HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-02-18SPRINGFIELD CilTY OF SPF,IA\TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. .REGON 97477 INS'ECTIOI,i REQUESTS: 7?6-3;69 INF0RIftATI0N : 7'].6- 37 Ss CIfi OF SPRINGFIELD SIG:,I CONSTRUCTIO],I AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION COTIB INAT ION APPLICATION/ PER.UIT TAX LOT # s \ LOCATION OF SI(;N(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPT ION olrtNER o ADDRESS OIINER OF ADDRESS NA}IE OF BUSINESS, FIfuU, ETC. ( TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE zrp PHONE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE t"S SICN(IF OTHE R THIN PROPERTY OITNER) ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTHER I\IALL ROOF MARQUEE OTIIER !'RFESTANDIi'jG i,RLUECTING REAIJER BOARD BILLBOARD NON- I DENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE I'IULTI-'FACE{{t+ VENDORS SIGN ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICENSE NI.IIIB SIGN ADDRESS (IF 011rER Til.{\ ERE PHONE -1\to ? EXP.DlrE_giI_:12!_:_4_- PHONE ELECTRICAL CONIRACTOR ADDRESS LICENSE NUIIBER INSTALLA' T0TAL HEIGHT ABovE GRADE 2.5 DII.IENSION FROI|I GRADI TO BOT"TOI" OF SIGN VERTICAL DII'IENSION OF SIGN [ -L'WIDTH OF SICN ?- t@ '-- rnr DEPTH OF SIGN N aCKNESS OR IF YES,KD ---T---- DIIIIENSION BEYOND PROPERTY L ff,IEDOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERfi LINE YES IiOTE: IF PROJECTIOT- IS I'IORE Tlllu\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR IIUST FILE I'JITII THE BUILDII'16 DMSION COPIES 0F HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A"\D DAI\,IAGE INSURANCE POLICIES.PR0PEBIY 'Kl-*IYILL SIGN }L{VE ELESTRICAL IVIRING NO IF YES aJ)DESCP.IBE TYPE OF }{A,TER,I.\LS SIGI'I IS COI.ISTP.UCTED O!Foot."S-t.*l "C'r$ , WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILIUN'INATED (INDIRECTLY LI6TNED) PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT); /+tv PROPOSED USE O! BUILDING OR LAND:\ CHECK ONE IF EXISTING SIG.IS (SIGN C0DE): ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES : _INDO0R BUSINESS /OUTDOOR MEIICHAT\DISING IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, }IPHcr,BLE((No u: FIRM, ETC.:- ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREI'IISES(SAI{E TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI'IINED the conpleted application for permit correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all the State of Oregoir pertaini.ng to the work described herein. I and do hereby certify that all infornation hereon is true and done in accordance with the Springfield other Ordinances of the City of Springfi Sign eld and the laws of Ordinance, the further certify that lny Sign Contractors License with the City of .Spling field is in I force and effect as required bY ield City Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-2OCz\. I wil1. ::equest all required sign NA}{E(PLEASE PR SIGN DISTRICT /LL listed on the approved pern.t ,o,u ]!,?s:-SI FOR OFFICE US 0pL ZONE DISTRICT TOTAT SQ'UARE ,FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED SITE/LOCATION zfroorrrvc oR METHoT oF ArrACHuENr Xu"ecrRICAL .4 FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PERMIT 86y, ga STATE SURCHARCE:,40 -OTHER SIGN PERT{IT CHARGES:/r'4.ao ELECTRICAL PER.IIIT CIIARGES:/lo.oo I I s *ou- Qo.*^o{* z*'}-t?g 1 I *I I-I05, SOUTH LINE, AT 28TH STREET ,1\ ffl rT -....1 - =r-t|wfr 1) 2) s) 5) 7) 8) SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTA1 SQUARE FOOTAGE Or srcN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS:,,- _SITE/LOCATIoTI -A'00,.*. oR METIIoD or ATTAcHMENT/'.- ELECTRICAL 9FINAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF i*ffi:Aseparateapp1ication1srequ1redforeachseparates1gnasdefined Electric?l: Any permit issued under thls application wirl lnclude wiring ll or on sign structure,Ene suPPlv wires for conneccion musc.be_covli;;-;;-; ;1;;.;i;;i:p=.;i;: - Erectricar ionnecrionmusc be made onlv uy t iiiie-il"!.'i.a er".i!i"i-iioi".r..or. rlrirurinaie.d ,lg'q <u"rr,-inl-ernarryelro;X::*arly) fiusi conrorm ;;-d;;;i";"-i--i:i-tai-i't;i-;;i s:i:il*Ji'ln. springrield sign or_ 3) Prans Required-:. This apptication is to be subrnitted wlth two comprete sets of plans showing di-ffi3lrm;U:i,;1,:ir,';":::i:ii:r;g.r:illlt";;-";il; I;.";i;I'oi-"i!i-oi^oliili., r.rirh-di-or conscru'ti":-i.i'"is.