HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1985-08-20Reeei t# ,bfiNAPPLTCATION /PERI,TIT 225 Nov,th Sth Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Bu1, LA-ng D't u1,gLon 726-37 53 .. RESJENTIAL..SPRINGFTELD //7-t/Job Ipcaticn:E*i r* u /7 Os 3 FNTc,t Iat # fiibdioision: Omer: 7'7osAddress:Phoile zip:ci Descz4be llotk:t-<NeD n Value JS0Date of /rc- tt /aoda" Additian RemoCel Page 1 of 2 ID Date: X- >O FC- Genetal rLA.J t4echan:ieal It ia tlta nesponaibility of tle penrit hotd* to aee that all inspectiot'ts ee nade at lle ptoper tine, that each add,ress is ?e4Cabie fi.an the atteet, atd tlwt the p*rit cati ia Located at the ftont of the Wope"tA.*BuiUing Noiciot approted plat shc.Ll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL- tines. PR)CEDUPE FoR LNSPECTI)N R\?UEST.'CALL726-3769(recorder) stateyour City desigrnted job nttnber,, job aCiress, type of inspeeticn requea*d ard uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Conttacto?s o! 1tmets ttctne end plnne nwber. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 o:t ;.il,L be rade the sane day, ?equests nade after ?:00 otr urill be nade the neat;,nrkirg dag. you" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet, fs:K7)8aq Reouir c,rl Tn so aeti cns SI?E INSPECTION e-;aoatlon,Tut ?o be nade aftet pr"iar tc set up of fonne. ANDERSLAB P!,UWINE E!,EC?RICAL &Wns t'tor.k ie cooeted. PO1?ING & FOUNDA?ICN: 7o be naCe @Affies ate qcaoated and. fotms ote ez,ected, but prior to potoittg ccncret€. UNDSRGROUND PLUMEING. SEWER,'/ATER, 084!!4gE: To be rade priot, to fil- @-6dnchee. AUDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECI]ANTCAL : o7 floor insulation oz. decking. PpE! 4!p FE4!4: Io be made priot toffiliTdGn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLI]IIBING. ELECIRTCAL & I,IECE: ANICAL: No uork is to be couet'ed ffiiTthese inspections lnoe been matie ard. approrsed.. Ef,DEPLACE: PrLor f,o placirg faeingnater.tale and before franirq inepee- tion. FWITNG: Itust be requested aftet' approoal of rough plwrbing, electrt- a.L & neclwnical. ALL roofing btacLng 8 chinmegs, etc. tmtst be : eonpleted. llo uctk is to be con- ' cealed until this inspeetlon lns'been mod,e anC apptotted. TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPLCIION To be made after aLL insulaticn e".d tequired oapot' borievs @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsutn boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECITON: ?c be nade aftet dT@itTts in ptace, but priot to any taping. I4ASONRY: Steel Location, bonddffijgz,outing or oerticals in accordotce tLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTO\/E: @mpCt;A. After irrctallation is CIIRB & 4lPR0.4eH 4?!QN: After fonnsa,e erect;A-Gnnot, to poumng coneyete. STDWALK & DRfIryt{AY: For aLL con-c"A;nd@frffi st?eet risht- ef-txA, to be made after aLL e*ca- oating conplete & form utotk & sub- base nntet"tal in pl.ace. OR BU- Sanituy seaer capped at W,oper4i Li-re Septic totk y"t'trped and. filled rrith gra:sel Pinal - I{hen obcue itens are ccrnpleted and uhen CarcLition is conrptete o" strac- tuz,e motteC otd g.enrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking o'd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- s€ue! @d. Dater Eleetrical Cc,nneetion - Bloekirtg, eet-up anl plwnbing eonneetions trust be apprct;ed before requesting electrLcal inspection Accessorg Buildnng Pina_L - After pcrehes, skitting, decks, et' ce eornpleted. FflAL PLUAAING PTNAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL IENCE: hlhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates or norsable sections thtough P.A.E. AIL projeet eonditions, such as tlte i.nstaLlation of street trees, conpletion of the tequined Landscaping, etc., nust be satisfied befote the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested. ?INAL BUILDING: The tinal Bui.Lding. fnspection nuet be requested after the linal PlunbingElectrtcal, od Meelnrical fnspections haoe been nade atd- approtsed.o *ALL ttANItcLES AND cLEANouTS MUS? BE AccESgrBLE, ADJUSTttEnt ?o BE rL4Ds /r? ilo ccsr ro crry Conslructioa_Lender //il"UUCL T tr JOB No.g^D soLAR ACC'-S REQ.-dL-CO BeCtoons Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Corserage LO? ?WE _ Interict _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac tpt Faces - lleat # of Stories ?otal Hei,ght ?opogrqhy DT House toxe I?EM FTG x Value Building Volue & Permir This permLt is granted on the erp?ess condition ttat the said eonstructions^ltall, in-a-ll -res-pe_e.ts, gonfonn to the hdinance adoptea 6iy the Ci,ty ofspringfield, includrng the zoning crdinance, regulating thb ccnstrabticn and .use o-f buildings,. urd may be suspen.ded or rZuokeC Zt "rg time upon uic-Lation of anA prcuisions of said 2rdirances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 d Building Penrtt State Date Paid Total Chatges N0.ILL CHARGE Fi.ctutes Plumbing Permit Nq person slnll eonsfuaet, instaLl., alter or cltange anA neu cr existing qlwnb-ing or dtainage sAsten in uhole or in pott, inlesL such pez,son is theLegal.possessor of a oalid plunbet,,s Lieensb, e.ccept that a pZrsonnay doplutnbing work to p"ope?ty uhieh is ortued, Leased or opetated q tf.e oppli-cant. Resil.ential (L bath) Seuer Plumbing Penrit Electricql Permit wlere state Lan requires tha.t the eleetrieal uork be done by an Eleetz,iealContractot,, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not- be oaliL untilthe Label lws been signed by the Electtical Contracto?. Iotal -. ENCROA FEE * NC PEE C!lARCE * Mechqnicol Permit Nal/Eeterd Ci,rcuits ?anporeg Sez,uice kharct HooC IJcodstote Vettt Fot PenrLt fssuanee Meelwnieal Pennit Securtty Deposit Storage l'fuintenance P*fttt -- Clsbcut Sida,talk Penee /f,.so Electrical la.bel Mobile Hqte Reeeipt #: Signed PLcn E&@nine?uate ?otaL f IIAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the eonpleted application fot pernit, and dolereby certify tltat aLL ilfonnati.on hereon is tmte and ebz,reet, cnC f further eertify that any ard aLL uork petforned slnll be done il accot- dance trlth the 2rdinances of the Citg of SprLngfield, and the Las of theState of )regon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, and tlnt NO OCCA- PANCY tfLll be nade of anA stzactw,e uithout permission of the Buit,ding Di,-uision. f further eertify that otly cont?actoys acd. azplcgees uho arb in eanpliance uith ORS 701.0s5 uiLL be used on this ptoject P.:D-Ai TOTAL AI4OUNT DUE: */tr.@ Date hrndce BTU'S State &ttchcrae ?ata1 llharaaa