HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-08-22.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATICN/PERT,IIT 225 Nor-bh ith Street SpringfielC, Cregon 97477 tsuildin4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD ?cce:it !I $) s,:gr"a, A,'xd).!-0"t", 8 2) -.{3 "tob bcaticn: Assessors )!ao ll SubCi'tisian CARL + I!&^ Ttl,j-tten: Plane:G{g5o7 I Ad&ess )esctzbe llork:n )lq,t TJ A.CC")ticn R t*oa"t Lisc. t PhoneAciriz,ess Ceneral f I |.!echant'ic:L 1rt.ar -nf^\t aQ \ta Soila"g seter cappeC:t pnoperQi Lite -t Se?tic totk p'"rVeC a*d fiLLeC tith ErttzL Pinal - i',h.en abcue ')tens ate ecnoT-eted ani uizen lenclition is corwlete o! sir-ic- ture rnooo-d atz pratiees cleanei up, t.^L-'1 ^ J-a-- tsloeking otd 1at-uP PlunbittX connecxions " seD€! a'l uatet Electriccl Ccntect'l,an - Blockirg' se)-'i - anc tl'tntbing ccznectians m;st be '??r'tz'before reqiesting elec:r"ical inscec=ion Aecessorl 3uill:.rt4 lir-zl - Alter :crei'-es, akirtin'g, d'ecl''s' etc. J2 ccnoleled. ,7 ^-t*'^-1 Conss@icn_!cnde!- si!, rls?lrr):t: eccauat:.on, but fams. UilDE,qSLA3 lo be r'zie afler pricr --c se! up of 26-3769 (recorCer) state ,gour City Cesigr-zted job nw:ber, job ol&ess, type o! inspec2i.ctt. , i*peccion, Contrae'icrs clr A.ze:s- nane anL pttone nunbel. Pequests teeeixe<i befcra, T:00 c::t cftet ?:00- on vi,LL be naCe tke neet ',nrking- dar1. , '-' it ia the reslo*ibility of ttc ?efiti, hotder to Bee that all, inspectiona de nade at lhe proper lLnE' that ecch cddress is ten;ab':e ,'rcat tlte atreet, anC tttct the penrit ccd ie L,xeted at the fraflt of the ToPerfu.izuildirq Viui=iot ct;rcteri V?bt shcll vera'-n on tiu Euii<inng :ii';c at il.L' ti.nes.- ?POC11AF? Faft lits?EelCtt iretESl:CALL 7 rec-uestccl a-d u.ien 'gou *iL! ce :eati-"* lor :-iLL be rm<ie the sa,e Cc1, ?equests ncd.e -1 taor::ic I icu:tDAlrcl: lo'ce =ade J ;fr r"encies tE Ecasated arti J'crrns cte etected, but Piar -"o pourtr.g cancteta.I I unc*r'-ccs vru:st::c 1 :'ttct=;::rc,;:' -i I lc ce nd,e prict =c '-nsrcr;t'-.n cl floot in*iaiian or deckita' n Pcs: .r.ilD 3tlu: To be rcEe 2r)cr w J ffitffi"i i'ioor irs;;La=icr' cr Ceckt nS. NIS L'!LA! IO TI I I/APC P' 3 A R R IZ A I IISPIC lLO U : required oqor bcriers &e in Pla.cettt bey'ore ozg kth, gYPflll baarC or uaLL couering is agplied, o'd befote oty itaul,atian is concealed. l-l:t DPYIALL I:tS?lC!!Cll: 7c te tade I AlA.*.ZAWT* rn tlace, - but prior co cng ;dP17q. W.SONP-!: Steel Location, bond' 6ffi7-groutirq or oersiccls ',n aceordotce ri;h [],ts.C. Seetion ;IOODSTC'/I: After in'stallatian is canqleted. - CURB 2' !!?RCACP. .:.?2CN: Ai'=er iorns ie erecceC but Prior "o ?cut"'ng eone?ete. SIDE;LA\K d ,R:.T!i!: lcr aLL can- ctete paoirq Dl,ahln s;?eex r'g4t- oJ'-,,;cy', to be naCe afler a1'L etca- ,Ltl"a- conPlete i ;atn u:otk 3 tub- base -, rez'ial ln Plcce' ?ENC|: Hhen eonPlate -' ?Tooiie gffi o, nooable sections through P, U.E. E I m E --l -l .iL t'iCAL: ?o Uil Di? G?C'-'i: D ?'-|fl3 i 11 C., S7"Z.o' 7.1! j?0. SPAf)IACJ: :o ae aa;e .rao? =o t'LL- @T-enches. eveC. )r nace ard, v?!2!ea. Fi?.i?LAC1: ?r)or '.o llccir4 iccing ffiA;C a'd before frzirq inoPec- iPA]lI:lC: !.tust be recuestai, aflar n i of tcugh Plttroing, tlecti- &L 1 necite,ticel. - ALl, :cai'):4 brat|rg I ch'heYs, e.tc' :=tis' te efiolered. ::o 'ict< "s tc 'e icat- - "ritra uflt1,l this insgect'ct i'ae '66En na'l.e anC c1Pto"ed' ;hesa )rscec;iat's 'ut:e beer" FTIIAL PLU:'BI:IG ? I :I AL ;'IEC III':I I C AL iI;IAL liiT?.ICAL :?2eS 1-etJcn c.n9 reqai reci LattasccPing !1echa,-."-c7. .Al: :.lAJiltlas AiJD CLgANOUTS :lusT 3E .\cc!$:3L3,. r ::,c1r.a'ln.1LO a e -.,-.t' saxisiied bei'ore ?!!e1LAconeLtne t2que reouestei ci'-er eti approuea. ihe t utbite9 ?I:IAL ts,!]ILX:IG:. ileccrieal' oE Suildirq Insoeetion inseecc:-cns )'qoe be ho en made :o 3S :'11t! :': ::o ::3T T2 cI:v ?t1e 1 of 2, J, Renta 6oa=nt-.ypda> /a /bcr5q' ru le,za+2r*a*n.72 Fara /-€- Dcta of ^ppr;*rr"n 8'/?83 voue fu.- * '<7 l** 8/ T JOB NO soLAR ALvESS REQ.- Pege 2 L-co d !. Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon eitall consimtet, inslal!, al.tet' or chan4e anA net ct ezisting plwnbin4 or drainage aAstqi in alole or in part, wtless such petson is the LegaL poasessor of a oalid plwnber's Licettse, escept th.ai: a petson nay do plwnbing uork to prope?t'l uldeh is ouned, Leaeed or operated by the appli- cant. Plutnilng Pen;it State Surel"ange Petmtt fss:a.sce Uo^hn-"'n-l o^*' * -- 2:lfD^,1nrrE\ru Electricq! Pers?.rit Were State La nequires tlst the electr.ical uork be dcne bg an llectt*ical Cont"actor, the electrical pottion of thia penit slnll rat be oali.C, untilthe Label has been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechonicql Permit 1 f HAW CA-REIALLy EXA-!,!I,]ED. t-he conpleted. apolication lor penni:, otd. dchero-bu eertlfa thct aLL info:ni:ii-i"r""7.is t_rue anC acz,reet, nC, Iftrthet, eerttfu ihat ang ca^ alt ,-r1:t, e"1:1"r.ed siull be cot:e in acccr-<iance -rith =he crdincnc-41 "q *, crti .Lf''i*:,:sfj;;: -*,n*ri; ic,-Z oi tauState of )reocn oer*.aintno co the woik tescribcd. herein, c:nd :)a= ,vO ICC:.I_P.trCI wiZL be zs.le of ola_;trwcture aithoux termissi.an if :i"- iriiaing Jt-_ut,sion. ! ;-ur+,hen cbrt-Li-1- th;, ;-;a-;;n"tioJ:on" 6-"l..qc'cyees cha ee ineotpl:.ance uith cRS zot.bss aitl ae,uiZi-Z)-rn " p"oJect (g2 Ceatcancu Cram:!ipe/Corst 3eitcc,t:sZcte: Lot Faces -if.ernu So'a|.aes Setback s 1ea" ?,1 iouse Cctcoe A.ecess Vdter !2at2? No!th e Sotth l^* e- Ft-@e ra. . a. i of Lct c**og"T- I of Stories tit ?yPs _ Intericr _ Cor.ner _ Panhtn<ile CUL-de-saelopogra2htl llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This petnr:,t "Jc gran*.ed on the ery"ess cottdition tl14t the said-constntction siu.Ll-, in a?.L rbsoects, eonfcm to the Crdinanee cdopte,T iy the Cily o.f Spr)ngfieli, rncludtng 2he Zoning Crd:.natce, regulctit'tg ;he ccnstrteticn and use of bullciings, atd nt'g be susoend.ed or rersckei at cry tine'"1?an uic- ktion oi cny pz,cuisions of saiC CrCirances. dae LarzeX Dtrce /4'a//fu@, '/aLue !C!.qL VALUE :?ZM x I i(o. ?ia1<- Euildirq Per'tit ?otal Cl'angea Fizttioes Da,f" 1 ,'*A t* Resid.ential (1 bath) Sctzitan g Seset iir,ter /.l,lV*I fr* ./o.# ,b ]i0. Neu/Egtend. Cire"tits C' Sensice tto AG 6a i7!:,t ail 1a.a biwtst llooC Vent .Fan lcodstaoe 9ec"Lr") Jlae)aLk 7o 7t7a!?TAL *+!ct/|,t? DU!: a l i ,uobile ilone Cutbcu'- -(.-r-(..1'I PUBLIC WORKS CIITY OE- SPF,I\TG}-IEIJD SPRINGFIELD, OREGO N 97 477 January 6, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 RE: 345 North 25th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Marvetz: At your request,. the Building Division of the city of springfield conducted afollow-up inspection of the Iwelling located "i sas ltoritr zitn street, spring-field, oregon on october 8, 1980. ihe original inspection,-urade on JuLy 17,1979, was a housing inspection also ,uqr"ri"a-by yo,r. rn accordance with section 1001, sub-sections (a) through (k) of the uniformHousing code as."d?p-tug,by the city of springfierd, the structure was declaredto be a substandlld building and was posted iisunsraNoARD BUTLDING Do Nor oc-cuPYrr' section 1101 (a) of this code-q1ro requires that when a building has beendeternined to be substandard, the Building Officiaf must r'...corrunence proceedingsto cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacaiion, or demolition oi the uuirdi"I.;--At present, the 'structure is vacant. The following items are in violation of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted bythe City of Springfield and include but are not linited to conditions wirichcaused the structure to be declared substandard: STRUCTURAL AI{D FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY: CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and Mrs. phil Marvetz 558 Cantershire place, N.E. Bremerton, Washington gg310 If the structure is repaired, the following items must be installed, repaired orreplaced to conform to the Uniforn Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by Ltre Cityof Springfield: 1) The thickness of the concrete floor is inadequate. In many places, the con-crete is one (1) inch thick or less. In the bedroom and bathroorn where the concrete floor is breaking up, weeds are growing in the house and inside the waI1s. U.H.C. 1001 (c)1. 2) The condition described in 1 above is also contributing to active dry rot growth in the interior walls. For exanple, the dry rot in the bathroom wall is so extensive, the wall will not support the lavatory. U.H.C. 1001 (c)a. 3) Handrails must be provided at all stairs, They must be installed 30 to 34r' above the nosing oi ttt" trends and spaced L';'from the wa1l' U'H'C' 801' a .\l Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil \larvetz 345 North 25th Street Janaury 6, 1981 Page 2. 4)is also recomrnended that the attic area be provided with adequate ventilation -150 of the square footage must be net free ventilation. SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been improperly maintained whichclassifies it as hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing ph.urbing may have net the standards of the Code that was in existence at the tine of its in-stallation, alterations and/or improper rnaintenance require corrections to be rnadein accordance with both the Unifo::n Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring-field and the current Oregon State Plrunbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.): 1) Dissimilar metals have been used in the water supply system, such as connecting copper pipe to galvanized pipe. P.S.C. 301 (f). 