HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-06-03#" [E;t;P;#]]hl" 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 W 4ia 00il' s.ts^"a, //d,rvw cate: 6 -- 4- X L- SPfIINGF!ELD ** rob r.ocaticn, ltq /u 2aY sr Ia Iot #Ll'Od7-A.eoeasore Map # Subdiuision: &.,1 o4(,8 Orten otu Er^/-ACLmez,: Q-,--r-^ r- 0 E zip: 4lqOtCitg: 0 Descz+be h'otk:a Nzt)/1/ 3 qhDate of App Lication 5 l, - 8z vou" & ldditicn PemoCeL General b<.tl-7. is PLumbing 9Leetri.cal l4eclwr:iccL DEI,NLNIO!] OR .',!CWi BUILDI1;CS Sotituy se;er capped ct ?roperti Line Septic tank pr,nped and, filled uith gza:;el linal - i'lhen abcte itens are ccnaleteC and uhen Cenclt'.ion is cotnplete o" stru3- tuz,e nooeC ad. prerLaes cleaned. up. MobiLe Blocking otd Seb-up Phnbing connectiotts -- sane? orC oater Elech.ical Cotneetion - Blocking, set-ut and. plunbing connections m;st be dpptcuec, before "equeltang eleclrteal inspecliot: Aeceesory BuiLCTn4 Piral - Aftez, pcrches, skirtin4, decks, etc. are cryleleti. tt ia the respono'ibility of thc permit hoAe" to aee tllat all iwpectiotla @a nad.e at lhe proper tine, that each ,zd.dtees is rensabie 1-ron the atreet, aid thc.t the p*nrtt catd ia l,.xated. at the fzont of the propetat.*3uildirg h)uicion approt;ed pibt sitcll rqnain on thz Bualdang Site Zt aL7.' tihes.' P11C9DAPE F1R INSPECff2I| R1QaEST.'CALL726-3769 (tecotder) state AolE City designated job nzr,ber, job alitess, type of inspeclicn requested and, ahen gou urill be readg for ittspection, Cottractcrs ot,1umers rwne ad phone numbet. Pequests receixed befcre 7:00 ,t:ttiLL be rade the eane dcg, ?eqrceta nad.e aftet ?:00 on trill be nade the neot."tcrking day. Constmrglior-lenCer SI?E INSPEC|I0N: ?o be after*cA;E;;;-tut prLar tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELqq:R!CAL ,Twcii.ltci@nawrk is eottered, ECOTING & FOUIIDATICN: ?o be tmCe M tr,ffies .at,e $caaied and fatns are erected, but prtor to pottting ecncrete. UND.RCROUIID PLUMgING, SYIER,'iATgR. DRAfIIAGE: To be nad.e prior to fil-Lirq trenehes. UI|DEREL11R PLUMBI.\G & I,|EC\LANICAL :@o7floor insulation or decking. POST AND E\AM: To be nol.e priot, to ffiof f"oot, insul)tion or &ckinq. P,OUCH PLU,!BI!|G, ILTCIRTCAL & :IECq- ANICAL: No uork is to be couey,edw:til thesp- iicsoections itaoe- beer. mad.e ad opporrZC. EIPEPLACE: Pz.Lor to pkeirq faeingnaterLats atd. before framnq inepec-tion- FP-AI.IING: thtst be reouesteC aftet approuel of rough plunbing, eleetn)-cal & necltsrieal. ALL roofing bracing I chirmegs, etc. trust be contpleted. llo uscrk is to be con- cecled unti.L this inspection ius been nad.e anC appro"-ed. FINAL PLUI,IBING PIIIAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL You? City Desigrated iob llwnber fs R LO58L IIEIIA! I0! 1y4p9| BARRTER rtsPtclloN : To be rmde after aLL insulaticn e.d, tequired oqor boriers @e in pla.ce b'ut before ory Lath, ggpsunl bcatC or tnLL coueving is applied, attd. before otg ir*ul,ation is concealed. DRYIIALL LNSPICZf)N: Tc be nade -.. aftet aLL aryuall ie in p7,ace, but prior to cny tapinq. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or uetticaLs in aceordarce ,./Lth U.B.C. Section 2415. l,l00DST0t/E: After iretallation ie atttpleted. T I I aftDo 9 ADDDdiau,tDDa^r. se ez,ecteC but oz.ior Afte:, fornsto potring concrete. SfDgmALK & DRT'"WAY: Fcr aLL can- c"ete @Atffi street rigizt- of-,.ea, +-o be naCe after all- esca- uating canplete & font ,,nrk & sub- base material in plaee, II il *ALL I{ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,IADE IT lIO :'ST TC CTry IENCE: hrhen conplete -- fuouiCe gates o? notsable eections tl*ough DilS ALL pnoieet coruiitions, such as the tnstallatt)on oi saz,eet tz,ees, ecnpletion of tie required Landscqitg' etc. ' tn8t be aati,sfied before the NfLDntG lfltAL can be requesteC. fiNAL BATLDING: The Ei.nal Buildin4 Inspection rmtst be requestei aflez. the Final PlunbingElectrical, od Meclnrical fnspeetians llaue been made url'acproueC. PaEe 1 of 2 T JOB NO. ,qEL soLAR/ .EssREe.