HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-07..RESIDEI_ IAL APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield" )regon 97477 Bu1, LdLng D1.D1,sLon 7 26-37 53 aa SPHINGFTELE) Job Locaticn: ?c,c lot # OAssessot,s Map # Subditsision: l-oPhone: /Address: Nl*Date of AppL t-1 NeD Value r u- v&4L= sl, bl Additicn Descri-be Notk: Su* .Tr\.O rS o Electr c 1anl-ec Lr # General fr"l '-/ td- Siqned:a13 Date: "V res each address is realabie nwnber', iob aLitess, type of inspec=icn nunber. Eequests z'eceit:ed befcre 7:00 an Plutrb Llechan S It ie the tesponsibility oi tle perwit hotder to see tlnt aL'!. inspec_tions ee nade at lhe prope? tine' tLat fran the ot?eet, ald tlat the penit .cati i.a. l,ocated qt -rh.q frant of ,the. "ryqPe"ty.'*suitdiq D,iticion appraed pTbt slnll remain on tlte Building Site at aLL tines. pr?ocspup| FoR. INS1ECTION,ll--Qy1sricalu 726-3769(tecotdet,) state your city cesigrnted iob @uiLLbereadyforinspection,contraetorsora,lnersrtclneandp7one:,yiLL be nade the sane dag, requestiiade afie.t ?:00 on trLLL be rmde the nett'eotking day. Pege 1 of 2 you" City Deaigr"ated Job Nunber Is: UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCttLllfCnr': To be nade before any 6it-lE cotset'ed, POOIING & FOUNDATICY To be maCe ffi ttffies a,e eacatated and. 1o*" *" erected' but Prior to pouring ecncreta. 1NDERGROUUD PLUMBING? SEll,ER. il.lTE-l- DRAIilAGE: To be made PrLor to lLL- T@'ti6nchee. unpERFLOOR PLUI.ETNG 4. I4ECI!4NrC,AL: ^Io be mad.e pniot' to l,nstaLLaxlon oJ fToor insul)tion or decking' POST AND BEAM: To be made PrLor to 6;t7T"tt;;of floon irtsulation oY' IIAS1NRI: Steel Locati.on, bond frffilgrcutlng or uerticals i-n aceordotce ttth U,B,C. Section 2475. WOODSTO',.E: Aftet instalXation is antpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APEQN: Aftet forns d,e e""cteTbut pt'ior to Poaring Scnitaty seuet' eapped at property Lir:e Septic tank ya-.7ed artd filled trith g'a;seL linal - h%ten obcoe itens a.re eanpleted ard uhen d*tclition is eatplete or strac- ture motled od, ptentLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking ord Set-uP Plunbin4 connectio-ne -- aaie! qd' aaler Electrtcal Connection - Blockittg' set-up ind plwrbinq eonneetians mtst be apprc';ed befire requbeting eL eclrLcal inspeclio:t Acceseorl BuilCitt4 SITE INSPECTION: ercauation, but . forns. decking FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANIEAL FINAL ELECTRICAL :No these inspecti.ons haoe been conc?ete. 1TDEWALN & DRL',EZAI: Eor aLL con- .Aie Daofu-frrfrn str'eet right- of-uua', tu be naCe after aLL etca- oatinb eoryLete & fotn wt'k & sub' base "rncter"Lal in Place. pcrckee, ekirting' decl<s, 1 ^L^S To be rmde after pz"tar tc set uP of INSULATION/VAPAR BARRIER IIISPECTION=: IoTe naD-;fter aLL insulaticn and required oqor bat. ieYs @e in Plaee bui belore ury lath, Wpswn baarC ot' rnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulntion i.s concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?I0N: Tc be made ;F." "fl@natTis in pl,aee, but prior to arLA taPing. made and. approued. FLPEPLACE: PrLor to Plaeirq facing natAAC and befote franing inspee- tion. FRA].lIllG: t4ust be requeeted after ffinoiit of