HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-06-26MLD CO},IBI iIATI OI'I APPL I CATION/PERMIT 7?6-3753 Job Address 4 Legal Description EIIERGY SOURCES Heat l,later Heater Ranqe Ftq. l'1ain 5q. Ftg. Access.-.--- Sq. Fto. Other__ _llew_Add_A1 ter_Pep. _Fence_Demo_Cha n ge/ U se 0ther Da 3 S.' T,\JDa I ,4 .4 Value of l,lork: 0wner Address Phone Builciinq Permit Info: Fanlil y Residence l,lith Describe t^lork(' Attached Garzs€ .e., Build Single bq 7/2-t z/r)e .a , ?L/l-2/83Construction Lender Addres s Phone DESIGN TEAI.{name address I ics . no.exDt res ohone no. Pri mary Structura I qLlr t 4qoo Ei ectri cal (- l'4ec han i ca I CONTRACTORS name addres s (lics. no.exoi res ohone no. Genera l Pl umbi nq /)7^,4+iL ,,L Itlechani ca l PLUTlB I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL FFF CHARGF NN FFF I^HA PG F NO FFE CHARGF Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTLI ' S Reiocated building (new fix. additional) New ci rcui ts al ts. or extensions Fl oor furnace and vent 5. F. Residence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heater and vent Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent seDa ra te tlater service Chan res i ge in existing dpnce Stati onar.v evap coo'l er Sewer multifami1y, comm. or Tndricfrial Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f Vent systern apart from heatino or A.C. C()I,lI.I. /IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct I nstal I /a1 ter/re1 ocate distrih fppdprs l'Jood stove/heater 0f ISSUANCF OF PFRI,|IT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES IOTAL CHARGES I^,HERE STATE LII,I REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA|{INED the completed apnlication for oermit, and do hereb.y certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the Cityof Spring of any st field and the Laws of the State of Oregon Dertaining to the work descri bed herein, and that NC OCCUPAI,ICY will be madetify that my registration urith the Builder's basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that used on this nroject. ructure without t he permi effect ssion of the Building Division. I further cer Board is in full force and as required by ORS 701.055, that if e;empf'the oniy subcontractors and employees who are in comcliance with 0l?S 701.055'wi l,lAl,lE(please pri nt)fuL Muftl S IGiJATURE DATE FON OFFICE USE dI{LY Tone e/ Cons t it o. Ftg. l,lain AI Fire Zone Bedrooms Occy Load !q Ftg. Access Val ue Flood Plain Stories Group Val ue TOTAL VALUATION s q. Fts . 0ther BUILDING PERMIT Charges and Su rc harges Plan Ck. Comm/Ind 65%/81r1o Ppr Fec Svsterns Deve Charqe (1.51 opment Plan Ck. Res 30%/81do Per Fee PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Fence Dgmo ELECTRICAL PERIIIT Charoes and r Surc[arges u\ 5,ffi ,bo Sidewal k A/C Paving Total Comb. Permit NECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Curb Cut TOTAL /g.(, 2' COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I . App l i cant to furni shA. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition toSErlnTfietd EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION I . examp.'l e- heat/ei e.ctri ca I ce i I i nglo2. examp I e- wa terhea-terli:lEcTilcalTorE. Square footage or valuation,-ETil- r forced air gas !g]-qr- 1. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq2. examp'ie- if new project, check-new - check add, etc.F. Building permit information: foot g if addi a rage ti on, II 1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage2. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single family residence intorestaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructurai Special ty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI.I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons regarding design informat.ion or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, l"'lechanical, & Electr.ical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in oniy the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be instal ledB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building D.iv.ision1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefull schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectricai contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not author.izedto sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial appl.ication w.ill be used asa worksheet on1y. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued for h.is s i gnature. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. L [,/r;; 0-26-{1 III IV V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration w'ith the Builder's Board because Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY name sig nature da te Oc - _ snvr o uR SENIORS , INC . \- 901 South Z3thSpringfield, OR 97+77 Phone 741-?1e3 tttt*t(Jttt.tti(.*t(**)r{.nt()f t(}rt(t(*)ei(xJrr(t(r(J(*xlr)tt()tt(ttrfrtltl(l(ttt(xxltl()txt€rtt(xr(*')f*ttr(*)t*J+rtx July 11t 1987 IVlr. Dave Peunt 225 N. 5th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Peunt: Iam ide hook-u the operati-on Thelma OpeIa, regard t Springfie at 901 South use of the in o our use of eLeetricity in ld as you re sted. Ourq.ue inswhich was recen tlv talled, 1s limited to two (2)chest freezers.Prof I hope this supplies the lnformation you needed fo:r yourrecords. Thank you for your time. Sincere lYt 0/uA #esident For File MEETING NOTES 6-30-87 GW, Dave, Jackie SAVE OUR SENIORS 901 South 28th Street SUB Board approved installation,water and electrical service to mobile home - work has already been done, 6-29-87 SUB called for inspection. 1. Mob'i I e home exi sti ng,2. acknowledged by City in 1983;3. mobile home used seasonally (summer) as distribution center for food. If services approved by City: f. in no way impljes mobile home to be used as res'idence2. electrical hookup for mechanical equipment only - outside the mob'ile home - equipment removed during the winter months3. water to be hooked up outsjde the mobile home - used for cleaning produce Use is pre-existing, non-conforming. 0ur approval of hookups will aid in abating a heal th and sani tat'ion probl em.