HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1985-08-16OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CI:trY OF SPH,I\TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 August 16, I9B5 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE D 746-9621 Mr. Tom Wirfs, President Cozy Homes 815 North 28th StreetSpringfield, OR 97478 Dear Mr. Wirfs: This office represents the City of Springfield Department ofPublic Works. Don lvloore, a staf f member in that department responsible for administering the Springfield Substantial Home Rehabilitation Loan Program, has informed this office that you are in default under that certain Construction Contract dated May 91 1985, Loan No. DPL-12-144. a copy of which is attached. The Notice to Proceed specified in Article 3 of the Construction Contract provided that "work shalI be completed on or before August 14, 19B5". It is our understanding that the work was in fact, not completed on August L4, 1985, and is as yet uncompleted. Please find enclosed for your information and review a handwritten list of 22 items prepared by Don l,loore indicating your failure to conform to the terms of the contract. P1ease be informed that the City will be making a decision as to whether to seek damages in the event of your default. Part of the consideration of that decision wiJ.l be how quickly you complete the contract and respond to the 22 matters set forth j-n Don l{oorers letter. The City will also consider whether it may be appropriate to take action with the intent of removing your name from the list of eligible contractors for future work. you are encouraged to complete this contract in an expeditious and workmanlike manner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY J oro* ) L**.1 Joseph J. Leahy JJL:bkh ,{), r-'-, ) / ; , ,- - ) ',' ,-l' ,, // //r'i' /. 4 f,6-nO Lt// )f t t.< r{ 9, f4.sts'r 7k/,;r e a*tLll/c/ar ir/a;rI J. P:,',T1J<STY'/ 11t-4:? (t''-f\ 4, cAo'r po /,1. ,, J ,u i'''t. ."' J: ,' )? 70 /i, /- 3 1/ 57-, 5, NA /L Fr1t:w.J -- t'ih!;ills F*ry /344a0,a ,lrarh LN.q) i. , ,/HL,J.: / ,,rE )D\o /Jf),(/t\,,t i ft76#E'J' 1, Stt)ttrl C/,tt)[/ -f7rrt A p/')' /'/)Z' I S'l-D't! L)4 ' 12, frt)1511 /t'tl-J & Fxa|f (c.w':\1t''i'1; //uT'W'"trL* ''). i)lu,t-tJy'ttt/l )!of "ltJtA/(':') ; baaoyta4p i irz"^"tY*"o To 3v'e7- /0 , fotcrl F7 f' 3/ot'/4 t? 'i'Gt< zfr-t+ I 1,,' rtQl tl/ill al sD/rzAVD,,.' Q. 4'eaudb/od? k"*'4"('r''r) )t-, S,+D, r€)itt boa i'Ln'D<nL) 67/0td *T Bz7+ -'t "t-;* / /3 , f tD)sl ,2lu?7 0p tJ, S/0/t'4 -'lttTtt/4,/< . tr"'<' cnT 1J, Ptcoouv4 'f ,1, r't-4/e - /f, ,#i6 u)n,?( 5rt4.ttt35 ,7;i44vF) 'L4u-)t) JflO+, QAru t'+///bt) ){r, g7.,, /t"r 44<*6eftaae l}dnb t7,0,4, CzoJCE A.O (r<lttDl t1;'/rd.d 5;,<:/,(f, r/h), ( @Y--) 7 DASIG< lrzDa -tt/, (;asrrtZT /t-/€ /1 frursg lnof lDn uD)tn> fr4uzcl c prr:, Kir647-'+ UfL l</)oPt DeeOd @ ttfrv- A'/27 yLE 4l.sir:'y,*.) /oV{'z /Dg 7"'tlr+;'*tt 4>a7r /rfr !<- RzWP ,{aal i /alf ttit-)f0 (tr,,*'f ,:7?z/z?ct5 6f aw'r) ,(A4 tld *T- a'<c'* a'-|/z'ilce / lu',:- !frii: -:.i )r, l?, 7D, L/, zz. 'i\'- ::.- ir-., H_:i. ia r i-'..-- a::1 .-;. g-:-' t.: '. ' Fr:-- .:l:1.n.-. E,^:t Fu ': ti?F- L:j:r-. frweE5r SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning Department AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, I, Lorne Pleger, being first duly sworn, do heresay that I am a competent person over the ageresident of the State of 0regon, and not a attorney in the hereinafter mentioned matter. I 885- 1 985 Sprinqlield Centennial year di spose and 18 years, arty to or an l ) ss. by of pa I do further state that I served the original of the attachedletter dated August 16, 1985, addressed to Tom [,lirfs, Pres'ident,815 North 28th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, from Joe Leahy, 0ffice of the City Attorney, upon by delivering to him sa'id letter personaily ancl in person tn-TFe 19th day of August, 1985, at Springfield, Lane County, 0regon. Lorne PIeger, Plans Examiner SUBSCRIBED AND SW0RN to me thjs 19th day of August, 1985. Sid Hammond NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission expires: #47 9 225 North sth Street o Sprins{ield, Oresor, 974'17 . 5O3/'126-3705