HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-05-14L-J UWNEr n Contractor LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:PERIVlIT NO coNSTRUCTI,N i I MloBlLE HotvlE t I 'LAN REvTEW t r .HANGE oF occupANcy t l NAIVIE ADD R ztP DEL HON E O.S. Reg. # __- - NA ADD RE t CIT ZIP CODE HONE Twp- Range__- Section ,4rl tax Lo /07--Code B lock Acreage ...---..----.----.---.-.--- Census Tract =_----_ Width Depth Access to Property (Road Name) Existing Structures on property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDROOIVIS) SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC[] SEPTICT 27q SO. FT PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY VALUATION ANKI ]oTHER [ ]OWNER [ ] OTHER t ] NAIVI tr BUILDING PLUIVIB ING WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED t EXISTING t3% SURCHARGE-- MOBILE HOME - WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTA L PUB LIC COMIVIUNITY.NAIVIE: PR IVATE WELL OTHER - SPECIFY:_ CONSTR UCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND W N CONTROL SPECIFICATIONSATER POLLUTIO IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS MIN. DRAINFIELD=-LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPTH I NCH ES STAY 1OO' FROiVIA LL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION G ROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROIVI CTR. OF rAtu FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROM PROP, LINE: SIDE INT. REAR - ZONE AUTHOBIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLDG, PEFMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANABY BUILDING - GBEEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construclion inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply wilh the State Buidling Code, O.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certilicate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL N4ANAGEMENT COUBTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OBEGON 97401 c55-l 3 l l l l K BU It'.0 ING S ITE EVALUAT ION BUILDING PERHIT APPLICATION NO SITE INSPECTION r_JL -R-e.=-s zL rtx Lor- SUBDIVt--z0N: LoT: 11 BLOCK: I G6 /rt/ &q1--lc ()APPL I CANT DAT PLANNING-DIVISION I " Zoning Ordinance Cornpl iance: Zone-P-[- 2. Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance 3. Requi red Access 4. Building Site (Area, t./idth, Frontage) 5. 0ther (see comments) r)() () () () Setbackffi Front i,c.n{ ,#,' --r=E-.*rt5 1 PuE Not Appl icable er.-dLitr €,-:b-lbCKID Setbacks from interior lines: Side S'Rear -77Tf COHl.{ENTS: No Yes fl fi 6 PLAIil'IING D IV IS ITNTETIOTPEND ING: Y BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soi I Stab i I i ty (foot i ngs ) 9. Flood Plain O. 0ther (see conments) T-TAPPrcArt Not Appl i cable() ti ir dT() () () ()CKI D 2- 7L COMMENTS: ITATER PoLUT ION CONTROL Not Appl icable No Yes ()r) m' 12.CK'D BY DATE cOl,tl.lENTs: l{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. 0ther (see comments)() ()() TO APPL!CANT: r Building / Site lnspection: Can be approved. Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item N0 dJ Questions and furt her information on items I through 5 contact t e COUNTY PLANNING Dt VlStON. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE C0 BUILDING AND SANITATION D VISION. ' You() , ()above. c55-28 Your bui ldi n i cated.Will be held in this of ls being returned. ermit lication f is bein i ce unt you can reso vet prob I ems 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene 0regon pHoNE. 697-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 974o1 687-4186 tr I ?'/,1(' ---a- p--q.l ., eo.o(t o Ctp 5.,F l5Ot nlnimum drainflold I I i I l I I i flr i( I I : I l ! I I I I I I H ? E Elo 101.0a , EI. 10X.0 20t-o b b \ \ 81 . 1(j1 .O P'Oo x rl HoH o d to i I i i : I I I I I I iI I i 81. I01 .0o tu\x d'-6' 5 H,.DE-Ftl)' U<l+(DQ.fl"<oo Eo a I i I I I I I t r0o Io '- "t* (r,'-l P\ct t6{t] Bodroon Houoo ,o-o a 102.O 1o1.1 FIN FLP. EL. G.AR FLR EL. Lfi,4" iF.E0 t- ..r I.l,l .t 1 Dote May 1 4 197-l ORDERED, thot o permit be ond is hereby issued to .l430 Mohawk BIvd. Permit No.899-76 CURB CUT Ray Werner 1430 Mohawk BIvd PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the ottoched opplicotion hos been fully considered by fhe Boord of County Com- missioners of Lone County, ond'ii is the opinion ond iudgment of the Boord thot the.soid opplicotion should be gronted, ond ihot o permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. Springfiel d ORegon 97477 for plocing, building or constructing the following focility: Ray Mar Park Lot 17 Block I North 28th Street Springfield 0regon 97477 UPO n the right-of-woy of County Rood No.Mile Post in str ict conformity to the exhibits ottoched hereto, ond subiect to oll terms, conditions, ogreements, stipulotions ond provisions contoined in the OPPI the Rules