HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-03-09zzs itorth sri, irr"ffPLrcATr,N/PERI,rr Sgr.r.gfield, ?regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFT'NGFIEI.D A$esaori :4ry I Tcs Lot #nltflo\4 Subd,i'r)sicn: C-met: P\,oneAd&o-sc: Fa,fup P,q Arrr-*b,laTr2zf 'Ar+p€t? Deacz.ibe i'ork: fxl Va'!.ueDqca of App Liaticn 3**8 { RertoCeL Genetu.L . Plwnbiny - VeAat i glectr)ccl D,aiaz J €2 B-3 z<? )a?,7(r%rv f /2e /Y.?.t{% /o-o^.76 /o-o.o./o 4r -o , (,a /o-*-t'a Gr laso <473oa Conatrr.tica Lcnd1!_ Date: :CALL 726-3769 (yeeotCet) state your City Cesigra,ted. job na;:ber, iob aCbe of insoeelicn'!ou ,L Lbe J'on ir-sp ccc.Jon, Conttactcrs ct Aate:s ncne cnd. piune nutbct.P.equesrs tss, tu?e receite<i befcre 7:00 sna.ie the sanie Ccg, "eq'uesis nc<ie cfta 7:00 ozt viLL be rule the aezt',nrking urL. Iour City'Desigra.ted Job ltutnbet Is: l^, ia the reaponeibi-LijV o.f _the pet'r* hotder to aee ;hat aL! incpections @e nad,e at lhe propet tin6, t?.ct 32sft c)l-2e6 is rea;.'^j']!ot, th. street, cnc thc.t the penri; cad, ie Leated at the frcttt of the orooertu. '3uiui:4 ?)viciot crr"ou-ed pl.bt sb.LL renain on thE tsuildinil sitc bt atl'7ihes.' aPdt; rai 7, T Ec;?F r9--5a-r..!r.?o be nace af'-erpricr tc set uc of ilISULA?ION /VAPCR BARRIZR, IIISPICTIOII : To be na.d.e aftet aLL insukticn ei required uapor beriers @e in pla,ce btt before ag laih, ggpswl bcarC or rnLL couering is aolied, and. befcre DE!.i1Lilra!! 0P ;.!cvl) 5oi:a2.1 seaer :qneC =t progetti Litce' Septic totk VaryeC cd filleC tith gr:it:z UID|,?SLA3 ?!L':19T:IC, ILECPIC,"I. ) ;AC#;I|CAL: 7o be narie beiore cn'1 .t;tcrk ;.s cotlcyed. rch::ic I ?ou:!DATtc:t: lo be ,aCe - ai:et atenc;.es crs esccuated crd fcrns cre eree=eci, but ptior --a purirg ccncreta. u:!,iiG?ca!D ?!17a3 iitc, 512p, it.t?i?. DPAi)l;Ci: Io be ra;e pr-or =o ;iL-Lirq '.rezchce. ailDEP.laCCR !'aA:B C:C' :,tac1Ail rc;t : lO ce race pricn -.o insxaliatzon of floor ir.sukticd or decking. ?)Si AilD 3tAi.t: To be raie pricr co inszaLkx'-cn oi 11oor insula;iot cr Ceck'-tq. ROTCE ?!t731:|c. ?a:a:9!c;t L,.tzcl-A;liC)L: jlo .so=k ia so be cocelqc. una'-L ;hesz irscee?io-ts h:vo. beetrcie zl. qVrc.ie!. Fi?!?LAc'i: *-:ot -t ?Lcc-Jr4 fcc--ngtnccet-cla ard before frzilrq inacec-tior.. !P,A-!IllC:. iLoa be rec.aested aflerqp,rct;! of rcugh plw:airu1, electi- ca,L ! nec7ani.ll. - AL! rcoi-:rtgbrairq 2 chinacys, etc. rtsc- beanole:cd. :lo .;cr< is to be cor - cec!.ed, until :his insgecttcrr iu.a'been noie anC cppt-tved. acavccicn, but 1'crtns. ?I;:AL P!.A:BT::C III;L :.IECAITCAL !!XAL !'if?IC;L ozy inrtl,aticn is concealed. T E I ll DPY,IALL MS?!c!!C!r: Tc | 1l aiten aLL uyuall is in - but prior to c:ny taVirg ?inal - i,lhed cbcue .ifens ate ecnoleted. e:<i uizen Cer.tclrtior is eortolete br s---;etute noueC oi pre*iaes elZaned up. be na<ie place, lAS1llPl: Steel Location, bond. beans, aroulirq or oervicals in accordorce ,.'Lrh U.B.C. Section 2415. 'i)ODST0'/Z: Aftet instalZatian isanaleted..t CURB E APPRCAC|I !.?PCN: Aftet formss,; ercc;A-ffi@ to bcttrtngeona?ete. SID!;IALK E SRETLA!: For aLL con-c"et; pau@-E m st?eet nght-of-ury, to be naCe ai'tet aLI. ezca- vating sqnplete I foan wrk & sub- base ncterial in place. ;!cnes tsLocking od Set-up PltnbinX conneczicns - sare? otC ucler Zt.ectricc! Ccttiecx.lon - Blockirq, se!-u> and plwnbing col:ections nr;st be cpprct;e, before reques=ing e?.eclrical izseec=io- Aceessorg Buitiing Pirnl - Aftar etc. ee cato, slelrting, dec.;.-s, dfttid. gates P, U,8 t{hen conoT-ate -- ?rouiiz or ;nouable' sectians through ALL prc.;ect condi:icns, ;uc!. as ihe ins=allctlcn of street crees, cc-!e-,ion o1'tierequired Lczascccir4, atc.' ;\aat be sat'Jsiiei before the SuiLDIi;G il:iAL.an be reqtested. ?:xAL SafiDI:lG: TA,e FinaZ SuiUin4 fnsoeclion lss be requesteti zi:er th.e litul ?lunbiryileccriccl, ot7, ,Uec;1ri-:ccl inscecttcns 'i,qle been ncce arti'ctcrouzd,. ar 'Aiz :!A:tEc!is AttD cLgAvcws :tus! BE Accisi!