HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-28" RESILTdNTIAL" z2s North rrn rrr"nAPPLicATr,N/PERI,rr Spmngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLdtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Job Loccticn: Assesso"e )!ao I Subd,Loist cn: };ner Ad<bess:Phone Date of Applica*.icn_ Descibe llotkll r-l Vaiue I, or -rruJl<-'Lrfil/ ^d- a ))-' L-' ^- RanoCeL P,6n;- GeneraL L i.!eclnxiczL Soi:aty seser ccpoed:t prcpetig Lire Septic totk p;roed atd. fille<i aith gtaLei ?indl - i.,lten abcue itens ee ccnoLecei arC uhen lenclition is cqrclele Zr s+:-t:-ttse noued arc tret:Jses clecr.ei up. Le Ecnes tsLocktng otd. Sex-up Plunbing ccnnec-"icns -- satte! sl, ac;et Electrlcal Ccmtection - Blocking, set-ut and. pltnbing eonnections w;st be apptct'ed befor e neques ting el.ectrical ins -;ec--io;: ,4.ccesso,! Suili:.rq ?inal - After ;crci:es, skttting, d.eci.-s, etc. @e cctncleled. Cons!tuslicnJewig!_ r-! ie lhe responsibilily of-tla penit itolder-to eee- that aLL inopecttons, d?e natie at )he pz,oper ?-i-ne, that each zd4tess is nc-,t:,,hi.e::y.-t!p sr?ee.t, atd ti^t the-pet*rtt c-ail. ie Lccated. at the fzwti of the ptogerfu.r?uiait4 vitic-i,ot c-o=rou*ed phn sictl reaain on thi iiial"fi- s.ii" "" aLL tintes. ?:?OC DIJPE. POR IIISPINIA\I R11UES?..CALL 7 re.questeci a-ci ,;hen gcu uiLL ce ieaciy 1'orz'tLL be rade the sane tky, requests nctie 26-376 9 ( yecorCet ) state your City Cesigznted job ntm,ben, iob aC&ess,type of insoec=icninspeecion, Cont?actc?s or Asners r,ane ,l"d plote ru:r,tbet. Pequests receit;ed befcro- 7:0C a:iaftet 7:00 ott uiLL be nade the neet :mrkinE dau."1a)t q2_ SM iilS?iC!!CI!: ?o be trunie aiteracaoctiotT, bux priar tc se! up of fotms. cny ?o be ncCe prJor to f floor ir.su1a.tian or iNSIILAIIAN /VAPOP tsA.RRIER |TISPICiICN : ?o be naCe aftet, all insulaticn cd requ:.red oqor borie?s @e in olace but before ay lath, gypstirl bcatC crtnLL couering is applied, ad beforeqry ,:nsulation is concealed. DRYuALL illsPlclrctt: Tc be naCeafter aLL ct-guall is in ckce, but prior to ctry taping. llAS?llRY: Stee! Location, bond beaas, groutin4 oz: uerticcls in aceordance ,,)Lth U,ts.C. Section 2415. 'TCODS?C'E: After irctaliation is ccraLeted. lout City'Desigra.ted Job lhntbet fs: CUPB & .A?PRCACH AP.o.1N: A,fter fornsae erecteC but ptior to patr.Jn4 conc?ete. srD!ilr'.Li( a DRrl,EtA !: ?or alL ccn- c?ete paoitq uixhin st?eet riaht- of-,.ay-, tc -be naCe a;"-er aL'!, Leec- uating snnplete & forn ,;ork ,1 sub- base nctez-ial in place. PC1TI:IC 1 fiUllDA?iCN: ?o be naie - aile? tro-rlci.:es are escaocted anri fazns ote erectei, but prtar tupouzlrg ccnc?et€, i- ultDiRc?au:tD ?aLl.tpr::G. s!,tt?. .t.lTri. :. l. DPAitlAGi: lo ce r.a..e pr)oz. to jii- Lirq crenehee. V ultltppLcop pau:.s iJG LylCit.A.vrcAL :rt@oi floon o!.nsulczian or Cecking. POST A\ID 3EA!I::LnsxaLLatlcn o deckirg, ltfit iteSe FflAL PLUiI;9I:iC FI\IAL :4ECAATICAL IIAL iLEC!?IiAi aeer.naie *d, norcve!. FIP]PI'AC!: Prior '"o plccirq fcc.tngmcterials crd. before fra.rirq inspe'c-tion. lR4.!I:lC: ltust be reouested afler appnou;L of ncugh plnrbinq, alectr.J-cal I nechantieai. ALI rcoiirg bracinq E ehitmcys, etc. mtsc be . cotiDle'"ed. llo ,;crk is to be con-. cecled until this insoeeticn i,a,s'been nole cnC apprcxed. IENCE: r,lhez conplate -- ProuiCe gatea o? nouable sectl-ons thnough P. U.E. 'ALL !4A\\HCLAS AND cLEAttouTS ttusT EE.ICCESOiBLE, AD.IUST:!1:1I:O 3E:.:ADE,'.! lto::ST TC Cr:y r ALL ptoiect cor.iitioasr cuch cs che inscallaxion cf sireet ttees, ec:elecion cf thercquired l,attdscqir.g, ctc., m18t be satisi'ieC belot'e the SUitDI;ic FliiAL ccn be reqaesteC. trNAL tsurLDrllc: Th.e Fi.nal Build,itq. lnsoection arust ba- requested after the liral pg*r5;*Electrieal, atC l,teoiur-iccL inspections |tauc been aaCe ard' c=orcuej. )t 'I00 , T u l JOB NO bt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Caterage ! of Stor!,es ?otal ileight ?ogogrcghg ),,:7 S.'-- a^*'t Sta.te !o+-al Chan ges Plutnbing Pettit State Sutcl"ange oLAR, CESS REQ.- Gtoac lan tntr _ inte*icr _ Cormer _ Pcttitaruile _ CUl-cie-sac L-CO G* tedraons Building Vqlue & Permit This perrrrtt is granted. on the etp?ess cond.iticn tl"dt the said.eonscmtction slall, in til resaeets, eonfcrm to the 3"dit"ance adooteC by the Ci!'g cf Springfleld, :.nc!fr,rng t:he ioning Crdinance, regulct'i,ng the ccnscntet')cn ctci use oi butld.ings, cnd nty be susoerd.eC cr reuckei et cf! tine uict:. ul-c- Laticn of .r'ty prcuisicrs of sarC Crd*ances. !. Sig":""ed: 7 Plumbing Permit No perscn shall eonstruct, instaL!, alter oz' cTwnge Gv.tJ lled cz' ez'tsting plmbin4 cv, dtatnaoe systen in'ainole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnberts License, eseept that a pelsort nay do plmbing aork to propert'g uhich is or,tned, Leased or operated by the appli- cdnt. :!!)4 :ECJ?