HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-11-22..REsIDtrNTIA[.. APPLTCANiN/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngft eld, 0regon 97477 Bul- Ldlng Dl0',t Sl.On 7 26-37 53 T ,{, Reeeipt # SPTINGFtET.D IZVOT rlr(q)? ailr' Sigred:CO ./ Date:t(-z :trx It iB the responsibility of the permtt lotder to aee that alt inspectiotts ee nade at the E)rope! tine' that eceh address is rea.C.abi-e froat tle atreet, and tltat the permit eatd is Located at the fiont of tlle pro?e"tA.*suildi/tg D)ticion approt:ed plan sVnLL remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. Electrical 14echanieaL Const?ucrion_Lendg!_ Poati na,4 Tnqnan*i-ans PPOCEDUPE FOR INSPECTTOII R!?WST:CALL 7I requested and aken gou uiLL be readg fot,t"iLL be made the sane dcy, r,equests mcde 26-3769 (reeordet') state Aour Citg desigrated job nwnbet', inspeetion, Contraetc?s or Otmers tume and phane nunbet. aftet ?:00 on rrLLL be made the nest aotking d.ay. job al.dz'ess' type Requests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 an Iour City Desi,gr,ated Job Nunber fs:&8 I o(5 3lo y'{. J3 i& "rob Locaticn: Tas Lot #Assessoz,s Map # Subdioision: fil-aol&Addtess:3LCl Phone-$c/-a City:zip: ?1+7 7 7 Date of AppL DeserLbe { o^ll-S-TO\ LAdditian RemoCel l-l-.)oo t> Lisc. #?tContz,actors Ad.dress GeneraL SffE INSPECTION e*;"oatlo", Tut ?o be rnade aftez' prLor tc set up of TNSULATTON /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : Io be made aftet' aLL insulaticn a'td required oapor boriers @e in Plaee but befote ang Lath, Wpslm boatC or tnLL cooeting is applied, and before oty irculation is concealed. DRYWALL LNSPECIf)N: Tc be nade @er, ffi@natTts in p|.ace, but prior to anA taPing. WSONRY: Steel Location, bond didiigz,outing or uerti.caLs in accord.otce oith U.B.C. Section OR !,!OWD BUILDI|ICS Scnitaty seaer capped at properQl Line Septic tank pzinped and fnlled trtth gza;sel Einal - hOen abcoe itens ate ccrnpleted cnd uhen Cmolition is conplete or strttc- ture noped ad. pt'anrLaes cleaneC up. Hcmes fonns. UNDERSLAB pL!!@lvq xl4!!B!941 1 WCHAi\fCAL: To be made before any 6iE-ii-iottered. FOOTING & FOUNDA?ICN: TO be qACE after a,ench.es are eccaoated and. forns are erected, but ptior to pout'tng ccncret€. UNDERGROU!]D PLUMBTNG, SEWER, W.4TER'+DRAII\A1E: r; be maCe ptLar to fil- @-f,iinches, UIIDERFLOOR PLUT.E I7I G & MECI]ANT CAL : of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be made PrLor to ffiidffililof floot' insulation or deckLng. R)UGH PLA4BT:\G. ELECTRTqAL e L{ECHA ANICAL: No nonils to be couet'ed ffilT-these inspections hntse beer, made and approoeC. WOODS?OI'E: eraT;m. After installation is ') t Blocking otd Set-uP Plwnbing eonnections -- sar)e? ad uatet ET..ectricaL Connection - Blocking' set-up anC olwnbinq conneetions m;st be apprct:ei befo,rc requZsting eleclrical inspeetiott Acceseory BuilCirq Pitnl - After pcz'ehes' skirting' decks, etc. ote eonPleted. CURB & APPE!4QH-AP."AN: After forTns::_de erecteC but prior to Pourirry concrete. SIDEWALK & DRI"EWAI: For aLL con- "" ";;i *rfuA;i*::- s t? e et ni ghx - of-tnu-. to be made after aLL esca- ,rLtl."i canplete & forn wz'k & sub' base naterLal in Place-ET.OEPLACE: ^"tAlA; FilIAL PLUMBING PTNAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRTCAL PrLot' to Placirq and before fradng faeing inspee- tion. FRAIIING: I,tust be yequested after @not:at of rough plttnbing, - -electri-cil & meclnnical. ALL t'oofing braeirq & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be , eompleled. Ito ucrk is to be con- - ce;Led until this insPecti.on las tbeen naLe anC apProued. IENCE: When conPlete -- Prouid'e @6i or notsable sectians through P.A.E, -.