HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-09-24nFc<m!'--La,ne County thori ion for, L FoR OPFICE UsE oNLY RANGE I TAX s'rBDrvr sroN/pARrrrroN (iE-;FnEcaEiat-LOT//PA:-l( I: tr BLOCK PRCPOSED USE OP PROPERTY ftesident:-at [-l rndustrral I euuricCc,nunerC ial 77zlPCI,]'Y c-/ P PROPOSED !{ORK -SPECIF Proposed st AND ADDRESS is noted hereon, ed that only subcontractors ed enployees who are in conpJ-iance with ORS 701.055 wi-I1 be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND THOROUGHLY. NAI'IE ra r:t cor,lPLETED APPLICATTO)' r'OR in the propettr,[Q,.. , . work perf ored 6ha-t I be PERMIT AI ,lrl heo thHAVEIEXAMlNEDCAR.EFULLY THE 5u rtice f nfomatiaII hereonoIl truel5 correand ct and that offotheinterest record a5errrch rcent authori zed ntIegaIIlowingpa9enIcertif:rther that and al andone accoLdaltc.,th.:th sOrdir)ance Laneof andfyany Lawsthe theof ofStateCouty OregontoworktheheredescribedlnthatandOCCUPANCYNOl1madebt'of ures trlrct thwl theout m ofon but ldi vtsDi lonrtaining I fur-pe ng!herthethattrationthwatherregBuideBoardINforceful1edndctffeasred701oRs.0certj.fy re.iu1 ifthat t bas isthe for xeebye xemp Date : Installation Record. Issued? ! v." ! u" Date Date: COMI'IENTS I tlrour; cL, fro.t B. P. + u'e FIEAPIACE l0aEg+f, ZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON TIIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ! Partition #fl pr,eNn:nc,uzoNrNG COMI'IENTS: Minimun Setbacks: COIO1ENTS: inter rear Parce1 *Parcel Linea1 Eeet of Ilrainfjeld rraximum Depth of Trenches READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR I senrtetron: s. r. # Installation callon Specifications: _ Tank PLANS EXAMINATION c L, sr PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFF IGNEE (Der oRs 456.805(1)) LANE COUNTY DEPAB-'IENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGE' '-NT DIVISION, 687-4061, 1i -AST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9. -.r1 SEE REVERSE FOR I.NSPECTION INI'ORMATION c14-2s R* itl;!",^i'ya/-/{ \al I n SETBnCKS AND OTIICR CC:iDITIo:]S OF APPROiTAL IIUST BE STRICTL':- OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;?ION OF TIIIS ?iN}tIT, CITNTIO! UNDSR PROVISIONS OT LANE:OU);TY'; INFRACTION ORDI:iANCE, AND,/OR OTIIER RE}IEDIES ALTOVIED BY LAW. WHEN RE.{DY FOR INSPCC?ION, CALL 687-{055. A MINI}'UiI OF }T LiiST 21 IIOURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ilbSnTffEET:f,aST-.tr-crvsr.'- ,t-i;rA-Eh6--?ollowing infoanafi()n ready: larmit number, job address, type of inspeccton, when it wiII be ready, your name and ph#.P-\aber, and any spccial Circcti.ons to site. r , -'t., BUILDING DIVISION: ii' REQUIRSD I\SPICTIONS: L. Foundation IlglllS.lgron: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all fiTEl;Ts ioT--EIA-Eundation are delivered on the job. Hhere concrete fron a cenlral mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, naterial,s need noc be on the job. 2. Conclete Slab or Under-iLoor Inspection! To be made after aIl in-slab or under-floor building ;E;i_-.q".prst.;-conduir, pIifit-E;;assorj.es, and other ancillary equipment items are in pl'ace but-beiore any conclete is poured or floor sheathing instarled' incruding the subfloor' 3. Framj.ng & Insulalion Inspections: To be nade after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and b=rcf;6 are-Tnlfre aiE-al]-pT-pes. fj.replaces, chimneys, and vents are comPlete and aII rough electrical an<i plumbing are approved. All walI insulation and vapor barrier are in Place. 