=i'ia"!!* ".'u".ure; elecr;I3:i':ofi;H:lE',:I'iilg.nX,t:iji;*jti."."Xl:of exiscins si;r'-$;i;;F*!t8"3'!i.tl:i;I:I"'?i,Il!'!"?'"o'":i:"3;;';lli;i.;ii*j.:i.E:it:f:i*,*i"?;l;ijltllng lnformarion on-th"-pi;--;1";--i;i;;-"h"ii"e"irli,.rt| rines-i.,i Io""tion of signs):a) show the locatton of ar1 exisEing slgn(s) as well alr proposed slgn(s).b) show che length of the street frontage taken up by the business or butlding. For walrsigns, show Ihe rengih ;i-;h;;"il;if;; i;;I.;. r buirding. For c) show the locatlon of entrances open to the public and drlveways.4) When.requLred, because of designpared bi i-ril".,"ed englnee.-;;";r,iii";"iii;; :3til:ifiu"i:i::l5: iloriil"Xl":i:";,ff:i"!"oiii:sion Offlce. PLEASE READ Plans of Lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applrcant wr.th no permit beingissued. 3:ff"ilH:t}!"Liiil";.:::t"" clearance requiremenrs as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the springfield NorE: No sign urav be erected which is less than 12 fee! horizontally or verti.cally from overheaderecrrlcal conduc'rors. in excess--"i"zso .roit";--;; i;""--trr."-i-i"";-i;r";; direc.ion frou overheadelectrical lines uhict "." """rgi;.l ar less than 750 volts # i"iti is, noE lnstalled within 60 days after the dare of issue of this per'ir, the perraiE shall 9) Inspectlons: a) site rnsoection - to- be nade before the sign ls placed. usually, the Foollng-InqpectionG-rapPIIa;5EI."yu.-o"IJ.atthesa,etif,ea".ih"sii.io,p""iio.,.meInsPec-tion is ro be made'atrei-rror"("i-'i"-&i".iii!a,-a,i-C-p;i;; il"H: ptacernenr of conlrere.b) Final Inspectlon,- to be uade upou coryletion of all work.c) Electrical - alr electrical signs oust be tnspected fo= "l""trical hook up after the signIs-EEE Ee d ."a-[. ioiJ -ifr I-"'i g""i; dd.e'o;. - CAIJ. FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TT{E 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 .// r4qsr6g {ce4ta^t bl / aopr/rouar. TMoRMATToN NEEDED oc /ba BEFoRE PERlrrr l,rAy BE issuso,tta5r6€,/t*c4> 6t/ FEa4 ,€tq#r ,TJ O H AZ,€ OF=a)/+f Tt-*i) L/il{ APPROVED BY: ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: TOTAL: D DA Z r) 3 4alS SIGN PER},[T FEE: JoB # 47" STATE SURC}IARGE: o, da SECTION: 1 SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINAIICE /4- M -- city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A. SPFtINGFTELD INFORMATTON: 726-3753 !NSPECTtoNs: 726_3769 LOCATION OF SICN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION O}'NER OR PROPERTY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATTON - /c 5 5 L -7'/o e 0 o te-t lor * PHONE ,L IYPE OT BUSITIESS 1-Z o o ADDRESS OIJNER OF SIGI{ CIF OTHER THA}I PROPERTY o {5 NAME OF BUSII{ESS, r'IRM, ETC. . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}TIIIED Ehe completed application forlnformation ls t rue and correc t, and I further certiaccordance wi rh field Sign Ordinance, theOrdinances of the Ciry ofSo rinqfie ld and the Sprinsall other-Cregon oercatni n Sprinqfiefurther ce rti-fv that mv g:gn Contractor I-1- and the laws- of E and do hereby certwork oerformed sh ifvall thaE, all be done inign 1d Code as adopted fy Uni permitthat allform S ofby the Cityhe State ofworl: describecl herern. Icense with che C8-2-6(3) and 9-7 -20(2).prin o i 11 request all required sign ins field is in full force and effec DecEions list t as reouired Springfield Codesby perrnlc.ed B to t:1eicy of S NAME (PLEASE PRINT) STP.UCTURAL TYPE -OF SIGN:./_ IIALL t Fnrestal.IDli.tc ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,TARqUEE OTT{ER USE AI,ID Cts.ARACTER OF SIGN: -IDENTITY -INCIDENTALDOUBLE TACE SINGLE FACE ULTLTI.TACE READER BOARD B D. #tttzoew . TYPE OI WORK: u(u, ALrER RELOCATE OTH}:R