2) The washer drain line has no trap or cleanout. Adjacent to the washer exists an abandoned drain line with no cap. Both of these conditions pernit sewer gases to excape and enter the house. P.S.C. 501 and 702. 3) The water heater mrst be itreadily accessible'r which means "...direct access with- out the necissity of removing any pane1, door or similar obstruction..." as speci- fied in Section 102 (b) of the Plumbing Specialty Code. The water heater has been enclosed. No inspection could be nade of the water heater or its pressure relief valve without removing a walL section. P.S.C. 1007 (e). 4)The flexible shower hose which is attahced to the bathtub fill spout may cause po1- lution of the domestic water supply (cross connection) and must be removed. P.S.C. 1005. S) There is no access to the shut off valves or the fixture trap for the bathroom 1av- atory. P.S.C. 904 (b). 6) An approved gate valve must be installed on the discharge (property) side of the water meter. P.S.C. 1005 (b). , 7) There is evidence of water running while the house is not occupied and the fixtures shut off. The water meter readings indicate approxirnately 150 gallons per day. P.S.c. 10.4 (a) (b). g) The waste and drain system is not functioning properly. It appears -that both the waste and water supply system is Leaking under the concrete floor of the house causing a potentiuiii ""fr.althy condition that must have immediate attention' ELECTRICAL SAFETY: It L/ The electrical systen has been improperly altered and maintain ardous wiring "';:;:'iu"ii" s"tiioi' robr ttl or the unirorm by the Citv of sP;;;;i;ia'- nrti""gi tr'" existing electrical ed and constitutes haz- Housing Code as adoPted system maY have met the 1. )\ -- Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Srreet January 6, 1981 Page 3. standards of the Code that was in effect at the time of its installation, alterationsand/-or improper maintenance require comections to be rnade in accordance with both theUniforn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the curre"i O"uCo""S;;;"Electrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.) : 1) The nain and subpanels are not properly grounded and bonded. E.S.C. ZSO-72, 2S0-5gand 250-71. 2) The service panels have exposed cables r+hich are not protected. E.S.c. g00-4 (z)(b)and 536-3 (b). 3) 4) s) The exterior light fixture over the rear door is not properly secured. E.S.C. STO-IS. The conduit on the exterior wall of the kitchen is not secured. E.S.C. 3g6-s The range receptacle outlet in the kitchen has not been secured to the wal1. E.S.C.300-1s (a) and (b). 6) The dryer receptacle has not been placed in an approved outlet box and is not se-cured in any manner. E.S.C. 300-15 (a) and (b). 7) The fixture wire which runs through the kitchen wal1 to the outside light fixture isnot an approved type, The light fixture must be wired through the original wallswitch. E.s.c. 110-8 and 402-77. 8) The baseboard heaters have not been secured to the wa1l. E.S.C. 370-13. 9) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the baseboardheaters. E.S.C. 37A-7. 10) Defective wiring exists in the light fixture over the sink. E.S.C. 110-3 (a)7 and 110- 8 . 11) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the junction boxes in the attic. E.S.C. 370-7. L2) Approved coyers have not been installed on the junction boxes. E.S.C. 370-15. 13) Receptacle outlets, switches, and fixture outlet boxes are not flush with the fin- ished surface of wal1s. E.S.C. 370-10. 14) The subpanel in the utility roon is defective. Replace defective panel or rewire circuits back to nain service panel. 15) Defective receptacle outlets and switches exist thorughout the house. E's'c' 110-3 (a) 7. 16) Missing and defective covers acist on the receptacre and switch outrets' E's'c' 370-15 ' --1 .:-- t -.^< Housing Inspection I4r, and Mrs. PhiT l4awetz 345 North 25th Street January 6, 198{ Page 4. t7)The circuit for the washing machine is improperly wired and grounded. E.s.c. 200-10 (b) and 2!0-7 (a)' There are three pronged recePtacles installed on two wire circuits' E'S'C' 2n-7 (c) and (d). switches and receptacles must be made tight to the outlet boxes. E'S'C' 110-14 (a), 300-11, and 570-9. 18) Permits for either repair or denolition must be obtained before work starts and all work shal1 be inspected by this office' Please direcr all inquiries to the springfield Building Division at 726-3753 ' Sincere LY, 1e) d"=;* Dan Smith Building InsPector cc DS : SJ/ ls Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. LeahY, Assistant CitY AttorneY ,. RESIDEN IIA [ . . IIs,fortlt itit streeaFPLrcA?r0lt/PERtr? Spr-ngfield, )regon 9717? Building ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 6*og ]1**- Cu^-*? .- /, 7"/u SPT'Ir,GFIF, rr / S,do 'C" /g.aE Date:/- a.Ll Genetz.L PLanbirq Conarrrctica Lctdg!_ ?eatired \tsrcct.Lcts It ia :ha reaponoibili;y orl tIlD peftdt itoLder to see tl@t aL! inspections @e nad.e at lhe propet t1,fle, t!".ct acch addresa is reain^'>e ;rcn the streec, cnC titat the penri; cal ia Ltcated at the frot of tl,e Vroperty.Tluild,.-rq Jiuiciot c==rct;ed pLot sic,ii, retp,ln on thz tsuildnni\ Sice'at all' a,hes.- ?2)C99UPS iaR IitSPt:lIClt R|?U|iT:CALL726-3769 (reeorCer) state yots Ci.tg Cesignated iob ntm,ber, job aC&ess, type of inspeclicn neottestcC cti ui".en you vtLL ce readg for ir-tpeetion, Contractcrs cr Ante:s ttane cnd. gh.one nutbcr. P.equesis recei"'ed betcre 7:A0 ,:t '-iLL be tad,e the sane C.cg, reqltegts nde cfta ?:00 aa uti,Ll be nade the nest rnrking d.a:g. Iour City'Desigra.ted Jab Nunbet Is:Stqsv Job bca=icn:zl5 Aasesoors )lao I St bdi-r)sicn: O-zer": Ad&esa:ieo Ptona:E C' I tg 7t{77 Deecribe h'ork: ACliCcn &;ru o oData of Applia.8 Value ;lci:es tsLockitg otd Sei;':.tP PLwbinX cantec'-icns -' la/)e? od, uatet Eleedcal Ccrtnecxion ' Blockittg' sei-u. an-d olunbinc conneciions r;st be qprcxei be;'oi e requZs tir'g elec:rJcal insoec=ic- Aeeessory fuiEing ccrekes iZ:ed. skirtit".g, deci,s,?inal - !,ftat etc. oe cctnP r ,l T Si? IilS?SCiICit: ?o be nnCe af'-er 4cauation, cut p?icr tc se! uV of iotms. TND|RS.AS ?:L':IgI:IG, ZLZC|PIC,iL' iEcli):liiAL: 7o be twje ceiore aty ffi7{.?lu*ed. fidl!:iC 1 laUfiAtlC:t: ?o be taCe ailer zrenches cre accuated crd fcrns cte erecved, but prior "opudrq conc-ret€. 7.1 e haJe ,r-of io IIISLILAYTON /VAPO? BARRIZR IIISPIC?IOII : To be rmde after all insukti-cn ei required vapor bet'ie?s @e in Pla.cet'ttt before otg lath, gg?slur bcatC or uaLL couering is applied, ord. before ay inrllation i,s concealed. DRYTALL I!lS?!CfIC!l: Tc be na<ie -.. aiter aLL crl,sall is in Place, but prior to cng taPir'7. W.S1NPY: Steelffiijs?outina aceordstce ,'tLth After instalLaiian is OR 3U7LDI;iCS Sani'-aV se"t* caVged ct propazt? Lize Septie totk V-r.VeC ad fil,Led ttith 3z'*;ei Pinal - i,then cbcoe itees ore caaletei oti uhen Cer.tcl'.tiorz is canglete o, st?tic- ture noool oi, gte*iaes cteaned up, Location, bond. or tetriccls '"n Lt.B,C. Section itdtcrz8.1' UIIDEPI:CCR ?LJ:3 I:G 1 )lZClA}IICiL: V; b-;-A;ifr t''"o ins t c Li-ztt on fkor insukti;-n or deeking. 1 ?ST 4t!D 3t;:1: -?3 be roz'e Pi-c" to instalkt'-an of Jloor irsula?ion cr &ekirq. ?ot'ci: ?t-t'Bl:!G. ?a3::9!';;a t, ;{!c7' A;tir)L: :lo '.b"4 ia to ce cove?2c G'T;hese 'Jrscec?iozs isue beer' naie 2.4 Q?"r)ei.Fl r;.c-r;cs.' b)or '-o 7k*r4 Jzc'J^gi I ;;67; ard before ir=rirq inePee- tiot- cot1,2?ete. 1ID1'IALK d gRT,TnA!: For all eon' At, pa,rG-E;ffi st?eet rtgh!' or'-r,scl-, to be naCe allar a7.! ezca' ,:Ltina- cotolexe I iort wrk & tub' isase ",rcterial ln tizce. Aftet formsto pcteing FP-L''lIllC: i.rB: be rectec;ed ailzr ffiiEi of rcugh plurcir4, electr-' &L I ^eci"ar,ical. - AL! rcoitn7 brzirq I chiltttcgs, etc. t-.isc be anoletcd. ::o 'nct< is '-o be cc'n- . cdLd. uncll ihis iwPec?.c-n |ae 'beea raCe atd' cVPmved. 't ^., ^L as che "l.nstcllct'-cn of :c-|-ceicn o;' !'ne i! iti "i"' l. r eqaested'sateet tfees ' triust be satzsjied be1'ore Xie 7U!L-ireALL pro; ect cor-di':.icns rcqtired Lctiseqtr4 'L ?t-'J:.Bl::c II:IAL :E'YT:ITCAL .tI.TAt :i:r.clc'll ts|]IL3IlIG:fl'.e ?inal t4eciunicciileccricaL, otz, BuiLd.-r4 Inscection -!t'st be reduesxai.z:i*r ihe llnzl ?Lunbir'i iZ?rilili-';tqoe been nade cni cetPct2a' I ,ALL :|A:\F.C!JS AIID CLSANCUIS IUsr 3r .1c33sst?L:, 'lDitsr:s:t: : "':lt:-t:o::sr rc cr:v \:::e: o ' tr u trr l-l -"s,vcs.' hthen conplate '- ?rotti^7elffi o"")Zi"f,ln.il"lio"" throush n P. U, Z. I :sb,L-co .)taafrS i JOte SOLAR C CESS REQ.- /Cats ea?, JOB NO t-ot Face s Acc2ss. -,[ Edsi --tF So;tn Hest Inzer|ct Cotnet ?anbznrile Cul-<ie-sac a cf 1-cc Ccttercia Togogrqktl TaLueK_rc,:::.1' aat.r fratt'? 