- Pet*it fssuawe Mecl'antczl ?efir:t -- alcS2AC:::.:t:!: -- PLan Zrcnir.et I HAW CARE?ULLy IXAuII:IED the eonpleted apL'Jcatior,. ior permit, ai da hereby certify tlct aLL o)nfo:nalion hevecn ia tmte anC ccrtect, cnC. i furlher certify that any crd. aLL uot'k perforned shall be dote in aceor' danee,,rtth the ardinances of the CLty of Springiield, and the Lai:s of the State cf 0regcn petiainino ,o the ao"k Cescribed herein, crd. tiuc :10 1CCU- P/.\CI tr1,LL be na.ie cf mV s.r'ltct1t?e'aithout permiasiat of the Suiiding D:.- uision. I fw,ther eertif3 thst only coniractors a;d etplcyees ai-o cte in coapliance aith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this pz'oiect t-uh, Access.DT ilouse Lot ?aces - Range ',loodstote -- Fees --::i:t .te ..r!c 7 'iaLue al:cz aCaeASO?') ?CIAL ?/.LUT Icn4 , <- Lan Check Fee: CARGE!?::4 ;!0. li:tutes Residatti.a.L (1 bcth) Scr,itart Seuter ',lc!ey Electricol Permit l{hez,e State Lan tequires tha.t the eleetrieal uork be done by an EleetticaL Contraetor, the eleetrical porlion of thia penit slwll not be uaLtC until the label has been aigned by the Electz"tcal Contractor. Perrtt O (& tlan/Edend. Circuits Semtice ?olal ',;c ;:! ?ttr"=ee ZT|JtS *ha,rst :looC Tcodsioie Stctaae i4aintenct,ce Permit Zlectr')ca L ,ClU !9TAL A,TIOUJI? DUE:'5 Hobile llcne Mechq nicol Permit ..REsIDENTIAL.. z2s North s"t, ito.#PLrcArr,N /PERMrr Sprtrryfield, 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 726-37 53' SPFlIi{GFtELD t/, Date: # "rob Locaticn:\ 33 ?az Int #Assessoz,s l,'!cp # Subdiuision: "rrn t\N\ Adivess:I City: Descz4be h'otk @ Val-ue ;l--l Na) Date of App Lication tdditicn RenoCeL , ca"eraz*llA C'l/\- , PLunbing L ?.) $. 14echaniccL v- DEI.IOLffIAT AR Satdley saser eapped ct ptoperQi Lite Septic tank pwped and fiLLeC uith gz,atel Fina! - l'lhen abcue itens are ear,al-ecei qnd uhen Tetnclt tion is eotnplete Zr s*:l.e- tute maoed at oterLses cleaned uo. Blocking otd, Set-up PLmbinX connections -- sare? od. ualer Electr'ical Conection - tsLoeking, set-ui and. plwnbing eonfiections r;st be apprc"*eC before nequesting eleclrtcal inspec2iat Aceessoq' Eailiing Firal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate ccmole|ed. Cons*act Lon_lenCe?_ I gIlE !il6Prfl0!: To be na.de aftetacaoffio46t prior tc set ip of forns. aNpERSLAp PLUt4BiilG. ELECTFICAL & WCilit-llICAL: lo be nade before anywtk is eozset'ed. PCOTING & E)UNDA?ICN: ?o be ttaCe M t?fr6; eleacauated and forms ote ez,ected, but pr.Lot ta pouring ccncrete. UNDqRCROUIID PLUMPI]IG, SIWP, VA?ER. DRAIIIAGE: lo be naCe prtoz, to fil-TfrEJnehee.' UIIDEPELOOR ?LUIBI]IG & !4ECEANTCAL:@offloor insul,ation or decking. POST AND IEAM: To be nade pr.tot to -^- instaLlartcn of floot' insuT,atior, ot deckittg. AO!,IGH PLAEIIIG. ILECIRICAL & !,ECg- ANICAL: ilo :sotk n)s to be ct"*et,ed utttil lhese insoe-ctions h.e.te bc-sn mad.e ard. approu'eC. Pz.Lot, to pkcirg facingard before iroilng inspec- You" City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Is tequired oqor ba,r"Je?s @e in place but befoz,e oty Lath, Wpsn bcarC or rnLL coueying is applied, and. beforeay iwulation is concealed. il0ODST)yE: After,l,ttstallation ie atnpLeted. S!!L ! 4ry8A4cH APRQN: Aftet lormsd,e e"ectATut@ to bourtna cofiE?ete. SfDE$ALK & DRI',ETAI: For aLL ccn-cr.eten@-;|ffi s treet rlgh.t -of-uny, to be natie aften aL'/, erca- oating completc- 3 forn ,-oz,k & cub- base naterial ln place. It ia lhe respottsibility o! tle pendt hade" to see tlwt aLL inspectionB aue nol.e at lhe proper ii:ne, that eceh addtess ;.s readable fran the st?eet, dflC tlldt the-penrit eatd ia T,ocated at the front of the p"opettA.aBuilding D.iuicior apy,oted plbt slall remain on the Bunldnng Site 'at eLL' tihes.' PI?)CtDU,9E F1R. INSPEtrI?N I9?,WST:CALL726'3769(yecorder) state Aou" Citg desigr,ated job nzorber, jab aC,iress, tgpe of ;,nspecticn requested ar'd. uhen 11ou uiLL be t'eady for ir"spection, Cott?acta?s c? A,mers nane Lnd alnne nztmber. P.equests receiied befcre- 7:00 cn'-iLL be nwde the sane dcg, requests nade aft* 7:00 an rtill be nade the nezt wrking'dati.83Cp> FTPEPLACE, materiaLs tlon. ?IIIAL PLAMBIIIG PINAL I,IECHAIIICAL FT^IA r Ff?.fio7^t t IRA]IILIC: lhtst be requested aftet approual of rough plwrbin4, electr)- cal d neclwnieal. ALi roofing bractng & ch*rmegs, ete. mtst be eonrpleted. llo acrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspecticn has'been nade anC approt:eZ. W: llhen conplate -- ProuiCe gate6 o? notsable sections ihrough P, U. E. eet conditions, such as the installation of e-tr.eeit trees, ccngletion of the' Landsccpizg, atc., mtst be satisJ'ied before the tsurLDrNC FTI|AL can be z,equesteci. ALL proj required 1l fiNAL B.arLDrNG:- rh9 *anat Build.ing inspeetion ,trust be t,equested afier ihe linal plunbirq \J Electrical, cni Meclnnical inspections lwve been nade artd'aooroueC. *A'LL ILANECLES AND CLEANOUTS,UAS? BE ACCES€IBLE, .4DJI]ST!,!EIII ?O BE I44DE !.? !]O CSST IC CITY L4Jv 4 uJ e iA \L.cL Arpaxr' tr DRYilALL INSPICTI)N: Tc be made after aLL dt"yuall is in pl.a,ce, but prior to cny taping. llASgW: Steel Location, boad beane, groutin4 or uetticaLs in accotdorce ,nLth U,B.C. Section 2415. 