E.VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR . .ADDPJSS ,fn CITY LICENSE IiWBER EXP SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.DSS t E /$g DII,IEXSIONS, UISTALIJTION & TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OT SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII r G.EXISTING SIGNS.lfiy. i2 stzE./AIL EXISTINC SIGNS FOR. DUSINESS, ETC. DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYONDPROPERTY LINE? _YESIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYO}ID PROPERTY LINE 1,,. I'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.I,CAL lilIRII{G? IF_IES, M{IC}:/ll,ttrt$terrn APPLY?ELECTRI SIGN NOTE mEE : IF PROJECIIOTI IS IIORE TIIAN (IND rP.ECTrr LrcnrED)t2"ELECTRICAI, CONTPACTORPUBLIC PROPEPJY TPX S IGN ERECTORl.rusT FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS COPIES OF HIS/ ERTY DA}IAGE I}I }IER LIABILITY AI{D PP.OP-LISC. NT]MBER PI:C}IESUP.ANCE POLICIES, l. DEscRTBE TypE oR YATERIATS SIGN ISDOFt (,T 4 3"N6 VALUE OF SIGN: K 0. 00 . SITE INFOF}{ATIOI{ (LAIID I'SE) -. EXISTING USEoF BUrLDrltc oR LAND (OR rAST USE Jp VACANT) _INDOOR BUSINESS _OUIDOOR I4ERCHAT{DISING PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LAND: J s Iw ,/a r. .{0 ,-J, TE o on the approved 7c'37 SPFlINGFIELD < S rc.\c. Q."^^o{* z *-}-rPp OE-' SPH,IITGFIEI-D SPRINGFIELD' oREGoN 9747'' I:r-SPECTI0II REQUESTS: 726-3:69 INFoR'il,\TI0N : 1 26-3753 CITAT CIfi OF SPRINGFIELD SIG:{ CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION COITIB INATION APPL ICATION/ PE R.UIT LOC.{TION OF SIGN(ADDRESS)os LEGAL DESCRIPTION OI{NER ADDRESS OI'.}IER OF SIGN(IF OTHER THf\ ADDRESS ERECT RELOCATE PHONE zrP PHONE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE NON- I DENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE }IULTI..FACE Lts olrNER)-t q fiPE OF BUSINESS ALTER OTHER 6 TAX LOT f CABTYPE OF SIGN FREESTANDIi.IG PROJECTING REAIJER BOARD BILLBOARD I'TARQUEE OTI{ER { I'IALL ROOF SIGN ERECTOR ADDRE CITY LICENSE IIU}IBER SIGN -1 \t6 (IF oTI'IER TlLAu\ PHONE EXP. PHONE olllr, ?ZI4L:Q- TICENSE NIJI'IBER PHONEELECTRI CAL COifTRACTOR ADDRESS TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 25 VERTICAL DII\IENSION OF SIGN t A.wrDrH oF srcx ?-9 DII.IENSION FROII GRADN TO BOTTOTT OF S OR DEPT}I OF SIGN DOES SIGX PROJECT BEYOND PROPERfi LINE YES IF YES,DIITIENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE !iOTE: IF PROJECTIO,I' IS i.IORE TIIT\ 12'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR I'IUST FILE I{ITII THE BUILD ING DIVISION COPIES OF INSURANCE POLICIES. ETECTRICAL SIGN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGTMED) HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.\D PROPEAY DAI'aGE rrLL SIGN HAVE ELECTRIcA, ,,rtRrxct k vrs NoLt--' DESCP.IBE TYPE OF YNTEq.IALS 516}I IS CO].ISTP.LTCTED IF YES, aJ)t 'i-al OF r5 PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLI alar E VALUE 0F SIGr* IoN (usE) --EX ISTING USE oF BUILDING OR LAND (0R LAST USE IF yACANT);- rt PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND \ CHECK ONE IF EXISTING SIG{S (SIGN CoDE): ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? -YES : _INDO0R BUSINESS zSuTDooR ITERCHANDISTNG IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREITISES(SAl'lE TAX tOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIIINED the comPleted aPplication for permit and do herebY certifY that all infornation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all r,rork perforrned shall be done in accordance wi th the Spring field Sign 0rdinance, the Uniforn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfie 1 d and all other Ordinances of the City of Spr ingfield and the laws of the State of Oregon ining to the work des cribed herein.I further certify that ny Sign Contractors License Hith the City of Springfield perta is in I force and effect as required by all required sign . ru{ l'onS tisted on the approved Permit NA.I{E (PLEASE PRI SI FOR OFFTCE SIGN DISTRICI /LLeo ZONE DISTR TOTAL SQUARE INspEcrIoNs REQUIRED: _sITE/LocATIoN