-:-ALL proiect con&ttions, such as the installation of stteet t11e1' conoleiion of tie yequi,ed. Landseaping,-Lt"., ,*tt be sati,syied bifo:re- the BUILDING FINAL ean be nequested' FrNAL BarLDrI,lG: The rinal Building rnspection rnuat be requested cfter the linal Plunbing \-/ Electrieal, cnC Meetnnieal rnspeetions hqtc been made *nd app?oued' *ALL I4ANITCLES AND CLEANOUTS I\IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASNEW TO BE I'L4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY Page 1 of tr T aner: de,n)q,LD f?rDGE 5ge',.tatrrE Lr) l t-l value 24 S -{"^r -?g(tJ l+ Euua'.U*- 4reeg 4t ;ci€ o 7 of Lct Couenage_ # of Stortes lotal Height Topogrqhy ?ataL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- G?a LCr rwt _ Intericr Co?ne? Panhard.Le CUL-de-sac -? L-co * BeCvoons: Reeeipt #: Mechqnicol Permit Lot Faces - D f HAW CAREFULLy EX:LA!ryEq t-le contpleted appltcation fot, pennit, and d.artet'ebv certif.v that aLL informati'on hereoi' i" l;;'":;- ozlii.L, "rra tf,ytther 372,t!fu -thqt any ard aLL uotk perforned. "t-i.t tL- a"iZ- i, oo.or_dance vLth the ordinances of the city of springfield" and. the Loas of the- 1?-t-?-of-olgoon p-e,taining 7o the uoirt<-'aesz*r.t"a i"iLil,,'*ri-tnot No occa-PANCY ?,/ill be nad, of any- sttacture ttthout permissi_on iy tn" Building Di-tsisio-n. r fu.tthen .cb;y-ii^, _that,only ,oit oitoo" md e,,rpicgels uho ee ineanpliance with )RS Zol.Oss uiLL be"used on this p"iilrcL -"--- 0 [dq Y 0rJOB NO Enerou Sout,cbs TuDe lleat House Caraqe Access Water lleatettDT Not,th l. t?eo LaceEast WoodstoxeSouth West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertnlt'Ls gnanted on the erpress condition tlnt the sciid-constractionslnLl, in all respects, confonn l;o the CrdLrnnce adopted b;A the Ci,ty ofSptingfield, including the Soning Cvdinnnce, regulating the ccnsttacticn otd use of buildings, cnd nay be suspen.d.ed ot' reuokeC at cnA time upon oic-lntion of anA prouisions of said Ordir,ances. Value TOTAL VALUE r?EM FTG x DC ,+ Signed, S.D.C. L.5 c Building Pervrtt ?otal Charaes State Date Paid PLan Plumbing Perrnit N9 person slwll 9onsttuct, inelal!, alter or ctange any nea cr eristing plwnbing or drainage systan in utole or in patt, ztnless sueh person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber,s Ltcense, ezeept that a pbtson nag doplunbing uoyk to prope?tA ufutch is otned, Leased ot, opez,atei by the oppli.- eqrlt. N0.FEE CHARGE Eistutes Resil.ettti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plutnbing Penrit State Sutel",arge Electricol Permit wkere state Loa reqtdres tlwt the electrieal uork be done by an Electriealcont?aetor' the eleetrLcal portion of this permit shall not be ual.Lc untilthe Label lns been sig:ned bg the Electrical Cont?actor. Neu/Extend. Cireuits Setlsice State Iotal ITEM NC FEE khanst Hood. Vent Fot llcodstotse 15.n,75 ,. r: rssuqnee Perrnit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sec"u.Ltu Storage Mainternnce Peznit Ctttbcut SLd.eDaLk ?ence EleetricaL LabeL MobiZe Hcne TOTAL ITIOI]NT DIJE:*ts -J //e7 f^t d- Dt^wu oq. L'uq. Iibin Coaae Carnori: Aceessoru I