HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-11/ \ lll ltrorfi tth ,fpringfr.'e /d, 2nEo, g74ZZ fut'ldiry ilul)sa'oFt 7 26-37 53 ,/ Date: "rob Iocation: Tas lot ilAeaeaaors Map il Subdiuiston: Phone: Descr"ibe Ltork: Date of APPLica ti Value L LL Additian A.mer: Address ]eneral r lurnbi nica ectrica Sanitary sasen eapped at propetty Line Septic totk y,nped at:d filled uith gra;sel pinal - lilten abcue itqns ate eanplete.d oiiuhnn Ces.plition ie cotplete- or struc- lin-ior"a and ptemLeee cleanec up' Blocking otd Set-uP Plunbittg connectione -- saier od' ualer Electrical Connection - Blocking' get-up, Zi\rrmt"g conneettona nust be app?oted tift " requZattng eleclrical inspec:i'ott Accessorr5 Buildittg Pi.nal ' After pctchea, ekirting' decks' etc. are comPleted' forma. \N1ERSLAB PLUMBryc, EL.Eqnr-cAL e IfiEcHnllICAI; To be nnde before anY Lnrk is covered. FlOTING '! FQUNDATI1N: To be trade 7i7fr6di{ore etcattated attd-io*, *" erected, but Prior to pourtng ccncreta. 1ath, qYPel,on board or is applied, and before , is concealed. To be after pt"ior to set uP of to To nade requited oaPor but before aY Dd 7 coue?Lng aty insulation a LCn batriere ore LN P l.ace L tr ww;y"1:,r":"but Pt'ior to cnY taPlng' MASONRI: Steel Locati'on, b.ond fffi7q*outing or verti'cala in""ZZiiaion vitit u'B'c' section 2415. 8,r - i";; ineul)a)on or decking' WOODSTOVE:@4.After inetallation is W W,r?,,zx*;arrz;i", deckittg' #*##f,#',"oblii.'{8*" cotorete. LIDEI'|ALK & DRIVEWAI: Fon aLL con- #. t;iins-AtQn atreet ,isht- \'in?:niz#i"fi\:"i*x!r';::"1' base -naterial in Plnce' PENCE: hhen comPlete -- PtooiCe'ff"; "r'';;;aili sectione through P,U.E, ffiH,* ";*ffiffta *ro"" inspections haue been nade and aPPt'oued" FIPEPLAIE; PrLor to Placirq facing #ffiTti ""a ai1ore'franing inePec- tion. FRATING: l'tusb be requea.ted after "";6ffiL of rough plw'bing' .eLect"L- Tt'1-inotk"icai. ' ALL roofirq. ;;"ri a ehinmeYe,- etc' rntet be T.,*titoa. No wrk ie to be cott- ,"*[ia- i"ttl thi'a inePec?ion hae 'aZi ia" anc aPPtooed' TIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Pege 1 of 2 |AT,L MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS I/IUST BE ACCESSTBLfr'AD,IUSTITENI TO BE ILADE AT NO COST TO CIIY [boid..r*io& tr w L JOB No Total f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAI|INED the canpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infortnation hereon- ie trwe ard. cbruect, ani ffurther.certify that any ard aLL uotk penforned atnll be done in accor- danee urtth the Ordinanaee of the City of Springfield, and thc laae of thaState of Oregcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribcd herein, end ttldt ilO OCCU- PANCy uill b-e nnCe of any etructuT,e uithout permission of the Building Di-uiaion. I further centifr- that only contrac'tor,B and enplcyeea uho arb ineanpliance uith ORS ?0l.1Ss uiLL be ueed on thie projec-b ESS REQ.- so LAR A Lab Sq. r vs' Lob Cooera?aucf Lat TYPE InLeti'ot * of Storles roLal $eL|ht aopogtaPhA Cotnef tafiatdle CuL'de'soc ToLue TOTAI, VAI'UE S,D,C. 7,5 X P€a Date Pai-d7t il: .2v Sigted:, Building Pend,t fotal Cln"geg State FEE CHARGE €aEi,sturee Residential (1 bath) Seuer e No Der,SOn cl?/!ll construct, inetall, alter or cttange cny nc'd.cr esisting ';i,;,;1i;",",';;"i,ZiZ-',iit",'ii-in"i' ar in part' -unlesi auch petson is the Lesal poseessor of " r:"1;;"pi:;Lu'1i1i"i""L' ex'cept that a -pe?son nav do plmbtng work to prrpnf,tl'intf,n-i" i""'a, Leased or operated by the appli'- cant. * Plumbing P erm it Ptunbing Pernit State Swch,ange N0. €ZIteu/Ertend Circuite Serttice Electrico I Perm it hhere State La,t requiree tlat the eLectrical, uork be done by an Electrical contractor, t;he electrical portion of this permit ehall not be ualic until the Label has been tigned by the Electttcal Contractor' State lotal CIIARCE hhanet lloo,C. Vent F@t llcodstoue + --E- Mechqnicol Permit Petmit Issudnce Meehanical Pemrit -- EilCR0ACIIMENT -- t Permit Curbcut Sideaalk Pence L .2D Mobile llane "trAr, AilouilT ND. I zze.=/ a Date l I * C'TY OF OFEGO'V DEVELOPMENTSEPY'CES PUBLIC }YORKS M ET R O P O LI TA N WAST EWN ER M A N AG E M ENT June 28, 1990 Hr. and Hrs. Douglas llolph 405 North 26th Street Springfield, 0regon 9747 Dear Mr. and Mrs. llo1ph: Your request for an extehsion vhich vas received on June 21r 1990 for your permits at 405 North 26th Street, Sprlngfield, 0regon, Clty Job Number 890792, has been revieved and approved. This approval may only be granted one time and vill expire 180 days from the date of the granting of this extension (December 28r 1990). If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, ( Lisa Hopper Building Technician cc:Dave Puent, Building 0fficial 225 FIFTH SIREEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-3753 Ih senlxcrtelo =-__a_-j-#at---. V \/"v 'r v _tI/ q\qD \0'r' E hn,e.- Dwr---r" qf eLr-)crnl -Lom€@ *TD Ce#e a),n-€ yIZn-S)m- - o4- upIac.--Jg-a@ 3s- :f,>r- :- -J-" g\ns + Qn-/,r\e.1'c.. c;ar-e\ Qr',{__--N__r } b2- Sz- - ---SAr, n g+ "-r .t i, o f ? ' 9lln - 2qk-/a-?gq -- Jor + 8?O rna *fh o^( lpu {