HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-05-09rnn "3 R PC<5,3 Lane County thori zattott for'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RA}JGE 03 3Or TAX LOT f--lour oF-rlffir)t I :\]WI;SHI P 17 f I,OT P USE OT PROPER?Y I ndus tr ialRes idential Cc,mmercial Public ZIP:.Y y-) t%tq*-Au^'en L( DECI,ARED S VALUE-, BE Proposed Existing OF EIqPLOYEES* OF sToRIEs= Q:jEDRoor'{s ,| S NAME AND EELEPHoNE NUMBERT&_fr TELI]PHONE NU},IBER the following fegal rnterest in the propertyr Io*n". of record; I c<,ntra,,: prrrchaser; !authorized agent with evidence of authorj-ty attached I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed shaLl be done in accordanri, with tirc ordrnances of Lane Couly and the Laws of the State of Oregon arrd rlo herebv certify infomatiorr hereon is true and correct, and that II }IAVE CAREFULLY EXA},IINED THE COMPLETED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY 6-3-7{ DATE is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ed employees who are conpliance with ORS 70I.055 will be used on this Project. I HAVE READ AND bewi Ll ofmade 'rCfr wature thethout m1 s 10n o the Di stonvl ur-Lo workthe scribedde herein thatand OCCUPANCY ani'pe Bui ldingNOrtaj.ningpe dre oRs 10 athat f basthe forasBoardfuIIINandforceffectrequabyexempt exemptrthethatLrati,on th Buithe ldercertifyregfs coMn*Nrs: C,att fuR. RH,u,** o I PsP€icT?olu II,AS BEEN BASED(}.^+-b*' interior Date. ION:Wtt Date: f,*6CLcL Yes NoON COM}lENTS <t- a-r -s. tr J Use s. r. *B. P. * ?tffr a C<, NGI JCONDITION ? re ar Partition ParceIfl pmuurnc,zzoNrNG: Installation Record Issued? ca1lon Tank Lineal Eeet of l)rainfield Installation Specifications: READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION ltaximum Etepth of Trenches E -f-?- 6s- PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAI,/DESIGNEE r oRs 456.805 (1) )DAT.,! LANE COUNW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIV]SION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'OR}4ATION Tt cL4-25 R* l3i*,'E"i',""'l ts5*E-i I I pr,aus u SETBiTCKS AND OTIIER CC:iDITIOIJS OF APPROVAL !1UST BE STRTCTLY OESEF.VED. VIOLATION CAr'RlSULT IN REVO- C;TION OF ?I{IS IiR}1IT, CITNTIO:J UNDSR PROVISIONS Oi LANE 'OU):TY'; INFBACTION ORDI);ANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN RE.\DY FoR INSPI]C?IoN, CAL1 687.1065. A SINI}lU}1 OF AT LEAS! 24 I]OURS ADVA}iCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC_ @el*.tI-:i;ettrefoIIoUin9informationready:Perfiitnumber,JobaddresS,type of inspectlon, Nhen it wrll be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special directions to srte- BUILDING D1VISION: REQUIRED Ir*SPECTIONS : Founda tion nateiETs Insoection: l-or the founda plant (comonl-y termed "transj-t nrxed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. ConcreLe ildb or Under-:Ioor Tns.ction: to o" o.." after nI] in-staU or under-floor buiLding Eei-vi:rejufpmmt, condnit, piFfi-e;Essories, and other ancillary equipment items are j"n place but before any conclete is poured or floor sheathing installed, rncluding the subfloor. Framing & Insulation fnspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fj.re btocking, and bracing are in place and. aII pipes, fireplaces, cnimneys, and vents are compl.ete and all rough electrical anci plumbing ar6 approved. Al-l wall insulation anC vapor barrier ar-e in p1ace. Lath andlor gfllIa lglg lnspectionr To be nade ar-ter aII lathing and qypsum board, interior and exLcrror, -s in place ou: before any pllsLerino is applied and beiore gypsm board joints and Iasteners are Laped and finished.' Final Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. I 2 3 B c To 6e ma<le after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aLl tion are delivered on the job. i{here concrete from a central mixing 5. IAPPROVAL REQUIRED. I'lo lvork shall be done on any part of :he building or Structure beyond the poj.nt. i.ndicated in each successive inspection without first obt3ining lhe approvaL of the building offrcial. Such approval shalI be given cnly after an inspection shalI have been made of each success-ive step in the construction as indicated by each of'the inspections required