\L:, .{rjt'si...€.yl :o 99 :.,-iDl :l! !t0 Clsr ?c cl:y ?=;e 1 of 2 Job tocacicnt qVd tl/azqz, 2qA S>)ts&) Ir @ ;.ot Sq. F4. i cf lst C.ner.?a ! of Stce.es ,^.-7 !;-Lr.vvqt -.-9,.- ::a)t TaLue lnzericr Cornet ?oti"z:uile CUL-<ie-sac :-,-- iot lzce; - i|can A=c:e .l,c=e ssc:":,t /@e:CT..,L I/AL''| S.D.C. 1.5 s ../o Fla l;ro.!i:y L.at-1i--i 5ri::,:res A,tQ oo ?es:izntial (1 bc;h) Sani1.=rt Seser ahte! /a*'.clD ;iO. | .ii:-C::}J.C; ?es. 5o. f.-o. ?TGf,ailE*etd, Cit*,tits ?a /5" laactry Semice l** .da .t, t).1:?:1r iAtrt4ee ?!rJ'S *hc/Bt, H@1,v Vent ,at TcoCsta.te -14. ---:7d Secr-*j Stor-e ldnten:r:a Pe*i, Crrle:: JL.C€;c, L< JoB No. € Eutld,ir4 ?e:tit S&te Sa-ch;gloe ?otcl Cla:1es Plnflrq Penit State Sr-zta es U6-"--.'^-, ,-d'. --,;ic?.cAc:i::a:!7 -- i yobiie ilae OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Gs Sezrars eai LC22 ',,/aoastote -- lees -- t 1 Building Vqlue & Permit This penr,t is gzcnted on the eqress cotdition :lat ;he saii constntctiorsiu.Ll, in all reseects, conictm to the Cryd,ionce cd.ox.te,i'ey the City ofSgingiielC, includ)ng lhe Soning Ctdiruznce, regatc--lr.a ;hZ ccnstrt3s-JZn crd..use of bu'Jicitngs, o:.d n:-g be suspend.ed o* rertckei at cxg tine u>cr: vickticn oi a.y prcuisions oJ' saiC 2rCir.ances. F^- - D-.') . F.ece'Jpt #: * Plumbing Permit N9 pereon sha_ll co*imtet, ine'.cl!, alter ot ciunqe cnV ?..ea er esisting plwtging cr drainage sgstal in uhole or in patt, utless such person is- tl,elegal posseasor oi a talid olwnbet's Licensb, esce?t ttgt a gie:son ra.7 d,oplraibitg uork to p"ope"tJ ahi.h is otmed, Licsed or ogetzted by the $pti-@tt. Electricq I Permit I,lhere Stc,te lan requites that the electrlcal uork be &ne by ot glectrical Conttuctor, the electri.cal porliotz of :his pernit sitc.Ll rot be ualiC untilthe Lo,bel has been signed bg the Electical Cont"actor. Mechq nicol Perm!t * f EAV| CL?E?ULLY lLA.YfilED the cotrpletz-d qglicaticn for pemti:, ctui dc hereby cettify that aLL ixfot;ation hereon is tnte azC ccrrec:, azz,C I frxther cerlify that dry crC aLL uork cerfotned elull be done in acccr- dance :,tith the OtCincrces of tize Ctty oi Sgringfield,, ord, che Lc;s of thcr State of lregcn per-.ainina to the lulork Cescibcd herein, ad, :i.a,t YO CCCU- P.4!\CZ .ill 'oe lsie of a1V struce/te aithott penrisaiott cJ' the 3uiiding Di- rision. I j\;raher certifl thst o:tly cona?ec1ops c,C aplogees ulo ae in cor.olr.ance u':th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projzct a?)TAL ;.!.!CUi:! CIJ?:'fl a6. /a-PLan Cheak Faa: ,l SutcLrce lz*e Ar'+ v 11 I,'IORK I.IRITE-I]P BULL Allen and Joyce George W. Braddock Homeowner llame Contrac Lor 440 No 24th s 3 BB95 rESS Contractor License l,lumber January 17, 1984Sprinqfield, Oreqon 97477 746-3053 City Phone ri Date CONTFACTOR TO: Obtain all necessary permits that apply for the following work to be done. Ca1l City of Springfield Building Depaftment for necessary inspection. Final Payment will be ordered opon receipt of signed City of Springfield Building Departmenb job card 1 Remove alt layers of existing roofing, install new 235#, 3-tab, self-sealing asphalt or fiberglass shj-ng1es over l-5# asphaft saturated felt. Nails to be 12 gauge galvanized, 1" in length. fnstal-l 4 nails per strip. When staples are used, they shall be zinc coated, 16 gauge with a crown of l" plus or minus L/I6" in width, minimum_ tength of 1%". Valleys to be closed or woven over 36'r wide, 90# ro11 rooflng. Vertical tabs between shingles to match at evervfourth course. Install 26 gauge ga1v.:-nized drip r.rnder starter strip. 