HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1977-07-01CI:trY OF SPH,IIrTGFIEI-,D SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET Pearl Trude c,/o Finst National Bank of Oregon P.0. Box 1786 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Inis SUBJECT: 380 N. 24th Stneet, Housing Inspection At youn request the Building Department of the City of Springfield made a Housing Inspection at 380 N. 24th Stneet on June 28 , 1977. Inspection of the attached ganage was not possible as it was locked. It will be necessary to inspect the ganage before this inspection wil-I be complete and beforea certificate of compliance wiII be issued. The following items shall be nepair"ed or replaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. July 1, 7977 7 47 -4221 The electrical wining to the water heaten shall be in a metal raceway. Broken and bunnt neceptacles shal1 be neplaced. Receptacles over baseboar:d heaters are not penmitted. Receptacles boxes in paneled walls shall be flush with face of paneling on sleaves installed. Loose wires in attic and crawl space shall- be secured. OId electnical paneJ- shoul-d be removed. Service panel in garage was not checked-Iocked out. Evidence of new wiring in house-city has no record of permit. The doon fnom kitchen to utility noom shall not swing over a step. The swing on the door should be reversed or a five foot platfonm built in front of the door. The operiing to the undenneath pontion of the house in the utility noom shall- be sealed. Adequate ventilation shalf be installed in the attic. t/750 of the square footage in the attic shall be free ventilation anea. The upstains portion of the house shall not be used as a habital area. It may be used for stonage onIy. The stairs to the upstains anea shall be repaired. tl t ^Z 3 4 s. ) 6. ) 7.) 8. ) e. ) ) ) ) ) 10. ) 11. ) 72. ) 13. ) Please advise us when access to the garage can be made. For funther infonmation please call the Springfield Building Department at 726-3573. Sin ly, Key Enc'losed DS/1t Dan Smith Buitding Depantment CIEY O}- SPETI\TCFFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 July 11, 1977 346 MAIN STREET 7 47-4221 Pearl Trude c/o F'irst National Bank of 0regon P.0. Box 1786 Eugene, 0regon 97401Attn: Iri s SUBJECT: 380 N. 24th Street, Housing Inspection An addit'ional inspection was made on July 7, L977 at 380 N. 24th Street by the Springfield Building Department. This portion of the inspection was ljmited to the garage that was locked at the time of the first inspection. The following jtems shall be repajred or replaced to conform with Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: The 2x6 rafters in the garage are over span. They are spanning 15'6". The maximum span for a 2"x6" used'in thjs location'is 10' feet. All the 2"x6" rafters jn the garage will require ioist hangers installed where rafters abutt ledger. The 4'x6'that runs para11e1 with the rafters shall be supported wjth a postor removed. Seal crawl space vents in garage. The electrical outlet on the north wall shall have an approved junction box behind it. Secure outl ets and repl ace broken cover p1 ates. Electrical Service shal'l be grounded. An approved crawl space shal I be prov'ided, 18"x24". All applicable permits shall be obtained before work starts and all work shall be inspected before a Certificate of Compf iance will be issued. For further jnformation please call the Springfield Building Department at 726-3753. Sinc ly, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS t 1.) ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 B ) u- n Smith DS/It Buil di ng Department ) ) CITY O3- SPFLIIVGFIEIJI:) sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 4''7 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 Peanl Trude c/o Finst National Bank of Oregon P.O. Box 1786 Eugene, Onegon 97401 Attn: fris SUBJECT: 380 N. 24th Stneet, Housing Inspection At youn nequest the Buil-ding Depantment of the City of Springfield made a Housing Inspection at 380 N. 24th Stneet on June 28 , L977. Inspection of the attached garage was not possible as it was locked. It will be necessany to inspect the garage befone this inspection wil-I be complete and beforea centificate of compliance will- be issued The following items sha1l be nepained or neplaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. July 