HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-04-29Receipt #" RESID---a{TlAL" 225 North stl, s;tonffPLrcATr,N/PERI,rr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD ci Addtess: Nea ,fu 61[/'0L Descrtbe Hork:- Zf,;/r*(, Vd","-(- *^ff ?rn Additicn RenoCel W, o*or" r" ",-i:lkU\ Siqned: Date Date of AppL icaticn sc. t: ie the reepons'ibility of tle perwit hoLder to aee that aLL inspectione oe nad.e at the p?oper tine, that ecch addrees is ren4ahie ;'ron the at?eet, anC that the petmtt, catd, is Located at the frcnt of tlte properta.*lui!din4' Diuiciot approu*ed plbn slull renain on tle AunLdtng Sitc -at aLL' times.- PP)2,DL'PE' FoR JNSPECTI1IT R1?WST:CALL 7 :equestea and uhen you uiLL be ready for;iLL be nade the sane day, requests mcde I SiTE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade aftez, escauation, but pr.tot tc set up of forne. ANDE.1SLAB PLUITBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCH.a-\|ICAL: To be nade befoz,e ang t'totk is eotsered. GeneraL , Electrieal l4echanieal : Conetmtctiol Lettd.et UNDIRGROU]]D PLUMEING, SEWEP, W.4TER, DRAII:IAGE: To be nade pr"Lor to fil-lirq trenehes. UIIDERELOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANTCAL:robeiatie@of floor inauktion or decking. POS? AND BEA!,!: To be rnade pr.Lot toffiifrTdlffof floot, iwut)tion or deckittg. fr roormc I EIUNDATT1N: To be naCe;d @A tr;AG;are *catsated and fonns are etected, but prioz, to poutirtg ccncret€.x I INSULATTON/VAPOR EARRTER ilISPECTION : To be naCe after aLL insulaticn a"d. tequired uapor bavie?s @e in place but before otg Lath, Wpeurn boarC or wLL eouering is appli.ed, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRTWALL INSPECTTON: ?c be nade aftet, aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to ang taping. ILASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oepticals in accordorce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. |,/OODS?)VE: After installation is atrpleted. CURB & APPR2ACH APPAN: After fornsee ez,ecteC but pr.Lor to pourtng conc?ete. STDEWALI< & DRf'"EtlAI: For aLL con- - crete paoing uitffi stz,eet right- of-teA, to be nade after aLL ezea- oating canplete & font uork & sub- base nwterLal in place. 26-3769 (veeoydet) state Aou! City designated job nttnben, job aC&ess, type of inspec;icn inspection, Contraetors or aile?s nc,nre cnd plnne numbct. P,equests teeeixed befcte 7:00 c;:raftet 7:00 on urill be made the nect aorking da'g. yoltr ci.ty Desiqnted. Job ltwnbey ,", &b 0 )qb E I I I f :l _l x FIPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq faeingna.tetials and. before franing inepec-tion. FRAI.IING: lttust be requested after dptproual of rough plwr,bin4, electri-cal & neclunical. ALL roofing btacLng & chinmeys, etc. trust be , completed. llo ucrk is to be con-. eealed unti.L this inepection lae 'been nade anC approued. No mad.e FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL AZCHANICAL FITIAL ELECTRICAL these insoeetiot:s haue been ara approu-ec.SflQrtfi PE!!E: When cenplete -- ProuiCe gates o? nottable sections through P,A.E. ALL project conditions, such