HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1995-02-07C'TY OF sPFrrN '€LO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT A0A4'N/Sr/iAilON ENG'NEEF'NG DIVISION MAINTENANCE ADM|N|STRATION/ENG|NEER|NG (!t03) 726'3753 FAx (s03) 7?6'3689 MATNTENANCE (sO3) 726.376t rAX (503) 726-362t eft,225 FIFTH SIFTTl sP/r/NGF/61 D. OR 1:.';.' APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY / OVERWTDTH DRIVEWAY oATE: 1--? - 9f APPuCANT (PROPERTY OWNER):-- PnJ D,'xon ADDRESS OF FROPERTY FoR'DRIVEWAY penr,rrr: ' t 0 l6-' S ,i*k l0d APPLICANTS TETiEPHONE 1 q Please sketch the proposed drivbwby. tnclilde the'following applicable ilems: house or building. proposed driveway. eristing driveway. .and streel names. lnctude dimensions and measurements lo ptoperty lines. road intersections and bordering driveways. (See atlachment lor an erample.) fure I,b "/rry( ALL APPUCATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFTEI' THAT ARE WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTI.I BOUNDARY REOUIRE A I.ANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City ol Springfield will nol granl a second drivcway permil on an Arlcrial or Collector Streel. (hN a ;6'T1 v e*7 a 't. Property tyPe: Single Family Residentu K Duplex -;-Other 2. The proposed driveway will take access lrom which street c 3. The diltance lrom the edge ol tho driveway to lhe nearesl corner (measurod to tho curb tetutn) is 16oo feet. .{. The second driveway Will give access to: garage- carporli sido yard- 5. The distance fiom the property line to the garage. carporl. feirce. wall. or other. (where tho vehicle is to bo parked) is;[Q1)- teet. 6. Will the proposed paiking / storage.area cregle a visidn obslruction to adlacent^?1"1"g driveways or -- io anfrlnftutar movemint on a puUtic.stredt? (See vision.clearance ittachment)--.lJo-- Applicant hereby agrces to install lhe requested driveway to City oI SpringrfeH standards' The applicant lurlher agnees to have 6- o( concrete in the sidewalk area (adjacent to'the driv-eyaV), and to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewali or driveway apronr wttfr a minlmum depth of 3'asphattic concrete or 6- of portland cement ioncrete. The area behind the sidcwalk shall be paved a minimum of 18 feeL The applicant agrees that il hc/she does not pave the area behind the sidewalk wtthin 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the city of springfield has the authority to close the drivgway access by removal of the curb cuL All incumd costs shall bo assumed by the applicantind it unpaid, said cost shall become a lien ol the property' When this. applcalion is approved by the City. the applicant must obtain a curbcuUdriveway perrnit from the Public Works Deparlment, Engineering Division. Curbcut / Drivewav Permil Fee . a. on an improved stteel (existing curb): slo.oo plus s.15 per lineal (oot of curb cut' b. On an unimproved street (no curb): S12'00 c.oncurrentlyunimprovedstreetsthatareunderconstruction:S12.00 P"'!' p* 0,- PROPERTY OWNER'S SI APPROVED rc, 2-74/ ORAF DIVISION ., BUILDING PERMIT TRA 9.1 ATTACHIvIENT: Msion Clearance. Example #1 {other-j.45oj{sg 1, \1-"-...'*JItt II .l_l I.,fl IJ l*l ,, \\I i \ \ I lleoJ go*e t" 6o.ny Cceek ar I I 7t.4 -\-_tt I I \,"& . ::':' ::ij; ! i'i:'::.Y r t.. .,..1; : ..'.: '!- !., .j::tt :-?l? i.;Ii':l : t'i- . ,.:;i i.. .J::.: .'-"4:;i' '::;ii'..;';..; '{'s: l::l*:.' :i:.'1 : i;i1"I.: ::.tli'i . -:,'.1.1 -r;l..: iir'.' :iii:,.i.I:. .rfl. :-q,:.: 'ri.':!:: -.-.-..:! ' ';l.i' j:.... ..'.: :1,. ":'1r't.'rri, . .; r:.:-dii:-: j ia:...:.'j:i" --ia: '..:li' ..'-\':, ,' l.-'r . l.iir,' .i;i:.......'i:.. i., -.ir:' -'i:ri' . .:1i::.. . ; , ii:.'. ,. -.rri. . :.I . ;::'- ' Sr \ '\\ t( n tr. ?{ c.g. l -'* I I 0\c) I I t t I I x 4Cr. I 4 C.8. o x 4(i. r .t/6.4{c{c!. l\ $n.r.".IB\\I .ti 7..r/?occ I!- J t .! ; I \\ a. ., C't. ft NU q,,*) b**? Ncr"a', 1} )gL! sr ,.,1 t'.\ I I I 4r.r' t.-- rr. _l a li- J : il I J I r .t(.J.) U -\ --- I \ ( \ I I , I I