3.0.C. I.5 : !, Building Volue & Permit This perm;-t is grar'ed, on the ej{ri?ess co7d,ition tl:rl'" the sar.cOnstruCliOrt slu.Ll-, ia aLL iescects, confcrm to the Crdinaxce xCocte.i b,y the Ci;y of SoingfrelC, 'Jnclud)ng lhe 3oning Crdinan':ce" regulc':ing ;he cctstrtccicn ad. use of buiiciings, ad nt'! be aucoertied or reucl,,ei at cng tine upoz uic Latl.on oi a.y prcuiatons of saiC 1rCirances. tsuild,in4 Perrit Totcl Chcges f?"v ;JO. Sdst res Res:l,zntial !1 bcth) Seaer Plumbing Permit llo persor siull consimtct" instal!, alter or chan4e cnV nea et e:istingplwbinq ot, <itainage slsts1t in ahole or in patt, utless such petson is ttc legal poasessor of a oalid olumber's License, esce?t tb.ct. a De?Bot1 na1 doplnbtttg uork to p?ope?tl aldch is otmed, Leased ot ooetated by the cppli- @tt- , Planbing Pen;tt State Sutcl-ztce fla,t/Estend. Cinctits Senice Elecf rics I Perm i t llhere stz,te Lan requites tt"at the eleetrical uork be ccne by an glectrtcal contraetor, the elec*.rical portiott of this pernit eiv,Ll not be ualil. untilthe la,bel has been aigned by the tlectr)cal- Cont"acto?. i c!!s,1cI blcnst llooC Vent Fa Tcodsta;se 0 0 Mechqnicol Permit Penrrit Issttstce !,t e = hanic = L p e r+tr. ; a I Cutbe* Si.Ce,;aLk H f EAW CA.REFALLY SXAJ4I\\ED the conoleted. cpol-i,caticn fot, pe*ti:, cnti d.ahereby certify that aLZ i-f;;;;i;'ir;;";" is true anc eonrect, ant. rX::. L;i" ;? ;#: o,s "i4 "i, ; ; " i- ;;;: p i,i ;,.1: ; b;' ;;Z-'r" ac. o? -,*;;;;";,;:;:"";:;m:.;r"i"r:r"'J;1.*.i"ir#iz!iili;rf -",ff1;ii,r-;-r_P'r'rc? it| be "s'j,e o7 *rv" sl.:. iilrZ-iitf,z"t pernd.ssiott cf the 3uiid,inc Di-tria.Jon. ! ;',.*:her ierriii ,r;;';_iy';;nir"":on" o-d *,Lagsss ut"o eZ i;tcarctl:.ance &ch cRS toz.bl{ iiiz- i", "rZ'a" oi Liii liii"i*r"". l,lobiie ilane l^zu-i?lAL i.EI/)t? Dtrz:.l{. (,00 g7 .:alcde , a .. RESIDENTIAL.. ;.??L::A::3Y/PTRI.[! 225 ilorth ith Street Scr.ngf:-ei-i, )reccn 9?177 J. t. t F- i- i. .14 -. ^tD4bUU-rLU r,ttOnVt- / Zc-O / AA SPFlInIGFIEL.D crl dil- General Conatr..cricrr Lender !! ia '-he responsibiLity of th,e pefiit ioder to aee that aL!, incpeetiols @e nade at lhe proper !in., that ecch cddreso .Js rec;^ble ;ra tht atreet, cr-C tlat lhe pe-tnrtt caL t-e Lceated ct the frc-ni of the qoperty..luildir4 }!:siciot et=tc"e<i p1.bt shz.iL reaaln on tie Eunl<inni .:-itc'at a!.L' ti.aes.- PPCCISL'P9 ?aR Ii:SPSf,1lCil iriLZf:.'CALL726-3769 (teeotiet') stcte !ou? Cify CesiErtteC job nta;ber,, ;ob aC&e rec.lteste(i a.-d, uien gou:,ril! be reocy- ior i*pecxion, Contrd.cicrs cr A-ze:s nee cnd phane nunbc*. 'Pequescs '-zLL be rracie thc san;e Cc7, "ec.aesxs nctie aftet ?:00 ant vtLL be nlad,e the nest *rkitq da'g, . Iour Cifu DesignTted Job lhnzbet is:t3/?a f-l Si15 i.YS:3fir.',': lo be re.ce ,7f:e! ffl L) *c"!cxi;;;G pr)cr :c se: u! oY l4l icrmg. tss, t!?e of inspee)icn reeeixed befcre 7:C0 ,:t i"r-'rl ol.L iesulettcn reouined umor baryiers oe in place bat befcre ozg lcth,gl?szotl bcatd or Lied, otd beforetnLL couerir'S is d?pi- UTDIPSLA9 ?:L':E:"' :f AF='4'T 'I | :cci:.:.:t;:si: ?o be rvd,e ceiore :n'1 ucl:( e5 3atelel. r-l .Yol:.';c t ?cu:tDAl:ax: lo be ttde I I A,Jtet .""-"c;e, 1,, Eoc.satei crti d.g ir,sula:icn is concealed. r.-T1 DRYTALL I:lS?!r:C:t: lc be rad.e I Ai 4teti1@;;t-ts ln place, Dut p"Lot to cn! iap"-r€. :l I V pcsr .r.:tD 3E;.:1: ye ls ncie cr)cr to J G;;GGn ci fi.aor irs;:'ua=icn cr &ck;.r6, S)ltcii ?liiBlltc, i!zi?Pl'-':! t ;tiClz Aili)AL: :lo )o:4 ,.s =c :e c.telee Gil-ihese ir-soec;iczs'n:ie been wie sl. zp2rc,tei. ?ii.i?LACi: h4cr '.o 2kczr4 jcdng ec--eric,La arui before irzt'-rq inspec' aion. i?-!-,!::fc: iirst 'te rec'tected. eflerqcrolci of rc,igh iltu,:oit4, e!.ecci- cal ! nech-znieal. AL! :cc;')q br;rJrq )t eh,!:,rncya, ztc. -.isz ie arcLet,e& lJo ;crt :.s to ce :cr-- .cec1.ed unril :h.as insgeciat hca 'l€,en Eai.e anC c>pto"*ed- J'crms cte erecteci, but pt)ar to potrirg clncte:.. u::Di?G?0,':!9 ?L;,:12i:;c. s7,EP, 7.1!!?. D...Ai)IAGE: io be rr';e pt--ot '.o ,'iL-Lir4 trenches. UIIDE?F'CCR 1'Li-}:,3 T:C 1 )!!C1::|IC;' : lo be raae cricr ;o '-nstcl'..:,ttcn cf floor :.t.sukzion o: deciinc. ?I:IAL ?LU:,EI::C ?I:IAL ;,\E'?J,:II:AL .ri.Ti, g:tr.grJ.l; W.S1lll!-: Steel Locatlon, bond. ieons, groutit4 ot uerticais in aceorCotce ,'i;h [].8.C. Seetion ,IOODS:3'/!: Afizt iflstcliztion is attpleteri. - CURB 4 IPPRCACP. .tP?.Clt: Aftet forms se erecxei but prior '.o pcuz;-ng eofl.c?ete. SIDI\IALK ,UPLT,i.!.!: Fot aLL con- crere peuins Dl.th1-n stleet mgizt- oi--*cy, lo be naie afler all, etca' udtttg slnolete t iort aotk & tub- base ncterial in Pl.cee. !!NC:': ttthen eonOlate -- ?rouiiaj&G or ;nooable sectiar-s thro,tgh P. U,8. -.-ALLcro,ieetcoroi=ions,iuclssshe';n's=ci'Lcticncfs'?eec-1e-e-s"'-:a=p|'etionci'i;ite reaiirecj Lctisccoir4, Zto., n"t be satisiif,d-t,rii""- t'e 31::LDI|;C iiliAL cet be reqtestcci' ,.il' IMAL 3llIiDlllC: !h'e ?in'cl 3!'Ldry,.Ins?ectlon at$t be rec"uestei 2:i2r the Final ?1'urbittg \/^ / iLeccrieal, a) yeti'ar':c'L }z:scectisnsitauc been nad'e tri z=ttouzc' 3E .1C3iS3:3'Li, !'i; Job bcaticn: Assesso,,3 )!rJ ll 2 ) SrrbCi:sis:.cn: CA L +5 u S 5 e6Ad&ess:Ptane:d z t il*hrT.7 Fr*ra /-4 lesctlbe it'or|<: R Date of A7p Lia,ticn I - /?83 R<rrst4 6oa=7i-.vP.*frD/u **2*aRenoCeL vazue fu.* *,.<7n SotilarJ seser eap>ed .t ptop€rt:1 Li.e Septie tank p'"itneC cnd f")Lled uith gra:;,,i Pinal - l',het cbcue i-fens ate ectaT.eted. ar-ti xhen lencl'.tion is cowlete or s+7\,2- tuye naued a,Z prerises cleaned up, a ic:::es tsLocking otd Set-tp Pltnbiry connecxicns -- saie? otC. uclet Electricc'!- Cmneccion - Blockir-g' sei-u> ani tLtlnbing coarections nr;st be cpprot;ei b e for e reque s t'Jng e-!- eclr.J cal tnsa ee : i ot: Accessory 3uil.Cliq rcrci-es, skiz't"Jng' Ceci'-s,?it".tl - Afttr ^+^ ?='--e i. oi 2 l 'ALl )tA:i'i'C!iS ti/D CiSt'\lCUiS :!US::'s::11:;: :o 2Z :'.-^'i! :l .,'c ::s: :2 i::! t I t Tr )---, JOB NO SOLAR.-CCESS REQ.- Ce c':t= cr-eL L-CO G+ 3eitaona ( 22.9 LGCE Receipt #: Plumbing Permit ilo pereon slnll construet, instcl!-, alter or clun4e cnA r.eo cr e:isting plunbittg or drainage sAst€lt in uhole ot in patt, tuzless such pez.son is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnberts License, eccept th,at a ce:son nag do plunbing uork to ptopert'! aldch is ouzed, Leaeed op ooetateti by the appli- ccnt. PL'snHna Pern'it State Sutcl..ttce Pen*x !ss1/.g1ca Vo-L--.'^-1 =^*' t E!ectrica! Permit Wete State Lan requires tl"at the electrical uork be dcne bg an llectz4cal Contrv.ctor, the electrical portion af lhia petit shc,Ll rat be uaLi.C. uztilthe Label ias been signed bg the Electrical Conttactor, Mechqnicol Perm;f i Mobile ilcne r HAW cAREluLLy ExA:$itsD the coroleied apol;,caticn lor petni:, crui cahereby eertif.y ;irct aLL itl.o-:,r:.a;icn het,eon'i" i;;'"*a- "Lii""', "rre tf,sthet, .eertti,g th,ac ang crL aLL aork cerfonted. atatt be do;; 'i" accc?_<iance rith the ardinencZs of the ctta bf spdngfleid, d ,i; ic;s of ther 1*.r1. of .clregcn ?.e?taLnana to the "oi," ln"lo."bLh nni"ii,- ori- :l,a.c to accu_ ::,:t:_*rio: -yc" of c\y atlucturz uithoui permission cJ-:ke 3utid,ing N_ulsLon. J :1.:rther ce^yt_tii thet _o:r,ty .ontzactot s o.tC. o-rclcyeea uha are inc67?o.La4n"" ulth 1RS zol.bss aiLL be use<i on this priii." -"--- Lot ?aces -lnerou Sourees Ttaz Setbtck-s ieai ar iouse vcter !2.te" Easi So;zh ',/ooac;oxe bt Sq. Fr-g. Z ci Lct C,?)ercg. # of Sbrtea lotal 'JeiEht lopogrqtry _ lnxeticr _ Cor,ze: _ Panhznd.le CUL-,ie-sac llest -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit Tltis permzt is gtcnted on the eqress canl'ition tl"at, the said.-constmtct"Jon sitalL', rn all rZsoects, confcmt to the Crdinattee cdopted. b:l the Cily of SpringiielC, Jnclutitng lhe Zoning Cvdincr'.ce, tegalc:ir.o the ccnstncticn o.d use of brttLdings, anzd n=r1 be suspend.ed or reuckei at crA tine'.Ean uic- ktion oi oty Drcuis't-ons of aaiC CrCi*ances. dae Lerex ?,rrce /4'a/,fuc>,tat.f 'r4f ltc r-=.-,F!G T S.D.C. 7.5 x ?uildir4 .'enit lotcl Ci"a:ges li.ztz;res '*A ** Resid.zntial (1 bcth) Ss.ten I <- -a /o"* raw Ci.i:1Ce w :l -t t / E st end, C ircui t s Za da Senice /9& ,G ait. =.? 6e iT:tt ,,iC &,lta,tst EooC Vett ?zt Tcodstote - ,;tc?.aAc, Sect:-Lt:a Stor:.ae Pe*fttt | ,?a !3!AL i.,'.!CIJ}]? zUi:.3t./a 3 l4cintezc:ee SiCenlk 9ence ?iec:r"Jcci icbel. }TURTZ, LOGAN & LOGAN THOMAS E. WURTZ MERWIN C. LOGAN DAVID M. LOGAN JOHN C. VOLMERT LYNN MooRE (t9t4- t97a) February 8, L9B2 Dan SmithPublic Works Department 225 North 5thSpringfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Marvetz vs. It{cCaffreyr et aI Dear Mr. Smith: We have received notice that the trial of the above captioned matter is scheduled to take place on Frioay, February 19, 7982, dt 9:30 o'c1ock a.m. at the Lane County Circuit Court, Lane County Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon. It would be our wish to call you briefly as a witness on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Marvetz and for this purpose, I am enclosing a subpoena herewith. Prior to the time of the trial, I would appreciate having an opportunity to discuss this matter with you. V[hen you are able to do sor please call the office and make an appointment to see me at your convenience. Very truly yours, WURTZ, LOGAN & LOGAI{ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 315 NORTH 5T! STREET MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 66 SPRtNGFtELD, OREGON 97477 -C,OO4 (so3) 246 -764t TEW/km Enclosure 3es A/, a s S In The Cj rqrri t_ Court of the State of 0regon for Lane County EHLIIIP.A. ,tlS&vJTLeq4,I,YJ{Pa s. -. . . MARVETZ, husband and wife CASE N0. 