4. LaLh and,/or cvpsun Board Inspection: To be made after all Iathing and qypsun board, i.nterior aailexE-errcri-is fn-plrce-Eut-E-efre any plasteling i.s applied and betore gypsu board joints and fasteners are laped and finj.shed. 5. pinal Inspection: To be nade afLer the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REeUIRED. No uork shall be done on any par! of the building or Structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection uilhout first obtainj,ng the approval of lhe build.i.ng offrcial. Such approval shall be given cnly after an inspection shall have been naCe of each successive step in the construcLion as j,ndicated by each of the inspections required. NoTE: AII building permits require inspecLions for the work authorized, such as but no! Iinited to3 A. Block tJaII: To be made after reinforcing is in pLace, but before any grout is poured. This Inspectlo is lequired fo! each bond bean pour. There uill be no approval until the plmbing and electrical j,nspectigns have been nade and approved. B. itood Siove: To be made after conplelion of masonry (if applicable) and when installati,on is coti,olete:- fnstallation shall be in accordance wi.th an approved, nationally recognized lesLing agency and the nanufacturerrs inslal,Lation instructions. C. t'tobile Homei An inspection is reguired after the mobile home is connected to an approved EEi6Foi-EEptic system for setback requirements, bl.ocking, footing connection, ciedovns, skirt j,ng, and pJ,mbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply wj,th State foundation requirements for nobile hones or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimun finish floor elevation shall be certified uhen required by a flood- plain management Ietter. 3. .\obile home tiedouns, when required, and skirting shalL be instal,Ied and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy, Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. swiming PooI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade ,fen prcI-fs instaLled. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORXINC HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I{ITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF IiORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR I'IORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCA?ION I,IAY OCCUR IT THIS PERMIT IIAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ENRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIIT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I.'ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN NISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEUS3 l. Permits shall be effective for one year fron the dale of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the pernit holder shall notify lhe Lane County Departnent of Planni,ng and Comunity Development by submitting the installation record form. The Departnent shal,L inspect the construction to detcrmine if it conplies uith the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the oeparthent shalL issue a certificate of satisfactory completion !o the pernita holder. If the constructj.on does not comply with such rules, the Departnent shall noti,fy the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certifi,cate. Failure to meet the requirenents for saLisfactory completj.on within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- Iation of oRs 454.605 to 45,1.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurfacc sewage Disposal septic Tank Drainfield Fron: Iiterior property lincs 10 ' I0 '' Edge of road rrqht-of-way 10' l'01 Buildinq foundation 51 10' . liel,Ls, other water sources , 50' l00l TRS# 77-03-24-4-1 2000 DATE ISSUED:PERt[rr]i2tu+6e/25/85 OWNER'S NAME JAMES A. OSBORNE PHONE NUMBER oao-ztz_L CONTRACTOR'S NAME SAME PHONE NUMBER S C ET BACK REQUI REM C ENTS # PLUMBING FIXTURES L FRONT SIDE I NTER I ORL REAR SDS APPRO\IAL REQUIRED D MOHAWK EXIT TURN LEFT ON NOR?H 19TH WHICH WILL TAKE YOU TO NORTH 23RD. S 3go 3c N FOUNDA App rove d Date EMENT iNSPECTION Correcti on Date Insp ector PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INS CTI ON Approved Date Correcti on Da te I nspe ctor UNDERSLAB PLBG-. ETApproved Date /u PLBG.I NSPECTI ON Correcti on Date I nsp ector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Insp ector ROUGH PLUMBTNG (ToP OUT)I NSPECTION Approved Date Correct'ion Date I nspector roved t/ Date proved