HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1974-11-18825 Squ!b_Zt!h_!qrSet _qDDRESS OF JOB CharLes Jackson CITY OF' SPRINGFIELD TIIENT OF PUBLIC IVORI(S - BUILDING DI\ )N DArE penirii ruo 1L-18-74 6729 BP ULP 5 VALUE FEE 192 .00 36.00 Rt. 2, Box 411, Eugene L-24-75 6g4g Bp 4L5 00 ADDRESS 0 5.00 7.0 8.00 7.00 5-r.5-75 5276 E ADDRES i- 7 -LL-75 5s3 OE ADORESS 7 -LL-7s 5277 E E1ect. LOT BLOCK TRACT OWN E R Owner CONIRACTO CONTRACTOR TAX LOT REFERENCE EVN GROUP BLDG. TYPE III FIRE ZONE INSPECTIONS MADE TYPE Footings -3 Zoned REMARKS: Shake Mill, per code Permlt subject to repair of sanitary faclLltles at A & A Auto Rec. as per agreement to share faciLities with mill. Installation of dry stand pipe and suitable dust collection system. 6848-Add to shake mil1, Per code NR DATE LL-b-74 Foundation ok I'aUUdaf i on ok @ Footinss ok Service ok Rough ELect. okTs 11-26-7 4 12-02-74 t2-03-74 L-24-75 5- 15- 75 7-LL-75 8Y ItrI ltrI },LI MJ MJ AJ AJ .-T -4- m t t) z$ - f,c) ;ffi$gffi28th -6$Fninsfic-1d CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION OATE r2-L4-76 9388 BP 750 So. 28th st. tz-za-t6 77ll E DRESS 3-7 -77 974 RP AOORESS 449=1J-a?q2 PERMIT NO.VALUE 500.00 Elect. 50n.00 El eetrie FEE 5.00 15.00 5. 000uarertEN r REc roR LH Morris Elect.tr -++-0+ CONTRACTOR AT]ORESS LOT BLOCLi RACT TAX LOT GROUP REMARKS: REFERENCE BLDG. TYPE FIRE ZONE INSPECTIONS MADE TYPE Sewer 'L L2-23-76 DATE BY ns A.T AJ _DS_ DS AJ- AJ For-rrdation for buildirg rrcved to this si Service not ok Service ok L2-27-76 Fnrrndatinn nk Framing ok Service & Wire ok FinaL ELect. ok 3-3't -17 4-27 -77 E lect. El-ect. 'l 4-1q-77 l. t *lq\<, t +qC,iL.\q 304 lnspections Sec. 304. (a) General. All construction or work for which a permit t J"qri[Jtilil;;ti;[j;;iio insnection bv.the Building official' and ;;;ffiG;; oi "onrtr,1"tion shali haue continuous inspection by spe- cial inspbctors, as specified in Section 305' A ,uirey of the lot may be required b1' the Building Official to verifl' compliancl of the structure u'ith approved plans' (b) Insoection Record Card. Work reqrriring a btrilding permit shall ,,oi b" co,rmenced until the permit holder or his agent slrall nave posted an inspection rccord card in a conspicuous place-on rhe lronr i;;;;;;;Ji;;;i, poiition as to allo*' t5e Building official conve.n- [;iir:il#k;ii*."nli*a cntries thereorr regarding inspectio. of the ' ":.ri;. ffrir'l"J1t "ti be rnaintained in srrcli position b1',the permit irolJ"t until the Certificate of Occupancl' has been issued' (c) Approvals Rcquired. No work shall be done on any part of the frrif.ii.IJi tt^i"trt" bc1'ond t5e point indicated in each successive ;irp""lt; ;itf,*t niri .it ioini"g tire u'ritten approval of the Building OFf,.lioi. iu"tr written approval shall be given onll' after an inspection ,l"rll 'ir;; tr"en made bi each successive step in the construction as irii"-i"a UiI"n"t.r u]11r" irtspections re<ltrired in Subsection (d)' 'l.here shall be a final inspection and approval on all buildings wlten cornpleted and readl' lor occupancl" (d) Required Inspections. Reinforcing steel or structural fiame- r"ull'ottoii' part o[ an1' building or strtrcture- shall not be cover,ed or ;;;,;;;il ;iiliort firri obtoiniufl tl" approval of the Building official' Tlte Building Official, rrpon notification from the p.erm.it holder or fri. "o"nt. tlrnll iakc the foliou ing inspections and shall eithcr approve ;i;;i?;:ii,;;, ,,] iii" .r,n'tt,,"tion irs complctctl or shall notif' thc permit holcler or lris agent rvhcreirt the samc lails to compll' \\'itlt thls uooc' l. l.ouNDA'l'loN INSPECTION: To be made after trenches arc' ;i;;"^i;J n,,,1 lo,ir, "rected ancl u hen all rnaterials for the forrn- iiuii,r,, are dcliuercJ o,, t|l" joll. where concrete firom a ce'tral rtiiii,g irf,,,,t l"ut"i*,tit.t' tetmecl "trir.sit rnired") is to be used' ,n,rtcrl,ris Itced nt>t be on the job' 2. l.'ltAMIi INsPE(;TION:'Io lrc rnilde alier the roo[, all frilming,-' hie-lrkrcking, ,r,it 5r.ci.g irre i' place .nd all pipes' c5irn.c1's' and vertts irrc conrPletc. 