HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-17" RESIL<NTIAL" 22s Noxth sth streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIInlGFIELD 13('J Date t! \J o*;t<>.OO ?"1u /o )or'o 0-/ 0-t Job lacaticn:_(5 ft* Assesso"e :laD # Subdilsolsion: lsnez,: Phone: 2AO .S 77lct?z fi-rr ro'( .J "?/ LD vazue d?, " Deseribe it'ork ,At'. *trn /o- /7- 8<Date of A?p ldCitian RenoCel Coni"acia?s ----Afuess Lz.sc. i Getzeral : 4-?-t*fy-l-.<- DZl.i?LITI)lt 0R ;.:Cy!) tsU. SotLtul seter cqceC ct proparfui Lire Septic tank p-"itceC crui fillad uith gra,-ei Pinal - itrh,en cbcue i,tens are ccnoT.eted a.-<i ',then lertclltior is ccntplete by s!:t:- tuye nouc-d ou pret:naes cleanei up. tsLocking otd Set-up Plunbiq eonnections -- sa)e? od aater Eir-zl - After tcrekes, skirtir:a, deci,-s, etc. @e cawleled. Electrtcal Ccmnectian - Blocking, ser-ut anL otunbing eonnections m;st be cppraxbd. befora z'equesi.Jn a electrJcal :-nsoec =ion Aceessor.; BuilCirq you! Cit! Desigra.ted Jab Numbet Is B-i ;;t I q"n INSULATICIl /!/AFCR -EARRIIR IIISPICTIOII To be rmde aftez' aLL instlaticn oyi tequired uapor borie?e @e in piaee htt befcre orA |a;h, Wps/n baarC or tnLL coueting is qglt ed, and. before oty ir,sulatian is concealed. ELeetytcaL CoasJn clicn-lerdo-! r-t ia the resgonsibi-Lity of tle penrtt iotder to see that aLL inspectioas @e nade at ihe proper tin€, thdt acch addtess is z,eainb':ej.ry.-tln st?.eet, cnC ti,at tize-permtt.cand ia iacated at the fzv-nt'of tfu propefiy.t?uiHirg viuicior. cptro"-eci p!.cn s;z.il ranain on:he tsur1dinT s:tcZt ilttikes.' PP)cgDUPq. FaP,. rysPl*ICil.ElqyESr:CALL726-3769 (reeoz,der) state !ou? City Cesigtnted. job ntmber, job al&ess, type of inspeclicn :-1ff":r"d atc<i.u':en gou,'riLL be reatiy for irspecxion, cott"actcts ci au"ne:s nane-crn pnoie runbcr. -p,equests rcL";r:La bLycre'Z:00 ,:z,iLL be nwcie the sote dcrg, "equests naie aftet 7:00 at tiLL be nnCe the nect tmrking'daE. - SiTl iiis?!C:n:t: To be rmie after | | eccavat,on, cut pr,-cr tc set u, of icrng. aWERSLAB PLL'lEiilG, eEC?PiCtL I iECIr..:.ilICAL: 7o be nade ceiare ;nywrk is eouez.eC. PCOIIN? , F)U]\DA?ICN: ?o be r,vCe M-'""enci e s ar;-e.ecoat ed. and fams are erecteti, but crior to pour.Lr,q ccncrete. i---l u:tDrRc?cu:tD ?al.:t3::tc. si,Ep. 'nr!p.'J Lirq .*enches, J uuc*rlccR pri.tlgE:G 1 layyArrCAL:t t lc be natie ontcr ;o ;.nsvalLzttcn of floot insuia.tion or decking. 7 pos? .tno 3eu,t: To be naie prJor in, , ffiidiof ;'loor ,rr,sui=rori ot, decking. 3,OI.ICH P'CEI:|C, II,ZC?P:CAL 1 ,',ITC1- A\IIC).L: ;lo )o!/. ")s to ce ecu^et,ei ut:tzl these lnscectiars h;ve beer, naCe ad. zppt'c.,tec. FI?.EPLAC?: Pt-Jor to glcctr4 iccingneterials and. before froring insoei- WM, ltus-- be rearccted af2et appz.coal. of rcuch pL;.bing, zieexri-cal I nechanieal. AZ1 na'r':'- bree'Jn4 a "aii"is j-"ii." Ai'J *conoleted. ito ;cr< is ..o be ccn- - cealed unttl tl",is inspecLcn lns'bee.n na,Le anC appro,^ed. I ult4etuitBrtc Ubnffii :.tscPaitrcAL I rnet sLic?prcAL DRYIALL i:lSP!C?lC!l: fc be rr.ade after aLL c4ua!,L is ln place, but ptior to cny taping. W-S)ilPY: Steel Locatton, bottd. beonc" arantirq or terticals in aecordoee liixh U.ts.C. gection 24L5,. itcoDST0'/t: -* .1 ^L -) After i-nstallation ie CURB A IPPRCACH .1.?.'