Correction 'Date Da te l(t+^-8{tcomection Date I nspector Inspector INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspector LATH 7 GYPSUM RD INSPECTIONApproved Date ,OV i Correcti on Date Correcti on Da te Correcti on Date I nspector /H00 NSP App rove d Da te L I nsp ector I nspector FINAL I Approve Date IONzuWtr /AG PLACEMENT n d Correcti on Date Inspector CERTIFI F OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY CERT IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY trApproved t47 4 - L9l Date Insp.proved_Date Insp. LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD wooD srovE ** A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S I MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR APPLICATIO '1. I )to o b7212+-95 FttE @( NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS N lane county .PLAN I PIAN 2 t-o_: !rEvATrory , Eug. 0R 97401 (503)687-406.| l7-b-J'|6t - NAIlE OIIIf NSIONS:--IiiiEiJtre fo'llowing, fill in nunber of lnches in diagram '1. Slde of unit to protected wall_lnches(unprotected walt_lnches) 2. Rear of unit to protected wall inches(unprotected wall inches) 3r Floor protection at side of unit inches 4. Floor protection in front of unit inches 5. Length of wall protection at rear of unit 'lnches 6, length of wall protection at slde of unit inches 7. tl€lght of wa'll protection inches 8. Edge of wal'l protection to nearest door or window inches 9. Air spacc between wall protectlon and rall l[ches 10. 0lamter of chimey and vent connector-__-_____inchcs Arr^urrro*,(- \r-rte unit rs Irsted oy: nul [rcoo lotnerlnawy 4/_TL-_ B. The floor protection is x inches thick ana 'i, be:ffi|:i::::rrTil',l:l;i r-'lstone or r---l 0therL-l u.ick L-l (describe c. The wail protect.ion *irr u.,ffif!:::.,Til,Htli f Stone or bri ck G- [-l otner( aescri be ) of ch'imey: TFactory chimey B,.t"rrrlfri:r"frii] I I v- +- 0ther(describe)_ E. Type of vent connector: f Factorl chinrnel J_l aOga(or heavier) galv. sht. mtl F. uil t be usins: nerAN rt [-lpr-at rz f-lotn.", see artached NOTE Not all units are approved for corner installations or reduced clearances with wall protection. 0ttslde Air Inlet:Provldc an outslde alr jnlet, a minimum of 3,,0 to supply nir forproper fuel cornbustion. This in]et shall be closab)e (damper) from the building inter.ior. The alr inlet supply duct sha'll be incombustible and continuous from the interior intet to theexterior of the building. The inlet shall be located through the rall (near the floor) or floor within Z4,,of the stove orfi repl ace. @ e IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATION OF YOUR INSTALLATION LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBu-C I{0RKS DEPT. / 125 E. 8th Ave o ^ooRESs FoR n{e*errln R ?a g ly'oe74. ;13.e. d S/4try?la --/ d,o o r3lnilI @ Boo @c !.) o 3 t3ln JE o =@ !o , .o9I o6j" .9o ! lv lare county ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS l^,lILL BE REJECTED! 6D: --oE,.r-" 4 Oslfunnr-. PROtrrtrry-0wrlrn=- --a 763 -.14a74. A r,€dm 7 C E ZaL fl.t a-t ' -3t{ o HOME TELEPHONE # Z ?a-A/ AL 7ct4,3t{o BUSINESS TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( TF DTFFERENT TnO 3 rvlae 6i PAFIeEL NUMBEn (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQUiREp rNF0RI4ATr0N)or 3 RANGE from tax sta nt) _11 TOWNSH IP 2! SECT I ON W TONINE MTNSETP MN6E SMTMN MENSETP RANGE SEETTON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZONING W ZON I NG ACRES + SUBOIVISI0N ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) ** FoR STAFF USE 0NLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : _ DATE :---* TIME I N:-- OUT :.- NUMBER DATE {nv1 -{ LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., L-UGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I I dzaz ,be7f,. 9 q,p.d- MAILIN6 ADDRESS -V CITY >reo ./nr * /*--z,t -ir,4 o, 0./,n o --/-- 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE T &jeu-,_&_ 1i t J-p_-,__ ]_<-f Q,.,".L 'atz f gr""- tT zy'-e%x .3eL,