A1.l- building permits require inspections for the uork authorized, such as but not limited to: Block \,lall: To. be maCe afFer reinfofcing is. in p1ace, but before any grout i-F pqqr-ed. This inspection is requj,red for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbinq and electrical inspections have been made and approved- l,lood Stove: To be made after conpletion of masonrv (if applicable) and when installati-on is l::(rclefa Installatron shall be in accordance with an approved, naLiona.lly recognized tesLing agency and the manufacturerrs instalfation anstructions. Mobile Home: An j-nspection i.s required after the nobile home is connected to an approved w-rrerci---eptic system f or setback requirenents, blocking, f ooting connection, tledowns, skirtinq, and plmbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to conply with state foundati-on requrrenents for mob-ile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finj-sh floor elevation shal-l be certifi-ed when required by a flood- plain management Letter. 3. rYobile home tiedowns, when requj-red, and skirting shall be installed and ready-for inspec- tion within at l"east 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be instafLed per encLosure. Swiming Pool: Belou grade when steel is in place and befole concrete is poured. Above grade 'dh-en prc l-l=*i ns ta I led . NO?E: L APPROVED PLAIIS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALI, TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PER-I,IIT WILL EXPIRE IE h'ORK DOES NOT BEGIN I^JITHIN 1BO DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }1ORE THAN I8O DAYS. SI]SPENSION OR REVOCATION IdAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR-I'IATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS- WILL DO.SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEh-AGE DISPOSAT SYSTEMS: 1- 'Permits'shaLl be effective for one vear from the date of- issrence Upon completing the construction for whj-ch a permiL has been issued, the permi.t holder shall notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting Lhe rnstallat'ion record forn. The Department shal.L inspect the constructlon to determine if it conplj-es with the rules contained in this division, ff the construction does comply with such ruLes/ the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the perniti holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall. notify the permit holder and shaIl require satisfactory completion before issuing the certifi.cate. Failure to meet the lequirements for sa!isfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vi.o- lari-on of oRS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface sewgge Disposal septi.c Tank Drainf.ield I.tcrlor .pfopertT Lincs Edge of road rlgirt-of-way Bui ldrnq f ounda tion i{ells, other water sourcds 10' 10, l0' . LO0r l-rom:10' 50e TRS#17-03-24-4-1 3015 DArE ISSUED: 5/0e/85 PERM|T# // a=_3< Ot..lNER'S NAME PAUL MADDEN PHONE NUMBER 746-99 36 CONTRACTOR'S NAME SAME PHONE NUMBER L K FRONT 45 ' B S SIDE COVER INTERIOR 5I REAR 5I ES SDS APPRO1XAL REQUIREDBY gTH STREET TO YO NDA. TO NORTH 27TH NEAR BRIGGS JUNTOR HIGH SCHOOL1 SITE ADDRESS rove 9 NORTH 27TH 'SPRTNGFTELD, 0R 97477 Date Correcti on Date Inspec tor *h|4 -_--T-- PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTI te Correcti on Date Ins pe ctor UNDERSLAB PLBG. fIApproved Date /UNDERFLR PLBG. tr INSPECTICorrection Date Ins pector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Da te Correcti on Date Inspec tor ROUGH PLUMBING (TOP Approved_Date OUT) INS ECTION Correcti on Date I nspec tor r0ve d Date 'L- t l-*/ tcomection Date I nspe ctor ROUGH MECHANICAL Approved-Date Comection Date Inspe ctor INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER I Approved Da te PECTI ON /Correcti on Date Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTI ON Approved Date Correcti on Date Ins p ector STOVE NApproved Da te Comection Date Inspector FTNATTTUTB I NG I NSPECT I ONApproved Date Correcti on Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor Ins ectorp eERTTrreA=TE oF 0CCUPANCY n trORARY CERTIFICATE oFlecuPANcY tr Approved l M74-197 Date Insp.ro ved-Date Insp.