30TH ST which is set to expire on 1212712006. Our records indicate that you have not requested an inspection within the past five (5) months. This letter is written to notify you that your permit(s) will be expiring shortly. If you are ready to request an inspection for your project, please phone the inspection line at 541-726-3769. If you do not request an inspection prior to the expiration date, your permit(s) will expire and additional permit fees will be required in order to complete your project. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 541'726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Management Analyst SFN}HGFITLD Evovrne- MerrY't // 225 FIFTH STREET r SPRINGFIELD, OR 974 tt.PH:(541)726-3753 r FAX: (541)726-3689 ffi, (s,t t) tv 7 -77/3 \sPhtNGFrsLo Your demolition permit is currently being processed. 'There ryf !'q I slght dela1" of fii;;;rking duyr io. small structures] due to the time tuqull",q t-?review the history of the J.r"tr.. to determine if it needs to be documentbd before demolition' This documentation is for archival purposes only and.will not affect the granting of the demolition permit. If the structurdis very largeor complicated the documentation process may take up to a maxim"T gll working days' Documentation will consisiof phottgraphing the building, taking measulements and ;;kG scaled d.rawings. The docum--eniation u,ill be undertaken by the City at no cost to you. Documentatioir is being done on all structures dated prior to rS{o that may have historic importance to the City's development' THIS DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLITION PROCESS' An age cut-off of r94o was chosen because this is the date that the National Parks i"*i"". and The Springfield Development Code use to determine potential historic il I grant the City documentation Address: my propertY to complete of the structure located a<?7y/g ,1Property Owner Signature: Job Number:2.oc>G- c>of6-l Date: \o DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS measurements. Thank you for your Patience.o sQ Euow*t- Mew[ I I gi.t*F;i rrt {;tr I 1:Lt} 225 FIFTH STREET o SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 o PI{:(541)726-3753 r FAX: (541)726-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATTON ,1 L /t ;t',),r:;:' cz ?7ylr ,)- Wr-to be Demolished: Job Number: C O/^7ooG -OO tr67 Furthermore,if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed Prior to the development ofthe proposed use,then the system development charge credit for the previously existing expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition permit or of the previously existing use. (SPringfleld The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of th.e subject site must ""*pili*itf, ait of tfre'app1i.uUi. laws, codes, ordinances, polices and plans in effect at the time the redivelopment proposal is accepted as complete f9r CitV . , revier,t. This would i""f"a""*rection of substandard conditions associated with tfr" pt".*a development. Examples of such corrections may include *odin"utio" or i"ua"q"utft.ui"uge facilities; compliance with building set- backs from prope.ry fi'""r; correcti-on of.substandard sidewalks and street i-;;r";"iir, i""f"JG h.i".*uy wiqth and placement; and other corrections which may be .r""".ru.yio "ornp( with existing development standards' Address: Structure Municipal Code My Signature \. that I have read and understand the above demolition of the above mentioned structure' $ tr-\ \\.eo\ \Se \e B. Received by ollelivqtr 5 -0j7 r Complete items 'l , 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. ls delivery address different from item 1? E Yes lf YES, enter delivery address below: E No E Express Mail E Return Receipt for Merchandise E c.o.D. 3. Service Type StCertified Mail E Registered D lnsured Mail Paulirre Jenlcils 1495 30th Street Springfield, Oregon 97 478 P,E: 1487 30th Street 1. Article Addressed to: t 4. Restricted Delivery? Extra Fee)E Yes SENDER: COMPLETE sEcTroA/COMPLETE THIS A. Signature Agent Addressee tr tr 2. Article Number (rransferfromservicetabet) 7002 0510 0003 l.660 2928 PS Form 381 1, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 1 02595-02-M-1 035 ( ililt l ( First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 Ururruo SrRres TAL SERVICE ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' City of Springfield Conrn:nity Senzices Division Building Safety Attention Dave Gadcmski 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregton 97477 ll,l,,l,,,l,l,,ll,,,ll,',l,l,,l,ll,,l,,,l,l,l,l,l,,l,l',,11,,1 MEMORANDUM City of Springfield To: From: Date: Subject: Lisa Hopper, Mel Oberst, Address File Ashley DeForest 6-26-03 Status of 1465 30'r'St., Map and Tax Lot Number 17-02-30-34-01901 There are two residential units located on Tax Lot 1901 ; 1465 and 1487 30'r' St. The zoning is LDR and only one dwelling unit is permitted per residential lot. The City only has record of 1487 being legally ., established. pauline Jenkins, o*n"i of the above referenced property, submitted documentation June 25th, 2003 demonstrating that both manufactured dwellings located on Tax Lot l90l were legally established prior to the adoption of the Springfield Development Code in 1987.. The documentation consisted of -SUB service records and Lane County Tax records. It has been determined by City Stafl the second manufactured home located at the above referenced address is a legal non-confomring use and is subject to the regulations set forth in Article 5 of the Springfield Development Code. il I /?7f 7d zs7 f-I -F- = -,r - -a |r3- rl F .F IF I --- tl ,A ) 1 f * -.t-r-t atr I ii$ BillL0tiIfi ilcIupYIr ! I ?JI r-- m AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON County oflane I, Dave Gadomski, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at each portal ofthe additional residential structure located on the property commonly known as 1487 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023034, Tax Lot addressed to Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30m Street, 0l the of the attached Hand Posted Letter 97478 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 24,Dave Gadomski personally appeared before me, who the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me: for ss. ) ) ) MyCommiss;rnl*pir"@?