EroottNc oR METHot; oF ATTACHI"IENT ield City Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7 -2OL2:'. I rill :request FOOTAGE OF SIGN 2.99 N .,{slecrnrcrt ,(tr*il -oltmR t- SIGN PERI.IIT: CHARGES: ELECTRICAL PERTIITr's4.ao {lo-ooCHARGES FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PERTVIT ssg, {@ STATE SURCHARGE:.40 t NA.UE 0F BUShESS, FIR.U, ETC. I T . FIRM, ETC. READ SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF ION CLERK ,t/trp rO 7aecz45€ {/ /' SIGN: 94 M rf,7( o ilTf),ncra€sze-vc€ ADDITIONAL INFORT{ATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSI.,IED: PLANS REVIEI'IED BY a4 spgs y'' /,1-g 1) separate sign Application: A separate application is required for eachseparate sign as defined in the Sign Code. 2) Flectrical: Any permit issued under this application will include uir-ing in -or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection nust becovered on an erectrical pernit. ElLctrical connection must be nadeonly by a state Licensed Electrical contractor. Illuminated signs (bothinternally and externally) rnust conforn to sections s-z-+ (a)6(l) ana9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Bequired: This application is to be subtaitted with rwo conpletesets of plans drawn to scare, showing dinensions and height of sign; ad-vertising message on sign; locat.ion of sign on property with dimensionsto property lines, structual details of support framing, bracing and , footings; naterials of construction for sign and sign itructure; elec-' trical equipnent and lighting; size and loiation of existing signs onproperty for the sarne business, all as required to determini compliancewith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield CityCode). Also, show the following info:mation on the ptot pLan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign[s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bui lding. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drar,rings and calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Division 0ffice. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant uith no perrnit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirenents as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: No sign *.f U" erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally oi vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than S feet in any direction fron overhead electricalI lines which are energized at less thari 750 volts. S) If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. 9) Inspections: a) Site Ilrspection - to be nade before the sign is placed., Usua11y, @ (if applicable) rnay be nade at the sane tine as theJite Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be nade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of concret e. b) Final Ir,spection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - A11 electrical signs tilust be inspected for electri- AToo[ up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on' CAIL FOR fiE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. DATE ,t /,cd N tr L r n, ?i#^yi'r1llr' *, SIGN LICENSE q,big FJ,gteement, made this {day of M.P. CE-648.15-L 1S'5.:8'r , ts-(;z-J *.r*-".^, by and between SCfTIIIEHh{ PACIFIC TRAIr$TEIAIICN fr$/PANf, , a corporation,herein called "Licensor," and NAffICbIAL AlnfEAlIISIl'tG O., a eorporationr rnailing , address: 100 Obie Street, Eugene, CR 97402, herein called "Licensee." Wttneg$etlS1. Dottilts 1. In consideration of the payment to Licensor of rental at the rate of CNE llflErqND CD{E Hlhl[nm SE\r,m{IY/ 46x ($fr1?0) per annunrpuy.Ut. annually inadvance,LicensorherebvpermitsLicensee to instalt and maintain,xiff tsx!61[&x*ltxrrxc$tEl{ul{[utrt(xhtrltj[lclusixttrux!$afxtr:trffi, one ( L)' 12 t - by 48 I dilji;-Hdill-iir,minated aovertiffis ;is,iffiit in aceoiaanad wi'th eonstruction details and in the location indieated on the priit of Lieensorts Drawing No. L-S16?