- LAnc ClIJNW INSPECTI}N ,r:i}Rp Approved Da ht C a n*< r \c'rv j st N, e-\\"1 . ll IScrqLS \ : 3o R .nr.cJ le n o S < Jr, Q -.F't ,:> CbvzQ lG'n l<' !' c ! ,1, t ) l'1 ('r ,L "3.TL (n d d (v 0 U) v- :Y t),t ) sL Tr loo l5 " Y-3"i1k,,"q Selb,rcls. ul n"l('l d 3 o's"p ol a o .-a-..8___ srl d QY o 6o t, J I o Z I, OA F" o (n _a a- 'r6 'c6 q> ft an 6S 3't So OO" e 1OO, tL/3t", Goo L,+/a €ocl< 'J, (on^- {-., lrr,., r \ Yr K",o( O '\\o {\'qJ t zrr-l'l'.,t loS L,1 + cS .1:\0..$*\ G\e.!. r'e co--.\.,i ss p,y\ \ ,._ [ne courty 1 ACTI\-,.fY INFORMATION -dEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I.IILL BE REJECTEDI I a3 a" q V\,e-^Efu &Fl s-55aq M tf I4AILING ADDRESS ffi ryq G17736 BUSINESS TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE # H0ME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS s ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvlae B FAFIeEL NuMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement)( REQUIRED INFORI,IATION)t7 03 mEmm mE uah ltb4-ze pil?,/ SECTION ad/sW ZONING 0P {MfiNSF.IF EINGE SECTION W ZONING MEN5ETP R'AilGE smTION W ZON ING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES o ,urr*r, *N ( i f appl icabl e ) lo BLocK 3LOT P*X \4 &1-cT\J!4*,\- a)o 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:dl- a ** FOR ST F USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : _ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ OUT:_ NUMBER DATE {f,t./, -* LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. 8th AVE., TUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-4061 (-} 't.., cr.^-0 a \N{\c-&dg--.) PERSON MAKING REQUEST i^ -r"rJ- c, o ,f\o.r,nr. qT{?\l cfl\I-)TATE zIP CODE 5 REQUEST (r;tate exactly what you p'lan to do) i 0+- oe il* 1,11P:'. O|LY' c;I';Lq I l.i 31' bot 20")'l lco.o lt-r" ?DILDIUC2 '-gj i.LL'J- 1-4".. ki/;'.+t)[\Lz *'_ 1 r i a / \r'= lll -, nl't'-i'+--- L z'tt/ o ".?,VC'JI|D o l,) !l i, (> ! 'Jl()\r !: u 7 . \/ \.\ i'.r--las -'Iul,--) bl J, i" r-- .) ::: I -,- .l t-(.:: i.)t t-r I 0 'r^ i\ c c/) .1\ '.i')t- A.$' , ,1"- no ra:\ Fl' r""J,2, 5 Dg. ho'?ou e loo,o' C.3* Desc:';ption: r Lot ?, Biock 3, C}.NTEIIBUIiY VILLAGE, as platted and recorded in Book 55, Page 4, L,,;.. County Orc5on Pl.at Records, Lane C-ounty, Oregon. ^,hn l-auni-.r, J.r., rcgistered engineer, certi.fy that i nave sli-rveyed tl^.e dt.;:r':;:eo property and find sald property as shown above with ,:u:.ic.:ngs ),-r - rror.cc as shovm, and I find no part ol' any builciinq encroached on the .]nL i.r:or-.erty nor does any part of any buil"ding on the adjacent proFerry ,J:C.rt r;, Lriri .lilove descrij:ed property. t7Itl$ [ -=IlY-. rr) t'.lnr'.' oIo ,'l't qv ,/$ .i) \'J -Q-:l 4e l,.-;VIt- ,.- - ;;i , 1;-.C . !-..,ri .i. , 2tt ) ?7'-: rj j Sp:-*r.Ef:eio, uregon Pebnrary 25, :.y'. f-*\ fh*d\-4 a:aq \4 Ar}er 5p!d, Or=_ Vi/ t= Sli-:: Fl !\tr E NI [3 I N! E E R ! F$ tE 1445 WILLAMETTE ST. / EUI3ET{T, CIREGCIN E [tr EN 5 E-.t !--r...* "{ -l-E g74$'l ,/ 5cJ3 / A42,-z141 '.".r a', *l -"1 I Oregon Property taxes tor fiscal year ending June 30, Property Taxes Taxpayer Other Tlran Owner Foreclosure proceedings will be started after July 15 rrn real property accounts with an un- paid balance lor :ny tax year marked with an asterisk (*). PLEASE MAKE PAYMENT Tax Check Code Area Accounl Number lnterest lncluded Trire Cash Property T: r Toia s Less Payment B,- Siate oj Ore,-1.,)rr '1' True cash value is reduced by a percentage factor to ive assessed value. Current Taxes Levied Ey Tar Rale Tax rt l. I I aO Lot ,t e , i .'I I L4a l.iumber Parcel Special lnterest1.r.t 6TownshipRangesectron Acrus Class Sub-cless Pull Number S o x Taxes t, Net Assessed Value lax Hale hacn ! iutJU t. Tax Year Amount Pay One cf These Amotlnl Cla s ll Cha nge 1 . .,. Y l-,.',i 4 Det Taxes I 5 " ({* i\1","q 3eibacL Q* 0 lt) b !) fb ^6 =r 0a nt< .\cqv3 st '.& q> N, e--r\... scALF \" - 30' R, "m^J[e n _ 1 O ..i't cs CbueQ_os<d" \ It"n 1<- ai ) dI L d-{I L,'l + V) ? l)r ) F ol o do,rl nl c, o J"I o Z ?, CA $| s*p I )fr$'r \ ; ,1 t\ o go' tSP?5 e \oo' tLl 3 ) 1^ra) d- bao L ,* 1* '6oc lq '3 , (-an^{* " \o* n "g\0,$*\ or.,..C r-€ coo.\o d i n \8*k tl '\\"t\. ,4 4cot 'nt ' ..\rt ogbq * GS 55 P,l"\ o 'l r-.,Ffr i ro'