HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1984-12-13SPRINGFIELEI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works December 13, 1984 HAND DELIVERED Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haynes 290 North 23rd Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 RE: Housing Inspection at 290 North 23rd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and I'lrs. Haynes: At your request, a Housing Inspection was performed at the above address on December 7,1984. The inspection revealed some conditions which do not meet the minimun re- quirements of the Springfield Housing Code and which are potentially hazardous. The problems are as follows: ELECTRICAL In order to prevent shock hazards or the potential for fire development, the following electrical conditions should be corrected or eliminated: The electrical subpanel in the garage is ungrounded. Such panels must be properly grounded to an approved electrode (ground rod). The service conductors feeding the garage from the house are not properly protected above ground at both the garage and house, as well as inside the house at the main senrice panel. Conductors, which are not properly concealed in the building struc- ture, must be protected in conduit approved for this purpose, not plastic water piping. Approved metalic or non-metalic conduit or flexibLe electrical conduit may be used. Permanently affixed light fixtures and outlets in the garage should be correctly wired or removed. Extension cords may not be used to supply such fixtures. ElectricaL cables entering the garage subpanel and all el.ectrical boxes must be properly secured using approved cable clamps where cables enter the netal boxes, or subpanel, to prevent possible wear resulting in short circuits Use of the grounding type outlet on an ungrounded circuit, such as the one located in the houserallows a grounding type appliance to be plugged into an ungrounded circuit. The wall receptacle should be either replaced with a 2-prong t).pe, or the S-prong receptacle should be properly grounded. In addition to the above, we recommend that danaged and abandoned wiring, and the heater, in the garage be removed to eliminate the possible dangerous reconnection of the appli- ance. 1 2 3 4 5 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Orrgon97477 a 503/728-3753 1 2 Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Housing Inspection 290 North 25rd Street December 1,5, 1984 Page 2. MECHANICAL Inspection of the woodstove insert revealed that the hearth in front of the stove is inadequate for fire protection. It may be that the stove was not originally inspected for proper installation. STRUCTURAL Because of inadequate and unsafe egress in case of fire, the upstairs room is not ac-' ceptable for use as a bedroom or for sleeping purposes for the following reasons: A ninimum of 10 square feet of window or skylight area is required for all habitable rooms, half of which must be openable for ventilation. Ttre existing double hung window is 4 square feet. The City Housing Code requires a second means of emergency egress be provided for all rooms used for sleeping purposes. Such egress must provide a total openable area of 5.7 square feet, having ninimun dimensions 24tt vertically and 20r'horizontally. 3. Stairs must meet the following requirements: a Maximum riser height of 8" and minimun tread depth of 9" (nosing to nosing). Stairs having 4 risers or more must be provided with a handrail placed 30rr-34r' above the tread nosing, and extend 6'r beyond the top and bottom of the stair. Ends of the handrail must be returned to the walI or terrninated in safety terminals. It was also noticed that steps between the garage and service porch have a riser heightin excess of 8rr. Oregon State Law requires that all electricaL work performed on property that is forrent, lease or sale nust be done by a properly licensed electrical contractor. It also requires that modifications or repairs to existing electrical or wood stove instal-lations such as those described in thJabove deficiencfes, be done only under a validpermit. Permits can be obtained from this office during regular business hours priorto starting work. We request that the above noted electrical conditions, and the wood stove installation, which require correcting be accomplished at the earliest date possible. Meanwhile, we will check back with you within the next few weeks to see how correctionsare progressing. If we can be of help in clarifying the noted deficiencies or suggestiug possible renedies please donrt hesitate to call us at 726-3753. b Sincerely, fl/),,rr/a-tt"'v'- /' Jim Matteson Electrical Inspector Denny Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector Don Moore SJ: DM/lh Str,uctural Ilspector I SPRINGFIELO 4 84 o ,Y3 DATE: JOB ADDRESS: OWNER.: (,?f4oz a3- OI^INERS ADDRESS:Jqo '-7u d3 APPLICAI{T: d-Z{/h/-,<_- APPLICANTS ADDRESS: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public h ks Building Safety Divisibn 2?5 North 5th Street Spri ngfi el d, 0regon 97 477 726-3753 (Bus.) 7?6-3769 (Insp.) HOUSING INSPECTIu- APPLICATION FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY-.PLEASE I}ICLUDE TELEPHONE NI'MBER . 7 "/(? - I r'?3 A $30. 00 TNSPECTToN FEE rS REQUTRED AT TrrE Trr,rE OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE Oh'NER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED.c A-4--/44J 44fuluL fu o--r /;e L/ SIGNATURE OF PROPE OIJNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,/rr4- DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: RECEIPT NIIMBER , # 6 L3 ?6 O /z- b- F4DATE PAID W SPRTNGFIELD CTTT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ) ) ) 55 I , -t (l _, being first duly sworn, U that I am a competent person over the age of L8 years, a resident of the State of 0regon, and not a party to or an attorney in the hereinafter mentioned matter. I do further state that I personnally handed the original of the attached letter dated December 13, 1984, addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haynes, 290 North 25rd Street, Springfield, Oregon from Jim Matteson, Electrical Inspector; Don Moore, Structural Inspector; and Denny Bordeaux, Plunbing/Mechanical Inspector upon on this lTb day ot 1984 ISwu', 1984. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this of NOTARY PUBLIC FOR My Commission Expires:a/ru/et 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753