HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-04-04LobG C,'. RESIETENTIAL" 22s North sth streeAPPLrcArr,N /PERIar SprtngfieLd, ?regon 97477 Building Diuisi,on 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTEI..D (,tl-o o ! /c-- , )6-*, frrrr.,-J( 7/' lS. o o ,$o t{ bo Date: </- ?'g\ Job Locaticn:/ a7g lAasesiorc )!dD ll Tcs Lnt # Stid.!,,^.- stan: }.zer ft,/-"*"' + Phona: JPb -?a,L4-.4ddtess o q7 Desct4be l,lork tr) -b/ ltcn-Ut<l -q- fk,, Date of App va,.ue d a ve oGeneraL Sanilorg seset eap?ed zt prcper,g* Lite Septic totk prped ani fiLled wtth gz,a:;zi linal - i.!\zen abcue itens ate cctaleted.ard ahen lenclition is eotwlele'cr sti:_tttte moueC a,C. ttam)ses cleanei up. !.!cbi Blocking otd. Set-tp Plwnbing connecticns -- sa)ey d. aatet Elecdcal Cotnec-,jon - Blceking, set-urarxi plwnbing ccnneetions rr;st bb apprcuZdbefore request-lng elee=z,ical ;"spel:lo.- - .lccessatA Builii,ng flnal - !,fter ,:ct c_kes , sk*ting, dec?-s ,etc. tre ccnolz:zd. It is the resgotzcibi-Lity of the pentrtt holder to eee that aL! .l.napectians dre nad,e at lhe proper tine, ihat 2asft z,trirss3 is neainii.eiroat s76 st?eet, anC that the psnrit ca.d. ie, Lccated. qt-.th-; yzeaiof the property.t?uiaiq )ivicio- cppru^ed ptin sir,Ll renain cn the Eu!Ld;"g's;i" ct aLL tines. ?!?oceDttPE FoR rltsPicrrott P:9a.wsr;CALL 726-3769 (t'ecord,et') state aou! city cesigae-ted job ntmber, job aciress, type of tnspec=icnrequesved' anci aizen i'ou xiil be teciE fcr ir.speccicn, coitro.li""-oo a-zets rctte'"ra pnon" ntmber. peques=s t,eceis:ed. befcre 7:00 ;''izl be rade the s&e dcy, ,"q"""ti"rioil i * ,,oo'on wtLL be raceil::;L?;"i';i"'ffi;. Conslnryri;1JCEs!_ c j'inF :ltcf raa 7.rr . ezccuation, but forms To be na.rie afterprlar tc set uc of Iow Ctty'Destgr,ated Job Nztsnber fs:3 5s' 4n DE rlr W+tLlifC(;.;1IC;L: io be narii-i/Jiiar,1unrk is ecuerei. Pc?litc 1 ?QU:tDA?lC:t: lo be naCeai=er irencnes a?e escqLateci a*i forns. are erectei, but pricr io Wu?Lng ecnclet€, required tqor bavie?s Ge in pLace but_-before ory Lc.th, Wpsuln bcetC cr LaLL .coue?ing is c-cplied, crd. beforeow r|nsulation is concealed. DR'!|/A.LL i:1SP!CTt?):: Tc be -aCezi)er aLL crluall ts in pLa,ce,but p"aor to cny ;aping. 4 SteeL Location, bondot uerttccls in U,ts.C,1ection A f t eu)rls t aL Zat i on i s il.1? to ctenchee UJD?PILCC,P ?L;tjg il c 1 :arC:.lA.vreAL :r.o ae ncce prlc" to tnstcliacton offloor insulcxion or Cecking. ?.357 4t!-D 3EA:,!: ?o be r.ade prJoz, tot.nstaLlnt--cn cf floor ir.eui.a.lictz oz,4eckLn€. Fat:c! atllatpr'ta J?:4or.^ f ) ,F^|' A:l:-t-: .,O 'cT1 '-S 'C ac couerec',it:til ;hese irsceclior.s h,;ue_ beet:nale c:rd. c_optcted. CUPB ,t A?PPCACH AppCN: Aftet fornsee eyeeyed cut pr)or to pcur4rq coflc?ete. SIDETil.LK d DRftEnAI: ?ot, aLL con_crece pauing uixhin st"eet rioht_of-,-c!, tc be naCe aftez, aLL Lxcc_uating sqnoi,ete ,! fotn tprk & sub-base nater[al in ptace.F::J?L;:J: p"1:o" :o pZcciro .cetno ncter4als ard befcre frattrq ins.oeZ_XLan^ PP"A.!li!lC:_ |.!ust be rec.uesteC aflercpprou;L cf rctigh plttrbinq, eiect.t-J_cat 7 neenanica!. AL! rooiJr4bracing 