HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-11-013 42. a<.)Job Location: Aesessore Map # 170 )V b t ?as Lot ll Subdiuision: Atmer:*J Address:rd*fGehone: I 1tCity: kea ,91rt-^d,,+,,^qwlfinlru Describe htoz,li: Date of n ,"r," (o5o&lt l ldditicn RenoCeL trac tors .. RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLfCATLI.., PERITIIT 225 Noy,th Sth Street SprLngfield, }regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPRI1\lGFTELD ll / General I P lurnb in l,leehanic E Crica SUD 1€l-n Elec I r:clan DEI.IOLITIOII OR Sanitary seaet capped at ptopenty Line Septic tank ptotrped and fi.Lled ttith grat:el Final - h4ten abcue i,tens ave ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eonplete or stvryie' tuy,e moued ard pnenrlses cleaneC up. Iulobile llcnes Blocking and. Set-uP Plurnbing connectione '- aeile! atd uater Electrical Connection - Blocki-ng' set-up and plwnbing connections mtst be appt'cued befoie requbeting elealrtcal inspecliott Accessor,; Buildi-ng Final - After pct'chee, skirting, decks, etc. ore completed. Pege 1 of 2 state gour City desigtnted iob 'tars ov, otmers ncne and plnne It id the reaponsibility of tle permit ltoldet, to see that aLL inspeetions at,e made at the pr.oper tine, that eaeh addrees is readabl-e fnon the etreet, and that the petmit cayd ie Located at the ftont of the property.*Building D.iuiciot appt,oted plan sfu:ll remain on the Building !it; at aLL- times. SIlq INSPECT{p!: ?o be rnade aftet, ercA;ion, Tut pt ior tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCIIAIIICAL: To be made before any ffiE-iqsered. PO)?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe AfiA trencdes are escaoated and. forms ate erected, but priot, to pow,ing ccncrete. POS? AND BEAM: To be made Priot'toffiliTffildof floot' insulation or deckinq. ROTICH PT,U!,1BII]C. EI.ECTRTCAL & MECH- VNrui-- N;n;fi 8 io be cot:ered dlTTthese inspections haue been mad,e cnrl approued.. inspection, Cont"ac aftet, 7:00 an uyLLL be made the neat aorkirq Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nunber ts nwnbet,, nwnber, PROCIDI]PE FOR INSPECTIOIII R\QUEST :CALL 7 eady foz, ".tiLL be made the sone dcy, requests made 26-3769 (yecordey)job aCdress, type Requests receited of inspeeli-cn befcre 7:00 cri*7,u lbr UNDERGROU!]D PLI]MgTNC. SIWER, W.ATER,#DRAIIIAGE: fo be maCe Prior to ftl-Tfr-ii6n hee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUT,E TN G & MEC!]ANICAL : @oy to instalLation of floor ineulation or decking. DRYWALL INSPECTI0N: Tc be made aftet, alT-6y'intfts in place, but pnior to any taPing, MASONRI: S.teel Location, bond 6i6i]grouting or uerl;icals in accordance Llith U,B.C. Section 241 5. After installation is INSULA?ION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISP.ECTION : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn a:td required oapor botrie?a at'e in place but before any Lath, gypslon boat'C oz' tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. CURB & APPROACH APPON..."....,._ave erecteC but PrLo? .: After fortnsto pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVDWAY: FoY' all eon- .r.etenaofrifttln etre et right- of-uay, to be naCe after all erca' oating conplete & fotn uotk & sub- base nwberial in Place- tion. F84!!