HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-21Job I-ocation: Ic.,s Lot ilAaaeaoors l,laP fl nl gtbdioision: A,mer: PhoneAddress Deacribe h'ork b?u-ru\q'1 dValuer-6\-83Date of APP Licatian Additian tll APPLICAT 225 North |th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Dittisio.n 7 26-37 ss .. RESIDFNTIAL.. ,'I/PERMIT SPEINGFIEI-D d'! 148 ?-U 3/_sdqlqlu c,- ( -87 Date: rS Cenera Plurnbing t.techa t,rica c'iaIilec E rSuerv IOlt oR BUI Sdni:aty aettet ccpped ab ptopert'g Lire Septic tank p:,o;rped atd filled r'rith Era;tel Pinal - l{hen abcrse itans oxe ccmpleted and uhen ilarcLition ie canplete o" stt'u-'- tuye noued atd prenrtaee eleaneC up' Blocking od Set-uP Plumbing connectione " aa/te! atd ualet Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-up . and olwnbinq conneetione nust be dPptov*ed iefo:ne requ-eating eleclrLcal inspec! ion Acceasorg Buildi'ttg pcrchea, ekirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - Aftar etc, a.!e co,lP Pagte 1 o! 2 required ,aPor batvie?e are but before dna La th,gypBun PR11EDUPE Fon INSPEcaIoN =E-q--Q\EST:CALL 7 requested and uhen you ttLL be readA lor'*^iit be nnde the eane dcy, reqtteete mcde to oee that aLL tiona a::e nade at the pro?et tine, that each addrees is readabi'e Located at the on the Bu| of the p"oPertV.at aLL times. 26-376 9 (tecorder) state Yout City deeignated iob nwtbet,, job addreas,of i.nspeclicntyPe dxedinspection,Contracto?s ot Asners rutne and phone nwtber. Requests rece befcre 7:00 c:r after 7:00 an urill be nnde the nett wrking day. lottr City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnben Ia: ?o 'ter aL ti.cn UN1ERSLAB PLUMBTNC, ELICTRI,AL & WCULWA|: To be nade before anY ffiGTottered. FOOTINC E FOUNDATION: ?O bE NPdE ;fiffia ate ercauated atd forne are erected, but Prior to Wuring ccncrete. UND,RGROUND PLUM\ I NG? Sgt'ttR. .W.4L!.3.. DRAI\IACE: To be rmde PrLot to l1'L- Tl{66nchee . \I\DERFLOOR PLUNBING S- MECIqNIC,AL: -To be rmd.e pniot to LnotaLLatlon oJ floor ineulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Prior to ffiifrGtGTof floot' insulation or deckirtg. Rluc{ PLUIBINC. E4EC|RT?AL I MECH; ANICAL: No oork ia to be coverea Gli|-theee inspecti-cns lwve been rad.e and approued.. t7'7a DRYUALL INSPECIION: Tc be nade I Xl;naznWtrte .in ptace, f tit prior to anY taYtng' MASINRI: Steel Location, bond Effiigrouting or oerticale in accond&ce tith u.B.c. section 2415, SITE INSPECTION: etcatlation, but forna. FIPEPLACE:,rrc;;;l;G ?ilIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FITIAL EUCTRICAL To be nade after prion to ee+. uP of in place board or beforernLLcoueringLA @ty inaulation LA vooDsTovE: @mp6iA. applied, atd concealed. After inetallation ie CURB & APPRCACH E:?"o!: Aftet .formsate erected but Prior to Pourt'ng corenete. SIDEIALK e DRIU-EYAY: For all con- friiiaoW-ilthin atneet night- of-tnu'. tu be made after aLL etca- iLtl."Z'"orplete E forn wrk & sub- base natet'ial in Plnce.Prior to Plccirq attd before frofing facing inepec- tion. FRA|IING: t"tust be nequeated after Giroiit of rough plttrbing, electrt- a'L E nectanical. ALL roofittg bracittg E chirmeya, etc. nuet be . conoleted. tlo lurrk ie to be con' - ."il"d