3. ehinmcys, etc. nu.sc" be. comDLeted.. .,lo ,;crk is to ba- .on---cected util this irspeelc, ii,i'bem nad.e cni aporor;e1. IINCE: talhet conplete -- prouiCe gates o" nouable secticns thtouoh P, U, E. AIL project ca.ditions, suci as the inslal-rac-ion of street crees, :o:arexion cf i;hetequireti Landscqir{, ete., ntust be satr-sJ-iic b;i:r"";LZ'aaiLDriic FI1;AL ccn be" rcquested.. IINAL tsuILDrlC: The Final Build.ino fnstection :ast be reauesced. z.i)en tke -"!na1 -a\-/ llectricaz, @,c .\techa;;;"i 1"ipz":J-;"ns',lat)c il"r'iaz'*i c=orcuzd. L ?turbing *ALL HATII\CLES A]ID CL1AIYCATS ilUST BE .1LJCJ,'jItsLE, .4DJASr:!i:1t io 3t :.!ADE tt lto *sr Tc cry 17. uttm pLu:/,Br:ic ]. rutat !,lECitArrcAL ITUL !L,C?PrC;L Page 1 of 2 sy I 3t 5? soLAR, ;Ess REe-r-co C Iot Sq. Ftg. X cf Lct Cateragz I of StorJes ';aEdL HeLgnt Topography Pemdt Issu.stce Mechanicel ?qnit LCT TY?E _ fntetiot, _ Corner _ Pa.nhandle CUL-de-sac t-+- 2^:) Reeeipt #: 5LO?!2A: Mechqnicol Permit iot ?eces - ieet ?!^.,-^Access :{VaLue TC!.IL i\1.LL',E S.D.C. 1.5 z Building Vqlue & Permit This penrit is gz,anted on the eqress condition thdt the said.consaaction sha.ll, in qil;esoects, eonfcr.n to the Srdirnnce edooteC i2iy the Citl cf Sprtngfleli, rncluiing :he ioning Crdirtar.ce, regulctitzg th.e ccnstrtet'.cn anri uee oi butliiirqs, cnd nq1 be ;usperd.ed or reuckei at: cr.V tine uicn uic- Latian cf 'zr.y prcuisions of eaiC Crdir,ances. Euildl-ng PenrJt Total Clangea LUIUL Fist'tses Reai.dent'Lal (1 bath) Sa,i Seuet Plumbing Permit Ito ?e?ecn shall constzqtct, instalT-, a!,tez' ot elange anA red cr ezisttng plwnbing cz, dtainage s-uste-n in ;,siale or in pott, unLess such person is the Legal pbssessor ofa ualid plwrbez''s License, escept th.at a pe?son nay {o-plinttlitg xork to p"opet4 ahich is otmed, Leased or opera'ced by the appli- ccnt. Pl;,mbing Penr,i.t Total Nau/Ezterd Circuits Electricol Permit were state Lan requi?es tha.t the electr.Leal uork be done bg qrr llectz.ical cofttre.cto?, the electrtcaL porlion af thia petmit shall not be ualic until the Label has been signed by the Electz-tcal Conttactor. State Swchotqe alt , Dal Ezlw.tst HooC Yent Fot ;rlcodsrote o /s Sec"*n)!21 Decoeit Storage ilaanterun;)e Pennit Curbat! SiCaralk !ence L :CT.4L A,IIOIJ:IT DIJq: , f HAW CARi?ULL| gxA!4Ii'tED !!e eon"plated copLtcation' io-t pernit, ai da i"'ilira ;;;"trfr- ttut "ti,- ':"lor""lton hereci Ls t?ue anc cbrrect' ar'd i irrri", ""rtl:iE 2het ang ")t .LL ;ork ieriotned shall be date ivt zccoz'- dznce 'ich th.e 0z'Ctnanc'""'i "t'" Cily 'tf bpringfiaT'd' .ani =h.e ic;s of ;)'e $)lZZf o"ngcn pe,taiiiio-'to the aoik cesqib"c h""e'n' ar'c:,'c'x tto ,ccu- ?!.!tcl wLLi be raee "f ';;.,J' ,;;;'it*, iLtio"t 7ermissiar" of the Sutlding D-i- Iision. r f,*ther """::;::.i";;;- only- :cr.trcc'tcrs ard et.tlcEees t|"-o ctz in ccnoi.tance ut;h CRS ?01."J55 aill, be'used on ;his ptcjee= PLan i:an'-tet' 4- 4- 83 !ilobile Hane Signeti Date 1.cze: CcettencL cratc:l';oe/Consx:3eitcon:; TnzrotL,io:trea= :ic.tbot'its 'lareae llnter !aalpn llo"tn 7ns r iireoLace r.'looaitore lest vtn-= ao e'fll'S t t(.a0 rg,bb JOB NO.