rough pltttrbing, electri- &L & nectanical, ALL roofittg btaci.ttg & chinmegs, etc. tntst be eonpleted. Ito ucrk is to be eon- .ceiled until this insPeetion las 'been made anC approoed. linal - After etc. aae comP IENCE: h4ten comPlete -- ProuiCe jfr6i or nouabLe sectians through P.U.E. ALL projeet conditions, sueh as the tnstal-L.ation of stteet tree-s.,- ccnpleiion.of the ,"q;i";2-r;;;,ciping,'Lto., ,*"t be satisfiid before the BtfiLDIilc FMAL can be requested' The Fi,nal Building Inspeetion trust be tequested after the Final Plwnbing ulitrrt."f rnspeetlions haua been nade ard approuec'?INAL BUILDING: Electrical, ad *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTIIENT TO BE I"IADE /.T I]O COST TO CI?Y T1?S A3, AB"( S,)Onit)ahl$l)4. a.mer: Aon^^ Al.^rrcuz 2.rrl"l r0 OD aCita: tr T L-coc JOB NO Zone: I-ot Sq. Etg. % of Lct Caserage. # of StorLes Total Height TopogrcPhY ?otal SOLA-E-ACCESS REQ.- LCT TWE _ Intet'iot Corner Panhandle - *L-dn-"o" Bedroons Tlae Iteat PLan Exoniner f HAW CAREFULLy EXA!,IINED the conrpleted appl'i-cation for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotmation hereon is tl,ue and. eon'ect, attC I furthet' eez'tify that any ard aLL uork perforned ahall be done in aeeor- dance'"tith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, ard the Loras of the State of )regcn pe?taining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd. tlu.t N0 OCCA- Pl.llcy wiLL be rmd.e of any sttucture uithout perrnisaion of the Building DL-uision. f turther certif'g that otly conttactors and enplcyees uho are in cnpliance Dith cRS 701.0ss uiLL be ueed on thie project Lot Faees - Access.CarageDfHouse North Firep 'Ensl, Sauth West VaLueXSq. F?GITEM Main Calaoe Caroort Aceessoru TOTAL VALUE E LAN S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: Sigr.ed: Receipt #: Building Volue & Permit Thisperlnl.tisgrantedontheerpr,esseonditionthatthesaid-consttuction stnll, in alL nespects,- ioiiZi'to th-e. crdi'nance adopted tiy the city of lprinafi."td, tili,raLrg'til'\Lil"g crd:'nane-e, regulating the ccnstracticn anl use of buildin4s, iti^"y tn" susPen'ded ot'rbuokeC dt cna time upon oic- Lation of ana prcuisions of said 1tdit'ances' Building Pernrit lotal Chargea State Plumbing Permit No pereon stwll constt"uet' instal'!''- alter ot'clanqe,6nY ned-cr eaisting ;ir;rbrA on'droinogn systa" in ulwie or. tn part, unless such person is the iLgit p"o""n""o, of o rLlld pturtn,'s LicensZ, esgept tlat a P??son naa q2 ptinakg uo*k to propni4 iti."t, i" otmed, Leaeed on operated by the appli- cant. CHARGEN0. Satti Sarter I?EM Eistl,L?es Residentia.L (1 bath) Plutnbing Pen'it State Electricol Permit whete state Lan reqti|es tlat the electtical uork be done by,an Eleetrieal Contracto?, the el)ctrLcal portion of this permit slall not be ualid until the Label lns been signed by the ELectrical Contnacto", N0. *?otal Nett/Erterd Circuits Set uice FF'CI]ARCE State Mechqnicol Permit bhanat ilood Vcodstote Vent Fot PermLt fssuanee Meehanical Perrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secttitu Deposit Storaoe Maintennnce Pernit Curbeut Sidasalk ?ence Eleetrical Iabel Mobile Hone ,TOTAL AI4OUIIT DI]E: *331 39 1 Signed Date tlatct