HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-03SPFIINGFIELIf, 1ceeict I Date: ?.. RESIDLNTI^A1.. 22s ttorth sth streeAPPLicATr,N /PERI,rr Sprtngfield, Cregon 97477 BUL LdLnA lt7-v-LSLOTL 7 26-37 53 L,J 5 *7" /50,o {bc t"t u".ri",, Q3O L), QQDd JA ^,"""*,-r*J lfln3t5a; Subdi.*.)sicn: tu};ner 9ao u, zznC ?rl l- osl >.ld&ess Pl..oae Zip: q Descz,tbe Hot k: /- 3 -KZicte of Apg tl oo Vai.ue \,^oooJ S f,r-r<- - 1-..\lrmfutCditicn RanoieL GeneraL torS )lechcticcl ,EI.!OLITIO!! OR Sani:a,g seaer ccptped :t prcper4- Lire Septic tor.k y;:zed ad fiLled'"rith gaiei linal - i,4zen abcue itens are cct;aletei a:x.d uhen lancl')tion is eonrclete bt s*-;:-ttse naueC oi tret:Jses cleaxed ut. i.lcbile- Eones Blocking otd. Sec-up Plwnbing connecticns -- aeu€r aC uatet Electr.Jcal Cotectlot - Blocking, set-ut and pltnbing ecnrections nr;st bb qprc"-bC before request-Jng eleclrical insceb:ion Accessc,y Buililn4 ?ital - !,fter :crokes, sktrting, dec|-s,etc. @e ccnole'.ed. I.) ie lhe resgoneibi-Lity of -the pentdt iotler to see that aL! inopecflonB @e nade at .-he a,oper tLne, ihat aaeh,il,jness is readabiei_y-t!? st,"ee.t'. an4, thct the pettrit card ie Located at -th,e fratt of the gopetty. '2uilciry t)vicrot". e.r?ou'ed 9bn shc.Ll reaoin on thi ai:ta-:"lg- siie at eLL times. ?li':0crDu?l, ?0R, rl! ry;CALL 726-3769 (recorcez,) state your citg cesig:nated. job rumber, iab rrciless, ty.De ::.T"ili-1::-u!len 11cu.rtLL be reciy fo_r inspeetion, cont?acta"s oi a.>.,"'-.s'r,a,r" ba pno"" nunber.' ptq";;* recei,:'ea'"LLL be nade the sane dcg, tequ.ests naie aftar 7:00 an ttill be taCe the nazt.-nrkinE'da.r. Basa a€ Constn cticn !.ender of insoec=icn befcre 7:00 ct Si?9 ilsLit?:att: ?o be tmde aiierezcaatian, buc priar to e* up of aitDlPSLA? ?tL':.Eitc, lLEqtPIC,IL 7;'sci:.,'f7;@ny DOt,k is ccoerei. ) rcgrnc t :cL':nar:c[ To be taceL_J aile" =rencnes are ezcqtated arui forms cre erectai, but pr.icr topourtrg ccnc"eta,I LNSULATION /VAPOR EA.RRIXR IIISPICTAII : To be nad.e aftet all insulaticn ed. requ':.red tqoz, baz*ie?a Ge in clace but before @ry |a.th, Wpsllrr bcarC cr unLL coueting is cpplied, cnd ber.oreoty insulation is concealed. Your CitA Desigr,ated Job lfunber Is: DRIVALL illSPlCTICll: ?c be naCeafter aLL ctyuall is in place, but priot to cny iapin4. MAS1!li?l: Steel Location, bond beorc, gz,outing or lterticcls in aecoriorce ,,)Lch t|,ts.C, Seetion f u_tclep:cqp tu:snc t ;e::t.q:ttc;tI t :c se nd.e pricr to insccli^zc:.oa floor .!,nsukzion or Cecking.I ?,CS? 4-t!P 3EAU: lo be naCe >rior tolnstallni-;cn cf iloor irsu'i.atiat ot deck'-ng. F0nc:: ?!,Jt.!9l:tc, !ai79!C.4L r, :.t1cit_)-itiC).1:ffiztntil :kese inscee..iozs hcue beer,naie qrd. agprcied. i:.?5Pa;t;.' Pnor ..o pkc:-ra i-c:na nctertai.s ard beJ.cre ,+oA".S in"_rnZ_tion. ?PJ-|!MC: ttust be rec,ested cfterapprou.zl cf rough ;tw.-btrg, electn-.-caL 7 ,?ec;,anice!. ALt :oof-Jrqbrcing l. ehi.mteys, etc. r"tsc beconoLeaed,. llo .;ctk is to be con_-.cecled until thrs insoecicn iaa'been nod,e ati aporcted ,tc0DS!C|/E: er,pM,Aften installatlon is ol FINAL BU|LD|NG: The [incli Lec trical, ari )leciunzical Aftet fotnsto pottr"Jng t conerete. SIDEI,IA.LK t DR!