16-80-o6Et I P'lai nti tf CIVIL ACTION SIJBPOENA vs. ROBERT J., MARILYN J. CURTIS anSi _JEFFBFY_ c. P4S9o_E Defendant TO f IN THE NAME OF TI{E STATE OF OFI.EGON You are hereby required to app ear before the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid, at Lane Coun ty Courthou SC of February as a witness on behalf of the Given under my hand this Eugene, 0regon, on the 19th da.y l9__q2_ at .9:30 o'clocKgln. of said da.y,to testify i n the above enti tl ed act'ion . day of , 1e3l_. R. l,lilliam Linden, JR. Court Administrator anC Clerk of the Circuit and D'istrict Courts ./------ sf--s?a l-(^u Yloh"(n D eputyU Sheri ff STATE OF OREGCIN ) County of Lane ) ss, I hereby certify that the Subpoena is a true and correct copy and the whole thereof of the original Subpoena. c40-199 B David M. Burks De puty T'):n Smi th - Dr:hl i a hTarlrq flana 1-- 225 North 5J.h- STATE ()F OP.EGON ) County of Lane ) SS. I hereby certlfy that I serv County, on the day of ed the within Subpoena t^rithin the said State and19-, by reading and showing the original and dellvering a true copy thereof to -- Davi d 14 Burks Sheri ff Deputy CIETT OF SPH,I\TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 OFFICE OF THE 223 NORTH A STREET SU ITE D 7 46-9621 CITY ATTORNEY January 8, 1981 Mr. & Iv1rs. Phil Marvetz 558 Cantershire P1ace, N. Bremerton, WA 98310 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Marvetz: This office has received a copy of a letter dated January 6, 1981, to you from Dan Smith, Building Inspector, Department Public Works, City of Springfield. E of In that letter, l4r. Smith recites a long violations occurring at your dwelling at Springfield, Oregon. list of housing code 345 North 25th Street, Please be informed that this office will be monitoring your action in response to Mr. Smith's letter. In the event that you do not take appropriate action to bring your dwelling into com- pliance with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield, this office will take appropriate 1ega1 measures to ensure your compliance. Thank you for your attention to this letter, and your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. Sincerely, HART{S, HAROLD & LEAHY \ Le ott*( Joseph J. LeahY JJL: bkh enc. cc: Mr. Smith i Q,F,!F- CIETT OF SPF,I}.TGFIEI-D SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97 477 OFFICE OF THE January 8, 1981CtTY ATTORNEY Mr. & Iv1rs. Phil Marvetz 558 Cantershire P1ace, N.E- Bremerton, WA 983I0 Dear Mr. & Itdrs. Marvetz: This office has received a coPY of a 1981, to you from Dan Smith, Building Pub1ic Works, CitY of SPringfield- letter dated JanuarY 6, fnspector, DePartment 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE O 7 46-9621 of In that letter, l4r. Smith recites a long violations occurring at your dwelling at Springfield, Oregon. Please be informed that this office will be monitoring your action in response to I,1r. smith's letter. In the event that you do not take appropriate action to bring yoYr dwelling into com- pliance with ii:e Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City bf Springfield, this office wilI take appropriate lega1- measures to ensure your comPliance. Thank you for your attention to this letter, and your anticipated courtesy and cooPeration. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY list of housing code 345 North 25Lh Street, _-i - -- :r-\\ L* o*-( Joseph J. LeahY JJL:bkh enc. cc: Mr Smith -- ! mtt)}Zdo =? (J o-(J -{ zo tI r t CqnDlctc hems l. 2, cnd 3. A.{.1 yut a&lrers s the'RETURN TO" ry*o onSENDER: t6 ersq Tl;: follarlog scrvice is rtquested (:heck onc') d St o, to whom and dato deiivercd'."" "" " -CE Stto* to whom, date and a'J.lress of del'vcry" ' - 4 :CI REsrzucrsDDEti!ERY Stros to whsn arrJ detc dtli';ercd""""""-C D irrsrermlD LriLi/E itY. ' Sho* to whoor, tlate, aad aCtlress of delh'cry'S- ANNCLE ADDBESSiD TO: Mr. 't t Mrs . Phi'l Marvetz 558 Cantershire Place, N Bremerton, WA 98310 I liavc rcc€ive'l the article d:scribid above' fitst REDXO. z E ot REGISTESED NO, 3. ANTICLE (coNsuLT PCST}{,ASTER FOR FEES) (At-a-tr oi:trin sQnatu re SIGNATURE EAudrslzcd cE6Tlt:tD t{o. 0447760 DATE G *rgtJ FOST!/iAF( loongs tOomglrtr olY il n{'t.l.dl5. t{\rlTtALS6.E8 BECAT.XSE:UilABLE TO gELIV : t9793C0459 -1 aI PUBLIC WORKS CIItrTf O3.' SPH,II$GFIEI-'I] sPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 January 6, 1981 346I\4AIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and Mrs. Phil Maruetz 558 Cantershire Place, N.E. Bremerton, Washington 98310 RE: 345 North 25th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Marvetz: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a foliow-up inspection of the -welling located at 545 North 25th Street, Spring- field, 0regon- on 6ctober 8, 1980. the original inspection, made on July 17, lg7g, was a housing inspection also requested by you In accordance with Section 1001, sub-sections (a) through (k) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield, the structure was declared to be a substandard building and was posied TTSUBSTANDARD BUILDING DO NOT OC- CUpy,'. Section 1101 (a) of this Code also requires that when a building has been determined to be subsiandard, the Building official must r'...colDmence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation, or deurolition of the building." At present, the structure is vacant. The following items are in violation of the Uniform Housing Coq? as adopted by the City of Springfield and include but are not limj.ted to conditions which caused the structure to be declared substandard: STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY: If the structure is repaired, the following itens must be installed, repaired or replaced to conform to the uniforn Housing code (u.H.c.) as adopted by the city of Springfield: 1) The thickness of the concrete floor is inadequate. In rnany plaees,_ the con- crete is one (1) inch thick or less. In the bedroom and bathroom where the concrete floor is breaking up, weeds are growing in the house and inside the wal1s. U.H.C. 1001 (c)1. Z) The condition described in 1 above is also contributing to active dry rot growth in the interior walls. For exanple, the dry rot in the bathroom wa1l is so extensive, the wal1 will not support the lavatory. U.H.C. 1001 (c)4. 3) Handrails must be provided at all stairs, They must be installed 30 to 34r' above the nosing oi the trends and spaced Lru" from the wall. U.H.C. 801. Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street Janaury 6, 1981 Page 2. 4) It is also recommended that the attic area be provided with adequate ventilation - 1/150 of the square footage nust be net free ventilation. SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been improperly maintained whichclassifies it as hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Uniforn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plumbing nay have net the standards of the Code that was in existence at the tine of its in-stallation, alterations and/or inproper maintenance require corrections to be rnadein accordance with both the Unifonn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring-field and the current 0regon State Plunbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.): 1) Dissimilar netals have been used in the water supply system, such as connecting copper pipe to galvanized pipe. P.S.C. 301 (f). 2) The washer drain line has no trap or cleanout. Adjacent to the washer exists an abandoned drain line with no cap. Both of these conditions permit sewer gases to excape and enter the house. P.S.C. 501 and 702. 3) The water heater nust be'rreadily accessiblerrwhich means "...direct access with- out the necissity of renoving any panel, door or similar obstruction..." as speci-fied in Section 102 (b) of the Plumbing Specialty Code. The water heater has beenenclosed. No inspection could be made of the water heater or its pressure relief valve without removing a walI section. P.S.C. 1007 (e). 4) The flexible shower hose which is attahced to the bathtub fill spout may cause pol-lution of the donestic hrater supply (cross connection) and must be removed. P.S.C. 1003. 5) There is no access to the shut off valves or the fixture trap for the bathroom lav-atory. P.S.C. 904 (b). 6) An approved gate valve must be installed on the discharge (property) side of the 7) ;"," r,'*;."]"1 l; ::::,tl-,r,, while the house is not occupied and the rixtures shut off. The water meter readings indicate approxirnately 150 gallons per day. P.S.C. 10.4 (a) (b). 8) The waste and drain system is not functioning properly. It appears that both the waste and water supply system is Leaking under the concrete floor of the house causing a potentially unhealthy condition that nust have imnediate attention. ELECTRICAL SAFETY: The electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and constitutes haz-ardous wiring as described in Section 1001 (e) of the Uniform Housing Code as adoptedby the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical systen may have net the 3) 4) s) Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 2Sth Street January 6, 1981 Page 3. standards of the Code that was in effect at the time of its installation, alterationsand/ot improper maintenance require corrections to be rnade in accordance with both theUniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon StateElectrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.) : 1) The nain and subpanels are not properly grounded and bonded. E.s.c and 250-71. 230-72,250-55 2)The service panels have exposed cables which are not protected. E.S.C. 300-4 C2)(b)and 336-3 (b). The exterior light fixture over the rear door is not properly secured. E.S.C. S7O-yS. The conduit on the exterior walI of the kitchen is not secured. E.S.C. 5g6-5. 