2 oLAR A, jESS REQ.-L-CO G-: Bedtooms: JOB NO. r!W Lot Faces -Enerqu Sou?ees Tupe Setbacks DT [iouse Carage Access ttlater.4eol:et North EirepLace South i,loodstou"e % cf Lct Ccoetage_ # of StorLes j'oxd.L !.e1,ahx lopogrcphy fnq qwi _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac rat Sq. Ptg. t/est -- Fees -- This penntt is granted on the etp?ess condition tlnt the said-eonstruction siu.Ll, in all resoecLs, confofin to the Cz,&inance edopted bg the City cf Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinanee, regalating tke ecnstv,iieticn anl. use of butldings, otd nay be auspend.ed or reuckel at er! tlrne uian uic- i.ation of ang prcoisions of said 1y,Cir,ances. ?O?AL VA,LUE FTG Y Signed: Building Volue & Permit 4 nn 1 < - b Building Pernrit ?otal Clwges State P1-an # Plumbing Permit No perean slnll cot-tstt-'uct, install., alter ot ehange anA nea cr ecisting pLunbin4 oz, drainage systa'n i,n ulnT-e or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posseasor of a ualid plunbet's License, eacept tl^,at a pe?son nag do plunbing work to p?opert! ahich'[a ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- Mrtt. Electricql Permit Were State La reqtiz,es tl",at the electricaL uotk be done by an EleetrieaL Cant?dcto?, the electrLcaL portion af thie permit slall i.ot be oaliC until tiu Label has been sigteti by the Eleett"tcal Contractor. Plunbing Pen-it NA.FEE /1t/4 p/:F * li.stutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Nil/Esterd Circuits Serryice trtr CIlARCE Mechqnicsl Permit Ezh^anst HooC ilcadstotse Vent Fa Pennt t fsguanee Meclwtical Perqrtt -- EilC?AACHWT -- Seatrittl Deposit Sto?aqe Maintetance Cutbeut Sida,taLk Fenee LLectrllcc.L LabeL Mobile Eonte TOTAL A].!OUI|? DUE: * I EAW CAREEULLY IXAUINED the eornpleted cpplication foz'petnit, tnd do heteby certify that aLL irfcrnation hez'eon is tvae anL carz'ect, ctr,C f further certifg that atry ar.d aLL uork perforned slall be done ")n aceor- dznce vLth the 2rdinances of the City of Springfield, ard the Laus of the State of Aregon pertainina to the wrk descrlbed herein, c?d t?at N0 )CCU- ?Altcy uill be rm.d.e af a?zy structu!. ui'uhout pernission of the 3uilding D'L- uision. I fuz,thet, eertify th-at cnly cont?acto?e and enpLcyees a|"-o are in eonpliance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this pz'oject PLC?L Esanlne? * i{etet -$r- ="- STAI RD CONTROL INSP REPORT INVOICE (Wood0cdroylng Pralr or Organleihr) Thts ls an lnspectlon report on ly - not a Notlce ol Complotlon. Termite & Dry Rot RePairs 425 S.7lst St., Springfleld, OR o 746-8612Andy's A LICE]TSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT $+ TD 8E REFERRED TO }TAI. TYPE OF LOAN:FED V.A. tr STATEk. o G.l. tr( r.rt.'\FHA tr- .i tlcte FARM HOME tr CONVENTIONAL tr t rS(( o /ror-ts)r;, Ou?A AOORESS 0F SLDG. NO. anopenrv /JAO ITISPFCYED srREEr ?3 p J "'iPPt*r,rlrl DATE OF INSPE TION ?- /r-ta INSPECTION OROEREO BY (NAME AND AOORESS) SELLER'S NAME AND ^ODRE6S EUYER'S NAME ANO AODRESS NAIIE ANO NOTICE; XOTICE: Dlagramrrmr IN INSPECTED BY:LTSENSE No'J0, 3c{ q odgtnd Ropon H Sloplrmlntrlncporr O ilumbtrotPrg$ / THiS IS A SUB.STRUCTURE INSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL A BELOW. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER PORTION OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT. DIAGRAIil AND EXPLAIIATION OF FINDINGS (See bac! s!!e fo,r.recommendatlons) rnijtifruinOforoenpurporeiiniinporri5irrroorooptntonottht!comprlyontirnonotrOuerrntoc.Othorporton.,comprnlcro?loonolorm.yhrydltl.t nloPlnlon!, afft not lhora lol any lututc Itpon o, hap.otlon EBTIHATE OOES iIOT INCLUDE PAINTIT{O, PLUMBII{O, OR LEVELING _ NOT BESPONSIBLE FOR CBACKS THAT M^Y DB'ELOP. rattairt k!d. Yer BclowSceSccBelowGodeSooBolow V VontsSDBRotStructuralSTSubtrranean x VentssDtlnsactDT rc lnadequate ClearanceSFStrueturalSubfloorWBWood Bootlos Excessive Moisture conditions IA lnaccessible AreaEMCAAnts FI Furthor needsdCDCellulose DebrisFT.Troatablo EC Earth-wood ConuctsFGGrade (laes than 8" dearanco)L Leak Otherotherother l ffrall .D'rct?1, Prq"t t + lt e lt, x x x xcj /D, I bH7S, I,Ht? \ : I -9::E sD? - s\r {D\ na,j<\t'{" t;:ff 'a m F3"'"r,i,'.'..'i#,,' E< AT en TrePt*El* S3 -r krt-ffi 7D. r-ts E)E7a -D lr'"t sT.l|-(D ,l i\ ' "qo 7a Ns _!€::,%; * 17t{tf F, *<.