ond Regulotions Gov- os set forth by the Lone Mon-erning Focilities to be Permitted uol 50.I90(2) ony omendments Speciol Provisions: icotion ond permit, od Rights-of-Woy,Ro ony other opplicoble regulotions, low or ordinonce. Drivewoy will be constructed in occordonce with the ottoched drivewoy oPProqch specifico- tions (Drowing M98-50). Permittee will be responsible for the immediote removol of oll mud, dirt ond debris from the roodwoy ond right of woy coused by his operotion, leoving the roodwoyond oreo in o neot, occeptoble condition. S'idewal ks wil I be constructed in accordance w'ith the attached sidewal k spec'if ications and draw'ing M98-49. The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherwise spec'ified. upon County thereto, ond 2 3 This permit is revocoble ot ony time, ond will be strictly odhered fo ond no work other thon thot speciiicolly mentioned obove is hereby outhorized. This permit sholl be void unless the work herein contemploted sholl hove been completed be- fore May 14 D--lJ. Expires 19_. lnspected ond Approved Approved by Boord of County Commissioners Dote &/1,-*r-:, By WHITE - OFTICE FILE YETTOW - REAT ESTATE PINK _ PERMITTEE ORANGE_BUITDING & SANITATION DEPT Director of Public Works c74-t29 By r: Owner LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY t ] NAME ADD R ESS C ITY ZIP CODE PHONE I Contractor NAME ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE Census Tract PHONE O.S. Reg. + Tw f CodeRange- Section Tax Lo Subdivision- Lot B lock Access to Property (Road Name) Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDROOIVIS)VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC[] SEPTICTANKII orHER I l PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[] OTHER[] NAM tr BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE MOBILE HOME- WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PBOPOSED t ] EXISTING t ] PUB LIC COVIIVIUNITY- NAIVIE PR IVATE WE LL OTHER .SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GA LS MIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPTH I NCHES STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- GROUP FIRE ZON E USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROIVI CTR. OF r/W FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE SIDE INT R EAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLDG, PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUNiIBING _ CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENBOD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required conslruction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY. DEPT, OF ENVIBONMENTAL I\4ANAGEMENT COUBTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c55-l 3 t SO. FT. ZONE- SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNU/ORK Ap pRov e o RrMlRxs D DrsappnovEo D Drr e I ruspecron n GAS PIPING GROUNDh/ORK Ap pnov e o D DrsappRoveo D Dore-I ruseecron Reua nx s ROUGH PLUMBING A PPRov E D Relt a nx s D Drsaepnoveo D Drr e D L I Nspecr ROUGH GAS PIPING AP PRov E D Reuanx s D r sAPPRovEo Dar e I tls ee cron FINAL PLUMBING APPROVED E DISAPPROVED Re uanr s Dart /)-O-Zt- lNspec FINAL GAS PIPING Ap pnov e o Reul nx s D r SAPPRovED I Ns pe cton CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssue D Nor Rraov ro lssue D REuaRx s DarE IttSPECTOR D D Dore- PR -'SED SEITAGE DtSPoSAL SYSTEH RECC Complete toP part o, l,Ol.fil to signature and submit bott, copies wit PERI.I North 28th Street rooms at sement ater v h appl i cat i'on I NSTALLER: No. NO 'egg. GG *ar V n ts c an Y No Publ i c 0ther-ist No. Compartments Gal . CaPaci tYFt. from well Stee I tr Concrete n5l e mens ons:t D i ameter DLht.,id NAI{E }1A I L ING ADDRESS Ray Warner I 430 Mohawk S rin fiel d Ore n 97477 nes-Ft. 4 6 TIF For Sanitarian Use 0nly: ln accordance with 1973 Ore as evidence of satisfactory I oca Remarks: x e sPosa e h Di str ibution Box: strtr on- No oun roneetrorn ll Lot ne Front ISF Side r L er Be ov{ ile tn P Date: l0 -(3 )L gon Laws Chapter 835, Section 214 this certificate is issued completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above tion. fi. npproved: System lnstalletion conforms to current standards i-l Oisapproved: Does not conform to current standards ove Ti I er)q. 6 .flBetween Lines lOota Ft an ns t ructs t/ousC Ar7.E L6f L,sa' ptt $,Y t gD{ 0cT I I 1976 0 D?f <-- lo+* ENVIRONMkNIRU MGMT. E'+ N ,ft I t/I \t\t >t tu re r an LANE COUNTYc55-11 STATE OF OREGON OEPARTHENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL QUALITY gnat ure .,n Owner PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOTVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY t ] NAME ADD R ESS C ITY ZIP CODE PHONE tr Contractor NAIVIE ADD RESS CITY ZIP CODE Census Tract PHONE O.S. Reg. +* Tw Range- Section Subdivision Lot Access to