HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-06-192^25 -North hth stpeeappLrcArroN /pERtIrT SpringfteZd,, Oregon gZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 "R ESIL*NTtA[.. 3 SPFrINGFIELD Job Laeation: -Aeeessots Mao #o3 a,ner: Addtess veo9. N q.t Additicn Rer:toCeL Date of Apolieaticn lat Ia Desez.Lbe h'ot k: ,rfu tu-0/c_- n/o Sioned Co0'/l-trL VaLue DC -/ 7* .-ontracto?s Geaeral PLunbing Consimteticn Leruiet CALL 726-3769 (reeord.er,) state uour City desigr.a.ted job nu:,ber,job aiiress, t'4;e of irsoee=icn?"oit3s;ea ana uien you aiL ready for insp eetion, Cont?d ctct,s .r l1 vD-6 --- - --;p rane ni,ullD eT .Peques;s yecei;:ea 'oefcre ?:CC ct-LoL De nad.e the sane day,requesxs manie I.! is the. resconsibility of the permit hol-det t'.r_o^. _t!r" stteet, dnC tilat the pitmi.t eard is* 3 ui !,l.iq D.tu i c iot dDtyo u^ e d. ti.Zi i ii*"Z^"." to see that aLL insoections ate nade at the p?ope? ttne, that each ,zd,t-ess is rei)n;-.eLocateti at the itont of tl.e D?oDe?tuon the Eulld-Jnc Ji;e a: aLL' tines-" tt :oo 6Pope,pb TH 7:00 cn vLLL be maie the ncrt ycut, Cit! Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: nad.e t/zoI I l c'-r rr'-----7.tr. escarsation, but fcrme. To be nacie after priox, tc set uo of JJ',, I:.,.Ji': l UilD!.qSLA? F:L':31::G, ZL!C:PIC,,,I. AiECi) ;!ic;L: ioii-ffiei4ore anyr'tork is cotscyed. F1)T.tltc , {0U:\D,1TICN: ?o be ntaCe - afxe:- i"encncs are ezcauated and. forms ate erected, but ptior to pout>ang ccncrete. ullDERGpcu:tD paulnlli!, siltt,?, W.A?ER,DRA]:\AG::@- Lirq xrenckes. 1 ulrynrLocR pLu:sritG 4 tlECltAttrcAl: -) I'o be nace oricr to installaxion of floor insul,ctian or d.eeking. 1 Posr nto atnt: To be nade prtor to) i;ffiLi;c"-of !-Loot, insulaxion or decking.l l -J FINAL PLUU;BIIIG Y rmm MECHA:II1AL a rmar, ELEenrcAL I -'lI t,eauined oapor banie?s @e in o|a.eebat befcre atzy Lath, Wpsutn bcari onrnLL couerino is coolied, anl beforeoty insulation is eoncealed- DRYWALL INSPECIfCN: Ic be nadeafter aLL arguall is in place, but ptior to any taping. I'IAS)NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in aceordotee Lrith U.B.C. Section 1 rna:,:ruc: ttusx be requesteil. aften ) appr.ou"L of rough plttnbing, electti- cal & neclanical. ALl, roofiztg btaeing E chinmeys, etc. trust be . contpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetion lns--'been mole anC approoed. ROI.IGH PLURII]C, ELECTPICAL & I,IECH: NT9-AL: iio uork is to bc cov*e?edwztil these ittspections haoe been maie ard. approued. FI-D.EPLACE: h-Lor to plccirq fcc'ingmctenials arxl before franing inspee- tion. (t-lg-8 1< W))DST)YE: After installation i-s cctnpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After fortnsare erecteC but ptior to pourLng conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EWAI: Eor aLL con-.r,et.naufuATffi stneet right- of-uny, to be maCe after aLL erea- oating canplete & forn vsotk & sub- base naterial in place. IENCE: h4ren conplete -- PtouiCe gate6 o" notsable sections tht'ough P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, con-olet;on oi t'tte required Landscqirq, ete., tmtat be satisfied before the BUILDIilG