HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-26! z2s North s*, st elfPLrcArr,N/PERItrr Springfield, 1r'egon 97477 BaLldi.rq Diui.sio.n 7 26- 37 53 " RESIDEI\- lAL"SPEINGFIEI.D s7- ?os lot #Aesessot's Map # Job Locaticn: Subdioision: E 9"::'/AeA 1/3 a 97-ehone' )/7'S6TT c;ta, SQ/7,V g {, u //?7tt 78 Date of Applieaticn_ Desezibe lv'ork:lkl ,- {-t /furlr ' Sha pAd.diticn RenoCeL S e l,fechanical Date: General Plurnb Su Elec tr:c 1an I-t ie +-he responsibility oi tle petnrit ttotd.erfron the stteet, and. tlat tne pawtt catd ia*suilding D.)oicion appro,^ed plbn shall ni^iin .b 1"1 that-alt-inspections oe nad,e at the p?ope? time, that ecch address is reolabittedted. at the frcnt of tlte otaetb).on tle Bunlding Site at aLL'tikes.- PI?)1EDUPE-FoR. TNSPEC?r1N RgSuEST..calu726-3769 (recot'det') state youz, city ,i.esigrn-ted job ntmber,, job aciress, type of inspec=icntequested and a1^'en uou urill be neady fot'inspecti"r, Coiio.l;;;- o" ouners rnneLnd prpne nwnber. Requests z,eceh;ed befcre z:00 an,iLL be rade the sdte dcv, "nE niiii"an ij't* z,oo- rn ,,titi i ,*;Z;h:;";L:f:;"i:;; d"r. Iout, City Desigr"ated Job Nunbe? fs:?OD 7/7 SI?E INSPECTION: excauation, but ?o be aftez, uP of forms pr.ioz, tc set these inspectiors haue beenmad.e cnd.appz.oueC. alpwL-o)_! PLUPTNG e MEC|\ANT1AL:10 oe made Drior to instaTlat-ioi off7ooz. insulation or d,ecking. -J ry A,ryD ryLy: - To be mad.e pr\ot toLnstaLLatian of flooz, insulb,tion oraecklTtg. DEI4OLITION OR Scnitaty saset capped et proper,fi1 Line Septic totk pwltped a?1d, fi,Lled. with grauel Mobi Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectiona -- sane? ad, water Eleetrical Connection - Bloeking, set_up i:I ^lly|hn e onne e t ion s,* " t t""' opii rJi aDei o"c reque e ting e Leclrt cal l,"rpiZ1i.l-* Aecessory BuilCing #ffi#ffi',"o{';;!;*" S_!:?|IIALK e pRI|?r,/Ay: por all con_ "-!!.1 e"ri"t vtthin street night:_ ?.I:yU, to be naCe after aLL Lrea_u,1!rrS lanqle-t1 & forn usork a cti-base mctertal in pLace. aLL ,, .tsotk is cottet,ed. >11 Pc;orINc & FquNpAruclt: ?o be naCell \l aite? tyenchee aye-dscauated and.forms ate erected, but pz,iot, tipouz*tng ccncrete. Dqr'wALL=I-NS?ECTI7N: Tc be nad,ealter aLL dtguall is in plaee,Dux p?Lo" to any taping. Final - h1ten abcrte itens ate ccmpleted.and uhen Cmolition is eotplete Z"- ith"_ture noued ard. prerrises ctZaneC "p.-"'-MASONR!: Steel beons,- gtouting accotdotee vtth 24L5. ilO)DSTO;/E: ccrnpLeted. Locatton, bond oz, uez,ticals in U.B.C. Section Aftet instalTation ie FRA,I.'IIIIG: lfust be requested of+an v{:7ii:rtr"ii.l1!01ff ,x;,,il"t"t_ 'Qfr.rY; "5 ".'1 ;nl,:":o "o!. ;.\Z'".!,f, _ i"-1:"d untit -this t"rp"oaoi iiDeen mol.e anC appro-"-ed PIPEPI,.ACE: prior to plccirg facinq i1:"_:0"r" and b e foz,e fr;;fr 'r;;;: ;Z_Pinal - Afteretc. at,s g,37y1p,,'":r::o: " "' s kirtins, d e cks, !E!!E: hthen eonplete __ prouiCegates o" nooable sections thnoujhP. U.E. i!1":"e"'*,;::W";,":"0:::l:i,t"7ete..,mtst;;;;;;;:ii: jri:r:{.,i;?rrr:;;n7*l"ra",ir*-,;:tr:r:::; ETAAL PLUWTTIG FilUL I4ECHANTCAL Page 1 of Z \ FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL *ALL I,TANITCLES AND CLEANOIJ?S IIUS? BE ACCESSTBLE,ADJI]S?IIEII? ?O BE ltltDE A? No cos? ?o cry \ Amer: vot "a 417-^'.( n r l JOB NO SOLAT.\CCESS RE a.