Property (Road Name)vv Tax Lot- Code B lock Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDROOTVIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[] OTHER[] NAM tr BUILDING PLU IV1B ING 3% SURCHARGE IVIOB ILE HOIVlE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PBOPOSED t ] EXISTING I] PUB LIC COIVIMIUNITY NAIVIE PRIVATE WELL OTHER - SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMlTS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS.tVIIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCHES STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION G ROUP FIRE ZONE- USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROIVI CTR. OF r,Aff FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROM PROP. LINE SIDE INT R EAR ZON E AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUIVlBING _ CANABY BUILDING _ GHEEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards foi subsurlace sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY. DEPT. OF ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c55'l 3 LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: StTE INSPECTION AppRovso Rruanx s D DrsappRoveo D Dare I ruspecton FOUNDATION I NSPECTION DTSAPPRovED 7'? "'APPROVED REMA RK S m Drr r I ttS FRAMING INSPECTION fr Drsrppnoveo D oort//-7-76 I Hsprcr LATH OR SHEETROCK Ap pRov E o I NSPECT I ON D r sAPPRovEo I Nseecton v,1 I Rruanx s FINAL INSPECTION rt- D r srppRoveo /-J-a7 tNSPEcroRDareAP PRov E o ReuaRx s CERTIFICATT OF OCCUPANCY Rraov to lssue Rrulnx s Dar E /F-7b Nor Rraov ro I ssue 7,{ I Hsprcron /APPRov E o Re ltanx s o*, //- /F4 D ---=...k-.- Dote Permit tr.r. CURB CUT PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF IANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the ottqched opplicotion hqs been fully considered by the Boord of County Com- missioners of lone County, ond it is the opinion ond iudgment of the Boord thot the soid opplicotion should be gronted, ond thot o permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ORDERED, thot o permit be ond is hereby issued to for plocing, building or constructing the following focilify, upon the right-of-woy of County Rood No. --, Mile Post in strict conformity to the exhibits ottqched hereto, ond subiect to oll terms, conditions, ogreements, stipulotions ond provisions contoined in the opplicotion ond permit, the Rules ond Regulofions Gov- erning Focilities to be Permitted upon County Rood Rights-of-Woy, os set forth by the Lone Mon- uql 50.190(2) ony omendments thereto, ond ony other opplicoble regulotions, low or ordinonce. Speciol Provisions: I. Drivewoy will be constructed in occordonce with the ottoched drivewoy qpprooch specifico- tions (Drowing M98-50). 2. Permittee will be responsible for the immediote removol of oll mud, dirt ond debris from the roodwoy ond right of woy coused by his operotion, leoving the roodwoyond oreo in o neot, occeptoble condition. 3. Sidewalks will be constructed in accordance with the attached s'idewalk specificat'ions and drawing M9B-49. The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherw'ise specified. This permit is revocoble ot ony time, ond will be strictly odhered to ond no work other thon thot specificolly mentioned obove is hereby outhorized. This permit sholl be void unless the work herein contemploted sholl hove been completed be- fore 19-. Expires 19_. lnspected ond Approved Approved by Boord of County Commissioners By Dote By I t\ wHtTE - OFFICE tltE YETTOW - REAT ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE _ BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT,c74-t29 Direclor of Public Works L(W,,t7o NOTE: NO PERMIT m* BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLIC,ATI--. HAS BEEN APPROVED APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION MOBILE HOME PLAN EW C}IAI'IGE OF OCCUPANCY OWNER r--r CONTRACTOR Name Address ess Clty City Po o.s. REc. tt 2?2O *o. l7 *n""--03 Sectlon Tax Cod c census rrr"rE0 l{O Acreage l.lnAr?O o"ptlfi.OQsubdivlsion Pou-hto*) Arh Lot--u ACCESS TO PROPERIY (Road Nane) Existing SEructures on Property A Property Location - Address/DLrectlons: Slte Inspec tlon /l ,t S/rrct Block Dlsposal System Public Fixtures or New System Requlred Valuatlon Water Connectlon FACILITY PERMIT YES Date hIATER STIPPLY: Well Bldg. Plumblng 3Z Surcharge waste Dlsp. Plan Revlew Mob1le Horne TOTAL Mln.Septlc Tank 3-o . u-A / ln, O-T) Other PLIIMBING: Installed PLI]MBING CASH Sprlng comunity d Name of Courmunlty or Public system Name Sewage ConnecEion > PLANS F'I'RNISHED Signature of Fee Received NO Drain a Requlred - Ll-neal Feet Sq. Ft \ il \ tlng S cs5- 12 IANE COI]NTY DEPART}IENT ENVIRONMENTAL Use Classiflca /c Type of Constructl 7.one tlon Bldg Se Front e Int.5'- frm Center of Road Rlght of DATE:DATE: d f -l other f-l & t=ff