6) The range receptacle outlet in the kitchen has not been secured to the wal1. E.S.C.300-1s (a) and (b). The dryer receptacle has not been placed in an approved outlet box and is not se-cured in any manner. E.S.C. 300-15 (a) and (b). The fixture wire which runs through the kitchen wall to the outside light fixture isnot an approved tfpe. The light fixture must be wired through the original wa11switch. E.S.C. 110-8 and 402-77. The baseboard heaters have not been secured to the wa1l. E.s.c. 970-ls. Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the baseboardheaters. E.S.C. 370-1,. 8) e) 10) Defective wiring exists in the light fixture over the sink. 110-8. E.S.C. 110-3 (a)7 and 11) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables enter ing the junction boxes in the attic. E.S.C. S7A-7. 7) L2) 15) Approved covers have not been installed on the junction boxes. E.S.C. S70-1S. Receptacle outlets, switches, and fixture outlet boxes are not flush with the fin-ished surface of walls. E.S.C. 570-10. The subpanel in the utility room is defective. Replace defective panel or rewirecircuits back to main service panel Defective receptacle outlets and switches exist thorughout the house. E.S.C. 1L0-s(a) 7. Missing and defective covers ercist on the receptacle and switch outlets. E.S.C.570-15. 14) 1s) 16) Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street January 6, 1980 Page 4. tZ) The circuit for the washing machine is improperly wired and grounded. E.S.C. 200-10 (b) and 2tA-7 (a). 18) There are three pronged receptacles installed on two wire circuits. E.S.C. 2t0-7 (c) and (d). 19) Switches and receptacles nust be made tight to the outlet boxes. E.S.C. 110-14 (a), 300-11, and 370-9 Permits for either repair or denolition nust be obtained before work starts and all work shal1 be inspected by this office. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726'3753. Sincerely, Dan Snith Building Inspector cc DS: SJ/ls Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney { .J-ta.,.-l -il -{ ::l :3 I ,l': 'I 4 .{ -{\{ : =- 1.! j { i'ri-' ;-" -J j V'Y,do-() co , F c,z =.o-,,i o-9c.l9 F l!.: ooF G$;B. F j I ,':: .:--.., Conplrt! irems l, 2, and 3, Ad.t your ad.lrcrs u the 'TIETURN TO" rpacc on ts crs€. @ ssxoun: follc,ving scrvice is requested (:heck onc.) Show to whom and &le deiivered-...... .... . -CShoc, to vrhom, date ad EiJress of delivery. . . - 4 IiEST:UCTED DET:}'ERY Shoy to whsn arid drtc C:li'.:ersd.......-....-C RES TRIL-TED L^ E LI'1E ii Y. Sho* to whom, dare, aod aCd:ers of delircry.$- (COIISLTLT PCSTLIASTER FOR FEES) Mr. t I Mrs. Phi'l Marvetz 558 Cantershire Place, N.E Bremerton, l,lA 98310 (Alwa..,g obtein sQnature of addt653e€ or I }iave rcceive,l the article describid above. IHSUREO NO.RBGISTEFEO NO.cG6Tlr:=D ilo. Z ANNCLE ADDFESSED TO: 0447760 SIGNATUEE OAudrorlzod 3. AnTlCLEOiSCdllPTloii: l. Tliefi,C ,D -tr D/rf E AOOnESS {Compl.tr mly if nqscrrldl5. I 6. UNAEIITODELIVER SECAUSE: ,. -: ,.1, f Glo : tszsscc-ass I,, b FOSTUARX CLEBX'S gtITtALS C('I PUBLIC WORKS CI:trTf O3- SPIRIIVGFIEIJD SPRINGFTELD. OREGON 97 477 JanuarY 6, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 558 Cantershire P1ace, N.E. Bremerton, Washington 98310 RE: 345 North 25th Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Marvetz: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a foliow-up inspection of the dwelling located at 345 North 25th Street, Spring- field, 0iegon- on 0ctober 8, 1980. The original inspection, nade on JuLy t7 '!979, was a housing inspection also requested by you In accordance with Section 1001, sub-sections (a) through (k) of the Uniforn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield, the structure was declared to be i substandard building and was posted TTSUBSTANDARD BUILDING D0 NOT OC- CUpy". Section 1101 (a) of this Code also requires that when a building has been determined to be substandard, the Building 0fficial must 'r...conmence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation, or demolition of the building." At present, the structure is vacant. The fol.lowing items are in violation of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and include but are not limited to conditions which caused the structure to be declared substandard: STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY: If the structure is repaired, the following items must be instaLled, repaired or replaced to conform to the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) The thickness of the concrete floor is inadequate. In nany places, the con- crete is one (1) inch thick or less. In the bedroom and bathroom where the concrete floor is breaking up, weeds are growing in the house and inside the wal1s . U.H. C. 1001 (c) 1. 2) The condition described in 1 above is also contributing to active dry rot growth in the interior wa1ls. For example, the dry rot in the bathroom waI1 is so extensive, the wa1l will not support the lavatory. U.H.C. 1001 (c)4. 3) Handrails must be provided at all stairs, They must be installed 30 to 34rl above the nosing oi the trends and spaced 714" from the wa1l. U.H.C. 801. ^.\'( Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street Janaury 6, 1981 Page 2. 4) It is also rbcommended that the attic area be provided with adequate ventilation - 1/150 of the square footage nust be net free ventilation. SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been inproperly maintained which classifies it as hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Unifonn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plunbing may have met the standards of the Code that was in existence at the tirne of its in- stallation, alterations and/or inproper maintenance require corrections to be nade in accordance with both the Unifo:m Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring- field and the current Oregon State Plunbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.): 1) Dissimilar metals have been used in the water supply system, such as connecting copper pipe to galvanized pipe. P.S.C. 301 (f). 2) The washer drain line has no trap or cleanout. Adjacent to the washer exists an abandoned drain line with no cap. Both of these conditions pernit sewer gases to excape and enter the house. P.S.C. 501 and 702. 3) The water heater must be I'readily accessible" which means't...direct access with- out the necissity of renoving any pane1, door or sirnilar obstruction..." as speci- fied in Section 102 (b) of the Plunbing Specialty Code. The water heater has been enclosed. No inspection could be made of the water heater or its pressure relief valve without removing a wall section. P.S.C. 1007 (e). 4) The flexible shower hose which is attahced to the bathtub fill spout may cause pol- lution of the domestic water supply (cross connection) and must be removed. P.S.C. 1003. 5) There is no access to the shut off valves or the fixture trap for the bathroom lav-atory. P.S.C. 904 (b). 6) An approved gate valve must be installed on the discharge (property) side of the water meter. P.S.C. 1005 (b). 7) There is evidence of water running while the house is not occupied and the fixtures shut off. The water meter readings indicate approxirnately 150 gallons per day. P.S.C. 10.4 (a) (b). 8) The waste and drain system is not functioning properly. It appears that both the waste and water supply system is Leaking under the concrete floor of the house causing a potentially unhealthy condition that must have inmediate attention. ELECTRICAL SAFETY: The electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and constitutes haz- ardous wiring as described in Section J.001 (e) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical system nay have met the e' )f '\.(_ Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil ltlarvetz 345 North 25th Street January 6, 1981 Page 3, standards of the Code that was in effect at the time of its installation, alterations and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be nade in accordance with both the Uniforn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current 0regon State Electrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.) : 1) The nain and subpanels are not properly grounded and bonded. E.S.C. 230-72, 250-Ss and 250-71. 2) The service panels have exposed cables which are not protected. E.S.C. 300-4 (2)(b) and 336-3 (b). The exterior light fixture over the rear door is not properly secured. E.S.C. 370-73. The conduit on the exterior waIl of the kitchen is not secured. E.S.C. 336-5. The range receptacl.e outlet in the kitchen has not been secured to the wal1. E.S.C. 300-1s (a) and (b). 6) The dryer receptacle has not been placed in an approved outlet box and is not se- cured in any manner. E.S.C. 300-15 (a) and (b). 7) Ttre fixture wire which runs through the kitchen wall to the outside Light fixture isnot an approved type. The light fixture must be wired through the original wallswitch. E.S.C. 110-8 and 402-11. 8) The baseboard heaters have not been secured to the wa11. E.S.C. 370-13. 9) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the baseboardheaters. E.S.C. 370-7 10) Defective wiring exists in the light fixture over the sink. E.S.C. 110-3 (a)7 and 110-8. 11) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering tho junction boxes in the attic. E.S.C. 370-7. 