HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-06-01.. RESIDENTIAL -. COYBINATION/ A.PPLICATION PERMIT -.'?f?fv I sPRINGFIELD ol:: -,: t(:1!.ibt :Ei! o o < .r4D4O <?.J aa??tr sPPr::0FrELt, 1RECo:I 97477 tuidiry Diuisie. ?26-37 53 Ai,L,rA F';V!''U';o At /,E/. p . .z;r4,Iob Location:o SubCiui sion: fe Ipt #.n-ssegsons llag l! aAtiet 1 Phote lladitess /?/t"o+l /,troro-u Deecrlbe 'lotk n Adtition ,/i n ile,, L (-1 /, . =:r-l2,, /. Coitmcto"s ildne Addreee Li scl Genetal 0 lLectricaL l.leehaniccl Conetmtctiott Letd,et Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !t is the r:esponsibility of thc pernit holder to 8cr thst aIL irspcctions are made at the PloPer ti.Ee' that each address is readable frern the street, and tha: the parait card is located at the front of th. Propcrty.* .{lI aan}roles and cleanouts ara tc be adJusted at no cost to thc clty SITE ITISPECTICI:exca"affi;r!ut To bc rrade after prior to sst up of forrs. uxlE:sLj1B iL{J!{Brllc! ELEqP]ICA! t [EQilAllIC.\L: To b: made beforc any i,6iF-is covered. F0O?lllG 6 FCUUDATION: To be nadeafter trenches arc e:rcavated a:td forrrs are erected, but pnicr to pouring conc=et.. IJIIDERGROUND PLUIIBIIIG, STJER, I{ATER, DRAIIIF.GE3 To be nade prior to fiJ.- Iing trenches. UITDERFLOOR PL'JI,IBING t }TECHANICAL: ?o be rnade prior to installation of floor insul.rticn or decking. POST 6 BEAM: To be nade prior to instau.aticn of flcor insulation or Cecking. RCUCH PLUMB:YG, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECI{- AllCIlL: }Io rork i,s to be covered Gffthese inspecti.ons have been nadc and approveC. FINAL PLUMBI]G FIIIAL ELECT.q.IC.IL FIXAL HECHA!{ICI.L tion FR{tlINGr !{ust be requested after approval of rough plumbing, electri cal 6 mechanical. AII rocfing' bracing 6 chimneys, etc. must be co{apLeted. No work ls to be eon- ccaled until this inspectioa has been EadG and approvrd. IUSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : nequired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsun board or wal'l coverinS is applied' and any insulation is concealed. SIDEWALK 6 DRI\rE'rlAY: For a1]' con- -rete paving within stleet right- of-way, tc be earCe after aLl, exca- vating camplete 6 fortr work E sub- base rEteri3l in plaec. FTDFDT A'F nrateri.als DRYIJALL INSPEC"IICN:;E;-E6ffirI-is Prior to placing facing and befarc fi:anring inspec- I{OODSTOVES:ffiea CURB 6 APPROAC!{ APP.ONl?=Ect"affi' concrete. After installation After forms to pcuring OTHER INSPEC?IONS: may ba required in accordance with Buildlng CoCe, to be indicated in ;Iar.s or by no- tice froo Building Inspec:or. To be mede ia pIace, but prior to any taping. HASONRY: Steel, locatioa, bond Effigrouting cr vertj.cals in accordance i{ith U.B.c. Section 2$15. A11 project conditions, such as the instaflation of street trees, coEpletion of the required lanCscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING EINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDMG: The Final Building Inspecticn mrst bc requested a:ter the Final Flumbing Electlical, and llechanicaf Inspections have Seen made ard apprcved lto occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and