ae tle installation of street trees, conpletion of the required Landsecping, etc., tmtst be satisfiedbefore the BUfLDfNG FLNAL canbe requested. n F|_NAL BUTLDTN|: The Einal Build.ing rnapection naet be requested alter the Ftnal Plunbing \J Eleetrieal, ard. Nechanieal fnspeetions hlue been nade atd approrsed. Job Ipcaticn:TH Aesessots Map #Tcs lat # Subditsision: Anter: Phone: DEI,IOLruIA!] OR :.:OW) BUTLDi|ICS _ll l Sanitat"g saser capped ct ptoperti Li-ne Septic tank p;.uped ard fi.Lled trtth gzat;el F'LnaL - Lthen abcoe itens ate ecrnpleted and uhen Cqtclition is conrplete o" st!1te- ture nooed and. prewises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plmbing eormections -- aa)re? od. uater flneotntcal Ccmnecti,on - Bloektng, ee,'-uD1) and. plurnbing conneetions rntst be cpptcved before requesting electrical inspeetiol ^l Accee"ory Bui.Lding -)a(r*ot - After. pcrekes, akitting, d.ecks, 7j! etc. ate cornoleted. Kfr Page 1 of 2 *ALL \'|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS l'tUS? BB ACCESSLBLE, ADJUS?!{Elll fO BE I'L4DE /1.T NO CCS? TO CIly T JOB NO. Seuen Nau/Esterut Circuits Semiee ilcodstotse SOLAR A/^:SS REQ.- -- ENCROACHMEIIT -- .L-co # Receipt #: I HAW CAREFALLY EXAMINED tle cotnpleted application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is ty,ue and. coz,reet, cnC I futtker certify that any ard aLL aork perfomed slnlL be done in aeeor- danee tyith the 1rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La:,;s of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end tlut N0 OCCU- P,INCI tyill be nad.e of anA st"ucture uithout pemission of the Building DL-uision. f further certify thct only contractors and enplcgees ttho arb in eoapliance dith 1RS 70L.05s ui.LL be used on this projeet Permit Total Cu?bcut SLdA)aLk !enee EZeetrieal Mobile Eatte * /.2q- Fl, LCT ?WE /rnte?io? _ Cortter _ Panhandle _ CVl-de-sac Bedtoons: SQ. F?C /2635 levet I?EM x Value DT House Ipt Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cottetage # of Stories lotaL Height Iopogrqhg ttain FDN,b22 "3 Ceaae Carport Accessoru fuoe TOTAL VALUE /ooo e rtt/l(DeLue) S.D.C. 1.5 c /7e Date Paid:fo /b 23 CHARCE Signed Building Volue & Permir This pemn,t is granted on the esp"esa eon"d.ition tLnt the said constructioaslnl.L, tn all respects, eonfonn to the Ordinance edopte,l. Siy the City ofSpringfield, ineLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating thb ccnstzaZtibn and -use of buildings, and nay be suspend.ed oy, rbuokeC at "ny tine upon uic- Lation of cny prcoisione of said }z,dinances. r PPil, B/-M, bss l7{rbJ 2 Y/15 t ,@, Building Pesrut ?otal Clnrges State ITEM NO FEE Ftlctutes Sfum lll*t )2D ao Resid.ential (1 bath) 3ag 7.5 |llate?30 oo rZl*cr(; Cail)./5a9 O< oo "46- Plumbing Permit No_ person stnll construct, install,, alter ot elnnge cny nea cr ecisting plwnbitrg cr drainage systen in uhale or in patt, unless such person is- Legal possessot, of a ualid plttnber,'s License, escept tlnt a pbtson na-g , pltnbing uork to property uhich is otned, Leased or opetated by the app eant. Li tlte' Plunbing Pemrtt State FEE 5o c l<oo 5o ao3 Electricol Permi t Wltere State La,t requires tlat the eleetrieal uotk be done by an Electytcal Contractor,, the electrical portion of thts permit shall not be oali,C untilthe Label lns been signed by the Elecfi"Lcal Cont?actol,. *Total NC.ilqF L;lMAL PTU, Eclw#t HooC Vent Fo1 Mechqnicql Permit Pentn,t fssucnee Mechanical Peywit A4eaJ llss TO?AL AMOUNT DUE:*z3 t5, 3*Date .