3) 4) s) L2) 13) Approved covers have not been installed on the junction boxes. E.S.C. 370-15. Receptacle outlets, switches, and fixture outlet boxes are not flush with the fin- ished surface of wal1s. E.S.C. 370-10. L4) The subpanel in the utility room is defective. Replace defective panel or rewirecircuits back to main service panel. 15) Defective receptacle outlets and switches exist thorughout the house. E.S.C. 11.0-3(a) 7. 16) Missing and defective covers exist on the receptacle and switch outlets. E.S.C. 370- 15. . ,J 's I \! Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street January 6, L980 Page 4. 17) The circuit for the washing machine is improperly wired and grounded. E.S.C. 200-10 (b) and 210-7 (a). 18) There are three pronged receptacles installed on two wire circuits. E.S.C. 210-7 (c) and (d). 19) Switches and receptacles nust be nade tight to the outlet boxes. E,S.C. 110-14(a), 300-11, and 370-9 Permits for either repair or demolition rnust be obtained before work starts and all work shall be inspected by this office. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerel Y, :l Dan Smith Building Inspector cc Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney DS: SJ/ls PUBLIC WORKS CIItrY C)3- SPF,II{IGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 November 5, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and N{rs. Phil Marvetz Route 5, Box #296 Doulsbo, Washington RE: 345 North 2Sth Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear l'{r. and Mrs. Marvetz: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a fo1-1ow-up inspection of the dwelling located at 345 North 25th Street, Spring- field, 0iegon- on October 8, 1980. The original inspection, made on July 17, lg7g, was a housing inspection also requested by you' In accordance with Section 1001, sub-sections (a) through (k) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield, the structure was declared to be a substandard building and was posted "SUBSTANDARD BUILDING --D0 NOT 0C- CUpy". Section 1101(a) of ihir Cod" also requires that when a building has been deternined to be subitandard, the Building 0fficial nust "...commence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation, or demolition of the building." At present, the structure is vacant. The following items are in violation of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and include but are not limited to conditions which caused the structure to be declared substandard: STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY If the structure is repaired, the following items must be installed, repaired or replaced to conform to the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) The thickness of the concrete floor is inadequate. In rnany places, the con- crete is one (1) inch thick or less. In the bedroom and bathroom where the concrete flooi is breaking up, weeds are growing in the house and inside the wa11s. U.H.C. 1001(c)1. Z) The condition described in 1 above is also contributing to active dry rot growth in the interior walls. For example, the dry rot in the bathroom wal1 is so extensive, the wa1l will not support the lavatory. U.H.C. 1001(c)a. 3) Handrails must be provided at all stairs. They must be installed 30 to 34r' above the nosing of the treads and spaced 1\" from the waI1. U.H.C' 801. Housing Inspection Mr. and lnlrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street November 5, 1980 Page 2. 4) It is also recomnended that the attic area be provided with adequate ventilation - 1/1SO of the square footage nust be net free ventilation. SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been improperly maintained which clasiifies it as hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plumbing may have met the stindards of the code that was in existence at the time of its in- stillation, alterations and/or inproper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring- field and the current 0regon State Plumbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.): 1) Dissimilar metals have been used in the water supply system, such as connecting copper pipe to galvanized pipe. P.S.C. 501(f). 2)The washer drain line has no trap or cleanout. Adjacent to the washer exists an abandoned drain line with no cap. Both of these conditions permit sewer gases to escape and enter the house. P.S.C. 501 and 702. The water heater mrst be "readily accessible" which means "...direct access with- out the necessity of removing any panel, door or similar obstruction...rr as speci- fied in Section 102(b) of the Plumbing Specialty Code. The water heater has been enclosed. No inspection could be made of the water heater or its pressure relief valve without renoving a wa1l section. P.S.C. 1007(e). The flexible shower hose which is attached to the bathtub fill spout may cause pol- lution of the domestic water supply (cross connection) and must be removed. P.S.C. 1005. 3) 4) 5) There is no access to the shut off valves or the fixture trap for the bathroom lav- atory. P.S.C. 904(b). 6) An approved gate valye must be installed on the discharge (property) side of the rvater neter. P.S.C. 1005(b). 7) There is evidence of water running while the house is not occupied and" the fixtures shut off. The water meter readings indicate approximately 150 gallons per day. P.s.C 10.4 (a) (b). 8)The waste and drain system is not functioning properly. It appears t.hat both the waste and water supply system is leaking under the concrete floor of the house causing a potentially unheatthy condition that must have inmediate attention. P.S.C. 10.5. ELECTRICAL SAFETY: The electrical system has been irnproperly altered and rnaintained and constitutes haz- ardous wiring as described in Section 1001(e) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical system may have met the Housing Inspection Mr. and lrlrs. Phil Maryetz 345 North 25th Street November 5, 1980 Page 3. standards of the code that was in effect at the time of its installation, alterationsand/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Unifor:n Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon StateElectrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.) : 1) The nain and subpanels are not properly grounded and bonded. E.S.C. 230-72, 250-55 and 250-71. 2) The service panels have exposed cables which are not protected. E.S.C. 300-4(2)(b) and 336-6(b). 3) The exterior light fixture over the rear door is not properly secured. E.S.C. 370- 13. 4) The conduit on the exterior wal1 of the kitchen is not secured. E.S.C. 336-5. 5) The range receptacle outlet in the kitchen has not been secured to the wa1l. E.S.C.300-1s(a) and (b). 6) The dryer receptacle has not been placed in an approved outlet box and is not se- cured in any manner. E.S.C. 300-15(a) and (b). 7) The fixture wire which rtns through the kitchen wal1 to the outside light fixtureis not an approved type. The light fixture must be wired through the original hral1 switch. E.S.C. 110-8 and 402-1,1,. 8) The baseboard heaters have not been secured to the wa1l. E.S.C. 37A-$. 9) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the baseboardheaters. E.S.C.370-1. f0) Defectiye wiring exists in the light fixture over the sink. E.S.C. 110-3(a)7 and Il.0-8. -LU. Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the junction boxes in the attic. E.S.C. 370-7. 72) l3) Approved covers haye not been installed on the junction boxes. E.S.C. 370-15. Receptacle outlets, s.witches, and fi:rture outlet boxes are not flush with the fin- ished surface of the wal1s. E.S.C, 370-L0. 14) The subpanel in the utility room is defective. Replace defective panel or rewirecircuits back to main seryice pane1. 15) Defective receptacle outlets and switches exist throughout the house. E,S.C, 110-3 La)7. 16) Missing and defective covers exist on the receptacle and switch outlets. E.S.C. 370-1s. a Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street November 5, 1980 Page 4. L7) The circuit for the washing rnachine is i:nproperly wired and grounded. E.S.C- 200-10(b) and 270-7 (a). 13) There are three pronged receptacles installed on two wire circuits. E.S-C. 210-7)c, and (d). 19) Switches and receptacles must be made tight to the outlet boxes. E.S.C. 110- 14(a), 300-11, and 370-9. permits for either repair or denolition nust be obtained before work starts and all work shal1 be inspected by this office. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, Dan Smith Building Inspector Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney DS: SJ/ tj cc I Ii ffi i- CITY OF SPR.TNGIFTEIJE) FOURTH ANO NORTH "A" STREETS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 .AcLAtM cx-l.ti'. I NO. 1," Ll 'i J d_U and SNIr P.O. Box Doulsbo, . Phil Marvetz 296 shington OATE NOT I NOT IC c 1 b RETURN DFn 1 {t Oaiach{ lrom PS Form 3ga9-Mrf t979 l. : ii (..? ( OHoLo e P13 0,{476{18 1 r : rara300a5a o ,'=- "-@-, 6 5€NIlm:i'aarComplce t.1ald2,A4 l'er ulr.rdrert &c .},[TURN lpE otaYCrc. Shcnx to yhom, darc, aflJri*.* of dslireryj_ 5aArEED SirC, a C Doulsbo, Wash ington c e c (co{sul,TPosTli{Asrm FOR FEES) S!Cr{,!rIrJBE Lavc &errceilcd article dcscribed rbcvc- Eeaacrrcc EAstH.