HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-03-18" RESID*..lTlAL" APPLICATTON/PERTLI? 225 North ith Stv'eet SprLrryfield, 1regon 97477 ButL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIIt\lGFIELD of inspec--icn befcre 7:00 at 0d Date: GeneraL Electri.cal ConsJ?uction_Lender tt is the responsibility of the penrLt holler to see that inspeetions ave nade at the prope! tisne, that eaeh address is t'eaCa'n';e fran tlu at?eet, and that the pernit eatd ia Located at the frcnt of the property.*Building Dioiciol appror:ed plan shc.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PP)CED||PE FoR INSPECII9I! R|1UEE!.'CALL 726-3769 (yeeoydet) state yout Citg Cesigrnted job nwitber, job aCitess' type eadyfoz,inspection,cont?actc?so7a*n,"-,.,*,eLndpvnnerulnber.Pequeststeeeit;ed uiLL be trude the sane dcy, ?equests ncde aft* 7:00 am viLL be made the nert rsorking dag. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nurnbet' fs Ys'o eS 3 Ramtt'-notl Tnqnanfi nv< qEP z- a/ @Job Locaticn: Aeseesore Map # l-1 3(ot 2.' ,., i, u(\3S3O Subdittision: en"", /z-/f -)QE.l?8o-7- a / 0,mer: Addt ess: )h*r-)rt /i/t cru QzqzzCity:zip Desct"i.be Hork: 7co- k? /v l4'ru, /L) z Date of AppL icatian lddition RenoCel 14ecltarieal a Pege 1 of 2 il SITE INSPEC?I)N: Io be rmde aftere";"oatl;a b"t prtor tc set ip of fotns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNC, ELECTRICAL & MECH!-i\|fCAL: To be made before any utork is eooeted. ?)OTING & FOUNDATfCN: ?o be rmCe after fu,enches are and forns ate erected, but priot, to pouting ecnc?ete. u.NpgJl=Gp,9=ultp=PLyMErNc,,sfl ,FP.H.AL-E_.!. DRAIIIAGE: ?o be maCe prLor to fil- T@-f,F-enchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING & I,IEC\IA,NICAL : of floor insuT,ati.on or decking. P)ST AND BEAII: To be made prtor to fi6€ffif,6{of floot, insulation ot decking. ROUGE PLU!{BIIIG. ELECIRICAL & l,lECH:- i\rclr: No aor.k is to be cotsered mtil these inspeetiors Tnue been made and approueC. EIP.EPLACE: Pt Lop to plaeirq facingmaterials and before froning inspee- tion. FRA].IING: ltust be nequested aftez, apptoual of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & neclnnieal. ALt roofiztg bractng & chinmeys, ete. rmtst be conrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- .cealed until this inspectton lue 'been mol.e anC apptoued. FITIAL PLUVBINC FINAL MECHAIIICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER IilSPECTION : ?o be made aften aLL insulaticn atd required oapor barrie?s @e in pl,aee but before ory l.ath, Wpsum bcatC ot, tnLL cooering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRY\IALL IIISPECII1N: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in place, but ptior to anA tapirry. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accoz,dotce LrLth U,B.C. Section 2415. After instal'Lation is ccmp CURB & A?PRCACH APP.ON:After formsee erected but prior to pouring concrete. SfDEWALK & DRIIWAY: Pot aLL con- crete paoirq uithin street right- of-tny, to be made after aLL ecca- rsating canplete & forn ttork & sub- fuse nnterLal in place. DEt.l)LrTrAr 0R :.:)wi Sanitoty seaez. eapped ct' ptoperty Lire Septic tank ptt;ped a,-td. filled rtith gra:;el Final - h4ten abcoe itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cetncli*.iort is eomplete o? strac- ture noued and. prerrLses cleanei up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- acae? otd. ttater Electrical Connection - Blocking, ae-u-uD and plutnbing connections rnist be apprcu-ed before tequesting eleelrical inspectiotz Aecessorg BuilCing Pi.nal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ue conple'-ed. IENCE: hthen comolate -- ProuiCejEG oz, nooable sectians thnough P.U.E. ALL project con&itiow, such as the i.nstallat't)on of stteet trees, eonpletion of the required Landsceping, ete., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FIIIAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDING: The Einal Building Inepeetion nust be requested cfter the Final Plwnbing \_/ Electrical, and Meelnnical rnspeetions hq)e been made and approtseC.r *ALL IIA,NNOLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE IT"4DE !.T IIO CCST TO CIIY tr tr Value JOB NO. Zone: ?otal ?otaL soLAR/ ESS REQ.- Pcge 2 L-co * BeC,rooms: Date Pald: Reeeipt # Signed: Electricql Permit Where State Las requires tlut the electyical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetoz,, the electy"Lcal portion of thi-s pernit stull not be oalil. untilthe Label lns been signed by the ELectrical Contz,acto!. PLan Ecanlner uaxe f HAW CAREFULLY EXA]ILNED the eornpleted appli.cation for perrnit, ad do hereby certifA that aLL infonnation hereon is true ard ebrueet, atd f futtker certifg that any ard aLL uork perfotaed slnll be done in accor- danee trith the 2tdinanees of the Citg of Spz,ingfield, and. the Laas of the State of )regon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU- PANCY ttll be naCe of anA stz,ltcttt?e uithout pernission of the Building DL-oision. f further eet,tif'g that only cont"actot a otd enplcyees uko ore in eanpliance dith CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on thia project 3-l /-/r Lot Faces -Eneroy Sourees Tuae Setbacks Ileat P.L Hou€e Canaae Access.Iiater, :!eaterNorth tast Fineplaee South Woodstoxe LOT ?WE _ fntetiot Corqer Panlnnd.te CUL-de-sac West I?EM FTG Va Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the enpreas eondition tlnt the said-eonstn.etionslall, in all respeets, conform to the Ordinance adopted liy the City of Sptingfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating the ccnstructicn and use of buildi,ngs, urd may be suspended or veuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dnA prcoisione of said 1rdinances. TOTAL VALUE Building Penrit State ?otal Clnrges NO FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consfuuet, install,, alter oy change anA nea cr eristing plutnbirq or d.z,ainage syetan in ulale or in paz,t, unless such person is the Legal poseessor of a ualid plunbetts L'Lcense, eceept tlnt a person nay doplmbing uork to property uhich is otned, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. Ei.ctutes Resid.enti^a.L (1 bath) Seuer Ph,tabing Petwtt Res. So. ftq Neo,/Ectend, Ci,cuits lanpotog Service /S ITlM NC CIlARCE O * Mechqnicql Permit Ucodstotse Vent E@t Echanet HooC E?UIS Perlrit fssuanee Meehanicel Per,nrtt -- ENCROACEMEN? -. Seeurity Deposit Storage I'laintenatzce Perlrtt Clttbcut -- Sil.a,talk ?enee Electz,ical Label Mobile Hcnre ?CTAL AilOUNT DAE: */s Signed Date Iat Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooaage_ # of Sbrtes Iotal Height ?opography S.D.C. 7.5 x Vatey State Surcl,arge Total Clwrqes Total C'haroes State