HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-02-27.. RESIAENTIAL.. C1MBINATI)N PLICATI)NIPEPI,IU 225 ltotth lth Stneet SpringftelC, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-3? 53 SPRINGFIETD subdittsiotn: -DOur.,l n\ 6ar'"lnu-,5 I Z5o'z Ics Int # n Avn s 6v)Asncn: trarees: Ll 55 D Fnqyttllih BJd,**,7 qb -t{t bz- Deecribe l,!ork: l/&- Data of App Licatio'tt 1)<a S-F Po L-J5al votu" bt lddition RenoCeL Date: tl Ceneral u1 -l \ !ry\a,^ Superv i s'i nq' El ectri c i an It ie lhe rcdponaibility of tle permit loder to eee tlat aLL itapectionn are rnd.e at the propet tine, that ecch cddresa te rec:iab1,e fran tha atreet, and trlr,t the peyrit catd, ia Located at the frcnt of tle propetty.-t1uiltli:q Diuicion approxed plhn statl renain on tto Buitl;,ri Sit"'at aLL' tihee.- P\OCSDU!,E FOR INSWCIRON RiQUES?: CanT?6-1769 bccotd*) atate your City deeiglated, job numbet, job ailreee, type of inspecticn @eadyfoninspactian,con*acii,o|na*,,-,-,,"bipt."i-",,*o..-Pequeeter.Le;i:."dbZ7ae.?:00c,l -*iLL be nad.e thc aane dcy, requesto ncde aftct ?:00 ott viLl be rude the ncst lur.rkittg- day. cltl 0 !73 -ieaivd--Ltsn*ticns Ior.r City Daaigruted Job Nunbei, Io: t Sanilatl ea.tct cci:oei =t p:opettg 'Lino Septic totk p:,;ttrped a:u. filied, ilh gra;tel Pitu.L -,l,then abcve i;eas are caapleted ozd uhen Carciitton ia cutclete or stl"uc- ture nooed aJ prartaea clZanei up. Hcnes Blocking atd Set-up Plutnbitrg connecticns -- oa)err d, uaier Electriect Ccdnection - Blockirg, aet-uo and pl,unbitrg connecticns nuat ic approced befotc requeating elcc=rical ir.apeclion Acceeeory BuiWittg ccrchee, skirting, decks, lated. Ftnal - After etc. are canp SnS INSPEC|I1N: lo be nade after eaaaoation. but prtcr tc aet up of forma. -( uNoERStffiaNI. \ Llrr( La cooetecl. FC1TINC t FOANDA?IC\|: lo be nad,eifffireno@eacdoated and forne ote erectcd, but priot to pourtng ccnc?eta. UIIDEPFWOR PLUT!9IilG I, I.IECIIANICAL:@o7 floor inauktion or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be tmde prior to TGI -alTEfrfi o f ftoor i ns u iaiior, ot decking, itapections haoe been nade and, approueC. FIPEPLACE:;;tefrA; tion. FIIIAL PLUUAINA, PINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL EIfr,CIRICAL INSULATION/V$P)R BARRITR IilSPECTIoN: lo be tade after aLL i,nsulcttba ad taquirad uqot b*:l,iel. ae in pl.a,ce but befcre ory lath, lyp*un boatd or tnLL overing ie qplied, atd before ary iruul,atbn ie conceal,ed. donywu,t iltsPECTroN: tc be np.d.e lXl;f@ia in pta.ce,Tbut ptior to cny taping. \LA-QIBY: Steel Location, bond Wgrpuling or uerticcls in accotdanoe \ttth A,B,C. Section 2415. UOODSTOVE: anpLeted, After installation ie CURB 8 APPRCACTI APPON: are etacteC but prior After fornsu ponrtng kbr b pkcirq ard, before fradng fecing inepec- eonctete. SIDEUALK 8 CRIWJAI: Eot all con- crete pauittg tlithin etreat right- of-tEg, to. bc na,Ce aftet all exca- vating carplete & fom wrk & cub- fuse npterial in place. . : hrhen ccnplete -- fuouiCe gatee ot nouable eectians thratgh P.U, E. 17 _Ulrg, tthrt be requccted, aftetlr Air"r^L of rough plwrhing, e'Lectri-t ' aL 8 neclanical. Alt toofing bracitq ! ohinncya, etc. ,ruat