{|tEr 4.errcLE ADDRESS€O T6:Mr and Mr S Phi I zMarvettRoue3oBx4296 o&tai.a flgiatunt nErijs.! EAEO XC.C€ETIFIED trO. 0447699 OAT€ GF D€L'C'€rr 5- & AatrRESSi odl} lr-arsrf.df SEAELE rO O€L'VC B EECA'!SE: trArlAts o t I r f'. CITY OF SPF,I\TG3-IEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGOIr{ 97 477 November 5, 1980 ( PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER l'{r. and Nlrs. Phil Marvetz Route 3, Box #296 Doulsbo, Washington RE: 345 North 25th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Nlr. and N{rs . Marvet z : At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted a follorv-up inspection of the dwelling located at 345 North 25th Street, Spring- field, Oregon on 0ctober 8, 1980. The original inspection, made on July 17, 1979, was a housing inspection also requested by you. In accordance with Section 1001, sub-sections (a) through (k) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield, the st,ructure was declared to be a substandard buitding and was posted "SUBSTANDARD BUILDING --D0 NOT 0C- CUPY''. Section 1101(a) of this Code also requires that when a building has been determined to be substandarci, the Building Official nust "...commence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation, or demolition of the building." At present, the structure is vacant. The following items are in violation of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and include but are not limited to conditions which caused the structure to be declared substandard: STRUCTURAL fu\D FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY: If the structure is repaired, the follorr'ing items must be installed, repaired or replaced to conform to the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) The thickness of the concrete floor is inadequate. In many places, the con- crete is one (1) inch thick or 1ess. In the bedroom and bathroom t+here the concrete floor is breaking up, weeds are growing in Ehe house and inside the wa11s. U.H.C. 1001(c)1. 2) The condition described in 1 above is also contributing to active dry rot grorvth in the interior wa11s. For exarnple, the dry rot in the bathroom wa11 is so extensive, the wa11 will not support the lavatory. U.H.C. 1001(c)4. 3) Handrails must be provided at all stairs. They must be installed 30 to 34" above the nosing of the treads and spaced L1-1" fron the rval1. U.H.C. 801. ri Housing Inspection trlr. and I'Irs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 2Sth Street November 5, 1980 Page 2. 4) It is also reconmended that the attic area be provided with adequate ventilation - 1/L50 of the square footage nust be net free ventilation. SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and has been improperly maintained which classifies it as hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001 (f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plumbing may have inet the standards of the cocie that was i.n existence at the time of its in-stallation, alterations and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring-field and the current 0regon State Plumbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.): 1) Dissinrilar metals have been used in the water supply system, such as connecting copper pipe to galvanized pipe. P.S.C. 301(f). 2) The washer drain line has no trap or cleanout. Adjacent to the washer exists an abandoned drain line with no cap. Both of these conditions permit sewer gases to escape and enter the house. P.S.C. 501 and 702. 3) The water heater must be "readily accessible" which neans'r...direct access with- out the necessity of removing any panel, door or similar obstruction...r' as speci-fied in Section 102(b) of the Plumbing Specialty Code. The water heater has been enclosed. No inspection could be rnade of the water heater or its pressure relief valve without removing a wa1l section. P.S.C. 1007(e). 4) The flexible shower hose which is attac.hed to the bathtub fill spout may cause po1-lution of the domestic water supply (cross connection) and must be removed. P.S.C. 1003. 5) There is no access to the shut off valves or the fixture trap for the bathroom lav-atory. P.S.C. 904(b). 6) An approved gate valve must be instal.led on the discharge (property) side of the hrater meter. P.S.C. 1005(b). 7) There is evidence of ttiater running while the house is not occupied and. the fixtures shut off. The water meter readings indicate approximately 150 gallons per day.P.s.c 10.4 (a)(b). 8) The rvaste and drain system is not functioning properly. It appears that both the waste and water supply system is leaking under the concrete floor of the house causing a potentially unhealthy condition that must have immediate attention. P. S. C. 10. 5. ELECTRICAL SAFETY: The electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and constitutes haz-ardous wiring as described in Section 1001 (e) of the Uniform Hotrsing Code as adoptedby the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical system may have met the -t't' *u/r , Housing Inspection Mr. and lrlrs. phil Marvetz 345 North 2Sth Street November S, 1980 Page 3. r standards of the code that was in effect at the time of its instarlation, alterationsand/ot improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both theuniforn Housing code as adopted''-by the city-of springfield and the cu*ent oregon stateElectrical Specialty Code qE.S.C.j: --r 1) The main and subpanels are not properly grounded and bonded. E.s.c. 230-72, 250-53and 250-71. 2) ]ff ;ffi?ill'""" have exposed cables which are not protected. E.s.c. so0-4(2)(b) 3) The exterior light fixture over the rear door is not properly secured. E.s.c. szo-73. 4) The conduit on the exterior wall 0f the kitchen is not secured. E.s.c. 336-5. 5) The range receptacle outlet in the kitchen has not been secured to the wa1r. E.s.c.500-15(a) and (b). 6) The dryer receptacle has not been placed in an approved outlet box and is not se-cured in any manner. E.S.C. 300_1-S(a) and [b). 7) The fixture wire which runs through the kitchen wa1l to the outside light fixtureis not an approved type. The right fixture must be wired through the originalwa11 switch. E.S.C. 110_g and, q}Z_tt. 8) The baseboard heaters have not been secured to the wa1l. E.s.C. s1o-13. 9) Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the baseboardheaters. E.S.C. 370-1,. f 0) Defectiye wiring e.xists lLc-8.in tlre light fixture over the sink. E.s.c. llo-s(.a)7 and xl 72) l5l Approved connectors have not been installed on the cables entering the junctionboxes in the attic. E.S.C. S7O-7. Approved covers have not been installed on the junction boxes. E.S.C. g70-15. Receptacle outlets, s-witches, and fixture outlet boxes are not flush with the fi,n-ished surface of the walls. E.S.C. 370-10. The subpanel in the utility room is defective. Replace defective panel or relvirecircuits back to main seryice pane1, Defective receptacle outlets and switches exist throughout the house. E.s.c. 110-3La)7. Missing and defective covers exist on the receptacle and switch outlets. E.s.c.370-15. f4) 1sl 16) I *Ltg-W.7 Housing Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street November 5, 1980 Page 4. t7) The circuit for the washing nachine is improperly wired and grounded. E.S.C. 200-10(b) and 210-7(a). 18) There are three pronged receptacles installed on two wire circuits. E.S.C. 270-7)c, and (d). 19) Switches and receptacles nust be made tight to the outlet boxes. E.S.C. 110- 14(a), 300-11, and 37A-9 Permits for either repair or demolition must be obtained before work starts and all work shall be inspected by this office. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely,tu a Dan Smith Building fnspector DS : SJ/ 1j Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney LL I I I {rrorA *Ar*-,^ d.r.ro nno- e ALeatz.-t'n Agz./L Br4rr4.4-L(!r:P.;,^+ :5 .i da;3,2 I f t t tr, :r' tli 'tt i 7 { .: 'i. II . I l. t i -.., ;'4. I ,f, f b;__- .t r.l t ''I ,l ;1 .ll ; j.. ,- .-l i, : : /; \ @ c 4 /' y, tr'3 ,z t7. 'f, /6 A, /.8, Raezr/-,t^ /a - t-&o (/,wts. ,. nt ,4, t/ N t O ol Jara g rrlN e /fR e Sutc e./^, cr C,++rr ,z r" / (/ - Se-rr/a^)s 6 6 f for"o \) /,v o frr.zt 4^ , ?^rntgru, drectdarte Zooe &reae, Z, )aea ^t S+ru /?v6 Er,o,, //, " {t ntc /7crtc->to*/ /, 3?{ lJ *€* €+ LuqTrA Me >e < (eeLtaEe n hre Yf " 6r* Zr*aa I-, MzrEQ Ko* Frrz w.*Ea W, t?p* &,rr*. - MZrue fro ut {44 u " l/o 12, ,/r le,+r .{^t / 0 M ^t -- ./gi) 6ar.pao OA y _ SZc. /ord We-Eo Tntsp. //earu o /e' ,F n Paj<'onai {/r. /od? e Bzzu E ur"-- 3€ crtr /,a c uG r7o Aa*, s 4- ann St/ar Ar, /,*rZ - t^t Ott /* -t^J B*r* /or o Brt - O,4,r ?heag.e Oa fixrrnT -{l TVar - Nt 4 r.i, t {de. 7a /t fi 'flort fluro u/Atry'Lrt €rrutrl -?r,t ,d6 P - Tf.+o D *t Oxror,,t,*z-e $>a^.roprtc? - 77,us huz /rra (t0u.rlo ft y',*Z Crae, dar.- Oto /4" fl?pnoa^.e a /aar^t Nat,ot n Ba Cr*teao //-t $A wZ R 6 .e t 1y', "t 'Ep*,a pc ,$ore TVraoocl.t Zo *t dtrce -c - {6", ta/ - ,fdt - Zd I ,Frlrrr gr€ Slt w4 n {.r fr P, ccrrttt Ortr 4t taR ilU-r, n 8a.2. Eto f Arnx+e o 77 t*re ,V/8 4* S?rer 1o^t^re c-270 ^) 9e. /d o s {{?trvto{ ) t^t Wr**r prplt N o . rtor, rre p ,t/o c'l Canc < -- Eltesiricat InsPection HePort Jl,uPlll-Dorr 726-3753 AOOREsS ADOR€S5 OF TNSTALL.ATION TYPE OF STRUCTUrrE fi,a f, WIRING METHOc): NON.METALLIC SHEATHEO CABLE OWHER CHANGES OROEREO u'.ofesrlf -a-ccfr ,'fu/)2 o^.. /6 -6 - 8a M^u.,r., cABLE fl "onto"'- [l lCrrv on rowN) Ar,OF.E53 LABEL NO POWER CO lct Y OR TOWN} a d 0 -6 33 e -r{ 3 70 -/ q t covfR lx3PECtOR ar3, ACCOMPANIEO AY () f4a / t/e t-t I 'l Jn - i? faq e 2 F,Iec irical',[nspeclr0n HgpOrt (o.if-11,t 726-3753 ) WI RING INSTALLER AOORESS Ac}ORESS OF INSTALLATIOr{ ItY oR TOwNI LA6EL N ?YPE OF STFrUCTURE USEO HEIGHT- -- c^?