3.LA]'tlAND/OltWAl,LBOAlll)lNSPt'l(flON:Tobenradc" ui't", all latlri,g a.cl/or r'all6oard, i.tcrior :r.d esteri<lr, is itt i;j;;i;,,1ir;ti,l.c n,,r. plastcri.g is applied .r before *alllxrartl joirrts irncl lirstcncrs iLc t,rpcd arrrl finished' {. l,'lNAL lNSl,Fl(Il'lON:'lii lrc maclc afier brril<ling is corn,leted tncl reatll' Iilr occrrpitncl'. (c)Otlrcrlnspcctions.tlracl<lititlrltrltlre.calledirrspccti<lrrsspcc- ificil 'alxrvc, tlrc Iluikling Ofiicial rnaY rnuke or reqttirc iln\'..other inspccti<lns r>l'an1' cOnstrrrctiott rvrlrk ttl nsccrtairl compliitrtcc u ltlr tlre 33 e_ (i i. t'! .:. '' : ., , \ 305-306 (c) Approved Fabricators. Special inspections required by this Section and elsewhere in this Code shall not be required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator approved by the Building Official to perform such work without special inspection. Ttre certifi- cate of approval shall be subject to revocation by the Building Official if it is found that any work done pursuant to the approval is in viola- tion of this Code. Certlllcate ol Occupancy Sec. 3O6. (a) Use or Occupancy. No building or structure in Groups A to H, inclusive, shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefore as provided herein. (b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made except as specified in Section 5O2 of this Code. (c) Certificatc Issued. After final inspection when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code, the Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy which shall contain the following: 1. The building permit number. 2. The address of the building. 3. The name and address of the owner. 4. A description of that portion of the building for which the cer- tificate is issued. 5. A statement that the described portion of the building complies. with the requirements of this Code for group and division of' occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy ie classified. 6. Ttre name of the Building Official. (d) Temporary Certificate. A temporary Certificate of Occu- pancy may be issued by the Building Official for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. (e) Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building Official. 36 t , .:. v/' I I ,.' \q,lb thc\u(IJ-*\ e- 'trxe 1 39l Chapter 3 PERMITS AND INSPECIIONS Application for Permits -- --' Lv'' t t Sec. B0l. (a) -*iiit;-fimi$}ffii,,},T#$$; Ir';ilt*-*"*trt*-tx#t.,*+:.:;#permit,uriels^il:?i.1",J:r;,:ti,:,.T#::"lJt.-tt"'f ,iril',lgertv is in jeopardy. nines that It" ".-pi"*(lr) Application. To olltairr a permit the ,applicatiorr thcrelor!,ve.r'srrch"or,,"",,l'l,lilj;;;#":i'l['ll".f'fI"gl;liilfiiil:# l. Identi[_r and clr " rii"i,';ppil";.il,",'llj",nX'j":ork to be covered l,y the permit ror2. Dc.scribe the la"fiiil:iif iiliit:;x:'Ill;:,?::?:*rry:",'n*.,:*,1; buildirrg n, *#"'' iderrtif'and <iefirr 3. Indicate the usrirrtcndccl; -rc' ()r occupancl frrr u'lrich the proposed work is{. lic accompanied l11 ;>larrs and specifica - section (c) of thrs )ectio,; tlons as required in Sub-5. stare ,t,. ,otro,ii,i:Ifr^_:-ecrhcations as requireri in sulr 6' tse.signed lr1. th"o" of the proposed w'ork; rcr;r ircd to,ulrr.l]"Il-lil tec' or ltis :trtt lt.rizcd. agent, wlr, rna). be, rmi.,.,,i,r,";t##ffff :: ;:tj;::i,r*:iu"::H ; ; (c) Plarrs and Specil ,[i j,il ji'j,ffi ,11i;ik # t fi rr; I ii ;: :n:*#]fi ]T *'lii;lilf,"l;:,1;y1,"i,1',,H'ilx:ff ;l[;ii:*;i[1itr:i,*"j ExcEprIoN: wr,.,, .,.._i..._,st)r'cific,ri()rs ,,"., Il::'1.:':tJrrtrizetl .b-r the tlrriltling official ,lans an<l, flrifi;ffi il,:i:{ii::$ ::i,fiJl.lnr l*,"". ::.:::z' r,rr,,,i.'ri,r,lt"tt "t" erccedirtg 6()0 'srrrrare fecl. stu<l c.nstruct r<.nr I, C)ccrrpancies of 1.r pc \r conventional \r.ood- 29 , 's. I UI \, 202.203 demand is made as herein provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the Building Official or his authorized representative for the pur- pose of inspection and e.xamination pursuant to this Code. An1' person violating this Subsection shall be guiltl, of a misdemeanor. (e) Stop Orders. Whenever any building work is being done con- trary to the provisions of this Code, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on ani' persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done, and anl,such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Building Official to proceed with the work. (fl Occupancy Violations. Whenever any structure is being used contrtry to the provisions of this Codc, the Building Official ma)'order suclr use discontinucd and