1 2 3 STRUCTURAL/S I DING/ROOF TNG 2 Remove existing gutters -and downspouts. rnstarl- o.27 gauge 5t' K style seamless, aluminum gutters, with a baked-on enamel finish. spikes and ferru1es or strap hangers to be installed not more than 32" on center. Instalf O.27 gauqe downspouts of same material, with a minimum of 2 strapsper 10' section. Drain to the streeL as required by the City of SoringfieldBuilding Department. Instafl drainage pipe under the house and drain to thestreet. 2L-* 3 ELECTRICAL Furnish and instal-l a 70 CFM UL approved exhaust fan in tlTe utiJ_ity room;,duct to exterior with necessary'4" ducting. fnstall- roof or wa1l cap wj-th damper, and wire to separate control switch. Install separate circuits for the microwave oven and the dishwasher. fnstal-l #12 non-metal-fic sheathed cabfe with a grounding conductor protector by 20 ampcircuit breakers - The new service panel (existing) required bonding with not smaller than #6copper conductor to the cold water system and to a supplementary groundinq electrode (ground rod) - Instal-l not greater than 20 amp double pole (D-p) circuit breakers to protectthe existinq #12 cable to the water heater. rnstall a #10 cable with groundingconductor install"ed and protected by 30 arnp breakers. '"{,o 4 5 f;6 6 =- _=-r."{* ?5 ry '70 WORK I^IRITE-Up BULL - SpringfieJ_d Page TVo 7 Properly bond the grounding type receptacles (installed on non-groundedcircuits or install non-grounding duplex outlets). B rnstall ground faurt interrupiers at bathroom receptacle. 9 fnstal-I range hood/exhaust fan and vent to the exterior (homeovrner willprovide the hood/fan). PLUMBING 10.Re-p1umb drain line for washing machine using the correct fittings andproperty grade to sewer. 11 Re-p]umb the sink l-ine using the proper size pipe, fittings and vent to codespecifications. 12.rnstal-l- a sol-id water tight connection on the p-trap at bathroom lavatory. 13.Replace the new PVC water piping with an approved type pipe and fitting, i.e.copper or galvanized steeL. Al1 materials and work shal-l meet upC standards. M]SC INTERIOR L4. Repair/re-surface damaged wal-l- and ceiling areas in the living room and kitchen. I NSULAT] ON/bIEATHER] ZATTON 15. fncrease attic insul-ation to a minimum of R-30. ) ')os -ll. Furnish and instal] a 5! sliding door at rear side of the house- Remove the existing siding at WesL side of the house; install new 12,,hardboard siding, primed. (re I'lap { Furnish and install insulation at back side of house before new 1ap siding isinstalled. glNpowsl!ooxg L6- Remove existing windows. Furnish and install new clear anodized alumj_num,double glazed/ weathertight unit-s with storinq screens. Work sha]1 includethe insulation of any exposed cavities anrl replacement of trim. S P trl T.IG ['I I' I,D WORK WRITE-UP BULL - Springfield Page Three 19. Furnish and install a new solid core door at the kitchen exit. fnstaflation to include hardware and lockset. 20. Instal-I wood trim at window in the bathroom 2L. Remove the existing kitchen cabinets; furnish and install new birch plywood cabinets, including all hardware. Cabinets shal1 be sanded and ready forfinish. Y^b t Construction cost includes a $60Q contl-ngency in case dry-rot is found at roof sheathingand/or at window trim. \6- U The work indicated, irr.oilrrrrction with the contract with Andlz,s Terirrite and Dry Rot.Repair, is sufficient to make the property decent, safe and sanitary by providing forthe correction of all Code violations related to basic health and safety needs. Homeowner Signature:L Bu11 Date Homeolrner Signature /-/7-*'.1 J C'U A1.l-en Bul-1 Date Dd Contractor Signature: 3?U\)i George W Braddock siP]lI]{GFIELED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works November 29, 1983 Ms. Jackie Grubb Lane County Housing Authority 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, 0regon 97401 RE: Housing Report for 440 North 24th Street. Springfield, Oregon Dear l,,ls. Grubb: The enclosed is a supplemental list to your existing report. If funds