app!.oved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAUCY HAS EEEll ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIC DIVI- SIC}I A\D PCSTED O}i THE PR5}'IISES. day YOUR CITY DESJGNATED JCB NUI{BER, IS PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CaIl 726-3769 (rec:rder)state your City designated job numoer, job adCress, ty.De or inspection requested and when you ni1l bo ready for inspec- tj,cn, Contracto:'s or osners nanre and.ohone nu:nbers, Requests receiveC before 7:00 a.n. niLl be:rade the sare day, requests made sfter 7:00 a.n. wifl be maCe the next rorking 17 M 2 JoB lrul:EER (tt'7 t L-Coc ''-.REFI1RENCE I'II'},!BERS Lot laces:or !crtsa llorrh East South Ueat OCCLIPANCY GROUP BEDROO}1SZONE ;iea.ter J Lot ?gpe TYPE/ CONSTRT]CTIOI[ Setbacks fntetior Cone" Potltodl, 0thet i .i Lot Coueted. oi Stortes -'3ldL HeLcn! -c?og"q'.! gouate Pto. FEE,S llt"ls penr|t is gro*ed on the ezp"eas a:tuii:')on thzt the said const?uct;nn shc,Ll, in ali 'ces=ecte , confcrt:to tle 1ydi:za.=es alopted by the Ci=7 c;' Spingiieki,, inel.,iing the Zoning 2tdinotee, reqtlatlng =he ccn- st?-tction otd uEe of buildings, .zri -.q be *s;erd.ed, or re,toked d! aa! tine upon uiol.aticn ci dV prcui- eione of aaid Crdittoteee. BATLDIIIC VALW /PSRITZI t/alue Sq. Ftg. Gorcge Etg. Caqort rOT.lL CIL4RCES t Ch.atzee Sutehmaa PLo:. Cheek ?ee Date Paid i No pe?son ehall. conetnbt, inettll, allet ct choqe €ty nelt or ecia?ing plmbing ot drcinage sga:an inulole or in pet, Ltnless such peteo:z ie :he ';egal Poseesso" of a ual'Ld pl'nber's Liceraa, .ac*t that d, person aay & plmbing uotk to p?e?e?? aiach ia ouned, Lea,sed or op*ated bg the aVilicant. PLTIMBTNC PMMII Seni Sanen swTm.q.L TOTAL CITARGES State llhere Stdte Le, req,tiree tlat the eiecd,cai uork be done bg qt Eleetrical C2nt"actor, tha elecL*Jca! gor- tion cf this pantrit elall not ba ocid untii the La- bel haa beet sig:ned bg the Electy")cal Ccntr*1ot. The ET,ectrical Safety La,t does not require . ?elsonto obtain a Licensc aB dt elect?ician el/ct elcc-trica! co,ttrzctc" b naka ot electr')eal ins=:Llaticn on prc?ert! ahich ia a,med bg hinseil ot a -atbe: ofkis imtedi,cze jorrilV uktch ie not irtenied j:r sale, Lease ct tent.?AfAL CiIARCES MECEAIIIC.4L PfrNZT SUBT@AL C1.4RGE SAB?iIAL ELECTRTCAL PERI.TT !1 a,, or S:ztensicn/ Cirqi Ce':eFtexion Eziast Vent F@. E:ICRCACIIi,IEII? Seeunty geposit Stctzge ilalncnatce !)TIL A!'!OU!IT DtlE itrbeut tlcaJaLk !enez lZectrieal L,zbel tH / -t,,?, /ilfiAIIT DUE 4 ,1 I PLdt E onLlel Date I gAW CILREFIJLLY EXAWNED the conplated application fot pernrtt, otd. do h.erebg cettifg tlat all infonatton heteon is tmte and. coneet, o1d. Ifiathet certify thdt otA ari aLL wrk perfcrmed shall be done in acco?- dance uttih the Minorces of the City of Sprtngy'ield, arui the La,ts of the State of )rcgor pettaining tc the lrrtk deaetibzd hetein, dd, that gO OC- CWANCA viLL be na,dc of o1V at?rcture vithout permLaeicn of tlte BuitdingDi,siaion. I f,ttthet certifX tlut otly .ont?actots otd. erpLoyeee ato ariin caqliance vilh ORS 701.055 urLLL be used on 2his ptoject. tznes. ?tuision qprosed pZet slaZl renein on the Building at aLL