HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-03-03#.. RESIDI {TIAL.. APPLICATIUN/PERIIIT 225 North |th Stv,eet Spr"Lngfteld" )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPHINGFTELD -cta .,q.6Y 4ob,Qqoo , Signed:AC Date:?-3-gq / o05 M 28 7//Job Locaticn: Aeseeeorer*# /VOpZ /ea OZ3 CD?ot Lot # svbdioision: bzzlfuOtmer: ea*ess:Q/g ,4/, 2tr77 Pti,one: lqb 3673 city: Describe I'lork: ?a,,*r VaLue LI Neu 4Date of App Licatian c fr {oa Add.itian RenoCeL J Lisc. #n .Addzess Exa'ires PEoneContractoz,s - /) Genet aL c, azaw Plutnbing a ELecIPLCd.L DE].IOLTTTA!] OR I,!OW' BUILDI|ICS Sanitarg eeuer eaptped at properfuj Lite Septic tank punped and. filled trith gra:;el Einal - h4ten abctse.Ltens az,e ecmoleted and uhen dernclltion is conrp;Lete'or sttuc- tt*e noued and. prer,rLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connecti,ons -- saoe? od. uatet ' pct ehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and. plunbing conneetions m;st be apprct;ed before requesting eleclr"Lcal inspectiott Aecessory BuilCnrq Pinal - After etc. are comp It ie the tespoasibi-LilU o7 tte penrit ttotdet, to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope" time, t\",at eceh address is rea.Cable fwtz tlu at?eet' and that the pentrtt eard i.e Located at the fponi of the oropertu.*Building Dioicion approt;ed pLan shcll remain on the Building sitc -at aLL' tikes.' PROCMUPE FOR INSPEC?IOI'I RIQUEST:CALL 7 tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready fort'iLL be nade the sane dcg, requests made {7oa QTryU T^taDDant^^1. encao;rl;;; but forns. FTfiAL PLUMBING FTNAL MECHANTCAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL ?o be nade after pt ton tc set up of 26-3769 (z,ecotder) state your Ci ty designated job nwnbet,, inspection,Cont?actc?s or Oumers ncne and phane nunbez..after 7:00 an wLLL be nade the nert ,tonking dag. lout, City Desigzated Job Nutnber Is: INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTTON:Io be nade after aLL insulaticn o.td. z,equired oapor bawie?s @e in place but before otg Lath, Wpsltn boarC or tnLL couering is appli.ed, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRIWALL TNSPEC?f)N: Ic be made aftet, aLL dtywall is in place, but ptior to cng taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordorce tith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI,IE: ccmpmA.. Aftez, installation is iob aCi:eess, type P.equests z,eceiced of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 an ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & WCH4-\|ICAL: To be made before anyaotk is cotlet,ed. IQPLIN} & F)UNDATICN: lo be naCe @ e" t;e?tcG;- a"7-eacaoated and fonns ate erected, but priot, to poutiztg ccncrete. UNDSRGROUIID PLT]MBTNG. SE'IER, W,4?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made pr"tor to fil-Lirg trenchee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUIIBTNG & IIECTIANTCAL : of floor insulation ot, decking. POSI AND BEAM: ?o be made prioz, toinstallation cf floot, insulation or decking, ROUGH PLU4BIIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be couet,ed .ffilTthese inspeetions haue been nade and approrsed. FInW4,qCl: Pt Lot, to plaeirg facingma-teriaLs and. before froning inspeb-tion. FRA|.'!fNG: lhtst be requested after approoal of rough plutnbing, eleetyi-eal & neclnnieal. ALT roofirq bracittg & chinmegs, etc. mtst be . annpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetion Ttastbeen made anC approoed. CURB & APPROACH APPON: ae ez,ecteC but prior After fornsto pouring conez,ete. SIDgttALK & DR|',EWAI: For aLL con- e"ete pat WA4A street right- of-uaA" to be made after all erca- uating conplete & forn wz,k & sub- base materLal in place. l\A lEttCE: When conplete -- ProoiCelr\l g"tel oy mooable' seetians thz,ough - b,u.t. ALL pt'oject condittons, such as the installation of stteet ttees, conoletion of therequired Landsecping, atc., rmtst be satisfied befone tke BUTLDIN7 FLNAL can be requested.. ilNAL BUTLDTNG:- rh9 Ftnal, Building. rnspection rruet be z.equested aftet, the Final plwnbing L-/ Eleetrical, anc Mechanic"t ti"pnitio"o horl i""n--ia""" ora'ipprourd. - *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEAIIOU?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?!.ENT To BE \L4DE A? fiO cos? ?0 cI?y Pege 1 of 2 7 ,rouoru ro n ConstmtctLon Lede" r r SOLAR A('}^ESS REQ..JOB NO.(3 Lot Faces - c Zone: L-CO Bed,.rooms: Enerqu Sources Titoe Setbacks lleat DT Eouse Caraqe Access.Water lleotcr North Eost Fireplace South Woodsto"-e % cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stoz'ies Total Height LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Connet, _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. Topography West -- Fees -- This pemrit is granted on the ew)ress eondition tLnt the said-consttaction shall', in aLL rZspects,- eonforTn to the 7r&inance adopted tiy the City o.f Springlield, inetuding- the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating the ccnsttacticn irrA "-nZ of buildings,- and may be suspended or yeuokeC at cny time upon oic- T,ation of artA prcoisi.ons of said 1v'dinances. . FTG TOTAL VALUE x Value Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 x ITEM l&ain Euilding PewnLt ?otal Clnrges State Date Paid: {. Building Vtllue & Permit Plumbing Permit No person slwll constvuet, instalT,'- alter ot c?ange -anA ned-c? ecisti.ng pfi.kt'tng or dlainage sAste"n in ulnle or in part, unless such pet'son is tle iegal ;osses"o, o7"o o"otld pt"^tnr"s Lic-ens-b, eacept tlwt a,?"son natl !o-ptiitkg aoz,k to proparty ihi.h i" odned, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. ILLNO.ITEM Eiotutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Permit Electricql Permit Whez,e State Las reqttires tlwt the electrical uotk be dane by art Electrieal Contractor, the elicttical portion of this pennit slnll not be tsaliC until the Label bns been signed by the Electrical Contractot' ?otal FEE U Nau/Eotend Ciraits Set uice NC FEEI?!M ,+ Mechqnicol Permit tlcodstooe Vent F@t bhanet EooC ETUI S PetmLt fssuanee Meehanicel Pet'trtt .- ENCROACHMEET -. SectrLtu Deposit Storage Maintsnance Permit Cvtbcut Sida,talk oo5Fence ET.eetrical Label Mobile Home Plart Eraniner uatr2 r HAW CAREEULLy EXA)LrNED tle conpleted application for pennit, and do i"iitA i"itl,fA tnai-alt-t:nfomati'on heteoi is true and eorrect, otd r f"otlL" ian"ti.fU that any ar"d aLL uork pe,forned s.hal-L be done in aceor- "dinc,e- tith th'e" 1rdinaic"es of the City of 'SpyLngfield, and the La;;s of the * State of \regon pertaining to the wik Cescribed het'ein, cnd tlnt N0 1CCU' pANC:t l,yill be rnad.e Li ony" "tor"tuz,e uithout pernisaion of the Building DL- tsision. f fu,ther i*ifiy tiat only conttaito,s ozd anplcyees uho are in eanpllance uith oas ?01.b55 ILLL be used on thia pnoject rit 53 TOTAL N,\OUTI? DUE:*I Date * Iotal Chav,aes () *00, frlc PUBLiC WORKS GENERAL COMPLAINT FORM ADDRESS OF COMPLAINT: VI ION/COMPLAINT: COMPLAI NANT : ADDRESS OF COMPLAINANT PHOI'IE: I' Building Engi neeri ng Traffi c Ma'intenance 81dg. Attendant ) TAKEI{ BY: (g/a) rrME, lN: tA {.trL onre , n -24-V1 PED cttuD /t'*stt frle oo /-'" Pl' 448-a tu)th '6? l4/ftq bilo<678. \ Ltff .47T1t"4-A Dry@ To /us/ruail, *)ftD Va<zzzf s ) z/urtz ) Planning & Development Job. No. -JOB ADDRESS ) qtT:. OI- SP5uI\TGFIEI.D OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date Building Div.ision loo; ll, 2-9a 87 TO CALL FOR REiNSPECTION **** CALL I NSPECTOR FOR:INSPECTiON 7?6.3769 INF0RMATi0N: 726-3753 **** I I