the structure, or portion thereof, vacated by notice served on any person causing such use to be continued. Such person shall discontinue the use u,ithin l0 days after receipt of such notice or make the structure, or portion thereof, comply with the re- quirements of this Code; provided, however, that in the event of an unsafe building Section 203 shall appll'. (g) Liability. The Building Official or any emplol'ee charged with the enforcement of this Code, acting in good faith and without malice for the cit1, in the discharge of his duties, shall not therebl. render himself liable personalll, and he is herebl, relieved from all personal liabilitl, for an1' damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of an1' act required or b1' reason of any act or omission in tlre discharge of his duties. An1' suit brought against the Building Official or emplol'ee, because of such act or omission performed by him in the enforcement of an1, provisions of this Code, shall be defended b1. the legal department of the city until final termination of the proceedings. (h) Cooperation of Other Officials. The Building Official ma), re- quest, and shall receive so far as may be necessar)'in the discharge of his duties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the city. Unsale Buildings Sec. 203. All buildings or structures which are structuralll' unsafe or not provided u'ith adequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherrvise dangerous to lruman life, or which in relation to esist- ing rrse constitute a hazard to safety or health, or public welfare, by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster damage, or abandonment, as specified in this Code or an1' other effective ordinance, are, for the purpose of this Section, runsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are herebl,declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated b1' repair, rehabilitation, demoli- tion, or removal in accordance with the procedure specified in Chap- ters 4 through 9 of the Uniform Code for tlre Abatement of Dangerous Buildings or b1' an1'other procedures provided b1, lau'. 27 ,' .l I t 1991 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 301 Chapter 3 PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Permlts Sec. 301. (a) Permits Required. Except as specifiel in Subsection (b) of this section, no building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, con- structed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or de - molished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first becn obtained from the building official. (b) Work Exempt from Permit. A building permit shall not be required forthe following: l. Agricultural buildings (see Appendix Chapter I I ). 2. Fences not over 6 feet high. 3. Oil denicks. 4. Movable cases, counters and partitions nol over 5 feet 9 inches high. 5. Retaining walls which are not ovcr 4 feet in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II or Ill-A liquids. 6. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of heiSht to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to l. 7. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or story blow. 8. Painting, papering and similar finish work. 9. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. 10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R, Division 3, and Croup M Occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches. I I . Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Croup R, Division 3 Occupan- cy in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and ifthe capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons. Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mcchanical per- mits will be required for the above-exentpted items. Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization forany work to be done in any manner in viotation ofthe provi- sions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. (c) Owner-built Dwellings. See ORS 455.320 for exempt owner-built dwell- ings and outbuildings. (d) Standards of Quality. The standards listed below labeled a "U.B.C' stan- dard" are also listed in Chapter 60, Part II, and are part of this code. l. Concrete A. U.B.C. Standard No. 26- 13, Ready-mixed Concrete 2. Connections II t ,