.CN: - tre eteetel aut ?mo" After iorns "O pcan-)ng conotete. SIDS\IALK & )Rf\TriA!: lor aLL con-crfi; pdDfr-E;E; st?eet r-igi1t- of-ucy, '.o be maCe after aLL etea- uating cawlete d ;'ara unrk & sub- isase nctettial in place. IENCZ: t{hen conpl;te -- ProoiCe gates o? nooable sections through P. U. E. 'ALL i'lAtllt1Lts AND CLEAN1UIS :\UST BE .lCCESSItsLg, .4Dja|?:!z:ll lo sE :.!ADE !.? :t0 :rS? ?c X?y ALL prc;ect cozii:r\ons, such as the "j.nstallaticn of styeet ez,ees, co-tlexion of i;ier1<+iwd Landscc-oir4, ete., nust be satisiied before che tsLtiLDIltC FII|AL :an be'reqested- lIllAL tsUrLDlilc: lhe Etnal Buildin4. rnsaection ntst be z,eauestei citer !h.e linal plunbingJieccrteal, ni lleeitaricti i*speecicns 'itqre been ,criL- ird' .r"noiri. ?zge 1 of 2 f-r-S-Ad.dto-ss: 7 ,rooorn roo" T JOB NO.ZIY soLAR^'',Ess REe.- 5tat3: bt Sq. F*. i cf lct Catereca ! of Stcr)es lotal lztgh; ?opogrqrry L-COG+ Sectoons: Receipt #: 5 Ld'!!ed. : Mechonictll Permit Lo; -::a _ intericr _ Coxtter _ ?ani.cnale CUL-de-sac ?eytrtt fssu,szca lleci.anzccl Per*;.t PLan Esaniner Siie':alk f HAV! CAREIULLy EXA"!,tilED th/e conaT.eted epclicatiot for petmi:, cnd. da hereby eertify tlnt aLL irfotnaiion hereon is true ar"C. :czT ect, add. f futthet certify that anA arl aLL uork pc-rioraed ehall be Cone in aeecr- dance with the Ordintnces of the CLty of Spr,)ngfield' artC the Lcis oi the State of 0regcn pertainrng to the uot'k Cescribed hete:.n, ar-d tiu.t :'10 CCCU- P!.nC:t vit L be ,zaie of qnu str.uctui'z aithcut permis;ian .tf ;he 3uiiding Di- ttision. f ii-tvther certifx- bh-at olly eont?actoPs atd en-tlcyees uho are in canplianee uith cRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this projeet iZ)-,*rtou ' /6- /7 -.931- i,ot Faces -Er-etqu Sou"aes Tule :iea, House Aecess ildtez. :!ea.te?ltorth Easc Ftv.eoi.cce Santh llest -- Fzes -- F:C 7 TaLue Building Volue & Permit This oerrit ,ls granted on the esp"ess eond.ition that the said-constntetion shaT-L, in ell resoects, confcnn;e 7l1s Qyjirzance eCoote,i. b,1 the CitT o! Sor.)ngfielC, ')ncludina :he Zoning Crdinarce, rzgula=')la ;'he ccrst?lcticn cnL use cf culi.aings, attd nty be suaoended. or re,.tckei at cr.A tlne u2on oic- lction oi any prcuis.-cns of saiC Criix.ances, 4^t.r .trf i,? S.D.C. i.5 c ).,-'7 S.'-- D-*'+o .oo Sd|te Date Paid: !c+-cl CTaxeea tD v c ;10 cE4?.CZ Plumbing Permit!i.ctttes Res:i.ent'r.a.L ( 1. bath)No pereon shall ccnsi;zaet, instal!, alter or cianqe anlj nea cr existing plwnbing or dtainage slste'n in uhole ot 'tn part, unless such person is the Legal posseasor of a ,talid plunber's License, eceept tl'.at a pelson nay do pLtn;bing uork to ptoperq uhieh is otnted, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. Sa,i Saer ?l;nir.g Petnit Siate Surehatge Electricq I Permit Whe?e State Lan requires tl".at the eLeetrtcal aork be Cane bg qn Eleetrical Cont?dctav,, the electt ical portion of this pe:'nit sha.Ll not be oaliC until the Label las been signed bg the Electr|cal Conttactot. U a,t / Est enl, C ir cui'" s Sersice Stcte !ctal :ir:4 ,IC !v?f3ce::J'r bilelst ilooC Vcocistc:;e -- !JCRCACt;.!i:t? -- Sestyiat De=csit Stcrzze .'4cintencr:e Pe*[t Curbcu: -araf tttattttr ^tt-.1 /c.,/o i :tobile ilcne f^- ^ :i!y 'ia!: ot Vent la lcjcl Ci"oocs State Stttchaqe Lterz--