==q.,/,/t o PLan Cheek ?ee: / I 3g qb s3 ITEI,l ito. s7 t60 I?9M I ,/,ft State Suvchanae Total Clwraes Storage I:la'intennnee I \ t0/r bilt), te:o A@esg?4blJ4, t I $ lO N q\ \ L)(,| r\r ]'. ) Z+ t Ere,' / /- rq O I /7o2 Sa J / s44 N, 3o4Lyk $c*rc*Ltva- /<3 '/,il,fr( oaoaa I ) [iy r I t D,.Ti Fif,CIEVED 6 JoR No zuZ?"A I I i I I i 1 i I i I { APi.'I'O li:i , t A-a.!1. r)A t-E /retc 77 trx / fr zzl/azr / 7 r74y' oa *raz4/i 7./t s tS lo Crzzz4/ **7 'z/ E/z-/z ,4' '4)/' v/*/e'/ 'Z' /P'zretz /zo /aJ/ /a Sttt ?/2 'Fzzz74'/aao ,rflaatc ,1r-g {t/'' at?-) z't/ + Z * t2- Z-'YP/Y/>A, FaZ f'4{ TOZIZ a ,c ,/ 71 1ea,oa lpzrr"l /zbltzvt 't/tt/s /Juloago ,Dl tZr*29, Frsriz /F//Lz7/ a-/u-U- L . _NGINEERING DIVISON DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW tf, C,w m UI @ .-, 0r++ 7 ql B ta (-o(D zC =(D rna 0Dolot\ \os DEVELOPER AS S ESSOR SUBDIVISON Sc MAP 1r t7 02 'it rADAMS PLA'7 I ST ADD TAX LOT ,+ BLocK t-l_ uor a_G__ o3 PARTITION *DEVELOPMENT COORD. NO E XI STI G PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ADDITIoNAL RIGHT oF wAY REQUIRED ruoX, YES- , wHERE60' R/ti oN soy sra6Er TYPE TYPESTREET NAM E GRAVEL AC MAT C URB GUTTER FULL IMP UNDER CONST S IDEWALK WIDTH CURBSIDE SETBACK 30Ih s;lrd{or x NA N/,+n/n,/e x/NA IMpRovEMENT AGREEMENT REe. uoX_, yES_, FoR EASEMENTS T.TO.X, YES-, WHERE CURBCUT AND DRIVEWAY INFORMATION ExrsilNG CURBCUT ruo X , yES -, wIDTH - f r. NEw CURBCUT AppR. rloX , yEs wtDTH f r. FLAIRS-ft. FLAIRS- f t. COMMERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL CUR B RETURN?lDSPECIAL APPROACH x CULVERT REO. X CONTACT MAINTENANCE DIV. AT 726-376t DRIVEWAY SURFACE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT.OF-WAY SHALL BE PORTLAND CEM ENT CoNCRETE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE X , CRUSHED ROCK -, NOT E: ALL EXISTING UNUSED CURBcUTS oR PoRTIoNS THEREoF, SHALL BE RESTORED TO FULL CURB HEIGHT AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. REQU IR E D PE R M ITS AND FEE S ENCRoACHMENT PERMIT No X ,YES _-,STANDARD FEE A. MATERTAL sroRAGe ruo X ,yES _, so.fr. ar{o+ se.rt. B. STREET OPENING NO X,YES-, SO.YD. ATfI5.OO SO.YD.( IOO.OOMIN) SURCHARGE FACTOR APPLIED c. suRETy DEposrT REeuTRED NoK,YES-, ( r,ooo.oo BoND MIN. CASH DEPOSIT HELD ( I ) YEAR FROM DATE OF COMPLETIOU) To TA L EN cRoAcHuerur FEE - DEPoSIT 6 stDEwALK PE RMlr No X ,y ES -, tn. f t. AT. 12 ln ft ( z.oo u rru.)l- cu RB cu r pERMtT No X ,y ES -, tn. f r. tz.oo + .lz/tn.tt. , sANtrARy swR. rN LIEU oF ASSESSMENT No-, yES x ,,t7 se tt.r4)-!