= ',TRING METHOO: XON.METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE E ^"^.O"'O CABLE I-I .ON.O.,', [I _POWEFI CO OWNER AOORE55 CHA'NGES ORDEREO CIT Y oR TowN) o- a 7D-lo .3 7o covElr ),r=P€c 70 a /*Wadas€r,ACCOMre61lg6 ", 41nb//}at.ry'ea"r * Ddn .tbt,/r( 4,tr Al, 2 /o r /,r *: i.:r1, .. e Merno Fronr Dan 4//Z<4 G I fr-lAz-* =-e"4 fu1 o - b-FO, Ko-r")u'ra %rr,Vt &o/6f22;-rz- &" 37 {- Fqr{ >r'L li:;1, Il;t.^w'ti .//) /o-7- vc' n*"t-;Merno Fronr Dan I . '-: '^'*i iL w / i,- ,:1f /) l I l-. /a - 8-80 (* q'$ l'iiw a,E-*,,wt,\mp" I-t-' E (/-ua/ a Surc e,, DUl/C 6J ,/a dSrN -*frrr-, \) / ^, o -- f4d-r..- 4u , -ftaazr o * Z-' /<^caa J --StYz7 e / a4 r- p* -.*& oe ...,J-? ? 6 .---6*o, -n-t 4 cl LJ {/ PC -frs-ct r\/. *.fZ fr-s 7-,A--ME rd R 3e e -r-l-oa p =-l?--h"e -- Yr!: 6r*. U*u€ -{,1 r/-3 ^ _Ft /?W .*zt* -,.. Wr -//f,-- Cbnr--(-=-,- MZfZ A fro q __i,* ,, _-_-4 0___ _h. -,/f -- le.*m -4^t * --/ 0 *// Nt..--..:--1$:d*6a! 57c /y,(Ne r< fase rt-<-Je;-*!l-rz -8 tl fto Aont, s * ll1// L r- 4A c On St/or dr+ /,*re - e 8o n - -{rl rtt 4..1 ts /7 T.?r,€ _7Var - .{4e.-*7a/t=- r R I P D ^l 0t<4rt eac S>4nropr uz---/tu ofi - 4A"r- dur.- Cro..-/y'i"- l{an,oa{t Q - 4ra,e,^t- - Ntaot. fA 8a--C.Qeaa -/,2/ B ,uZ n-- - 6 ,A .t - /)Z O - 'Enr/Lc/ r{C . -ku'e lVrarrrrt/--Zo /t dzltS |c 56.,0a/ - -.t/-1 '-7d 2 d - Ortr671t4R M2-a, t €,,,t Wr**r prpt*16 N o , &or, rrt D ,/ltnr grE {.r A S/t t^tE n 4,<crtcl .y'o cr /rZt.c C Ar"*e*< o 77 Zo "lle c-?70..) g*-a ,4/8 4u S?rur 964. /ao7 1{?z,vor+)G /6 9es-.-Et o F /),- /.a R atz)Lt./ : .-->1o-21 /r J- ,,/ (:2 (:: Et,,t cricat trnspection Heport P|rI- Re'l . 726-3 1? Slza t 753 ' tYIRINC INSTALLER AOORESS lcrTY oR TOwNI AOE)R€SS OF INSTALLAT'ON LABEL NO w, RrNG METHoo: NoN-METALLIC sHEATHEo cABLE W^uo*ao a^".a [l CONOUIT POWER CO OWNER AOORESS tTY oR TowNl CttANGES OROEREO u' " o f-e,sr-/r --c-e,-.@ r,&/)2 o^,. /c -5 - 8A , a f/o in yrl,/n,orrf Ar n (.t'n un /,t,, ,l d- 33(, -6 G .1s -_{ .77 0'/ q 'l t cov€R lx3PECTOR FI ACCOMPANIEO AY TY'E oF sYRUcrurE fi'a n o v Errr S*r o#'r#pecrion Stunort PH-( Re,r.'726-3Jlza I 753 WIRIHG INSTALLER AOORESS lcrtY oR TowNl q 4,i A/, 2;tl LASEL NOA,DORESS OF INSTALLAYlOH HETGHT - E,ATE wlG.r{G METHoo: Nor-MEtALLrc sHEATHEo .ABLE D ^"*o".o .ABLE f] aon o.r,t E - PowEn co OWXER AOORE55 (crTY oR TowHl CHANGES OROEREO ?7n -/3 I o -8 37O - ro Aa"J./-c Yna in-,felut? e tcZt te--7/Jo-sfr)r 6- 2/o -2{ cov€n Hotrs'ttte Zrrp,J 7- rxrFEcro, Q a-L6 accoMFAHrED ay P ?Ytafro.s*.,,)/1cr * iDen '%t,t/ TYPE c)F STRUCTURE USEO I I t_il,'nnc X**YN 4 P;"+o<(,-L QgO '? z'/6 7q6- ot€s' '\ e44;aY-c(t(, * /:ooat^' %,%a4,r4l eL fa A*a* '4* lL'cru*t' e*t e-l€-/O . o y'rn AA -/L-444o'-Jft -'fu 1pa+ -vr,Cc 4fi/air-u-/ ,44444J.4 'gr-iat'Ak ? Je1 ?14A 'ka,4rn?44-A'/"--4l'r^9 'A"A -Ur.{do ab /aSa' - /rn*, '/: {'lg'70 -{l N,E,A/) Da,/ l'b 55s (3to {5-r'".rrrr*-t', I t{ffiEH dil,C .,r(fr*.fN 4 p,;u+6<*-> Q86'?zc/6 '?nc 7q6- ot€s' .a *%,%aaql 4,F fi AH.*r\ Jao;a*- -ee4V'fr' K .44;a,t*c( /:oo RtA . y)Aj* +..v\bffip* -+-Lz-^'a& t-e"r fu l 4Ha;1*-$<r* 4l .\ ltb'- 558 tlu.r-.,.,-A--,Dalj {3to %*a- N.E. 6=\ CIITTT 03- SPF,I\TGFIEI-D (+ PUBLIC WORKS sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 9'' 474 July 20, 1979 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. & Mrs. Phil Marvetz 345 North 25th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Marvetz: At your request the Building Division of the City of Springfield made a houi'ing inspection on July 17, L979 at 345 North 25th Street, Springfie'ld' 0regon. The fol'lowing items must be repaired, replaced or installed to confbrm with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. ELECTRICAL: 1. Install an adequate size main breaker pane'l or sub-main panels to comply with requirements for service equipment. 2. Install an approved grounding electrode and ground the service panel s. 3. Bond the service to the cold water line with approved bonding attachments. 4. Remove all three prong receptacles from two wire circuits or install a ground wire to all three prong receptacles. 5. A generai repair of the electrical system must be made. PLUMBING: 1. Install a full way gate valve on the property side of the water meter. 2. All materials used in the water supply system shall be of like material. Connecting copper pipe to galvanized p'ipe is prohibited. All such connec- tions musi be'replaced in an approved manner with approved materials. 3. The water heater must be readily accessible. Because the water heater is installed behind a cabinet, inspection of the water heater, pressure relief valve etc., could not be made. 4. The waste system is not functioning properly. It appears that both the waste and water supply system is leaking under the concrete floor of the structure. This presents a very unhealthy cond'ition that must have immediate attention. ing Inspection Page 2. e 5. A general repair of the waste and water supply system must be made. STRUCTURAL: 1. The thickness of the concrete floor in the house is'inadequate.In many areas the concrete is one (1) inch. thick or less. In the bedroom and bathroom where the concrete is breaking up, weeds aregrowing in the house and up jnside the walls. Thjs condjtion is alsocontributing to active dry rot growth jn the jnterior walls. The rotin the bathroom wall is so extensive that the wood w'ill not supportthe lavatory. (It fell in the wall.) Also due to the thin layer of concrete and the possible accumulationof waste and water under the concrete, worms are coming through the f loorin the center of the kitchen. 2. Handrails must be provided at all stairs. They must be installed 30 to 34 inches above the nos'ing o.f the treads and spaced 11/2 inchesfrom the wall. 3. Ceiling height in the up stairs rooms is less than 7 feet. 4. The attic area must be provided vrith adequate ventilation, l/tsoof the square footage must be net free ventilation or as otherwiseprovided in the applicable codes. p*,9*;ln" u1 G 5. There is rio attic insulation. Al I necessary permits shal I be obta jned before work starts and al I l,luorkshall be accomplished according to applicable codes and inspected beforea Certificate of Compfiance wiII be issued. tructure is to be leased or rented. a licensed electrical contractorred to do al1 wiring. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Divisjon at 726-3753. Sincerely, the s requi if is KDa.n Smi th Building Inspector DS/ct . ..t r.- '."-., .,: .,.1,".;''.jt:i .;'jjr,::1.'r;{ -',,i1gt.; .,.;.j1;',.p,..,orfr'gE-;.;,.-1;5.}. lr:r':..1J .,- /* \__a:' fi.1 HOUSING INSPEC'IION APPLICATION EXISTING BUILDINGS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUI LDING DEPARTI\IENT DATE:t JOB ADDRESS:5L NUTIBER OF UNITS: } OI1INER ADDRESS:315 /L)2Z ,ll1-+ APPLICANT:ADDRESS FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPTIONE NUMBER 74L- At s/ A $20.00 INSPECTION FEE IS RT..QUIRED AT THE TII\E OF APPLICATION. THIS APPLICATION FORN{ T'IUST BE SIGNED BY THE OI1NER OF TTIE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. SI FOR OFFICE USE ONLY R Date of Inspection: Date of Report: REII,IARKS: Date of Cert. of Compliance: Receipt Number JJ a,[, 'Zr) , I q1 1 I 4-r-r442 ?qg urtdas9' ?- ( 1--7 ? d4 /4Z.uJ--"urz/, rfirh4-44 aa4r att.rZl -* %.uaf -*ru 4,*-7a 4+.2+^<- an '1ru' ,r4'' ,.? /4,* &-4 r-A''n',Att? ,t .% a{fu-.1 {Mto C ? a-L la %{ru. /Z oa 4f,/ r/? g% 4rri I '*4e &//rf. i 4 4*-,?z ar;tLa44-a,A w*_a q 6 Y fuol /,/h.4Vry u"aa- % zzt-a-;aa -&uk o,aa*",e4 "fu % yWt.&-t&;utJ, /-e-cL"aabd ffi 4r-*?r !-f rze'a* --'L , " - -_.ttr -;'t ,r1l--a-*T 4a.,,-- i A4 p C-rze-*{ztzL ta,.cR r'^ ,/ ' , r.*oF 1 . 2*y--al4fu,&fl*L 5,L :. , L4-/,fzh -L o -a- *- 4* d_A*<i29./,t&l-%a {?, lrlL*,"zrr;r?.M fu*oo,da(4 O rt----l-{- a-^D zztz2z-4trr4&/rD7-r -T- 5 Ct o*-raJatb)a-"/4*-o d-4- -Url-frg -a-co**.bo{1 7-v--a -^CL tu -t// -o:*fuzw <4i{y'3,/?n+.;4 *v&-?tc?t-t ilU lrffi.-S uyU@Z-{{ uAa.&L- Lt t l L*r -f rfue, ail t, .<-l-ad Jet,/t -Jl uZ-A+aU t/ Ae!.yL a^-1- Mvz-t-a- 5,' gA t:a-t,a' Aa****-x.fu a &tuM&ry f.i^ olh-A ru-d.u'fr ML;'*-* 'x (,, ' q* 4 a ,4.--a-rf,t i, , b,'- 4,JJzztuz4#a ilrt ffi ila J/4 Juh',41? uz-fu.<l J //.J4/4 /#v 4.r7-L t),M t A I.J-tLr+ ffi&Oil,fra-rt ' te.g aZG taufr;At* -Lt uC4 - 1-"-e6- @x P q E// ?rraz/). illr Ar,t*Id W f z-eac-t,z-{a-&u frl? 4u*- s. ,1-{,ab<lrJ -<Tn>rzz-,A W"*4W a.k* 4 ?.*et*-o-lz:4*L-!kzrur;*z-zi Ub {Jt ,)al / .-r4l J.Nah ?xlztt -/ ,/r F ^ aA '!gfuaba,ar ?Zata{- & dahlzz 3 O x€- 39 *)al*<. - z)og- lk- rura.**r, ,4 .CL G-.-& l^,,- 4f-d-t/-O llz--u),*-4,q, 1-r*-, Zfi /l,il. Ja"zI 4'" /4fu /%*#w "/,Lt a-fi-#ilu=M* -7 /{tz* 7B (/ 4-,-zz/e, ,%/* G) Q) a 'q' ?/{'aHYs/5 35'A.. 4 rt *-;J4A *24€ ff .d-,r-./E *4 Z. 2azJ?zz-;r{r*.^- W-\ Z*- 7?;,4 -r"-/Zr* 2u;*r- t4M,.a l (D ?--"-'< HOUSING INSPEC'IION APPLICATION EXISI'ING BUILDINGS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTI\{ENT DATE:ru JOB ADDRESS:5tL NUMBER OF UNITS: I OWNER ADDRESS: 345 il_4 APPLICANT:ADDRESS: FoR ACCESS ro pRopERry - TELEPH0NE NUMBER 74L- Ot]/ A $20.00 INSPECTION FEE rs RHQUTRED AT THE TrN{E oF AppLicATIoN. THIS APPLICATION FORM I\,IUST BE SIGNED BY THE OhNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. P FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection: JUrtr,l 17, t 411 Date of Cert. of Compliance:J Date of Report:Receipt Number REIi4ARKS: t/,