&+rrrta i xops Ycr Godr Yc:CodexX Dampwood Temhes [Sa]ig'f x v Y t-x x D(X I -p -.RECOMMENDED CORRECTIGNS-. " ineal feet to street ,-t 1. X Remove and replace "ppro*./2-[ -tineat ft. of damaged2. Y Remove and replace approx. / 3,t tineal ft. of damaged mudsill header3. . Remove and replace approx. - feet of siding.4. ,X Rbmove and reptace approx. I q damaged ioir, "nJi"t 2ydx3.5. ' Remove and rep^lace approx. damaged full length joist(s) 6. Y lnstall appro*. A/i ft. of new beam to suoport ioist sotices.7. X Remove and repfac-g approx. Afl--tin"al ft. of damaged ttyt< support beam 8. -* lnstall approx. I O new piers and pier btocks. + If in'r noS' ' 9. X Remove and replace approx. / f damased pier posts.10. )! Remove and replace approx. / 3? sq. fee-t of 'damaged&- subftoor.11' _6 Remove all scattered wood-debris and form boards from subarea, L-- M X H_12. \( lnstall a 6 mil vapor barrier over entire subarea surface. 13. - Piece in missing vapor.barrier in approx. -foot area. 14. - Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. 16. x lnstall a subarea Eglgp-p3gge and approx eal ft' of drainline to sfre717. Y Trench subarea as needed , to drain or suJlp+ump, as needed to alleviate standing water condition18. lnstatt appro*. 3 yards of 3/q" round river rock in subarea trenches. 19.Install approx. -yards of 3/+" rcund river rock in subarea low spots. Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. ---cubic yards. Make access to inaccessible areas; as needed to allow further inspection (coer ol any damaso8 round not inctudBd in bid) !( Further inspoctionleeded in damaged areas where indicated on diagram (cost ot any damases tound nor inctuded jn bid) X lnstall approx. af feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts inf&ortT oorch.y Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx . / f rcet.' Repair foundation cracks. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites.\< chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood rermites. chemically treat substructure area to eliminate powder post Beetles. ChemicAlly treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. --=-;- Chemically treat substructure as nee_ded to controldryrot fungus Spot --- . Replace underlayment flooring in kflm, +uTl,ry approx. --- area. F lnstall new linoleum in W-t--u7,/,fu_ approi. _ area. Y Resbat toilet on a new w.'jx seal. 20. 21 22. 23, 24. n5)'%. 35. lnstall - replace bathtub shower kit.36. .Y Caulk base top - of bathtub. qD Y. Homeowner should call a qualified plumber to check and repair water leaks (costs not inctuded) 38. - lnstall approx. -lineal feet of concrete block foundation. 39. - Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts. approx. -feet. 40. - Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. -feet. 41. - lnstall approx. feet of non-wood skirting.42' lnstall approx. - of 6-inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact. 43. -)a lnstall 7 -- additional screened vents through rim joist )( , through foundation wall .- .44. > Rescreen 3 existing vent(s).45. Y Replace 3 vent frame(s). 15.lnstall a gravily flow drainline from subarea ap 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 .A $* / srtc.*ll1 lcgr[) rfr @u. 46. 747.-Y 4s. 7 52. 53. il. 55. lnstall lnstall lnstall vent well(s). crawl hole well(s). new crawl hole frame and door 49. - Bepair or replace portionrs of existing gutters as indicated on diagram. ineal feet of new gutters.50. lnstall approx. 51 . , Replace install _ down spout lines from gutters. lnstall _ spashblocks. lnstall approx. q7 lineal feet of downspout drainline to lnstall _.--- drywells. PPPro* $t' Dt"P 7z $nteoT ) Additional bid needed for items not on this report bu.t required bV )i V.A. X F.H.A ity X county56, ---** Other a p T<+ Ll P trt IU x -_x -Aj6-?'-:/ 6 (*\B (.. \:9. SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works February 8, L982 Ms. Jacqueline Grubb Lane County Housing AuthoritY !72 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon g74}l RE: Housing Report for 420 North 23rd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Grubb: I,m writing in regard to the preliminary inspection conducted by the Springfield Building Division-to the proposed work to be performed on the dwelling located at the above referenced address. 'The enclosed items shall not be construed as a complete list of Hcusing Code vic- lations, but rather as a supplenental list to your existing report detailing difi- ciencies and ccrrective actions necessary. These items sha1l be included as part of the original report and corrective action shall be necessary for obtaining sub- stential c6mpliacni to the Uniforn Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield. STR.UCTURAL AND FIRE .q.ND LIFE SAFETY 1)A reinspectj.on rri1l be necessary to deternine the extent of substructure danage due to dry rot, pier settling and the adequacy of the existing floor support sys- ten after the unlerflocr area is drained and sufficient access i.s provided. U.H.C 1001 2) A positive drainage systen shall be provided for the underflocr area and the roof surface drai.ns. U.H.C. 1001 ELECTRICAL SAFETY Although the existing electrical. system nay have net the standards of the Code that was in effect at the time of its installation, alterations, and/c-t inproper mainten- ance require corrections to be nade in accordance vrith both the Uniforn Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon State Electrical Speci- atty Safety CoCe (E.S.S.C.). 