HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-07-10"KEJtf.r, allAL" z2s Nov,th sth s;treeAPPLrcArr0N/PERMT? Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTEL.E')Q-d- 6 zt ?,e Signed:DA/ Date:-x GeneraL Pltntbi.ng ELectrical € 14echanieaL Conslmrellon_lendg!_ It is the responsibility oi t\e permit Ttoldez, to see that alt i-nspections ate nade at the prope? time, that eaeh addtess is realabl-e frotn the street, anC that the pemrtt cand i,e Located at the front of the propetty.*euil-ding Diuision appro"-ed plan slnll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. PROC9DUPE FOR LNSPECTI)II REQUEST.'CALL726-3769(recotder,) state youz, City desigrnted job nwaber, job aCitess, type,of inspec=i.cn iequZsied-arfr ul".en ljou iiLL be ready fot, inspection, Contyaeta?s o? anne?s ncne cnd p?nne number,. Requests receit;ed befcre 7:00 m a'iLL be made the sane day, ?equests made after 7:0A aq urLLL be nade the nest',totking dng. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbaz, fs &4 c;4 (- Hafrt1 nDd lnQh.-+. ^ra Z2Job Locaticn: Szbdirtision: Assessore Map # Sfz v <* atmer: Address: 7r-1,:),'U'' JS'4 Phone:7Lk"tf , i erpr)nP," /JCity:LuP. *l*i &r ctt/ *o tn:,. r i. c- r.LAdditian Value NeD t-l Remodelrxl Date of App Lication alrf P- Contractors Addve Page 1 of 2 J d \J SITE INSPECTI)N: To be made after e*;arr;tl;n,-but prtar tc set ip of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCHLIIICAL: To be nade before any tloz,k i.s cotset,ed. PCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe;fret tu enctes a"e escauated and forms are erected, but prior to pourLng ccnerete. UNDERGROUIID PLUMEING. SIWR,'IA?ER, DRAI!1498: To be made ptiot, to fil- @-66nchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & MECIIANICAL : of floor insulation ot decking. ?05! 1!AL BEAM: Ta be rnade priot, to GiiiTTatlffof flooz' insulation ot' deeking. ROUGH PLU!,IBING. ELECTRTCAL & ][ECH- ANICAL: No uoy'k is to be couet'ed ffiiTthese inspecti,ons h.aue been made ard approoeC. I N FULAT r 0 N / vApo R BAI&rE4J !!E!E!!19!DEI.IOLITN!] OR ).IOWD BUTLDI|ICS To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and required uapor batrie?a @e in place but before oty 7.ath, gypswn,boarC oz, tnLL cooeting is cpplied, artd before ang insulation is concealed. Ptior to placirq faeing and before froning inspec- concl,ete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EWAI: For aLL con- c"A; paofuAmn street right- of-rxtJ, to be maCe after aLL erea- uating canplete & forn uoz'k & sub- base material in plaee. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f1N: Ic be made aftez, aLL fuyuall is in p'Lace, but prior to any tapitrg. MASONRY: SteeL Location, bond beans, gz,outi.ng or oetticals in accordorce l,lLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI,/E: ccmpTeted. After installation is Sanitoty saser eaptped ct property Lit:e Septic tank purnped and filled rrtth gta";el Final - Llhen abcue itens are ectnpleted and uhen d.qnclition is cornplete or strac- ture mooed and. premises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectians -- sa))er od uater ElectricaL Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plunbing connections rnist be apprc"^ed before requesting eleetr[cal inspectiott Aecessory Buildi,ng Final - After pct'ckes, skirting, decks, etc. a?e compT.eted. CURB & A?PROACH APPONI a.eZ"ecTA "= r; *A After formsto pouring ETPEPLACE:;;tim; ti.on. FRA!.|!NC: ttust be requested aftet, @"ouat of rough plwnbing, electrt- cal & nechanical. ALL roofing bracing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . completed. Ilo ucy,k is to be eon- . cealed unti.L this inspectton has'been made anC appnooed. FIIIAL PLUMBITIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL When comp1,ete -- ProttiCe oy, mottable sect'Lons thztough ---:-ALL pnoject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the y,equ.Ly,ed LanCseeping, etc., rmtst be satisfi.ed before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIN7: The linal Building Inspection nust be requested aftet' the Final Plutnbing \_/ Electrical, and Mechanical rnspect'i,ons hqxe been nade arrd approoed. *ALL LTANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEI\! T0 BE I44DE /'.T lto c1sT ?0 cny rc.rrotn \16'/-0 Desq"Lbe Wot'k: f1 ttuet:L) AatA P.U,E. Bedroons AccessDTHouse Lot Faces - I!eat SourcesIot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooerage # of Stories ?otal Height Iopography LCT ?WE Interior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac D^^^ I?EM SQ. F?G x Value l"btn Geaae Carpcrt Accessot tl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: Building Vqlue & Permit This permtt is gnanted on the erpress condition tlnt the said constructi.ons_lnll, in all respects, eonform to the Oydirwnce adopted Liy the City ofSpringfield, includ"Jng the Zoning Ctdinance, negulating thb ccnstyu-ctibn uLd use of buildi.ngs, cnd may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cn! time upon oic-Lation of dnA prcuisions of Laid ordZnances. * Building Penrrit Iotal Clnrgea State Signed Plumbing Permit No- person shall eonsttuct, instalT-, alter ot elnnge anA net) cr etistinggl*4lrrS o, drainage systelt in uhole or in patt, unlesi such person is- theLegal -possessor of a ualid gQmberrs Li,censZ, etcept that a pLr"on nag doplutnbing uork to property uhich is ormed, Leased or operated ty tte "ppli.-cant. N0.FEE CHARGE Sani Seuer ITEM Fi-rtuz,es Residential (1 bath) Plunbing PetwLt State Electricql Permit where state Lan re_quires tlat the electz,i.cal uork be dane by an Eleetriealcont?aetor, the electrieal portion of this permit slall not be ualic untitthe Label Ttas been signed bg the Electrical Contractor. ?otal t) Neu,/Exterd Ciz.cuits Set uice -- ENCROACILMENT -- ntM FEE Mechqnicol PermitPTU l'/codstoise Vellt Fan bhanst Hood PerwLt fssuanee Meclnnical Pertrtt 9ecartt! Deposit Stotage Maintenanee Penrit Clzbcut, Sida,talk !ence Y 2ct Mobile Horne Receipt #: PLan DatZ ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXA]4INED the conrpleted application for pennit, and do het,eby certi.f_y that aLL infonnation heyeoi is true ahd. ebrrect, anC. t fw,tket'_certify that any ard aLL aork pet,forned slnll be done i,n aecot- dance tLth the 1rdinances of the CitA bf bpringfield, and the Las of the* State of otegon pertaining to the uotk Cesbribbd hnobir, end tlnt NO 1CCA- PANcy dil,L be nade of ana structu"e uithout permission of the Building DL-oision. f further certify that only contyaeions ard. enplcyees uho arZ inconpliance uith ORS 70L.055 ui.LL be used on this projecl TOTAL AMOUNI DI|E: *to,bo Date 4.t NC. State Sweharae Total C'lnrqes