FINAL canbe requesteC. FINAL BUfLDfNc: The Fina| Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, anC. Meclurieal Inspections heoe been nade ard approoeC- Scnilar1 seuer eqpei:t proper;g Lite Septic totk p:rced and fiLLeC tri.th g"ratei Pincl - h1ten abcoe -Ltens are ec:cleze: ct;ti uTen iettclltior is co::cLe=e or si:-nc- xuye nouei anc pterLses el'eanei u>. l.lcbile licnes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing eonneetians -- sane? d. uater Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloakin4, set-u:ari plwnbing eonneetions m;st be d???er*ec befoz, e requesting eLeclical inspee--iot Aeeessory BuilCing Pital - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. are conpleled. Page 1 of 2.ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOWS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAS?IIE\II TO BE I.IADE AT IIO CJST TO EI?Y L.CO d SOLAR ACCT^ S R EQ. JOB NO.h0 ho Eedroons Gtquu z cf Lct Ccoerage ! of StoYLes !opograPhY :TE:,! ICTAL VALUE _ Interict Col'ner Panhandle - Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This petmLt is gt'anted on the erpt'ess eondition tlnt the said-eonstrwetion shall, in azl t'espects,"';";;';;;i'"-lie ordirnnce edop-tec biv the i!:y-ll- si fi r"i f t"il, inel;dnn;' til \o"L"g crd'lnanc.e' r e a ulcti.ng t]:e c cns t ta :-!:-" :, ^-;; ;;" of Luildings, otd may be- suspende'7 or reuokeC at cra ti'me upon ulc- iotio, o1 ory pt'cttisions of said ot'dinances' S.D.C. 7.5 z Building Pendt lotal Clanges ^ :r: .Tesiier,tial (1 bcth) Se'ser State S'ttchavae Reeeipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall constt'uct, instalL, alter ot, clnnzge cny ne}_cr e:isting ithirfrq on drainage systein in uhole or in payt, unless sucn pet'son is the 'Legal {osses"oo o7'o ,s"olid. pLr-rbnt'ts Li-c-ens-e, eseePt tl"at c De?son o"'l 4?pL".itt"g uork to p?ope?t! ahich is ot;ned' Leased or operatea by the appli' cant. Aceess Lo t Faces - DT House lleat No"th South IWest x ValueSQ,. FTC PLan Cheek Fee Date Paid LU:UL e -4.--:;.4 Electricol Permit hrLtere State Lan reauires ti".at the eleetrical uork be done by an llectriecl Cont?actor, the eleexrt-ccl cottion af this petmit shall rcx ce uai.i untiL tite Label has been si.gnea b11 the Electrical Contrccto?- ;;;/Zzterui Ctrcuits '-;-'6+ u^^) 'e-nt For 'codsto;se 2ea?L tenance, :rmit sbeut !Ceualk f:J iVlechqnicql Permit Pennut fssucnce Mecitanical Permit -- Ei:CRCACHIIE!,IT -- t Ec@niner Tatal Chanocs r HAw cARgEULLy EYLMr-NED tre eompleted aopLication fon permit, and. dohereby certif_y that aLL info:mation hereon' is t?ue "ia oi""n"i"i'ooe. tfut,ther ee?tifs- that any ard aLL aork perforaed. shall be d.c:;_ ';.n ,,,=or_dance rrith the ordinancb.s of the city of bpringlteid, L"a la, Lru..s of thes_tate of 019oon pertainina to the uotk cescribLd hnnbr-n, cna tii*- No cccu- ::r:!.\_"rlL_ b; nyde of any strueture uithout pemnission 'oy tt n ziLtaLng O;_Dlslon. r lurther certify that otly cont"a3to,s a,;d enplcuees t]:o ar'e inconpliance Dith oRS z01.0is uiLL be used on this i"ij".'t -"-"" ' L tbile ltane b-11- Ia@I +J. UO o ..?AL A},!OU!I? DIJE:'ls uc Date Carade HoodctoDe