HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1978-06-20CIITTT O}- SPTTI}$GFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753June, 20, 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Crask 340 North 24th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Crask: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield made a housing'inspection on June 19, L978, at 340 North 24th Street, Springfield, 0regon. The following items must be repaired or replaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1. All rotted mud s'ill must be replaced with treated wood. 2. All crawl space vents must have bark-o-mulch removed. 3. A fire wall must be installed between the house arid the garage. 4. All debris must be removed from under the house. 5. An approved trap must be installed on the drain line from the washer. There is three inches of insulation in the attic, wh'ich provides a R - 9.99 insulation factor. All necessary permits shall be obta'ined before work starts and all work shall be accompl'ished according to applicable codes and'inspected before a Certi f i cate of Compf iance wi I I be i ssued. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sinc ly,tu Dan Smith Building Inspector DS/ct OCC. NCY. INSPECTION APPLICATION EXISTING BUILDINCS CITY O}' SI'RING}'IIiLD BUII,DING D]JPAR'I}1I.]NT Date: ^4Job Addrcss;o Orvner: No. of Units. one O ,1./, 2 * Appl icant 3 For Access Remarks: Lo Property - Telepliones Dal:c of Irrsl>ccLiorr:(.-t7-19 DaEe of Repor!: Address: Addrcss: o FCR O}'TICII USJi ONLY Dirtc of CofC: RcceipE *o. t _- ._, O+K ++/ I b) A $20 inspecrion fee s required at the time of appli t ion. [,rrs APPLT.ATT,N Fo*ly MUST BE 'TGNED By TlrE ow]rER oF TrtE pROpERTy ro BE TNS*ECTED. 44.-. M-SICNATUR.}i 'OI- PROPERTY OWiER ,.if ,}6i .te r^..r '' -5 i.' G G I '.: } PW- 15crTY oF SPRIIiCFIELD, OREGON Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This cerEifies that rhe building and properry locaEed at 340 North 24th Street has been i nspected and found t.o comply, r+ith the ordinances of the City ofSpringfield, Oregon. Owners Name Mr. and Mrs. Crask Address 340 North 24th Street City Spri ngfi e1 d Items of special consideration are: z-4 DaE Building nspec t. :{ r € CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Public Works BUILDING DEPARTI{EM PW- 11 Inspector I s Memo roB ADDRESS 3 /O 77, 2/d DATE L'/?- 7r O.^4 44- Phone 7 47 -422L {' n -o 4 ,o .< /- "*.4.,I -'t