HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-02.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT,_IV /PERILI?225 North |th Stz,eet SprLngfield, 1r,egon gZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D- you" City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs: Io be nade a DRY\IALL fIISPEC?r)N: ?c be made;Fa-Af@tfts in ptace, but ptioz, to cnA taping. ILAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gz.outing or uerticals in accotdotee LlLth U.B.C. Section 241E. VOODSTO',/E: enaTAA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON: After formsoe erecteC but prion to pourLn4 coflc?ete. SIDEHALI< & DRf'\"EllAI: For aLL con-A"et;nau@Aiffi street right-of-teg, to be naCe after aLL ezea- oating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base rnatertal in place. Reeei tl 5 General Pluinb Su erv l-n Elec t::c 1an Date: 26-376 9 (recoydez,) state yout City desigrated job rutnber, after 7:00 on trLLL be nnde Itone numbey. day. l-res I-t ie the rcaponaibility o! the permi.t totdepf"ot, the street, and that the permit eatd. ia*Building Ditticion appro"*ed pLan sVnLl remain ' to eee that aLL insoectiow ate nade at the ptoper time, that ecch ad.bess is t,eaCahieln"!:d 1t .!h-e ftoni of the propet ty. - - - on the tuLLding Site at aLL tines. PROCEDUP .q FO4 INSPEC?I1N RIQBS?'.CALL 7tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready forliLL be nade the sane dcy, requests-mZde inspection, Contractcrs o?Anneis yre gfd p tne nc$t'no"klng iob aCdz'ess, type Requests yeceixed of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 6.tt 34oor/5 SI?g INSPEC?TON: e.xcaoation, but ' ?o be made afterp?io" tc set up of oR !.:owD urlwRSLAB PLUr4BrNc, ELECTRTCAL & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be nade befoieZng tsot,k ia couered. requ'lred oapor buriets @e in plaeebut before any lath, Wpslln bca.rC ot, unLL couering is appli.ed, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed- forne. P0OTIN} & F0UNDAIICN: ?o be tmdeafr ;;A enc hGea c au at e d and forns are etected, but prior topouring ecncrete. UNDERGROUTID PLUMETNG, SSWER, T,I,4TER, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be naCe prior to fil-Lirg trenches. UTIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I|ECIIANICAL: ?o be mad.e prioy to installation of flooz, insu1,ation or decking. PPEL1|NL BEAI4: ?o be nade priot, toffiii|ffiTof floor insulLtion ot, decking. ROUGH PLAEIIIG, ELEC?RICAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be couez,ed -.- ur.til these inspeetiot:s haue been nad.e and approoed.. Ff.o.EPLACE: PtLor to olceira facinonat;A;G and before Traning .tn"pnl- tion. FRAjlItlC: t4ust be tequested after @fro,tat of rough plwrbing, eiectri- eal & neelwnieal. ALL roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be conrpleted. llo ucnk is to be con- . eealed unttl this tnspection lns'been nad.e anC appro"-ed. FIIIAL PLUUAIilG PIIIAL IIECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL h4ten conplete -- ProoiCe or notsable sectians thtoughw?Titit. gatG P.U.E. - --- ALL projeet eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of st"eet trees, conoletion of tie required Landsceping, ete., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDIN1 FfNAL ean be reqtested. aX FINAL BaILDINC: The Final Building fnepection nilBt be requested after the Fi.nal Plumbing Y_/ Electrtcal, otd. Meclnni.cal rnspections ltqve been nade atd approtseC. Job Loeaticn: Map # 11037 IAesessone eo/?cz Iot #i Otmet,: Add?ess:I ehone, J'Y)A 1- Descz,ibe hlotk: Date of App Value-2r/ Addition RenoCel t1)Zrytra EJ,ectr Sanitarg seaet eapsped at proper,4i Lir:e Septic tank p"otped and filled vith gra;sel linal - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnwleted and uhen Canolition is complete'or sttuc-ture moted and. pretnises cleaneC up. Ecmes Plunbing connecti.ons -- aaie? otd uater Eleettical Canneetion - Bloeking, set-uD and plutnbing conneetions m;st be cpprcued before requesting eleetrlcal inspeeliol, Aecessozn; BuilCing Piral - After pcrckes, skirting, decT<s, etc. a?e eompleted. Bloeking otd Set-up +ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{ENT TO BE I'LADE 1,T IIO CCST TO CITY Page 1 l T I Tr SOLAR ACCESS R EQ.-L-COdJOB NO. Access.DT ks House No"th East South tlest % of Lct Cooerage BeCroons: Lot Faces - Grot, Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac LOT TYPE _ Interiot Cormer VaxFTGI?EM I --oZ. lilain TOTAL VALUE DES.D.C. 1.5 t I2?.ro Date Paid:l,rl B Stgned:30.?8 Building Volue & Permit rhis pernrtt-i" sro,tnf,on the erp*esi ^""5t;1:"t'f,03o!r2"rZX'1nZ'Z"oi7Z!1"" #l:a,,;:rzi'uiz:rffix:,;' ,i7"rf,#,!n",iTo"3"T"::';"s"12'iii ,tnL cc-11.i"cttbn ' and use of buildirts.s'.';;^;";.:: *'iL'"a"aL" ieuokec at cnv t't'me upon otc- Tati.on of *y prctttsions of sai'd 1vdir'nnces' Building Pemtit Iotal Clargea State CHARGENO,FEE Fistutes Resilenti.al (1 bath) Seuet'ccnt. Plunbi.ng Pernit State ITELI LL,oLya1 0t'€-Nart/Eotend Citcuits Seroice LZ.SO /, /3 b3 Electricol Permit t,lhereStateLarequirestlnttheeleetricaluolkbedoneby'anEleetrical contraetor', the eleeti'"coi:f,ootion of thi's -peiii shall 'oi be oalid until i;; 1;;;L''t-"'L""" sisned tv ttte Electv'i'cal contracto!' Iotal NC.FEE ? bhant lloo,7 VeTLt Eor I'lcodstooe * Mechqnicol Permit PermLt Issudlee Meelwnicel Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT .- Penrtt Cutbcut Sida,talk {^ksrr _Lo Mobile Hone I IIAW CAREFULLL EXAI,IINED the eompleted appli,eation for pennit, and. do herebu certify that all-lnforTnati.on het'eoi is true and' eorrect' cnC I f""tiL" eertiiy that any i"d ott uotk pez,fotned stnLl be done in aceot' 'datn.e- tLth tie" Ordinenc"es of the City of SprLngfield, and the Lr;s of the Si,"tL ,f Oregon pertaining to the uotk Ceseribed herein, end tlat No ocCU- iiiil ,hi L'n *2n of any'struetute uithout pernissi-on of the Euilding Di- tttieion. I futther in"iLlly that only eon-tractors and mplcgees uko ate in eonpliance aith oRS 701.-055 ui-LL be used on this pnoject TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *# sq.g l Date fnfdte Accesso?u 'l_!_?