\EiA?: Eot, aLL carcrete pauing uiyhtn st?eet right- of-t.;cA, to be ncCe afler aL! escc-uating canolete & fotn ,,;ork & sub- inse rnctez,ial in Viace. II :l FI|IAL PLU:/8r:IC PI;IAL j1ECEATICAL ?IIIAL E'EC!?ICAL ?!NCg: 'arhen conplete -- prcuiie gates o" novable aecti-ons thtough P. U. E. ALL project eondi;ions, suck cs the inscallay:.on sf Irreet a"ees, :c:cle;icn cf cherequired Latuiscqirg, etc., tast be satisiiei be;bre tle Buii;iiic lr:tAL cdn be req,testec. Euilding. Insoection tast be "earcsteC zlter the linal plunbing inspeetzcns 'natc been aade ard.'acoroued. iALL !4AttHcLas A[tD cLEAttol]Ts itus? BE.qcc,si!tstE, .4DJUST::1:E:o zi:.,,,402:,.1 Io iisr ?9 cr:y ,^,-- , ^-r o u :!D:RC?a tt:! 2 ? :L:!E T :;c. S!i,/tp. r{.1! ! ? - D-P,/:;:AGE: 7o be ra:e piar zo i!i-Lir4 crenckee. JOB "o.{223fi so LAtu-icEs s R Ee.- P:ge 2 r--co c* Recaiot #: Plumbing Permit No person sltcll constzact, instal'!., al,ter or clwnge 6nA nea ct eristing plwnbinq cr drainage syste-n in uhole or in patt, unless such pet'son is the Legal possessoz, of a ualid plwnben's License, oscept th.at a petson na'g do pltnbing xork to prope?t'! ahich is otmed, Leased or opercted by the appli' cant. Ipt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Caterage ! of Stories ?otal Height Topogrqhy LCT TY?S _ b.tetiot _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Plunbing Perntt State Surclange Stcte lotal Perntt Issttance Meelunical ?ertnt Electricol Permit l{here Stcte La,t tequires that the electr"Jcal uotk be done by an lleetz"Jcal Cont?actor, the electrLcal portion af thia 2ermit slull not be uaLiC until the Label ias been aigzed by the EleetricaL contrdetor. Mechqnicol Permit TdrT--PLc* Jco'nt-ner f EAW CAREIULLy gxLvIltED t?e conrpleted coplicatior; fot permit, cni dc i"i"ti iittifa ln"t ott ittforrnat'-on heteci- ls trwe an1 cortect, an'C' i 1e:ier cetti-fy lhat any crd eLL xo.rk periozned ahall be dote in accor' 'da)ce wi.th the- ArdinencLs of the CitA of Springfield, and ih-e La:,:e oi che State of Cregcn per*ining -to tke wrk CesctibeC herein' *l' :)ut lio 1CC!- ltitcy,*tt bZ,,aiie of any syructt*e uithout permissi-on of the 3uilding 9:'- tision. I further:ertifi ti".et o:tly ccnttactcrs eid qryLcAees Dra cr2 Ln cazoliance aith CRS 707.05s aiLL be used an this ptcject 2 !'ipe/Corsx:tsedtoons:Gtour: Lot ?aces -Enerou Sources ieat tr l^..^^Can aoe Access.r//at?-? lon.er llo|t:h tast lireoLace Sot;th tiooastot;a llest -- F2es -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pernit is granted on the eup"ess eond.itton thdt the said.constrac;ion sha.Ll, in all rescects, confcnt to the )rdinznce tdoate,T b:iJ the Ciil cf Springf")eld, incluiing ;he ioning Crdlnar.ce, regulct'i.ng th.e ccr.stt*eiicn anC use oi bu:.ldings, end. nay be susceruieC or reuckei at cttl- '.|ne:ipcn uic- l,atian cf .zny pt,cuieions of saiC Cz,dirances. 44fr4r 'larltc r!r:.t x t I!!M FZd Zuilding PentLt Total Clangea State ?i.etutes Reeidetztial (1 bath) Sc,itanq Seuet ;ldle! ,-! \ Da? Res. Sa. fte. llau/Eetend. Circtits latpotay Semtice :7!:4 *g !.1?r"2ee 7l U b *hafit HooC Veflt ?o1 )/590.llcodstotse /f. oo lzD /S-(oC -- zlcPcAC:!]:!:!! -- Sec"*n)tz! Decosi*" Stotaae llaantencnce Perwit Cutbcu! 5LC,a)aLk ICTAL ,1,'4OUIIT DUE:'o6 !ilobile llcne ?|corr,'nnl fnbcL l,*, 4o r/(>trg r