-!C: t"tust be requested after apprortat of rough plwnbing, .electri-eal & nec?nnical. ALL t'oofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rmtst be . eonrpleted. Ito ucv,k is to be con- , cealed until this inspection lws "been made anC approoed. FIP.EPLACE: ^";;;l;T; FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAT, PIT'IAL ELECIRICAL Prior to placirq facing and before frotning inspec- IENCE: h\ten eonPlete -- Prouide f,dtZi or motsable sections through P. U. E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stl,eet t!?n-:'_ conpletion.of the ,.qu\nla-iind"."pi.*g, Ltu., mtst be satisfi.ed befote the BUTLDTNG F1NAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building rnspection mtst be requested after the linal Plwnbing El";;t;;;1-,-'ond uechanical Inspect-ions hque been made atd app*oued' *AT,I, I,IANIICIES AND CLTANOIJTS MI)ST BN ACCIISSTBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE I'IADE IT NO CCST TO CITY Date: l W* tr L -CO G* JOB NO i!one SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr. [,ot Faces - Beclroons Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cot:et'age ! of Stories Total Height LCT TYPE _ Interi,c" ks t DI ilou::e Ca e Accen{i Corner I'anlnndle CuL-de-sac Rattge F ire t,h TopograPhY L: -- Fer:s -' TTEI,,I FTG x Val.ue Building Vslue & Permit Thin pcrmit i.s onttnt'td. otl l;lrc cfipress eonrlttion tfuzL ttze saitl'constraction slt,tLl, itt ,,1.t r,.spc,'ts,"';o;'i;';:';"-lile (t*linanee t'los-teJ 6'y the cLtv of spt'inoficLJ, i.'teltul!'ttg' :ll'"c'':'i"'t'1 crd'ina-tn.e' regulcl t,t:'1 LhZ ccnsLtu:',i-t:., . o'n,t u',i ttf l:ttil.,iLng:;,'o,r'l 'n:u l)c-susP(nde'l or rcuoke''! at ctiu tln" ul'on DLc' iation o1: ,ttt4 ltt'cu-tsions of s'i'd ordi'nance's' l.lain t TOTAT, VAL,UE s. D. c.1.5 x * Building Pet'mtt PLart l!ee Date Pa*l: State Total Clnrges Signed N0.FEE CHARGII Plumbing Permit No l)e!,::otl shnll consttut:t, tnsl;all, alter or clgnge -GnlJ ned.cr eristing 'i,i,.liL'i,J' ,"'",ir"t77iZ" ,,i,ti.n" i" it'oin or in part, -u,tless such person is the iZ;;i"';,";'"":;;;"';;i'; iLi;.J p\*,L,r's tie.ense, etcept Lhat a person na's do plwnbing utork t, p"oirii-ritt'ih- is oarred, Leased or. operated bg the appli- cant. Fi.ttures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Wal;er Plutnbing Pernit State 1 t were state LaD requit,es t\?Qt t.he eleetri.cal uork be done by .an Electtical Contractor, the elicttical pot"l;ion of thi.s permit shall not be xaliC until the Label lns been signetl by t'lte Eleetrical Contractor, FEENOI1'EI,!Electrico Nau/Ertend Circuits Sensice State Total I Permit Ezhanst Hood llent Fan Wcodstoue CIIARCTrTEMNCP?D a Mechqnicol Permit Permit fssuanee Meclranical PefirLt 5, Sea.u,it11 Deposit Storage l4aintenance I Parmit C\t bcut Sideutalk !ence Electt ical Labe,L 7VVr44-/ 0TAT, AMOUNT DUE: *ls.) Receipt ll P l.anz Lincmt',riet, f H,IVE CAREFttLLy \XAMINED ihe conpleted appli,cation j'or permit, and do hereby certify Lhat aLL informo.tion het'eon is tt'ue a.n7 correct, cn^7 f furl;het: certifg l;hat any ard aLL dork perfaaned alnll be done in aceot- dan,:e titlt l;he Ord.i-nencee of the city of Springf,ield, and the Lana of tha State of )ragcn pertatni.n,t to the uotk Cescribcd harein, dnd tlnt No OCCU- PANCY r,till b,: maCe of ang structtlre uithout permissirx of the Building Di,- tsisiott. I further ce.t,tifiy that o:tly eofitrdctot's atid enployees ullo d?e in canl>Liance aibh CRS 701.055 r,till be used on thie pnoject ?otal t;et t: l,lobil.e Home /4. ffi * I