-r--co #'t Bedtoons: Lot Faces - ileat Df House Access. bt Sq. ?tg. I cf Lct Cooetage # of Stortes ?otal \eight ?opogrqhg _ fntentot _ Cormer _ Pothandle Cul-de-sac x Va TOIAL VALUE b.u.L. 1.t I Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the eq"ess eondition tlnt the said constrtction sLwLL, in all z,espects, conform to the Crdinatice adopte,i. ply the Cit:.y ofSptin4;'ield, tncktding the Zoning Crdirumce, regulctina the ecnstr.tcticn end. use of buiLditt4s, and nay be suaoeruied. cr reuokei at eny tine upon uic- Lation of any prcoiaions of said Ordir,ances. Euilding PemrLt ?otal Clargea State aei ba? Pistutes Resi-denti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No person slnll conafuatct, inatal!, altet ot chot4e an! nea cr esistingglwbing cr dtainage sgsta"n inlhole or in pott, unless such person ts tle L9gal possessor of a ualid plwbet's license, escept that a petson na,g do plw,tbing aork to ptope?t! uhich is ouned, Leased or operated bg the qpli- cant. Pltnbtng Penrit State Suzel^ange NailEztend. Circuits Sertsice Electricol Permit l,llpre State Lan requires tha,t the electttcal uork be done by an Eleea,icalConttacto", the electrLeal pottion of lhis peznit ehall not be oal-|l. untitthe Label has been signed by the Electrical Contrector. State ?otal F3E f tt,1 Dtt bltatat HooC 'lcodstote Mechqnicql Permit Pennit fssuance Meclwnicel Pertrrut _ ENCRCACSMffi? -- Painit Sil.a,talk TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: * n-+^ D-:5. Receipt #: ?Lan Zsan[net,uate I HAW CAREFULLy SXAMIN1D the eonpleted applr.cation for pernit, and. da hereby cettify that aLL information hereon is true qnC correct, ai I f4tthe" eerlifg that cng ard aLL tsork perforned alall be dcne in aceot- dcnee rrith rhe 1rdincnces of the city of springfieT-d, arui the Lcas of the State of Oz,egon pertaining to the ao"k Cescribed herein, end tlut N0 )CCA- PANCy ,,rLLL be rmd.e of dtA stractu"e uritiaut pet*isaion of the Bui,tding Dt--tision. I fuz,ther cettifg titct o:zly cont?acto?s ad anplcgees uho ,*b in canpliance uith 1RS 701.055 aiLL be used on this pt,oject '"! f U..L2 G- 3- 8z Mobile Hone Z ITSM i{cte:p ?otal CVnroee Vqnt Ea State Sweitoae ?otal Choac,s Storaqe Metatetance- !ence 4? na LLeCttfuCAL LabeL &t( nd I SPRINGFIELD CTTY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753a BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION APPLICANT:H rd Harris DATE: 6 -22-82 ADDRESS: 729 N. 26th Street - CASE NO: 82-13 VARIANCE REQUEST: fence heiqht requirenlent CITY REFERENCE: 14.06 A.2 Sprinqfield Zoninq Code STATE REFERENCE: TI/A - At the Board of Appeals meeting held on of Appeals rendered the following decis variance request: 6-82 ion rega go DENIED , the Board erencedove re FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) Since adjoinjng property driVgYayS=9:.^lo. take access from 26th Place, there i is not a"vision ttearance prob'lem involved. 2)TherequestjssimilartoothersapprovedbytheBoard. 3)TheBoardfoundtherequesttopresentuniqueandunusualcjrcumstances. xx APPROVED SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None CHAIRI'(AN,OARD APP