are allocated for correct.ion of deficiencies, the foltowing items added to your existing report shal1 be considered necessary in complying with the Springfield Building Safety Codes. STRUCTURAL A}iD FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY Add to Item #2: The underfloor drainage pump could be eliminated with the installation of an under- floor drain outlet, properly graded and pioed to the street. Add To Existing Items: In lieu of exterior openings providing natural ventilation for the laundry room, an exhaust fan sha1l be installed capable of 5 air changes per hour. PLIJMBING Add to Item #L: The new washing nachine drain line should be repiped using the correct fittings and have proper grade to the sewer. Add to Item #2: The new sink line should be repiped with the proper size pipe and fittings and be correctly vented. Item #3: The lavatory in the bathroon requires a solid water tight connection at the p-trap. Item #4: The new P.V.C. water piping will have to be replaced with an approved type pipe and fitting, i.e., copper or galvanized stee1. 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 t{s. Jackie Grubb Housing Report 440 North 24th Street November 29, 1983 Page 2. ELECTRICAL To avoid overloading of the existing circuits in the kitchen, separate circuits for the nicrowave oven and the dishwasher will be required. Install #12 non- metallic sheathed cable with a grounding conductor protected by 20 ampere cir- cuit breakers. Install not greater than 20 ampere double pole (D-P) circuit breakers to protect the existing #12 cable to the water heater. It is recommended that #10 cable with grounding conductor be installed at this tine and protected by 30 ampere D-P breakers. The new service panel requires bonding (grounding) with not smaller than #6 copper conductor to the cold water system and to a supplementary grounding electrode (ground rod). This gives grounding protection if the water system should be repaired with plastic pipe and fittings. Grounding type receptacles installed on non-grounded circuits will give a false impression of safety to persons that do not know of the existing non-grounding circuits. Properly bond (ground) the grounding tlpe or install non-grounding (2-s1ot) duplex receptacles. The service equipment is adequate for the demand load at this tine. If electric heat is added, the service would then need to be increased in proportion tc the added load. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753 Sincerely, 1 .) L 3 4 5 {* ,Bo-,8o",r'6z-r -, ,'t . -:--('frasu, L'a-tr-ovt- Charles Watson Electrical Inspector Roy Bordeaux Building Inspector DB/1h Denny Plumbing rdeaux Inspector STANOARD STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT rNvotcE No. lt71$ A ndyfs (Iflood0eatroylng Pcatr or Orgrnlome) This is an lnspectlon report only - not a Notlco ol Completion 425 S. 7lsa,Sl., Sprtngffeld, OR . 746-8612 A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT |fd HIS FIELD. ANY OUESTIOT{S RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT$rltra BE ffim8ED TO lt& WPE OF LOAN:FED V.A. O STATE G.I. tr iirl l FHA D FARM HOME O CONVENTIONAL t-] I|SPECTTON OROERED 8y (r{ArrE Ar{D ADORESSI ,Ioyce AOOSESS OF PROPENTY llrtllpEcTED BLOG. NO. 4qo STBEET N', 7q t5 CITY 5 o"inq('.'.