HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1985-04-25Job Locaticn: Tc.x lpt #Aesessors Map # Stbditsision: PhoneAddz,ess: DescrLbe Hotk: ValueDate of App Lieatian GeneraL Pege 1 of 2 .. RESIL.--{TIAL..SPRINGF!ET.D 2zs North srt irouff"'cArro*/P,Rltrr SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Date: Mecharieal Cons*uction_lende"_ It ia the tesponcibili.tg of tla permit hold* to aee that aLL inspectiotts oe node at tte ptope? tine' that ecch cddtess is vsada71"2 frut tlu atrebt, and tlnt the permit eavd ia Located at the fzoat of the--PtoPe?tA.isuilding D.ioicion appro"*ed pLan shcLl renain on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. exs I ?EOCSDUIE FOR INSqEZ!!9N_EI!!9ryCALL726-3769(r,ecotd.et) state your Ci.ty d.esigrnted iob nnbe?, iob aCitess' lAPe-of inspec-.i'cn eadyforinsplection,Contractarsoiaon","-,*,e",,dp7a*enunber,.P'equestsreceit;edbefcr,e7:00ntiil be nnde the sane dcy, ?equests nade aftet ?:.00 an urLLL be nade the nest uorkinE da;i. rou, city Desi.sr.ated rob Nunber*, 8SO3A4 I TNSULATTON /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulcticn a'd tequired oqoz. baniers @e in pl.a,ce but before ory lath, Wpstn boatC ot' tnLL cooering is applied, atd. befote ay irculation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPECIf0N: Tc be nade @TerdT@ui[Tt s in plaee, but prior to dny taping. ILASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6ffilgrorti.ng or oerticals in accord-ance LlLth U.B.C, Section 2475. WOODSTO',,E: After i;nstall.ation'ts ccttrpleted. QTfre fnleDetfifnil. *;a1ril;;;E,?o be nade aftez'prior tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUWING, SlEQltsllLL 3 !,!ECX4!!ML: To be nade before any .ffiTi1tseted. FOOTINj & FOUNDATfCN: To be naCe @;;ffitrs are escaoated ard. forns are erected, but ptiot, to pow"Lng ccncreta. UNDzRGPOUIID PLUMBING, SET,IEP, W,ATE.R, DRnIaACt: fo te nade pr"ior to fil-Litq trenchee. UIIDERELOOR PLUT.|BIII G & MECHANTCAL : o1 floor insulation or decking. POSL AND PEA!4: To be made pr'ior to ffiffitrof floor insulation ot deckLttg. ROIJGH PLATBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECH:- Aurcer,: No uork is to be co.^et'ed ffilT-these inspections haoe been mad,e and appz,oued.. FLPEPLACE: PrLot, to placirq facingnaterLals and befote frotring inspee- tion. ?RA\.!ING: l,lust be requested after @ouat of rcugh plwrbi.ng, electri- cal & mec?anieal. ALL roofing btacing E chinmeys, etc. trust be . cotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be coll- . cealed uttti,L this inspection las 'been trude anC approved. FMAL PLUAAING FTNAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL conc?ete. SfDE\IALK & DRLVEWAI: For aLL con- crete pauirq tithin stteet right- of-teA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & fotn tsork & sttb- base rrutertal in Place. DEI.IOLITIA!! OR t@U sa)e? eapped ct propentll Line Septic tank pltrlped and iilled uith gz'atsel Pinal - lv4ten abctse itens ore ccmpleted ad when Cqtolition i.s canplete ot sttac- ture nooed ard prer"rises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking od Set-tp Plunbing connectiotts -- sa,)e? otd. ualet Electr-ieal Ccmnection - Bloclang, set-ua and plurnbing eonnections rn;st be apprc"^ei before requesting electrical'inspectiotz AccessoPi Building CURB & APPRCACH APPON, d,e er,4t;[6rV;lo" : After fornsto pouring Final - After etc. a?e comp pcrekes, skirting, decks, 1 ^L^) ALL pnoject eondttions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of tie z.equired Landscaping, ate., rmtst be satisfiedbefore the BUILDINC EIIIAL canbe reqtested. ?INAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested cftet the Final PLumbing \J Electrical, and Meelnnical fnspections lwue been nade and approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTE MUS? BE ACCESoTBLE, ADJASTYET|I TO BE I,IADE I.T TIO CCST TO CI?Y I 17 ytnet: When co,qplete -- PtouiCe| ff."r."r motsable sections through tr rr D@v 'D..arftotrrb ,-fuAid!^&- | | RenoCeL [-l ,-, 2 soLAR' :ESS REQ.-L-co d BeCt ootns Date Paid: Reeeipt # Sig:ned: PLan ?otaL * r EAw 1AREFULLY Exfi,lrNED tle eornpleted applieation for pennit, and doherebg certif-g that aLL info:,tnatibn hereoi is ttue and, eiorz,ect, otC tfutthet, eettifg that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be done 7n ac.ot-dance ttth the 1rdinancee of the cita bf bpr-ingfield, and the Lans of theState of 1regon pertaining to the wz,k Cesetibed he,ein, cnd tlat NO OCCU- P4NCJ dtll b-e n ,ude of qA stz,uctur,a uithout permisaion of the Buitding Di-tsisio_n. f furthen eez,tifg that only eontraciors otd enplcyees uho arZ incot"pLiance uith ORS ?0i..055 uiLL be uaed on this ptoject JOB NO. Lot Faces - lleatDfHouseAccess. LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Cormet _ Panlnnd,Le _ Cvl-de-sac nEt4 SQ. F?G x VaLue TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 x Ti_r,onr*t .is gnanted on the erppess cond,ition trut tre said. consttuction Z:::'_*:,",t1.?es.pec.ts, eonforn to the Ordinance adopteJ 6:y the City ofbpPLngJLeLd, includinq the zoning cydinanee, r,egulatTng th"e ccnstracticn ?9,lon of buildings,."urd. may b.""";;p;;;;;'or teuokeC at cna time upon oic_Lation of any prcuisions of iaid 2rdirnnces. Building Perttit ?otal Ctnrges State Building Vqlue & permit NO TLL CHARGE Pi*tures Resilenti,al (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing permit No pe,eon shall eonsttaet, inelal1., alter ot, ehange,GnA neu cr ezistingq!*iy ^1 -drainage "a2l? in uhoie on in- port, LnLeeZ "iZt- pn""on is the :1?::.,?-.-":-"-:l.o: of a ualid plwnber,s Licensb, eoeept ttuzt a pZt"on nag d.opLunblng ao"k to property uhich is orrned, Leased or openated'by the qpti._cant. * State Sut,ch,aroe Plumbing Pernrit Na,t/Ertend. Citcuits Seztlice Electricql Permit whez'e state Lan re-quires t\lat the electz,ical uork be done by an Electz,icalcontraetoz" the elec+-r'ical portion of this permit shall not be ualil. untilthe Label hns been signed q tne Electrical' Cont"actor. ?otal NC.FEE CIIARCE Erhanst ilood Vent Fot Vcodstooe Petnrit fssuance Meclwnicel Perrmt * Mechcrnicql Permit -. ENCROACEMENT -. Pennt t Cvrbcu! Sida,talk L Mobile llonte TOTAL A}IOUN? DTIE: *&s 8f Int Sq. Ptg. % of Lct couerage # of Stories Total lleight Iopogrqhg *