be conpletod. No wrk ia to be con- cecled until thio inapecttcn laa, been rude anC apprcued. AtL proiect eondittbne, such ae tlu inatallation of street trees, cc::rol.ttion of ;io required latdsccpirg, eto., nuat be aatiefiad bofone tta BMIDIii1 FIiIAL:an 5e raqueatad. )a( FIil.AL BUILDINC: The Final Euilding Inepeotion mtec ba rccpteateC after lhe Final ?Lunbing XfX\ Eleottical, anC llecltutical Inepectiona lauo bee'n mde atd approvad. x. ,ALL tt NI\CLES AilD CLENCUTS 'tASt BE ACCESSTBLE, ANTJS?\|E\E rO 8E MD|'AT tto c0s7 r0 cE!F:;e1of2l , ::::: Aaseaaors lhp I I tr tr t] Lot Sq. Ftg, X cf Lot Cooerage ll of Storiee Iotal Eeight Topogrcqthy - ,coyyer ..lag,LLentJfu"au U -- cul-de-aac J2651 I LOT TYPEJfnterior rcb Nmber': qll ..one: f ,t )t'' L-COG il:Refenence llunbers Bedt oona: Hea AccesaP. L.Houae [ot Facee - ValueITEMSQ, FTG x 3?72 4z2o l,t o Iilain /ob3 9a54.il62b/ 4tDG@dce CdrDort I avAceesaortr /, I v' TOTAT, VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x 5. & /Date Paid: #: Building Volue & Permit Thia pemrit ia granted on the eupreaa cotd,ition tlnt the eaid conettaotion il-LL', in all rZapecte, confonn to the otdinance ailopted la tne city gf SpiA1i"ta" i,netitding- the -Soning Cvdi,noe-e, regulattng the ccnat?ucticn ,;rrd *; of -buildi.ttgs,- otd may be- euapended or teuoked at cny time upon rtto- tation of any pt'coteions of eaid ordi.tuncee. ..- Fees -- Building Parftit total Clargea dD6o t eL State * thtx @4oo3 ' Plumbing Permit No pereon alull conettwct, inetallr- alter or clnnge-any neo-o? exieting ilriili or dtainage syetan in uhole or in patt, unleea auch person ie the i"iit p"orri""on ol"o rtZlid pl*,b"r'a Lic-end-b, eccept that a !?raf ma! 40. ptGtii"g uork to p"opert! ilrioh t" otsned, Leaaed' or opetated by the appli- oant. FEE zo b 70 * Sani Seuer Fi.ctwee Residential (1 bath) elunbtng Penrit State Electricql Permit where state La tequitee tlat the electtical tto,,k be done by-an Eleotrical Contractor, the el)ctr.tcal pontion of this permit ehall not be oalid until the Labet lae been aigned by the ElecttLcal cont"actor. 5ryn#TE rt////afllo/O ,Iotal Na,t/Estetd Citcuite Semtioe NC,FSE CIIARCE Fvrnace B?U'S I /;oE hanst HooC 3 700Vent Fot llcodatooe /o o? / 5.oo Mecho nicol Permit Permit fssuorlae Meclanical Penit .- ENCROACHMENT .. 3 Secarity Dzpsit Storage thintenance Permit N/eArbcu! Siderttlk Fenae Eleetnieal Iabelwln-hruksnr /oo7,& ad).eP/Ap c!c, efr b{WMO bafrr fi+tna€zo3-s3 T1TAL AM0UNT t)UE:'25y'2,7? r HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI,IINED the completed application for perwit, atd do iei"ti i'ertifa that aLL infonntibn heteoi ie tmte atd co*ect, attd r iroit""o certiiy that any o"a olt uork perfotned alu.L-L be dane in accot- d.;;;"fti ltT ondirono"ee of the citv bf bpringfield, a'1d' th-e Ia"te of the t State of hnegon pertaining to the :!,r.ik Ceecribad herein, and tlnt N0 oCCU' pANCy tiitl be rmde of any" etructure tithout permiasion of the Building N- ui.eion. f furthen centiiy that otly cofltaactor, and -mployeea uho are in cattpliattce iith oas 701.0-55 uiLL be ueed on thie proiect Date L ,t -27 I i rTEM I Udtor Total Clwroee I