("t DATE OF INSPECTIOT 1t- ttl-$3 Allen & Joyce 3u11SELLER'S NAIiC AilD AODRESS SUYER'S NAilE ANO AODRESS I{AI'E AND INSPECTEO BY:LrcENsE No. Ox{4 odsh.ln.pod rk SlppLm.ntrl Rpa E Numbirol eqtt I NOTICE: DIAGRA}! Al{D EXPLANATION OF FlNDlttlGS (See back side for recommendatlons) Thlr rrrort lr .a ..tlm.t. ooly. B.cau!. ot th. po..lblllly ol humrn .rror, ANOY's TEBMITE & DRY ROT REP IR co. rlll not be h.ld raiponllbL for.ny damtg. or lnl.rtl..?fl and noi thosc tor.ny tutur. rapod or lnagactlon. ESTIHATE DOES I.IOT INCLUDE PAINTII{G, PLUMBING, OB LEVELING - iIOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CRACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP. Addnimrl itm! d @J"clitnt my bc raquirad bY rha cny, slltr, conly. FHA, vA d lhe 8anl, wtrich may not bG on on thi..apon lnd rcutd bc m additinrl crrrg. ovs rho tid gNm tGrafraara lilad. NOTICE: Sce BCow Ventc Proposed Vents lnadequate Choranco lnacceible Area Further lnapoction noedad E0rth-$rood Contacts Othor NOTE: 1133j"f;ffi-:rT,l.patios are shown as rererence points onlv and are not included ln Ftf t0'E t 1orr111 vErotE0 gooR, I OF PARTY INTEREST 1fJI e Grub 1 xcx Farih86- Cvclr.ts 1. x x Yer Codc Sco Dlogram Bolow Yor Code Seo Dlagram Bolow Ycc Codc x ST vSubterranecn Termhol SDR Structural Damage Rot t V DT Drmprood Trnrhtt *sDr Structural Damagc lnaect {x WB Wood Eootls,(SF Structurrl Damage Subfloor rc CA Carpenter Ants (-EM IA FT Fungur grounh .Treatablo {.CD Cellulose Debris FI L Ptumbing Loak FG Faulty Grade (lcc thm 6" cloarancol T EC Other Other SDe-30E:37SPrY 3Ur- JDe.'trsot EHo,ir r' s 6 0q- I E0-lcrlnre ,-. {iclr d l"rt+' Ittr 9onp It ng -4o S0E.if-fcrt u0.i. SFr'3- Err.cos t,r.,*tHfrr8ltricrStAB ooE& sur Fnt Termite & Dry Rot Repairs THIS IS A SUB.STRUCTURE INSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL A BEIOW. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FON ANY OTHER PORTION OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT. Exccrsive [\loisture condhione I I /I / 1. X Rsmove and replace approx. c/ lineat 2. al Hemove and replace approx. ? lineal RECOMMEN DED CORRECTIONS damaged damaged et( e.rg mudsill header ft. of ft. of Remove and replace approx. feet of siding.' Y Remove and replace approx. a. damaged joist end(s) ltl t(.' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. r6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. n. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53, 54. 55. 56. Remove and replace approx. damaged full length joist(s) V lnstall approx. t ft. of new beam to support joist splices. I Remove and replace approx. J lineal ft. of damaged 4lL suppom beam t lnsnall approx. {3 new piers and pier blocks. x Remove and replace approx. I damaged pier posts. X Remove and replace approx. -31-sq. feet of damaged lt.. subfloor. .X Remove all scattered wood-debris and form boards from subarea, L M--** H d lnstall a mil vapor barrier over entire subarea surface.X Piece in missing vapor barrier in approx. 2fxlffoot area. f Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. lnstall a gravity flow drainline from subarea approx. -lineal feet to street. lnstall a subarea sump pump and approx. -lineal ft. of drainline to - . Trench subarea as needed, to drain or sump pump, as needed to alleviate standing water condition. lnstall approx. yards of 3/c" round river rock in subarea trenches. lnstall approx. --yards of T+" round river rock in subarea low spots. Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. cubic yards. Trench subarea as needed for access. approx. -lineal feet. Make access to inaccessible areas, as needed to allow further inspection (cosr of any damages found not inctuded in bid). Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated on diagram tcost or any damases found not inctuded in bid). lnstall approx faar of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts in -- porch. Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx. -feet. ,l Repair foundation cracks. ri Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Powder Post Beetles. Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus Spot - Replace underlayment flooring in approx. _ area. lnstall nera' linoleum in --- approx. ---_ area. Res. rt to,, on a new wax seal. lnstall -*-- replace bathtub shower kit. Caulk base top _- of bathtub. Regrout stall shower, tub walls as needed lo prevent leakage. Replace leaky shower pan in -- size - costs not included, refer to Replace or - install tub-shower door in - size -. Repair or - replace damaged bathroom window in - size -. Replace damaged basement window sills - frames size -. Cut otf base of stairjacks at - and install concrete pads. Removs and replace damaged stair - jacks - tread at size _-. Plumbing leaks noted at - homeowner should call plumber to repair (costs not included). lnstall approximately lineal feet of concrete block foundation - and looting at -. lnstall approximately of _- inch concrete llashwall to correct earth-wood contact at -. Lowor exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts at - approximately - lineal feet. Shorten siding to correct earth-wood contacts at - approximately - feet. lnstall approxirnately lineal feet on non-wood skirting at - size -. y lnstall f additional vents through rim joist t/ -. through foundation wall-. Unblock existing vents as noted. Rescreen -.- existing vents. Beplace existing vent frames. lnstall -- vent wells (to be made from pressure treated wood). tnstall -- crawl hole wells (to be made from pressure treated wood). f lnslall / new crawlhole frame J- and vented door. Sub area insulation prevented a total inspection of subfloor joists, sill and header, and support beams Any damage or infestations that may exist in these areas is not included in report or bid. s3ab{h PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT All L Owner's Name 440 North 24th Street Date: November S- 1SB3 phone. 746-3053 Property Address Springfield, Oregon 97 477 \\-z\ City, State, Zip Code ************************************\***** Deficiences and Corrective Action Necessary EXTERIOR,/ROOT INGIS I DI NG/STRUCTURAL I. The roof covering is deteriorated, leakage is occurring; install new asphalt composition shingles. Gutters and downspouts are rotted and/or missing; install new guttering and drain to the street as required by the City of Springfield Building Department. 3. The foundation is cracked; repair all cracked/damaged areas. There is evidence of dry rot at mudsilt and siding on the South side of the wa1l;obtain an inspection and report frorn a licensed wood pest control operator, coverj-ng termits, dry rot, fungus and other wood destroying agents. uponreceipt and review of the report, additional requirernents may be added to this list. Structure lacks a 6" clearance between earth and wood at South, East and Westsidesi excavate soil away from the structure. 6 There appears to be rotted,/damaged wood members at overhang of front porch; remove/replace all damaged weod. l ) 4 5 The window sills and sash at all- windows, except in the new bedroom, are badtydamaged/rotted' The windows are single glaze. rnstall- new double pane windowsand frames. Electrj-caL deficiencies were noted but may not be Limited to the followinq: , 1' Panel is inadequate for imposed load; shortage is occurring when kitchen applicancesare used 2. Receptacles lack ground fault interrupters; install to meet NBC requirements. The sump pump is improperly wired; NEC Standards. )instal-i- electrical service for pump to meet ELECTRICAL suivnv REPoRT BUI,L - Springfield Page t\.ro 4. The number of duplex outlets in the kitchen is inadequate. PLUMBING. The drain from the washing machine appears to be enptying d.ischarge on the ground in the back yard. 2. The plastic plumbing yent pipes are rear of the house are not sealed together. MlgC.- TNTEP.IOR I. The interior wal1s and ceifing in the living roon are darnaged from roof leaks; repaLr/resurface walls and ceiling. SURVEY REPORT ADDENDUM November 15, 1983 INSUt ATT ON/WEATHERT ZATTON 1. Increase attic insulation to a minimum of R-30. 2 fnstall a vapor barrier at ground level with crawl space. 3. Install a storm door at front entrance. I