HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-08-14SPFINGFIELD 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of ProPosed Site: 1211 AssessorsMaP#: 17023034 Lot:13 Block: Owner: Address: Gontractor TYPe GeneralContr RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CitY Of SPringfield CommunitY Services Division Building SafetY Job#0 1 00030th st spr Addition:1ST Page 1 of4 Job Number: 01-00664-01 Office:726'3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 01300 Subdivision: ADAMS PLAT 541-747-4518 Springfield, OR 97478 Value: $66'069 h, Darleen Whitteker 8557 Thurston Rd sP10 Scope Of Work: Manufactured Home on Private Lot MH w/garage on private lot Phone Number: CitY/State/ZiP: New Contractor J & A Construction Services lnc 1150 Ne Paula Dr, Bend, OR 97701 Rs Plumbing Contractor lnc 2234 Dakola St, Eugene, OR 97402-1018 Registration # 1 16199 1 0381 6 Expiration Date 91312002 Phone 541-382-6215 11412002 541-461-4714 Plumbing Contr Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. TYPe: Water Heater: 3RNC 1 (VN) Wood Frame Office Land Use: Zoning Code Bedrooms: Range: Se- LDR I 3 U \\N \g roB Dwelling R\XED rce: 1626 To request an inspection callthe 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All insPections req uested before 7:00 a.m. willbe made the same working daY, insPections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working daY Required lnsPections Footing Foundation Shear Wall Nailing Framing Drywall Finat Building Underfloor Drain MH Plumbing Water Line Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line Drywell -After trenches are excavated. -After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement' -Before covering sheathing with finish materials' - Prior to cover. -Prior to taPing. -When att iequired inspections have been approved and the building is complete. 5.,r' Plumbi -Prior to cover or placement of concrete. -After home has been connected to water and sewer. -Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. - Engineered Drywell is required. ifl' C'TY OF OREGON Job# 01-00664-01 Page2 of 4 Required lnspections Plu mbinq FinalPlumbing -When all plumbing work is complete. Manufactu red Home Sidewalk TyPe: AdditionalROW? Size Of Line (in): Downspouts/Drains: Enchroachment Permit: San Sewer Tee (in): 0O/00/OOOO 00:00 AM Bond End DateTime: 00/00/0000 00:00 AM NO FORMAL STORM SYSTEM AVAILABLE. DRYWELL WILL LIKEL\ TyPes Of Warning Devices Reqd. MH Set Up MH Final -When allblocking is comPlete. -After all required inspections are approved and porches, skirting, decks, venting, house numbet Street lmprovement: Curb Cut?[ San Sewer DePth (Ft): Storm Sewer Available? SpecialReq.: Security Required: Bond Begin DateTime: Special !nstructions: Other Utilities: Project Supervisor: AC Mat lmprovement Agr.? Zoning: LDR FloodPlain? [ Wetlands? [ Journal numbers 1: Comments: Overlay District: # of Street Trees 2:3 Additional Requirements : Glenwood Area? [ Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMAz nla Land Use: Pave Driveway? Planner: Urban Growth Boundary?[ Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: n/a Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame Occupancy GrouPs: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 1 # Of Bedrooms: 3 Handicap Access? [ # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): Current Units: ProPosed Units:1 Census Code: New Mfg Home Area (Sq. Main: 1626 Accessory*40 Total2066 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check Residential Plan Check Total Plan Check 06t28t2001 6010 1 1,069 $60.1 3 $60.13 Building Garage/Carport Foundation Only State Surcharge For Building Permit 0811412001 08t14t2001 08114t2001 6430 6430 6430 8,069 3,000 $74.50 $38.50 $7.e1 Job# 01 -00664-01 Page 3 of 4 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Building Building Administrative Fee Total Building 08t14t2001 6430 $3.39 $124.30 Plumbing Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Water Service Footage Sanitary Sewer Footage Storm Sewer Footage Manufactured Home Connection Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing 08t14t2001 0811412001 08t1412001 0811412001 08t14t2001 0811412001 08t1412001 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 40 50 70 I $.00 $7.35 $25.00 $25.00 $40.00 $15.00 $3.15 $115.50 Manufactured Home Manufactured