HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-03-24SPFII :IEL() DEVELOPMEHT SEFY'CES PUELIC WORKS F,/t E T R A P a L, fA N t4'A SfE Li{AT E R M A lt /,, G E l"ti E N T CER'I'IFIEIJ LE'I"fIiR llarch 24, L992 Albert Peterson LL92 N. 30th Streeb Springtield, 0R 97178 Subiect: Sub.standard Iluilding at 119e' N. 30th Street. Springfiel<I, Oregorr. The structure located at the above acldress, more part.ic,uIarlI, descriLreclLane County Assessor's Map & 'Iax Lot # referenced aborre, is for thereasons indicated below an unsafe and substandard builcling as cltscribedthe Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrative Code. Lane Countl,Assessment and Taxation records indicate that you are the owner of thisproperty. AS in Section 203 of tlte Admirtistrative Code describes builrlings which aresubstandard or unsafe as those which are structurallv ina<Iequate, haveinadequate egress; or which constitute a potential fire hazarcl or areotherw.ise dangerou.s to human Iife. 'I'he following items inclucle br.rt arenot Iimited to conditions existing at the structure, classifying it as asubstandar-d building : Structural Rooms used f-or sleeping purposes shall harre a seconclar'1, rneans of emer-Benc]'egress directltz to tlre outside thlough a door or wj,litlor.r layilrg a mipinrunropenable area of 5 .7 square f ee t.. The minimum opening climensions straIlmeasure at least 20 ittches trorizontallv and 24 inchei ver-ticalJ.5,. 'fheheight of the Hi.ndow sill above the interior floor or landing silatl be nogreater than 41 inches. 2 Dryrot is evident in the stnrctur"al members of theor replacement of the affected rnembers is r-e(luired. storage area. Repair 1 3. InfesLation of insects is eviclelrt artrtreported. Corrective action shall be rorlent infestation taken to elirninate beelr inlestations. has the Ta.x Lot #17023034-U1400 Albert Peterson flarch 24, L992 Page 2 PIumbi,ng 4. Leaks at the bathroom lar.atory drain and r,rater suppll' require repair. Section 202 of the Springfield Housing Code requires that structures classified as substandard must either be repaired or demolished. THEREFORE, THIS IS YOUR NOTICE THAT YOU MUST SECURE PERITITS TO EITHER REBUILD,/REPAIR THE STRUCTURE WHERE IT IS DEFICIENT OR DEI''OLISH IT. Section 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administratit,e Code requires that the repairs must comply with the provj-sions of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes. If the building is to be rebuilt,/repaired, permits must be purchased and work must commence r,lithin thirty (30) days from the date of service of this notice and order. If the building is to be demolished, denolition work must commence within thirty (30) days, and must be completed r.rithin sixty (60) days from the date of this notice and order. Completion means that the structure and property nust be inspected and approved by the appropriate representatives of the Building Safety Division. The sewer must be capped at the property line or the septic tank must be pumped and filled by a person holding a sewage disposal service Iicense as provided for in Chapter 340, Divlsion 7 of the Oregon Administrative RuIes. Permits to rebuitd or demolish can be obtained at the Springfield Planning and Development Department, in the City Hall,zlibrary Buil<iing at 5th and North A Street. If you do not take correctj.r,e action within the time frame outlined above,the City m&y 5."U compliance with the Building Safetl, Codes through legal recourse which may include Municipal Court proceedings or the City mayproceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against theproperty or its owners. Any person having any record title or legal interes appeal from this notice and order to the Building Bprovided that the appeal is made in r,oriting and filBuilding Official within thirty ( 30 ) days from thenotice and order. Failure to appeal will constitutto an administrative hearing and determination in t tinth oard of ed with date of e a r,raihis mat e building may AppeaIs,the Cityservice of thisver of all rightter. If we can be of an1: further assi.stance in this matter please contact me atthis office. You can reach me by phone at 726-3666 betr+een the hours of8:00-9:00 A.M. and 1:00-2:00 P.M. each work day. Sincere Tom MarxBuilding Inspector (:C, Dar.e Puent. tsuilding Of f icial , SENDER:. Complste items 1 and/or 2 for addition. , es.. Complete items 3, and 4a & b.. Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so roturn this card to you. . Attach this form to ths front of tho mailpisce, or on tho back il space doos not permit. . Writ6 "R6turn Receipt FBquestod" on ths mailpiece bolow the articls numb€r,. The Roturn Fee will provide you the signature of the person to and ths date ol 3. Article Addressed to that we can " 2. D Restricted Delivery for fee. 4a. Article Number P 76 oo? 633 4b. Service Type E lnsured tr coo Mail tr Return Receipt for 7 I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. ! Addressee's Address ALwr%sa,<) //72 /V, ,oru >i fui4fld)rox, %47o Certified 5. Signature (Addressee) Date of Deliyery.!:''31; 2z- 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) Form 1990 *u.s.GPo:1ee1-287{66 DOMESTTC RETiTRN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business a ill ll l PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $3OO a Print your name, address and ZIP Code here *rrM' T?/ z/fr.X * U.S.MAIL