1) A wall sviitched light shal1 be installec at the front and rear entrance doors. E.S.S.C. 270-70 [a) 2) The receptacle outlet box in the bathroon shall be properly secured. E.S,S.C. 370-t3 An additional circuit shal1 be instal.led to a grounding tfPe recePtacle in the kit- chen counter area. E.S.S.C. 220-3 (b) 3) 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 503/726-3753 i/ JUBi F*rs WINN, Bonnie B.It. owneI"s nafiie nuary 7, L9B2 l'f r.)rrr:: 746-45L4 owner S il&lir€ 420 North 23::d Street Sp:ringfield, Oreqon 97477properLy ad Crel;s ngct areil I ,t I I I i( r * *.x x I x I * t( tr Ji { x t{ }r x 11 ! * r I x } x i( x * * it * * } * * * Def icieltcic:t & i',.:t.l,c,tt iv,: ilt. l l ,rr ij ,,,rr:::,.ilij SURVTY RIPORT Pl umbi.ng- l, Sewer tile is brokens remove old ti'le and 'install new properly sized ABS waste line. 2. Bathiub'is chipped, worn and does not drajn properly. shower pipe isbroken and leaks. Remove old tub and shower and install recessei fiber*g'lass integrated tub/shower unit, as specif.ied above, t^tith pop-up drajnand overflow. LJnit shal I be s&1, Hy-Tec, sunset plast.ic or equal .Installat'ion shall include s'ing1e-control valve and shower head with3.gpm-f1ol'l restrictor. Valve lo be [1jer, Delta Moen or equal . Cault<with GE silicone o!" equar where unit meeti flc,or and walls. 3, The water closet is worn, leaks and is not working properiy, remove oldwater closet and instal I new reverse trap, siphonljbt,' giraie ,,A,,0 roufldfront close, china t,rater closet. Water tir:set to be Xoiiter, Eljer, Arnerican Standard or equa1. Installation to 'include toilet seal, coverand anti-siphon ball cock or flush yalve. Install new bees wax bowlseat and test for leaks. Caulk three sides of base, leaving rear open. 4. Lavatony basin is old, chjpped and plunibing 1eaks. Install new self-rjmlavatorv basin as specified'above. 'Basin io be Kr:hler, ftj.r, AmericanStandard or equa'l . trnstallation shall. include new cnrome or pf asticsupp'ly tubes, fittings, and pop-up drain. 5. Kitchen sink js worn and chipped. Instali single-bowl, stilinless steel,self-rinr, 20 gauge sink. Install 2 new drain iitting strainers andbaskets. Rei nstal I ex'isti ng faucets i f app'l i cabl e. 6. Kitchen sink lacks valve water shut-off under sink. Install chrome platedwater shut-off valve(s) for spec'ified fiy.tures imnrediately ahead of bachwater supp'l 'ied appl iance 7. hiasher does not have correct drain system. Install new hot and cold water :.yPPlI Plnes and faucets with hose bih connections. Instatt Z; r]rain [i[e,with yent; to be a minimum of 40,, from floor. 8" Water heater leaks and has no safety relief valve; remove old water heater;and install new 52 gallon ASHRAE 90-75 approved ana U.l. approved electrjchot water heater. Installation to incluCb new safety refilf valve wjthoverflow pipe, catch-pan.drained to exterior of founiat'ion (exiepi on-basement or.garage floor), thermostat set at .l300 anO sfrut-off vivle oncold water intake inlet. g- cold water I jne is rusty. Instal I new 3/4" and/or 1/2,, type ,,M,, rig.idcoppgl.tubing, with sweated fittings to uniform plumbinq Lbde sizin{specifications" Install new pipe from entry through roiinoitton to illstippiy shut-offs" Support horizontal coppei pipes"at ei maximum on center. l0' A courtesy inspection will be required of the Springfield City Inspectorto deternrine full extent of plumbing to be-compiete"to *uui.i,o. rlquirernent. !):1f.r" Ja r:i I y r:t, f,a r.i.\l iiii'i'i Ilill'i. l:i it;),j i1i,i / r: SURVEY REPORT WINN - Springfield Page Two PLU}IBING * OPT IONAL 1. Install outside faucert. I 2 There is not enough circuits in ttre existing l)anel box to carry electricalload. rnstall 2Q0 ampere, 200 v single ptrase- base service with newminimtrm 16 pole circuit breaker entrance box with entry mast and connectt,he existing circuits. rnstall one (1) 20 amp circuit in the laundryarea and one (1) 20 amp circuit in the kitchen. The bathroom andoutside convenience outlets to have ground fault interrupters (crry "Existi-ng circuits shalr be split in new box so that loads are properlydistributed. Remove electrical duplex outlet ahove the base board heater in theliving rooru and bedroom. Bathroour lacks ground faurt interrupters. Furnish and install newground fault interrupter outlet. A courtesy inspection will be required of ttre springfield city Electricalrnspector to determine ful1 extent of electricat woit to be "o*pr.aua. 3 4 I KITCHEN UTILITY BATHR.OOM The plaster cln the wa11s isareas; prep and paint. There is evi"dence of dryrot and darnaged materials in the utility rooul,hall and bathroom. Replace all rotted or damaged substructural mernbersand provide additionar support members as needea to comply roith structuralcode standards. Level up the floors as needed to eliminate saggi.ngand/or unevenness. Repair any damag" ru"rrting tro* work. A termite and dry rot inspection will be requirecr by a certifiedinspector. A1l work indicated on the ,*pori wilr be done. Furnish and i,stall a drainage systern at the perimeter of the house toeliminate excessive water f ii1 ur-rte:: the house. Drain to meet cityrequirements. InstalL handrail at the front porch stairs. 