HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-10-06Job Locaticn: Tc.c Iot ilAeseseone Map ll Subditieion: &mer: ci Address Zip: e .. RESIDF\TIAL.. # SPFTIT{GFIELD U22 5 No,th stt, s;to"ltPPLrCATItt"t /PERl'lru SprLngft,eld, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 t Date: r D.b.i t rac tors DescrLbe l,lork AiAition VaLueDate of Applit' tl Nea tl .3DCD RemoCeL !.lobile Hcne General Plumbi l,lechanica ectr a s e Elec t r c 1ann OR Sanilary eeuer capped zt property line Septic tank puqed and, filled rtith gra;tel Pinal - l{hen aborse itens axe canpleted and uhen d.enolition is conplete o? strac- ture moued atd prewLaes cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and. Set-up Plmbing eonnections -- aa)er and uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcved before requeeting electrtcal inspection Accessory Building ' pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. at,e comp Pege 1 of 2 It ie the reeponsibility of ttr permit tzotder to aee that aLL inspeetione a"e nade at the ptope" tine, that eaeh addrees 4s reaCable ftwr the atreet, anC. that the penrtt aatd, ia Located at the frcnt of the property.*Buildi.W bloic:-ot appror;ed plan slnll z,emain on tlp Building Site at all times. PR1C\DUPE ElR itSPECtIgN RIQIEE!:CALL 726-3769 (recoyden) state yout, Citg deeigrnted job nwnbet, iob aCdrees, tgpe of inspeclior ieSuA si;A-ffii, "cni ou-nntttll be rrude th.: eanre dcy, L be ready fot inspection,Conttactora ot, Oumers nane and phone nwnbev,. Requests receited befcre 7:00 an reqaests ncde aftet, 7:00 an tiLL be nade the nest wrking day Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nurnber fs: SIIE fNSPE:?I)N: Io be rmde afteracao;;lo";Et prtor tc set ip of forns. ANDERSLAB ?LUMBINC. ELEC?RICAL & MECHAIIICAL: ?o be nade before any wrk ia eo:'ered, FOO?ING & |OUNDA?ICN: ?o be naCe @ tt,en"Tes are escauated and. forns at,e '*ected, but priot, to pou?'LnS ccterete, UND,RCROU!]) PLUMBING, SEWR. I/,4?ER, 0!4!!4eE: To be rm.Ce prtor to fil-Tfi-f,iirc;'ns. UNDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANTCAL:TiEffii@of floor insu)ation or decking. POST AND B::AM: ?o be nade prior toiGidtTit{.n of floor ineul:ation or decking. PTilAL PLUI,I.]IIIC PINAL MECH.INICAL FINAL ELEC:RICAL TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION: lo be rnade after aLL inaulaticn and required oapor bavie?s @e in place but before @tV Lath, Wpsun boarC or tnLL cooering ie applied, and before ory inaulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECIION: Tc be nade7f*fitT@GtTre in p't-a.ce, but prion to anll taryrrS. IUSOU!?Y: Steel Location, bond 6dilgrouting on rset ticals in accord@tce Ltith U,B,C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: cctnpT;tfi. After installation ie CURB & APPROACH APRON:After forns ' pouringat,e etecteC but ptior to eoncrete. SfDEWALK & DRfVffilAl: For all eon- cr.ete pau{ng iitUn street right- of-txA, to be made after aLL exca- vating eanplete & fotn rntk & sub- base natetial in place. ROUCH PLA!.!1iltC. ELEryRICAL & MECH- ANfCAL: No ao?k is to be eouet,ed .GliTthes,, inspeetions Twue been tad,e and, a:,ototed,. FIPEPL.ACE: Pr.tor to plccirq facingma.terials ,ind before franing inspee-tion. EW!9: ,tust be requested aften apptooal o.= rough plwr,bing, electrL-qL & neclt;tnieal. Alt roofing btacing 8 ,:hinmeys, etc. nrast be . attpleted. lto uctk is to be con- , cealed unt':.L this inspectton lus"been nade ,:nC approoed. IENCE: hhen complete -- PtouiCe gates or mooable sections through P, U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallat'r.on of street treee, eonpletion of the required Landsccping, ete., rmtst be eatisfied befone the BUILDfiIC FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDLNC: The Final Building Inepection rruet be requested aftet the Firal Plwnbing Electnical, and Meclunical fnspeetiona hqtse been nade ard approued. x' *AT , ilAIII|CT,ES: AND CLEANOUTC IIIIST BIi ACCI\S:}TBT,1], AD,II]STIIT\IT TO BE I.I,4DT I.? IIO C1ST TO CTYY T l tr tr u I soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO C+JOB NO. TotaL Bedrooma udtePlant Eeontnet * I I}AW CAREFULLy EXAILINED the eompleted application fo-n pem'it, and do h";;L; i.riifA-ln"t att- l.nlirnatibn hereoi ie true and eorrect' amC I'i*li"nn- inotliiy that any atd aLL u?.rk penf-orned slnll be done in accor- dance tith the orauaiiz"-orit,n citg of 'springfield,.anc th_c Lcaa of the State of 1regcn pnrt"iiLio io the wik Cesbri.bbd herein, anc t'hat N0 1CCU' pANcy ,iLL be nade oy'oi,y'"tr"LiurZ uithout pennission of tk: Building N- oision. I funther "nrti?il tlnt otly con-tnactors oad .enplcye:s uko are in Lipl,L"""n"r;.tt cns 7u.b55 uiLL be- used on thia proiect ,t t P. L,House Lot Faces - # of Stories Iotal lteight Topography LOT TYPE _ fnterion Co"ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cotterage -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permlt ia granted on the etpress condition that the sa: d eonstraction slnll, in atl nespecti,- ioi,jir*'io the Ordinance edopted 5iy the City 2f ip"i,gfi..nti, inctlding- the 2oni-ng Crd.r.nanc-e, regulatittg the ccnstntcticn ,;,rd ;; of -buildi.ngs, and may be suapended or reookeC at *t, time upon oic- Lation of dty pncttisions of said otditnnces. Value ?OTAL VALUE FTG xITEM * Fee Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 x Butlding Permit ?otal Chargea State Date Paid t: Plumbing Permit No peroon sltall constract, install'- alter or clunge-cny neu.cr etisting';L,;;b;A "; drainogn w,lq in uhoie or. in pan't, inless euci.' pe{son is the i"jit p"o""u""on oy"o uLlid. pl*rbno,'s Lic.eneZ, etgept that a pe"son ^oU 4o. ptffil.ig uork to propnity ,hi.h i" olmed' Leased or operatec by the appli' cant. CEARGENO,ILL Eistutes Residential (1 bath) Seder Plunbing Petn;it State 1 Electric<rl Permit l{here state Lan reEtitea tlat the electtical uork be done b9 an Eleotrical Corrtno"ton, the el)ctfical pottion of this permit stull not be talil, until the Label haa been eigned bg the Eleetnical Contt'dctot" CIIARCENC. , ,t Mechqnicql Permit Nett/Ertetd Circuits Sem;ice State Total Erhalst Hood llcodstoite Vent Fan Perfitt fssuance Mechanicel Penftit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuritlq Deposit Storoge Maintenance Permit Cvtbcut Sida,talk ?ence Electrical Iabel Mobile Hane a/tr1 TOT4IL AMOUN? DUE: * Date DCD