@ TOTAL ENGINEERING FEES AND DEPOSIT { oR 200.00., 16 REVIEWED BY DATE /.d-./z/-q*7O -sb ENGINETRING MANAGER DATE SEE REVERS E SIDE FOR FURTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION I -/.Gio*)b SANITARY SEWER AVAILABLE . YES Lt'to- STUBBED OUT TO PROPERTY LINE . .YES - r.IO X UNDER CONT'RACT DONOTCONNECTUNTILACCEPTED. " -.YES-NO X ACCEPTED . - YES -X- NO - BOND REQUIRED . YES - NO : SIZE OF LINE DEPTH OF TEE N,/e LOCATION FRoM N., s., E.,w., pROpERTy LINE MAKE CONNE:CTION BY /q roved r*tt*2 STORM SEWER AVAILAB LE TAKE PARKING LOT DRAINAGE TO IYES-No X , PIPE DOWN S POU TS AND FOUNDATION DRAINS TO:TB,u,[11,brz,k CURB: DITCH: f,UToFFLINE OTHER X 5._+_ 5. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS MAIL BoXES I I -tIl6l Ol I 5!<l .t't- TAILEO( rl{Js}i\|ITH AACK OF -T. CURB 1' r c- CRosS Ii' I a'r 6' PIECE NE I l-- l'urx. -.1 kotE: pEnuarrNT LoclTtol or uAtLBoxEs DErERrltaED8Y THE U,S. POSTAL SEFVICE. OUFZ 1 JSa'L :c <C>o E t' t-5'IsEl PoslItI CONCREIE srYrto-awAY SINCLE POSTFORTTO5 M AIL BOXE S DOUELE POSTS FOR 4 OR MORE MArL 80xE S f A.c. 5' P,C. T' PARX STFIP rs 'nouox'Baoox fl HANDICAP RAMP RE QUIRED flr XOI€RAT'P SHALL BE 4"HIN. THICKNESS tooo psl coIcRETE r 20 bAy sTRENoTH coNSTRUCT ON 2" Xlrl. THTCXNESS oR^HULAR nocx lirse. EXPANStOt{ JOD{T3 * Whenever a curb or sldewalk Js constructed, lmrrroved;or repalred at a street corner or at.any point whlch would g'lve reasonable access to a crosswalk area; aBlke/Wheelchair ramp shal l be constructed ln compl l- ance to ORS 447.310 and ln accordance wlth Clty ofSprlngfleld Standard Speclf lcattons. 3' 5' I BROOx rtNtSH N l\ a\\t :.1 $l e$r$ -str hrsl !t$:$-n\'-{t t j glrc 39l'* {s il lt IN llt r6 ,. 4l'l 6 o =i9d io',.. $\a\t Yr s T o k kr r* tlt 47t O x 469 -c7 =5;=- -:rr= ._ f- TqEES )ve Y 5 AN x 47o Bl2 2 s-{ ?7? FL alac.as c.o. oiro rhj 470d3 PL +ee.s a J .j tJ47 t^-r xtJ ol4-4+zo'z' Ot r) o+4t F f 4 t(t UI a xl I I I I IriT. -l : /( _./ i"o (' l*ot + o x tr( 470.6 h fta 47 l,I )rr 4?o.o r 469.7 \l-d4 3 -,& 3*o/ ,3t4 I x 46u.5 I 1470 6 x lr IC x x ? x lz,t 4o $ r.X 469 9 o P-, 467 4 \tr.. { 46S.5 7t 6'w r iT Y 47t)a47 6l F T.rJ 04 Ftt .F/,i6 ..-x- 46ZO e.-' t: 5t x s 47O I /. 47? 3 x 467 8 t-. f,llTcH sH Hg 5Ec7't o *t s_ F.., tvt 495 \Rs \3$ h *u I x 172l 470 x 47O 4*7LYMP/C x47t 89 I 468 ' x PI I t */. I+ 0 lJo i tvtS tr tlt s 5{29 l4t-5t9s +o {S ,h 3+15 4r32x4708 4r9IN 2+7/fis t4526.F U) ro fi55r9A 1. o 7x \ E] {--- 93$-t LT tlft; - tr 471 {n5 n x47 l/ (,- I X 6+3 & o h I t3 --{t--t fl tr 4 f =l I t- trl r_T 39C - f *I a,rzlrt|r|rv frrt E|" ^&' OLYMPIC *r*ftT ic 3500 *, 55()0 ,,,.0. ,ttlfrr} ,, 34ot .Ea' 56fi) 370t 500e .ir &' atol 4202 I 4eot .G" I 4302 r--,2, . {{ol c60t t 60 + ltt F trJ LTJ u.Fa i, F rd rd EFa 3rct 'or, eao,F AgI aaiD \ t$oe ( t{-o ro :EF(roz. :.i t 5 .loq,I t Fatll r90t az.ot ta\ z3,v? llt2W i ,-At' 260r ro i ,2a',?7q a t2i' I 27OO J. .etm triS- 280r t2 adG tgot r5 llr' 2900 +i I !(Ix, f*.-r.'.I uat t2t 300t .t|l t5stot irr4r. teor att- o' I rtr .'3700 t rrl.o'ua' :tEOO &a' 5,900 I l+loon' i i,iy 4"Cb t +rr. 43()0 I rt+oo t .raoo t 'c.22(x \\so\\, t 9 sTlD N\ .s I tor{xx, tl\r?\ Ir t rr.rf' ltfoo t8OO o'": l? rt5-7t' r 3(x,ri 15 l+{p | 5tx,r5 17oo II t! .u :' ts a Ir71c0 2 5teoo 2too aa ll t' 22AO 6 2301 T /rz ?w n' E240t I2500 to(, 200 loo I