2 3 4 1 2 3 Linoleum on the walls is fatring off and plaster is chipped and comingoff the walls. Repair damage; pr"p a.d paint vr'rvvLs q'u Linoleum on the counter tops iri cracked, pitted and ripped. rnstarl newplastic laminate countertops, with o" uo"t "fi""n ,ra self-e<rge. Linoleum on floor is ord, worn and chlppea. IJnderlayment is warped.r*stall neh, vinyr fror.rr cover.[,g wlLrr rubber base, incruding newunderlayment. 1 2 Plaster on the walrs is cracked and falling off in large chunks. Repairand/or resurface wal1s arcr ceiling as needecr; prep ancr paint (enamel). Linoleum ou the f100r is chipperl and rutted, underJ-aymenc i_s wet andwarped. rnstall new vinyl f1,or covering wlth rubber base, includingnew underlayment. 1 cracked and falling off. Reirair all damaged qlggI&rcal STRUCTURAL 2 SURVEY REPORT I{INN - Springf ield Page Three Llnoleun on the floor is chipped and rutted, underlayment ls wet andwarped. Install new vinyl floor covering with rubber base, including new underlayment DINING ROOM AND LIVING ROOM Linoleum on the floor is chipped and rrrtEed, underlayment is wet and warped in the dinlng room. rnstall new floor covering, including new underlayment. 2. Repai-r damage at walls and celling; properly prepare and paint. HALL 1 Plaster on the u,alls is cracked and falli.ng off. Repalr all damagedareasr prep and paint. Linoleum on the floor is chipped and rutted, underlayment is wet. andwarped. Install new vinyl floor eovering with rubber base, lncluding nerr underlayment. MISCELLANEOUS Wlndow panes are broken in tire kitchen and bedrooms, broken windows. reglaze a7L Install 5/8tt type X sheetrock at conlmon wall between bedrooms. storage room and 3. Install solid core door to exterior. WEATHERIZATION rnstall blown-in fiberglass or rock wool to a minimum R-30 va1ue.Thermal i,nsr-rlation shall not be installed within 24 inches of the topor within thr:ee (3) inches of the side of recessed light fixtures,motors, fans, heaters, lransfclrmers, flues and chi_nrneys. Install unfaced batt- insulation r+ith R-19 value to underside of thef1oor. 2 3 rnstall 6 mil black polyethylene vapor barrier on grade within crawl space. 4 Install paintable type silicone caulking comporrnd at all seams around wlndows and doors. 5 I 2 I ? 1 Close off door from kitchen to utiliti, room; construct hallway throughexlsEing utllity room; construct. closet with bi-fold doors tcraccomodate washer, dryer and water heater. OPTIONAL cabinets are $/orn, pitted, and in vcry bad repair. rnstall new cablnets(approx 14 lin ft base and uppers) birch plywood finished with hardr^/are. There are no cabinet doors on North bedroom closet. Install doors onthe closet. The I iving room carpet is worn and torn new carpet with underlayment. 1 2 3 Remove old carpet and install Andy's Termite and Dry Rot Repairs 7 46-8612 Llcensed. Bonded' I n su red 425 South 7tsl, Splld., Ore. Jackie Grubb Lane CountY Housing AuthoritY 172 East Bth Eugene, Oregon 9?t+Ot January 26, ]-9Bz Re; Inspection at 420 North Z)rd. Street Springfield' Oregon Jackie As per your request I made a termite and dryrot inspection at 4ZO North Z)rd.. Springf ielcl, gregon. My findings are as follows. 1. Floors through out structure show slight Piqns of warpage with noticable seftling toward the center of the house, floors are sound otherwise. Z. Bathroom floor is damaged in area of stool and needs replacing. ). Utility room floor is damaged by water heater and.needs replacing. NOTE: Water heater may posEibly- need replacing. (Costs are not inclu<led in mY bid.) 4. 0n exterior areas of the house, grade levels need to be lowered in some "r"u.J, in order to maintain a 6 inch elearance between dirt and lower portion of siding. Door, frames and wells are needed at subarea access holes. 5, Subarea has approximately 4 to 5 inehes of standing water, a sump p"rp-""d^ hrai.age slstem aie needed and a vapor barrier is nei:Aeh after drainage system is installed' Costs for the above five listed items would be approximately $1zoo.oo. I did not crawl into the subarea because of the standing water but I did observe the following items through the access holes. 