unti,L thio inePectton lae 'been rpde anC apPrcoed. -.:ALL project conditions, such ag bhe installation of street_ t],e-es' conplation of the requined tandsccping)"Li., ^rrt be aatisfiZ|'a,ifl'n"-li" BUILDIN;c FIfAL can be requested' F,NAL BUTLDTN*: the Fi.nal Building rnopection twat be reoueated after the Pirnl Plunbing cp ;:rxi:;;\i:ffi fiin"i".tizi i,p"" t-io);-'t*uo been nade ard' app*ooed. ,AI,L I4ANIICT,ES AND CLDANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AI),IUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY m tr tr 17 rmct: l{hen cotPlete -- tuooilel) ff2."" ioi"-ii i""lion" throush trP.A.E, T soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co G'" Bedrooma:t: JOB Zone: No.I Ene"qu Sorrces TyneIot Faeee - lteatSetbacks Aceega.Water lleatet'P, L.llouBe Garage North FirepLaceEast -wo;dstoueSouLh Hest I cf Lot Cooeraga_ INT ?YPE _ Intetior _ Corner _ Panlnndle CuL-de-aac Total Height Int Sq. Ftg. I of Stortee topography Sq. F?G x VaLue kraae CarDort Acceesoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Date Paid: Reeaipt il Signed This permit ia granted on the etPfeas cotdition tlat the said consLtwcLion "t-tt', ;,n atl n"eapecti,-ioiii*io the 1rdirnnce adopte'7 bv the Cttv of Spil."g1i"U, inct'tding'the Xoning Cyditanc-e, regulati_rg the ecnsttttcticn i,rA ""oZ of -build.ings," and nay be- euspend.ed or teuokeC at cny tine upon oic- lation of dny prcoisione of eaid 2t'dinances. Building Permtt ?otal Clnrgee State Building Volue & Permit No person alull conetruct, inetall,- alter or clange -cny neD-cr ecisting ptthttttg or drainage syotan in ahole o-r in part, unlees euch person is the iegol;osees"on o|"o rsiolid pl*,ber'e Lic-enae, eicept that a P?rlon '*g qo- ptintlhg aork to plop?.rta ihtot ia otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. /5 N0.FEE CHARGE 7{ , Fi.cturee Residential (1 bath) Seuen Plunbing Pernit State Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit llhere State La requiree ttat the electrieal oork be done by,an Electrical contnactor, the electrical portion of thie permit slall rat be oali.c until the tabel lae been aigned bg the Electrical Contractor. 0or- By-r-q-or<> Lu c €ays (t S XO - lt{5c' B ur [Iu*-s Ba.aA FF s I bg & _ 9uPt RV t soQ l-t cet's L5 uf ,z3z-STotal ,8tr Neu/Eetend Circuits Seroice Ex.lfinet ilood, Vent Fot CIIARCEITEM l,lcodstotte a Mechonicql Permit Perwit fseuattce Mechanicel Pemrit /{.@.5 Seearita Dewsit Storage I'bintenance Pennit Gurbcu! sida,talk Fence Electrical Label Nobile Hone, PLan Exaniner Do.te f ilAW CAREFULLY EXAI,TINED the cotnpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL inforvntion hereon ie true ard correct, otC I further centify that any ard all unrk perforaed elall be dote in aecor- dance vtth the Ordinancee of the Citg of Springfied, and the lcaa of tha State of 1regon pertaining to the :.lrrk Ceacribed herein, arLd' that N0 )cCU- PANcy t'/i|L be ruie of any Btructute vttltout permioaion of the Building N- tieion. I fut ther certifg that o'nly contractora ad. enplcyeea uho dre tn canpliance uith ORS 701.05s uiLL be uaed on thia proiect 7 n l-s l-,?2 ',arAL At"tottNT DI|E, I 5Lo \ Date rTEM l,lctet F Total Chargcs "J