Home Setup Fee Manufactured Home State lssuance State Surcharge For Manufactured Hom, Manufactured Home Administrative Fee Total Manufactured Home 08t1412001 0811412001 08114t2001 08t14t2001 6430 6430 6430 6430 55,000 1 $105.00 $40.00 $7.35 $3.15 $155.50 Public Works In Lieu of Assessment Encroachment Permit - Residential Total Public Works 08t1412001 08t1412001 6430 6430 9,680 1 $2,904.00 $85.00 $2,989.00 System Development Residential - Single Family - Storm Sanitary Sewer Residential Transportation Residential lmprovement MWMC MWMC Administrative Fee Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimbursement SDC Administrative Fee Property Annexed 1979 or Before Residential Sanitary MWMC Transportation SDC Reimbursement Total System Development 08t14t2001 0811412001 0811412001 08114t2001 0811412001 08t1412001 08t14t2001 08t14t2001 08t14t2001 08t1412001 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 6430 2,944 23 1 1 1 23 $797.82 $371.45 $656.02 $24.33 $10.00 $488.75 $138.05 $-27.60 $285.91 $154.27 $2,899.00 6 1 1 Manufactured Home - Willamalane TotalWillamalane SDC Willamalane SDC 08t14t2001 6430 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Grand Total Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Structural-Res Checked By Bob Barnhart Steve Templin Kay Bork Tom Man Date Completed 0710212001 08/08/2001 0712412001 0711712001 $7,343.43 Comment *DRYWELL WILL LIKELY NOT FUNCITON DUE TO SOIL CONDITIONS-* ENCROACHEMENT PERMIT MUST ALSO BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ALLOWING SEWER HOOKUP TO PUBLIC SEWER. Job#01 I!! stgnature, I state and agree, that t have h e r 9 b y c e rt i fy t h a t a t t i n fo r i ai ;i r" ;;' ;;i; i; pelorned shallbe done in accordance iin Page 4 of 4carefully examined the completed application and dotrue and correct, and I further certify that any and all work the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the propery, and the approved of plans will remain on the site at alltimes during construction. '/N5n Date 8_o I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE t2t I I 7-02-,30-34-02901 2066 SF LOT SZE: 0 SF lAltorurnrm DEVELOPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELLING UNITS:I BUILDING SIZE: IMPERVIOUS S.F COST PER S.F DISCOLINT RATE I0.00 IMPERVIOUS S.F. 2944.00 COSTPER S.F $0.271 $797.82 RI.INOFF ROIJ-TED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CIry STANDARDS x x x DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY S TORM SYSTEM 1. STORMDRAINAGE $797.82ITEM 1 TOTAL . STORM DRAINAGE SDC NUMBER OF DFU's COST PER DFU 7t.451 6.1523 NUMBER OF DFU's 23 COST PER DFU $2r.2s $488.75 B.IMPROVEMENT COST: x x 2. SAMTA,RY SEWER- CITY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: $860.20ITEM 2 TOTAL. CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC NEW TRIP FACTORCOST PER TRIPNUMBER OF I.JNITSADT TRIP RATE s6s6.021.005I9.57 ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 NUMBEROF LTNITS 1 COST PER TRIP $16. l2 9t54.27 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 B.IMPROVEMENT COST: xxx xxx 3. TRANSPORTATION A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: $810.29 3 TOTAL - TRAIISPORTATION SDCITEM 10.00 NIJMBER OF FEU's 1 COST PER FEU $285.91 s28s.91 NI.IMBER OF FEU's I COST PER FEU s24.33 $24.33 $282.64 :] x x B COST: IMPROVEMENT COST: A. IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE)MWMC CREDIT REIMBURSEMENT, IMPROVEMENT & CREDIT SUBTOTAL OF MWMC MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE .95 SDCSEWERARYSANITNIWMCALTOT4ITEM &31 4)ITEMSAL(ADDSUBTOT $138.05RATEFEEADM. 1070 1091 1092 1093 t094 1073 U),4aoU & rI]Fa O tr)/, 1055 1056 s2,899-0060.95 TOTAL SDC CTIARGES 7/18i01 DATE SDC w --=__ ) I I T of MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE \ SINK:COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN ( ( ( ( I - 0 )x 0 - 0 )x 0 -_ O )" 0 - 0 )^ J J SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 2 0 SINK: DOMESTIC BAR 0 .WASHBASIN 2 0 LAVATORY ( ( ( ( 3 - 0 )x0 - 0 ),,0 - 0 )x2 - 0 )x J UR[I{AL, STALL/WALL 5 0 TOILET PUBLIC INSTALLATION 6 _0 6TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION J MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NI.]MBER OF EDU's* ( 0 - 0 )x 20 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FXTURE UNITS :23 *EDU (Equivalent