1. Scattered wood debri-s through out subarea' 2, S1II, header and joist damage at front of the structure' ), Rot damage to supPort beams. l+. pier posts that support beams appear rotted and are sitting on the ground with no concrete Pads. f Andy's Termite and Dry Rot Repairs 7 46-8612 Llcensed.Bonded' lnsured 425 Soulh 7lst, Splld., Ore. Page 2 I Could not see any subfloor damage but some surely exists in areas I could. not Se€. Assuming that damage I was able to see ex- tends into other areas, approximate costs for repairs would be $2I+OO.OO, which would bring the total to approximately $3_6OO.OO. I noted that the house has aluminum siding which was instal-led over the old siding. A possibility exists that there may be damage in this area, although none was found. The lower part of the siding can be removed prior to or during repairs and a bid given at that tirne for any damage found If I can be of any further help to you in these mattersl please feel free to contact me. Thank You ill,,ut !{L!-i-'"'''' Andrew Cuellar HLEC'TRI CAL. INSPECTI ON REPORT JOB ADDRESS [AJ-E 2- -4 -82_ 0HNER _-*$ea."n-l e F,'tZri^t .-**.-- ' *----PlorlE _Za_6:AilZ_*_ ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: Z/TIOUSINE OCCUPANCY 1 FI RE DAF{AGE , rJJ C--22 ) E,f,fc 370-_ INSPECTOR COMPLAINT .i':.. "WSTANDAPN STRUCTURALPEST CONTROT INgPECTN'UIEPORI INVOICE (Woo6Deslroylng Pests or Organlsms) _ This is an only - not a Nolic€ ol Completion Amdy's Dry Rot Repairs 425 S.7lsf Sl., Sprtngfleld, OR " 7tl6-8612 A LICENSEO PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIEID. AilY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO T}IIS REPORT oouDBE Rmnm ro ffi. AOORESS OF PRoPERTY it^t --r{sPEcrEo a '7.U BLOG. NO.]3 ec/,u )"ii! rt,*ytrr / d D^TE OF TTSPECTIo}{"J - /r-S e ScLLER'8 HrrC Al{O AO{IRESS BUYER'8 ilAnG Ai.O AODaCSS lr^lrE ANo OF IN INSPECTED 8Y: THI6IS A SUE.STRUCTURE IN$PECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL A BELOTI'. WE ASSUME t{O LIABILITY FOB ANY OTHER PORTION OF STBI'CTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT. LtcENsElro.L!r]-3At-- oasrnerncporr ts &rDDr.m.nuRrpoa E -,-*",r.*Z r{oTrcE: NOTIGE: agrSnL.n*=i{fP DIAORAil AND EXPLAilATIOil OF FlNDlfilGS (See back side lor recommendatlons) Thl. r.ptt lr.n xtlm.l. only. B.c.u!. ol thr poialblllty ol humrn orror, ANDY'S TERIIITE A DAY ROT REPAIR OO. rlll not b. hdd n po.trlbl.lor.rud.mt0. or tntcdr..cn .rd aol lhor lor any tulu,l ,lport o, larpactlon. GSNTATE D(E8 NOT INCLUDE PAINNHS, PLUMEING, O8 LEYELII{O - NOT RESPCTNEIBLE FOR CRACKS THAY i'AY OEVELOP. (F.fu hr.d. i 15 ,TnIi rltt?1. F[*ar r q i,]{ lt , '1(x ;^ DSo 'iPi?at/ {t 5(:,{t+r/r., & l:. -- I k I Ycl Codc Soo Dlaercm Bclow Ycr Gode Scc Dlagram Below Yoc Codc Scc Dirgrarn Bclow ST sub,tcnonern Tsrmhog x SDR Slructural Darnage Bot X V Existing Vcntr DT _ Drrnpuood Tonnhe{S.fii,;e )x sor Structural Damege lnsect >('x Prcpoeed Ventr w8 Wood B€otlos x SF Structural Damage Subfloor tc lnadoqudtg Clctrsncr CA Cmcntr Ant Y EM Excecsivo Moigturc conditiona IA lnaccoarible Area FT fungur fiourth JTrcst blo X CD Colluloes Dobrie X FI fu@rfngrcdon nccdcd \{L Flumt{ng Lcak x FG Faulty Grade (ler than 6" charancal X EC Elrth-wood Cnntrcta other Othor Othcr *[i *r1'- -.ip !r:tt' I pl-E? t} tt stt - sj'$r rD\ ocr'j 1\ "i.i' !::i ^;*r, f,'"}}/,i' I.:.;n:.i ' fr c l'T ,ta ?trP t --F:I _ -H 'x co5 ,x TYPEOFLOAN: FEDv.A. n .STATE6.1. E FHA U FARMHOME O CONVENTTONAL Cl tx$pEcnor.onoGREoByor^uEANoADoFEssr 156+..k.* GC'.-\L ' '","' i;, -;;;.;,)rt p;;';;ty ! I t I tti3' tlli? lirl ft"aa 6 tnb I {t p fit i7 .,j ---?-- l. -)L- Remove and replace approx.lSl{--lineal ft. of damaged 2. K Remove and replace approx. l,1S tineal ft. of damaged RECOMMEN DED CORRECTIONS AxG -. ii-y6 damaged full length joist(s) new beam to piers and pier blocks. + /J- ptrr PaD* mudsill heatJer 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 24. 2',1. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2,. ,o 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. M. 45. 46. \(t( Remove and replace approx. feet of siding. )C Ramove and replace approx. 1 q damaged joist end(s) .1rf * 3. v *xY -Y KY /5- d' J3A sq beam M_k Remove and replace approx. tnstall approx. fr/i tt. ot Remove and repface approx. lnstall approx. lO new A{ tineat support joist splices. --ft. of damaged 4-{,3- support Femove and replace approx amaged pier posts Remove and replace approx feet of damaged Remove all scattered wood-debris and form boarcls from subarea,'\(lnstall a 6 mil vapor barrier over entire subarea surface Piece in missing vapor barrier in approx. *---foot area Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. lnstall a gravity flow drainline ineal ft. of drainline to $I&7'-c*/ Staa,*tk * f c.,r{, ) subfloor ineal feet to streetfrom subarea approx. and approx. 36' -t >{ lnstall approx, -3 -yards of tA'' round river rock in subarea trenches lnstall approx. -yards of 3/q" round river rock in suharea low spots. Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. -----cubic yards. Trench subarea as needed for access, approx. lineal feet. Make access to inaccessible areas, as needed to allow further inspection (cost o{ any damase found nor inctuded in bid}, )( Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated nn diagram (cost ot any tlamages tound nor rnctr,dod in bid) >< lnstall approx. --tti-feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts tnf-85!f- porch. V Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx . J( leet. Repair foundation cracks. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites.'X Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Powder Post Beetles. Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus --._- Spot --__-_ . X Replace underlayment flooring in &sllw: tcfif,fy approx. -- area. lnstall new linoleum in &tfr---a.--;T'/,lt approx. --- area' Reseat toilet on a new wax seal.r lnstall - replace bathtub shower kit. lnstall a subarea sJff-pqqlp Trench subarea as needed, to drain or-gglpg4ump, as needed to alleviate standing water con dition Caulk base --_-- top of bathtub Homeowner should call a qualified plumber to check and repair water leaks (costs not included) lnstall approx. --_--_lineal feet of concrete block foundation. Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. --feet.Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. --feet.lnstall approx. -feet of non-wood skirting. lnstall approx. -*- of 6-inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact lnstall additional screened vents through rim joist -X.*----, through foundation wall --.-Rescreen existing vent(s) Replace 5 vent frame(s) -x---)L ?( )< 47. 'Y lnstall.l8. 7 lnstall vent well(s). crawl hole weil(s). new crawl hole frame and door lnstall 3 _;_e 49. - Repair or replace portions of existing gutters as indicated on diagram 50. - lnstall approx. _---.-lineal feet of new gutters' 51. - Replace install ---- down spout lines from gutters. 52, - lnstall- spashblocks. $. X lnstall approx. q 1 lineal feet of downspout clrainline to 54. - lnstall -_ drywells. PPrtclr $" 0rc2 r,5rre,-f) 55. X Additional bid needed for items not on this report but required bv X V.A. 'X F.H.A. X City F. County 56. _- Other ,t (( rfl $$lsr'tttiltlsqil&l|e'& rxtffi x CERTIFIED LETTER September 10, 1986 Bonnie Winn 420 North 23rd Spri ngfi e'ld, 0R 97477 Dear Bonnie: This letter is being sent to you by certified mail with restricted de1 i very to veri fy that you are sti I I the owner and occupant of the houseat this address. As a recipient of a home rehabilitation loan from theCity of Springfield, you will recall that the fu'll amount of the 1oan, including the principle and the origination or interest fee of 7 percent,'is due and payable to the City upon sale or transfer of this property. Sale or transfer is defined to include the actual or attempted sale by contract, assignment, 1ease, rental or other conveyance to any other person, as well as the transfer by wi1'l or inheritance to any person other than a surviving borrou',er upon the death of one borrower. (Specificaily, for instance, using the house as a rental unit whi'le you retain ownershipis not permitted). It will be the practice of the City to contact you period'ica11y in this manner in order to confirm that no such sale or transfer has occurred. Secondly, you should also recall that the terms of this loan require youat all times to keep the house and other improvements on the property insured against loss or damage by fire. The amount of coverage is to be adiusted when necessary to reflect not less that the current appraisedvalue of the property and improvements. The City of Springfield, at 225North sth Street, is to be named as an additional insured party on thepolicy. If the Lane County Housing Authority has been named on your insurance policy in the past, please have this changed as soon as possib'le. You have also promised to furnish a certificate of this insurance to theCity. This certificate of insurance must be furnished to the City eachyear when your homeowners insurance is renewed. If you have not yet doneSo, please direct your insurance company to send the City the certificateof insurance automatica'l1y in the future when you receive notice of and pay the annual premium. Fina1ly, in keeping with the home rehabi litation policies, the City wi'11make ' dri ve-by ' i nspecti ons at two (2) and fi ve ( 5 ) yea rs after constructi on completi on i n order to determi ne i f your home i s be'i ng adequately maintained. If this 'drive-by' inspection indicates that your home is not being adequately maintained, the City may request that you allow further inspections of your home to be made and that you correct any maintenance prob'lem discovered by such inspections. If you have questions regarding this letter, you may contact Bil'l Schaubat 726-3753. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our records up to date. Si ncere]y, 4ilU1 Bi 1 I Schaub Rehab Speci al ist