1, 7977 The electrical wining to the waten heater shal1 be in a metal naceway. Bnoken and burnt r"eceptacles shal-l be r"eplaced. Receptacles over baseboar:d heatens are not penmitted. Receptacles boxes in paneled wall-s shal-l be flush with face of paneling on sleaves install-ed. Loose wires in attic and crawl space shal-l be secured. Old electr:ical panel should be removed. Senvice panel in ganage was not checked-l-ocked out. Evidence of new wiring in house-city has no necond of permit. The doon from kitchen to utility room shal-l not swing oven a step. The swing on the doon shou1d be reversed or a five foot platform built in front of the doon. The opening to the underneath pontion of the house in the utility noom shall be sealed. Adequate ventilation shall be installed in the attic. 7/750 of the square footage in the attic shall be fnee ventil-ation area. The upstair^s pontion of the house shal-l not be used as a habital area. It may be used for. storage on1y. The stains to the upstairs anea sha.l-I be nepair"ed. t ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10. ) 17. ) 72. ) 13. ) Pl-ease advise us when access to the garage can be made. For furthen infonmation please call the Spningfield Building Department at 726-3573. Sinc fy, Dan Smith Building DepantmentItlds CiltrY O3- SPH,II$GFIEIJD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 Pearl T::ude c,/o Finst National Bank of Onegon P.O. Box 1786 Eugene, Onegon 97401 Attn: Iris SUBJECT: 380 N. 24th Stneet, Housing Inspection At your request the Building Department of the City of Springfiel-d made a Housing Inspection at 380 N. 24th Street on June 28 ) 1977. Inspection of the attached garage was not possible as it was l-ocked. It will be necessany to inspect the garage before this inspection wil-l be complete and before a centificate of compliance will be issued. The following items shaIl be nepained or replaced to confonm with the Unifo::m Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. JuIy 1 ) 7977 The electrical wining to the water heaten shall be in a metal naceway. Bnoken and bur.nt neceptacles shal.l- be ::eplaced. Receptacles over baseboand heater"s ane not penmitted. Receptacles boxes in paneled walls shall be flush with face of paneling or sleaves install-ed. Loose wires in attic and crawl space shall be secuned. OId el-ectrical panel should be removed. Senvice panel in ganage was not checked-focked out. Evidence of new wiring in house-city has no::ecord of permit. The doon from kitchen to utility r.oom shall not swing over a step. The swing on the door should be r:evensed on a five foot platfonm built in front of the doon. The operiing to the undenneath portion of the house in the utility noom shafl be sealed. Adequate ventilation shall- be installed in the attic. 7/750 of the square footage in the attic shal-I be free ventil-ation area. The upstairs portion of the house shal-l- not be used as a habital area. It may be used for stonage onJ-y. The stains to the upstains a::ea shall be repair:ed. t ) ) ) ) ) 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10. ) 71. ) 72. ) 13. ) Pl-ease advise us when access to the garage can be made. For further information please call the Spningfield Buil-ding Depar:tment at 726-3573. Sin Iy, Key Enclosed DS/It Dan Smith Building Department REOUEST FOR INSPECTIOF! Springfield Building Department - Date Time Desired Type of lnspection 7-? Time - fu-a-za- Owner Contractor AProiect Address -A Remarks L4 tz,,/ INSPECTOR'S REPORT Approved Not Approved Renrarks- Date t" By ,2x )ta ( 7-7 7 / "."'.,',,, I- "4 / " "' PERMIT . .'t .ri-, ,, '', crrY oF SPRTNGFTELD, OREGON N9 ./ ----+-":--1S:--- \ ---------alley streetmake application to cut fla,e-iftL "? --- -/2-'-- in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 855. I agree to comply with all the provisions-mentioned in said Ordinance and have the work completed by _, wd€d b 7fi424c Issued by- Approved by- - ,{}/(/.fl-e (l crrY oF s:R.IlicFI_E-r,n, orucoupublic Wor[s __vvrt BUILDINC DEPAR?I,{EN" Pw-11 fnspector,s Mbmo )fJ TO c2 NO?E 1_e#/,/'/ ua ( .* !hone 147-422\ (-. A& .