D'welling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day $27.60 AFTER ANNEXATION DATE, CALCI.ILATE CREDIT SEPARATEI,Y CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) $27.60 YEAR ANNE-KED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE I979 OR BEFORE $4.74 I 990 $ 1.96 I 980 $4.65 I 991 $l.ss 198 iL $4.59 1992 $ 1.36 198it $4.46 1993 $ 1.23 I 98:i $4.30 1994 $r.05 I 984 $4. r4 r995 $0.90l 985 $3.93 1996 $0.7sI 986 $3.63 1997 $0.s71987 r 988 $3.26 $2.85 I 998 1999 $0.35 $0. lsI 989 $2.40 $0.00s4.74 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = 0.000 x IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED VALI.IE / IOOO 5.823 CREDITRATE x $4.74 r$ss Tl" lwing project as submitted has the following 26tr*gr BBd approval does not require specilic land use 7 ob Multi-Family per du,elling unit. Sen'ice Included: elY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONi-7oL 3a3 y QZ ?o7 JO DES Permits are non-transferable and if r,vork is not'started lvithin 180 , Supervising Electrician b,o s, I A*1"D. Branch 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or <Modular-DwEiliii!-> Serv'ice or Feeder Installittion, Relocation: 200 amps or 201 amps to 401 amps 1 amps Over B"A Items Cost $2s $ r 06.00 .: $ 19.00 $ 50.00 /9:) N explre days of issuance 180 days. ifrvork is suspended lor ALLATION ONLY B. Senices or Feeders2 Electrical Address Superv vrr rntion Date t'r1-- Nerv r - lf7f or r.vith S _ $45 ection Fee is S-15.00 + Yo Yo 7 8 TOTAL -=*E;l Z 'rb onz2 TNSPECTTON REQUEST; oFFICE: 726-3159 ,,Dut* ELEE1 F]CAL PERMIT APPLICATION { -t} C} ,Feeder.s or Relocation $43.00 6LS{- e, t, ,lAulhoriz€d Expiration Constr Contr. O\YNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on SCHEDULE BELOW C. Tempor:rry Ser-vices or , Installation, Altiration - -- A. Nunber $ 3.00 properfy I oivn for sale, Iease which is not intended or rent. E. Limited EnergylComm' SUBTOTAL OFABOVE Surcharge not included) 4. V* uilGn Erouer tngineering r.G. 1050 Bethel Dr. Suite #D 4 Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 688-3020 October 2,2007 J.L. Bean Construction 37070 Smith Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 Re: 1211 30n Street"Oreson # 0T283 As you requested I performed a site soils inspection on October 2,2001at the above noted location. During that inspection I made the following observations. I was present during the excavation of the drywell for the proposed residence. The excavation was uppro*i*"ly 5 feet in depth. I observed 3 distinct layers of soil in the excavation. They are as follows. 0-18 inches Dark brown silty clay classified as a ML-CL by the unified soil system. This layer is of a moderate density and has a low permeability. 18-56 inches Medium brown silty clay classified as a ML-CL by the unified soil system. This layer was of a low density and has a moderate permeability. 56 + inches Medium brown sandy silt classified as a ML by the unified soil system with a low density. This material is ideal for a drywell base. The permeability of this material is 2 - 6 inches per hour. No ground water was noted during the excavation. See attached for well calculations. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me at (5a1) 688-3020 Very truly yours Owen Grover P.E Ewires: 6-30- eg 0wen Grouer Engin^efins P.G. 1050 Bethel Dr. Suife #D4 Eugene, Oregon 97 4O2 (s41) 688-3020 ..? .,rENr J L B&lNt coAr:T _L 3SHEET NO.OF DAIE to/r/ot CALCULATEDBY JOB# nPEq -Io I bLb ' r'0 Wtllnlf,O DeSl q'..)Foc 4 y* ttarz-t ul ro F,{ r r"l Duu4Tlat\) B€ ?ES I Drywell Calculations Required Length of Drywell 10 FEET 2066 1.8 10 3 116 0.5 0.35 5 2.5 FT^2 IN/HR MIN INCHES FEET INYHR Area Factor of Pipe of pipe FEET FEET Permeability Factor of Well of Rock in Well olz6l t ,/? - -roP soru rdlj-r Po,.l DrSn -rTlerr.r @7r FoF. c-csl^todT'?br,rr-ir..lg 6 NfrrW tuv-2 SETON FurEe*FA6F.IL lll, Bo,,*DFeK -T.11P Sorr- FELT AE. ELTER F"ERIC- rB/TrO.{ @Y l'dt unriroa-r rao;Hporrc n oF. c?6.ue0 qunERf RoLK F:oires: 6-30- Q> J zt -.lu ?t Itt il 5 t,- FeoueNQr1 = lor - t-qf€ DRyrueLL 1stq1gt<cF surtJi,.rg s s' ct6< FFsr,1 O*o6ry t,Nf $cnoNl FCR'. T,L , Eertnl coNs1 LocrtTrar.t I \zrr gfi *, 6dt ilqfl'EL} JqB +: otLgb o!.IeN awfrL€NqrueeeiNcl ?.L. P,o, Box Zq5\o EuQerrle ) ff- \1'lOL \,0 q c)o U U J )) o 0oo (),i,o nd -1 oi o9 00 $r_: & o eDo0 Oo 0 t{',o t) o to a 0 0 0 0t"#t 0 U o o o ol 0 o () o00 I I