-=_a- OFFICIAL SEAL BRENDA JONES srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Countyoflane ) I, Dave Gadomski, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springheld, Oregon. I 3. building 2003. referenced in the attached letter is unsafe for human occupancy on April 24, STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 24,2003, Dave Gadomski personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me ]\.],Public for I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I hand delivered a copy of the attached cerlified letter addressed to Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30th Sffeet, Springfield, Oregon 97478 informing her that the ?ffi+My CommissionBR OTAN Bco MY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Tom Marx being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Building Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I photographed Dave Gadomski posting each portal of the additional residential structure located on the property commonly known as 1487 30th Sheet, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023034, Tax T,ot 01901, the original of the attached Hand Posted Letter addressed to Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30ft Street, Springfield, Oregon 97 478. C" STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 24,2003, Tom Marx personally appeared before me, who the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me: My Commission ?(/D+OFFICIAL ENDA SEAL JON COMMISSI, MY C()MMISSI|-JN B R ES N OTARY PUB LI c OR ONEG NO. 2. I state that in my capacity as Supervisor, I faxed the original request to discorurect service to Springfield Utility Board Electrical Service Center and Water Department at746-0230 and747-7348 for the additional residence located on the properfy commonly known as 1487 306 Street, Springfield, Oregon onApril24,2003. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Countyoflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 24,2003, Lisa Hopper personally instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: before me,the foregoing Public for My CommissionOFFICIAL BRENDA COMMISSI MY C()MMlSSt0[ N OTA RY PU cLI D0 EGO N 73 SEAL JONES AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Countyoflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being frst duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed the original Certified Letter and u "opy olthe original certified letter which are attached to Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478, delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 24,2003, Lisa Hopper personally before me, who the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: Public for My Commission Expires:n vtur ARY CITY OF OREGO'V SPRIN6FIELO D EV ELO PMENT SERV ICES D EPARTM ENT Apil24,2003 Springfi eld Utility Board Electrical Service Center Water Department RE: 1487 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon The City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety requests that the power and water be disconnected at the second dwelling unit as we discussed at the above referenced addresses for reason identified below. The unit is currently without electrical service. The property is not properly zoned to allow two residential structures. The second unit was installed without any permits, inspections, and/or approvals and must be removed. ?fr,225 FIFTH SIPEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 www. ci. spri n gf ie ld. or. us o The owner of the property is identified Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon, by Lane County Assessment and Taxation records. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3663, or Mel Oberst, Springfield Planning Manager at 726-3783. Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector cc Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Dan Brown, Development Services Director Mel Oberst, Planning Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Fax Log Report Apr-24-03 06:40 AM Identification 97477348 Result OK Pages Type 0l Sent Date Time Apr-24 06:39A Duration Diagnostic 00:00:31 0(]/l58fi30022 ,,3.0 2.E HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier - Fax Log Report Apr-2443 06:38 AM Identification 974@230 Result OK Pages Type 0l Sent Date Time Apr-24 06:37A Duration Diagnostic 00:00:45 00I2O8523OO2O 1-3.O ZE 225 FIFTH STNEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 vtMw{. ci. s p ri n gf i e I d. o r. u s April24,2003 CERTIFIED LETTER Pauline Jenkins 1495 30s Street Springfield, OR 97478 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfreld Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandird Building at 1487 30ft Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Jenkins: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the additional structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17023034,Taxlot 01901, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this property' Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section l00l of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structures identifred above, classifying them as substandard and unsafe buildings. L The property will not be served with water service as of Monday, April 28,2003. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2. The property is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code req-uires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room ternperature of 68 degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. Section 204 b) of the Administative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety ofthe public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that tire property is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 p.rn April 25,2003 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Pauline Kirby 1495 30s Street Apil24,2003 Page 2. Once the property has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until approval ofthe additional unit has been granted by the Plaruring Division of the City of Springfield. You may contact the Planner you have been working with to resolve this issue at726-3753. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirry (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this rnatter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Ifyou have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Mel Oberst, Planning Manager Tom Marx, Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Offrce Springfield Utility Board SPRINGFIELE, D EV E LA P M ENT SEE YTCES D E PA RTM ENT April24,2003 IIAND DELTVERED Pauline Jenkins 1495 306 Street Springfield, OR 97478 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX (541) 726-3689 vvww. ci. sp ri n gf i e ld. or, us Re: Notice and Order to Conply With The Springheld Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building at 1487 306 Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Jenkins: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined ttrat the additional structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17023034, Tax Lot 01901, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you ile the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfreld Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structures identified above, classifying them as substandard and unsafe buildings. L The property will not be served with water service as of Monday, April 28, 2003. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. The properly is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the buildrng, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, properry or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 p.m. April 25, 2003 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with ttre Building Safety Codes ttuough legal recowse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. 2 Pauline Kirby 1495 30ft Street April24,2003 Page2. Once the property has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until approval ofthe additional unit has been granted by the Planning Division of the City of Springfield. You may contact the Planner you have been working with to resolve this issue at726-3753. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirfy (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failwe to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Ifyou have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Mel Oberst, Plaruring Manager Tom Marx, Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office Springfield Utility B oard D EV E!-OP \48f'IT SEH YJCES DEPARTM EIIT Aprit24,2003 HAND POSTED LETTER Pauline Jenkins 1495 306 Street Springfield, OR 97478 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX (541) 726-3689 vwvw. ci. s pri n gf i eld.a r. u s Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfreld Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building at 1487 306 Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Jenkins: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the additional skucture located at the above referenced location, also knowu as Lane County Assessors Map #17023034, Tax Lot 01901, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner ofthis property. Section 203 of the Springfreld Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are stmcnually inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specif,res conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structures identified above, classiffing them as substandard and unsafe buildings. l. The properfy will not be served with water service as of Monday, April 28,2003. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2. The properfy is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilitie s capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. The Code furttrer states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediatehazard to life, limb, Property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 p.rn April 25,2003 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Pauline Kirby 1495 306 Street April24,2003 Page 2. Once the property has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until approval ofthe additional unit has been granted by the Planning Division of the City of Springfield. You may contact the Planner you have been working with to resolve this issue at726-3753. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirry (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administative hearing and determination of this matter. Yow anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Electrical Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Mel Oberst, Planning Mauager Tom Marx, Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Oflice Springfield Utility Board cc: SPF!!N(}FIELO DEVELOPMENT SEfr Y'CES DEPARTMENT April24,2003 Springfi eld Utility Board Electrical Service Center Water Department RE: 1487 30tr Street, Springfield, Oregon The City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety requests that the power and water be disconnected at the second dwelling unit as we discussed at the above referenced addresses for reason identified below. The unit is currently without electrical service. The property is not properly zoned to allow two residential structures. The second unit was installed without any permits, inspections, and/or approvals and must be removed. The owner of the property is identified Pauline Jenkins, 1495 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon, by Lane County Assessment and Taxation records. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3663, or Mel Oberst, Springfield Planning Manager at 726-3783. Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector cc Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Dan Brown, Development Services Director Mel Oberst, Planning Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor 225 FIFTH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541 ) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 www. ci. s pri ngf i e ld. or. us RLID Detailed Property RePort Page 1 of6 LANE GOUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 1487 30TH ST Map & Tax Lot #: 17-02-30-34-01901 A&TAccount#:1213063 Special lnterest Code: |Ta;.rffil Vicinity Map Detail Map Site Address State Plane Coordinates X-Coord:1347897 Y-Coord: 881505 Site Address lnformation House sufrix predir. Street Name PostDir. ?li::t lll UnitIype lype 1487 3OTH ST Mailing City State Zip Code Zip+4 Carrier Route SPRTNGFIELD OR 97478 5508 C030 Create Date: 1984-02-10 Update Date: 1995-11-10 Land Use Land use information has not been field verified. Code: Description: Land Use Code and 1150 MOBILE HOME - NOT lN MOBILE Description: I rYv HOME PARK Use Code andDescription: x MoBILE HoMES Zoning Please verify zoning information with localjurisdiction. Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown in RLID. Code: Description: SPR SPRINGFIELDZoning Jurisdiction: I -+1 g I -l --- i http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reports/IVlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot_id:59876&site adr... 412312003 View Tax Map Convert to PDF Document t. RLID Detailed Property Report Parent Zone 1: Boundary lnformation General lncorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: 1995 Transportation Analysis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number: 41 039G1 1 61 F Code: x Soils Soil Map Unit Number: 101 Schools Soil Type Description: OXLEY.URBAN LAND COMPLEX Page 2 of 6 LD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SPR SPRINGFIELD SPR SPRINGFIELD L 1902 3 1 960 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 041 .22 9,584 Please verify environmental information with local jurisdiction Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FlRt\I maps. Registration between parcel boundaries and flood hazard zones is approximate. Community numbers are based on the current city limits and may not reflect boundaries at the date of map publication. Consult FIRIVI maps or appropriate authority. fi:il#l't, Post - FIRM Date: |;fi:i Printed? ( Y/N ): 415592 1985-09-27 Y Description: Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. Percentage of Tax Lot: 100 http://www.rlid.orglcftlocs/rlid/reportsillain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:59876&site adr... 412312003 RLID Detailed Property Report District: EIementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts LTD Service Area: LTD Ride Source: Name: SPRINGFIELD YOLANDA BRIGGS THURSTON Page 3 of6 Code: 19 372 505 668 Ambulance District: YES YES SPRINGFIELD DEPT EC Area: EAST/CENTRAL Provider: OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY Emerald People's Utility Distrlct: Soil Water Conservation EAST LANE District: Soil Water Conservation 0 District Zone: Political Districts Election Precinct: 102402 County Commissioner Z S,RINGFIELDDistrict: County Commissioner: BILL DWYER State Representative nDistrict: State Representative E. TERR' BE'ERName: City Council Ward: SP4 City Councilor Name: DAVE RALSTON State Senate District: 6 State Senator: WILLIAM MORRISETTE LCC Board Zones: 3 EWEB Commissioner District: Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 1213063 |Lot: 17 -02-30-34-01 901 Property Owner Map & Tax http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reports/Idain_report_rlidstar.cfrn?taxlot_id:59876&site_adr... 412312003 RLID Detailed Property RePort Ownerl Name: JENKINS KIRBY & PAULINE Owner Address: 1495 N 30TH ST City State Country SPRINGFIELD OREGON UNITED STATES Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: JENKINS KIRBY & PAULINE Taxpayer Address: 1495 N 30TH ST City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Remarks: Converted Record Property Legal Description Not Available Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market Country UNITED STATES Page 4 of 6 Zip Code 97477 Zip Code 97477 Total Value Realrtrrir"t Assessed 25,326 12,437 24,830 12,075 24,340 11,723 22,960 11,382 20,140 11,050 18,650 10,728 15,290 15,290 11,920 11,920 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FzNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 194.s0 190.81 186.19 188.23 2002 2001 2000 1 999 1 998 1 997 I 996 1 995 25,326 24,830 24,340 22,960 20,140 18,650 15,290 11,920 lmprovement Value Real Market 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,437 Taxable Value 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2002 2001 2000 1 999 http://www.rlid.orglcfdocs/rlid/reports/IVlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot_id:59876&site_adt... 412312003 (e RLID Detailed Property Report Page 5 of6 182.98 182.29 238.38 187.10 Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount of tax which currently exists with Lane County's Department of Assessment and Taxation. lt is possible there is a pending value change on this account. To determine this, please refer to the Account Status indicators to see if Pending Value change is selected. lf a value change has already been processed for this account and year in question, the tax currently showing may not match what was ceftified for that particulat yeat. Account Status Active for the 2002Tax Year New Account Scheduled to be Active for the 2003 Tax Year Locally Assessed Pending Seg/Merge Pending Value Change Delinquency Delayed Foreclosure Bankruptcy Code Split lndicator Land Gharacteristics Code: General lnformation Description: Property Class:109 RESIDENTIAL, MANUFACTURED STRUCTURE Statistical Class: Neighborhood Code: Property Use Type: Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: Fire Acres: 1 998 1 997 1 996 1 99s 40940 RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS r (. c c C C r c .00 http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report_rlidstar.cfrn?taxlot_id:59876&site ad r... 412312003 RLID Detailed Property Report 2002 Tax Code Area i 2002-2A03 l\Ieasure 50 Bi Page 6 of6 (Levy Code): 01900 Lane County Assessment and Taxation illing Rates Mult Acct? GITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVIGE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales lnformation BX',:: ff|"": Grantor: Grantee: lnstrument Tlffilt Manufactured Structures Search Results lNew Property Search lApplications Menu http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot_id:59876&site_adt... 412312003 -. I _/16f, ?aa*7 ,.qr'*-* Z>e-co 9-*4.+az €x7/sYT 3-a74' ce*7Zrc.fu (.*--.r- a 7/r.tr/zr &-.wgtarS >16- fr/7 1aE- BobI Dr(S"r',56rv -r-..1- LL.t.. --\ L.E{a6i\y-il Qrc'Lcr, - (_.1.-. r ,l;.-) _t