-L-COG* Lot Faces - House# of Stot4es Total Eeight Iopography LLJ JfTL _ fnterict _ Cotnet, _ Panlnndle _ CUl-de-sae Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage IiEM tib Y Va -- Fees __ llain 'b /e ?OTAL 'lALUli endla- 50,e3check Fee: 32. Date Paid:{3 #3 \i"..enrrit-is granted on the e,press condition tha.t the said. consttuction "^MlL, ^r.n-1LL -tespects, gonforry to the tuditnnce adopted yty the Citg ofSpmngi4ield, including the Zoning Cydinance, z,egulat:tng thle ccnstzulca)Zn otl. use of buildings, urd mey be suspend.ed oy reuokeC at eny t'ine upon oic- Tation of dtA prctsisions of said Ordir.ances. Build ing Volue & Permif Building Pe"trit ?otal Chargea State Signed: NEM NO.EEE l; kAllUL Fi^ctures Resil.ential (1 bath) Satzi Seuer Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consh."uct, inslalL, alter or ehantge attA nea cr eeisting plwnbing or dtainage systan in ulole or in part, unlees such person is the legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, ezcept tlnt a person mag do plmbing uork to propertg uhich is omed, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. Plwnbing Pernit State d2Nau/Extend, Circuits Set uice 7s Electricol Permit Wlpre State Lan requires tl"a.t the electrieal uork be done by att Eleetrieal Conttactor, the eleetrLcaL portion of this permit sLnLL not be ztaliC untiL the LabeL lns bem signed bg the Electrical ContTacto?. State Iotal NC.FEE CI]ARCE bhanst HooC Vent Fot tlcodstooe Mecho nicol Permit PermLt fssuurce t4eetnnical Perrftit - ancaoncuwff '- Sec,wt Main Pennit Cwbcut Sida,talk I'lobile Hone Bedrooms: t 6 I HAW CAREFULLI EXAfiINED the completed application fot pennit' and do lereby certifg ,n ,""ti"l'i"'-"tion t''nnni7;;-i;" ittl' eor'nect' an"d' r further eertify tnot*Zia- i'a aLL uo.rk pertoied' slnll be dote in acsoo- 'dan"n vltt, th" o,di:";:;1"J'fr in1 ct!-i ,L7:""i1*:Zf'::Zr* Jk ,ff" ,fif o'l"r'r stotn of 7regcn pertaining to the *"k.:1:",*^o-2r'!.'iz7"Lr iie suilcins Di- zuncv *ttt be naie of ala- st"uctur'z "1"^i"iz"lzir"'iri ""pt"y"es tho a;e tn ii".on. I further cet'tify thet -onLy con eonpLiance unth cns 101'"iss 'ilr be- used on thia proiect q T0TAL AI'!0UNT ouu: * l; 1'5g r,{=tttr ;to Date ntM Ftmttno Ffll'S Storaqe !en3e a Permit Nol Address: lssued by q0 STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28 Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building_permit applicants *no are iot regi6tered with ttie Construction Contractors Board to sign the folowing staterient before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect "nO inglneer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not subhit this btatement. This statement will be filed with the permit. { Date: 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. My general contractor is Contractor registration number 2. A. OR B. fE I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure mJsibe registered with the Construction Contractors Board. I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and do hire a general contractor. lwill contract with a contrabtor-who is registered w-ith the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. ,41jr-/ -J -fur,,Y,h)b qd_ GONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD v244J 10t24t@ Date TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE ui\\ffio* ro APPLIcANT @s \:2-1f. n ( v