-?'l rc ^nocJ 4as. Arlf l"F June lt, 1967 l{r. Feed S. Davlg 380 Horth 24th Stroqt Sprlngflcld, Orogon Dear Hr. Davlsl Due to the denlal to retaln the second curb cut (drlve- way) at your resldence, 380 North 24th Strcot. lt lr thls dspartrnonte responslblllty to lnforn you th.t a pcrnlt mrEt be obtalnad and r*ork started on ellmlnatlng thc mcond curb cut (drlva,ray) wlthln 30 deyr frur the deto of thla letter. Your cooporatlon ln thlr matter wlll bc appreclatod. Very truly yours, Jorcph F. Rcevcts Jr. Dlroctor of Bulldlng & Zonlng JFR/JJ A* r't - t 6,*L e-*r -&;***v'* June 6, 1967 DIr. Fred S. D*vls S80 N. 24th Street Sprtngfleld, Orogon Dear 1!Ir. Davts: Your requeat for pormlaglon to retaln an exlsttng curb cut l"n addltton ts a new ourb out at yorr restdence ha.e beeu returned to thla office from the Engineertng and &rildiug Departrnenta. The residonce at 380 North 24th Street ls loeated wtthln an R t slngle famlly resldBntial dlstrlct and aE Euch, permlte tro commerclal or hrslness use. You are apparently ln vlolatlon <lf fie code section pertalnlng to zoniug regulatione. It la appareat thst the addltlonal eurb sut ls nocessary &ro to the h,relnegs betng con&roted from your realdence and Elnce thls actlvity ie in vlolation of tbe zoulng ordtnanae, your reqtrest for a gecond curb cnrt Ls donted. A ropreeentrtlve of tbe Butlding oad Zonlng Department will be ln contaot wttl you rogardtng the zonlng violatlon referred to above. Vory tnrly yours, N. L. rrPhttr Teague Aetturg Clty Manager NLT:mp cc: Building and Zoningr/' File ifuI{a ,',|-?, d i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BU ! LD ING DEPARTI,IENT ti:il0 Pat Teague Acting City Manager Joseph F. Reeves Request to Retain Second Driveway at 380 No. 24th St. Date Mav 29 .1q6,1 _For irmed i ate act ion ;yy;-For your i nformation _,flpprova I requested Note and return to me Please see me -Remarks: lo: From: Subject: Mr. Fred S. Davis of 380 North 24th Street has requested per- mission to retain the second driveway because of the six vehicles usedin operating a janitorial service from his home. The zone of the pro-perty is R-1, Single Family and permits no commercial use, if the above mentioned commercial use were not there the six vehicles also would not be there, and the retension of the second driveway would notbe requ i red, ln as much as the commercial use is conducted as Mr. Davis has stated in his Ietter of request, it is the opinion of this officethat it is an illegal use and should be discontinued and the requestto retain the second driveway be denied. Respectful ly submi tted, J osep F. Re EVCS,Jr. JFR/j j * --'-- l4ay 26, L967 N. L. Teague Actlng City Manager Tom R. Johneon Ctty Englneer Request for eecond curb cut at 380 24rh. Street by t'red S . Davis. Recelved May 18, L967 Mr. Davls requests that he be allolsed to retain anexlstlng paved drivewey and curb cut ln addltlon to a ne$ one whlch 1s under eonstructLon. Mr. Davis ssys that he operates a commercial enter-prlse from hls home, 380 24tin Street, and trtllizes six vehtcles which requl-re the use of both drlvenays for Ehelr parklng at night. Thle would appear to be a zonlng vloLatton and thts phase of the natter has been referred to Mr. Reeves. If Mr. Davls ls allowed to contLnue hie bustnese fromhts home then the request for the second curb cut ls recom- mended for a.pproval for the followlng reasons: 1) Six cars parked on the street would be a potential hazard as far as chlldren are coneerned.2) street cleantng operatLons would be facr-lrta.ted if no carg Rrere parked on the 6treet. rf Mr. Davis ls not allowed to contLnue to conduct hr-sbusinees involving vehlcles from hle reeidence, it is recon- rnended that his request be denLed. Ton R. JohnsonClty Englneer TR-I:bw cc: Joe Reeves / Enclosure (t) (v Jre'' l'. l; r,i : c /\ <\r' .,"1 ' )rjn:tl'j;'lri , (',T,., ()1 i Y Iil, I1r(l?' nqii.eLc1 ')op l rtment t\ 1(\ n .I lLe- I?g1 r11 ,r1. 1 ' .1 ^irr nel? ,-lfiVeIryrv nnrl ll$c of olr't c! rivew:'., irt ,'dd ition tog-"'afle un/1er corlstl-uction. entl.enterl: f opereto .rr .i .rrritorial Serviee irom nl\r tromc :'nrl tlicref ore orrn si,:r vehielcs. 'lhe ntre r'l rivar';av srrd g.rrsf,e ryilI t"ke e!'! 're of fc,ur t,ut 1 wish to kcop ttra o14 rlriver".r], t,o l)rovelrtrnrl<inf tlre othcrs on tlte st:relt. ' ccond 11r, 1 nrn rrna! 1e to rf f orcl destruetion of the olrl rl;r,lr ..rrr1 lrndscr.:ring tha,erer. into gress. 'ihorefore curhing irr tho oId drivew.rr rroulcl only'rrorluco a r';orthless o!,?cs! ore ins*aedof ,1 useflll 11 r iverra.Sr. 'l'Jr'.r:!r lrorr. 're I I)^vi s I I j E [m