-A, dated "iLY"#,k -1,?.11,,*X1'IffiLffr."l,g#,03rf,.3ft'"1.Itr"f;3[lcks station,6sunly qs lane , State of Oregon. ,&lQ$ex6lbT5l[XfifiHt&d.Uilffiq&Ht]6lffrffifxx The term "sign;as used herein shall designate the plural number if there is more than one sign, and all appurtenances thereof, ilcluding the supports and braces, and pipe and wire lines required to service the sign. 2. Ucensee agrees that it will keep said premises in a neat and safe condition at all times so far as affected by Licensee's use thereofl and will maintain an area-of not less than ten (10) feet around each sign board free and clear of weeds and other debris. 3. Licensee agrees to release and indemnify Licensor from and against all liability, cost and expense for loss of or damage to property, urd for injury to or death of iersons (including, but not limited to the property and employees of each party hereto), rvhen arising or resulting from (a) the use of said premises by Licensee, its agents, employees or invitees, or (Ul the use of any i-icensor premises for the purpose of access to or egress from such sign, or (.) breach of the provisions of this agreement by Licensee, whether or not caused, or contiibuted to, by any act oromission,negligentorotherwise,of Licensor,itsemployees,agents, contractors" sub-contractors, or their employees or agents, or any other person. The term "Licensor" as used in this section shall include the successors, assigns and affiliated companies of Licensor, and any other railroad company operating upon Licensor's tracks- Licensee, upon request,'wili provide Licensor with certified copies of insurance policies in form and amounts satis- '""': " T-:::,;,ff:::.:: *,".:*ff ;,qp*sffilxflF *, u * ^\n v ffi E ,'ictionai /.,:!'r+rf isin'3 Co. a,rinqi,.nt, ""r"ilili,Ill'.,"#:lt,:X*'i;ii,"fl ff:l*tilLXirfiffff:,:T'Jfi$,S"a"Jqffi*',:k i'i1,",tdffikt"ltlr the existence thereof. 6. Licensee agrees not ro use said sign for exhibiting advertising disFtalfiE$l[.b$F&$9$"r t.#r'#,'iu ,h;i';il=n*f advertisements thereon shall be of a reputable character satisfactory to Licensor' Licensee shall pay all water, gas, electricity and other utilities used in connection with said sign. 7. It is agreed that in the event land abutting the right of way opposite said sign is legally designated.as a_freeway or a limited freeway, Licensor does not guarantee (nor shall anythingherein contained be construed asgranting) to L_icensee the right of ingress io o, egrrs from said lremises and said freeway for the erection, maintenance, servicing or removal of said sign. :.()"- 8. This agreement witl te effective on the \ day of t-e[>r:s r&a1 , 19 Y ''-, and may be ter' minated by either party upon twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the other party. Any uneained rental in excess of Twenty Dollars (Sio) stratf be refunded to Licensee upon ,.qu.tt. upon terminati,on of this agreement Licensee shall remove said sign from the premises of Licensor and restore said prlmises to the condition in which they existed prior to the installation of said sign.\\ I I ' 9.' Licensee, at Licensee's expense, shall paint Licensor's Audit Number assigned to this agreement, in numbers not less than four inches (4") in height, and in a color contrasting to its background, in the lower right area at least four feet (4') above ground, on the sign or its supports in a location readily visible from the railroad track. 10. Ucensee shall give Ucensor 72 hours written notice of the time Licensee proposes to perform any work on the property of Licensor. I l. In the event Licensor enters into an agreement with a utility company providing service to Licensee at the site of said sign for Licensee's sole use, Licensee shallpiyto Licensor a charge of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125) upon receipt of bill therefor to partially defray administrative costs. 12. Absence of markers does not constitute a warranty by Ucensor of no subsurface installations. 13. Any privilege, sales, gross income, or other tax (not including income tax) imposed upon the rentals herein, or upon Licensor in an amount measured by the rentals, strall be paid by Licensee. 14. If said sign is not removed and Licensor's premises restored prior to the termination date of this agreement, either by Licensee or by Licensor at Licensee's expens€, then this agreement, with all terms contained herein, including the payment of rental, may,at Licensor's option, remain in effect until said sign is removed and Licensor's premises restored. 15. This agreement shall be binding upon the successors and by Licensee without the prior written consent of Licensor , wtrichwitEhEla;- a16. Seetion 17 on the attached Insert is hereby nnde/part of this lease. assigns of the parties hereto, but shall qS! b_g_e$g11g$_e_eonsent will not be unieason-abty !,1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate the day and year first above written. ,( Licensor 6, 2+/z4LK,c7?By WITNESSED BY ztl.z-a- e'' NOTE: If Licensee is an incorporated company, lease should be executed by an authorized officer thereof and his title signature should be witnessed by an employee of Licensor, if practicable, if not, b) a disinterested party. ReatEsbte ; otherwise I DED[irf lI\l rnlfr^rtPLEASE READ 1) Separate Sign Applicatig,n: A seParate application is r separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. clTY oF SPRINGFIELD ( City Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT I 1ir (on I 6h .rie 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application r ing in or on sign structure, the supply wires for conne covered on an electrical perrnit. Electrical connection . only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illumi internally and externally) must conforro to Sections 9-7 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign 0rdinance. 3)Plans Required: This application is to be subruitted wi seti of ptans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and he vertising message on sign; location of sign on property to property lines, structual details of support franing footings; naterials of constnrction for sign and sign s trical equipment and lighting; size and location of exi property for the same business, all as required to dete with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the S Code). Also, show the following inforroation on the plo showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well a b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by building. c) Show the location of entrances oPen to the pubLic a: 4) l{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineere, calculations nust be prepared by a licensed engineer or to design standards on fil.e at the Building Division 0f: 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returnel pticant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must neet corner vision clearance requirenents as Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: No sign ,rf U" erected which is less than 12 feer or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in exr volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction fron overheiI lines nhich are energized at less thad 750 volts. 8) If a si;n is not installed within 60 days after the datt this permit, the permit shall be void. ,{9n fL. ("' { 1,64,h No. B |-eq $,gz s8287, Dote Rec'd From Address ( i l"L9) I4speqlp4s: a) b) c) Electrical - A11 electrical signs rmrst be inspected for electri- cai-Iool-up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR II{E REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFoRE ERECTIoN 0F SIGN: S/q il Site Inspection - to be nade before the sign is plac @ (if applicable) nay be made a ,-^time-i?1I*IEE!?ction' The Footing Inspectior t t nade after hole(s) is excavated, but Prior to the Plr- concrete. Final lr,lpectioq - to be nade uPon comPletion of all rork AUTHORIZED SIOXATURE 3x!!YOr.lui|auLL tirircrS' aucEiE. oi t,aot DATE ,t/trp rO ?aAc#45€ {/ril(olu ADDITIONAL INFOR}IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISS[JED: PIANS REVIEhIED BY Z- Z€-fr2- BY Vy, (. ( ( I -._ -.-.) t' t. :