HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-07-14f@ Lot ll(,I .. RESI* dNTIAL.., APPLICA?ION/PERTII? 225 North ith Stteet SprLngfi,eld, ?regon 7Z4ZZ Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job Locaticn: -Aeeeeaors Map ll Svbditieion: Qnter: Address:Phone: SPHINGFIELE' Describe rrbrl<.. gfteel cAo.i h Ozc.cooa4o-g VaLue t rrl t0/c Addition \ Date of App Liqtian GqnetaL PLwbing Cons?uetion_Lede!_ It ie the respottsibi Lity of thejron the a t?eet, ant tllat the permit Diuiciot ao-proxed plan slc*zuildiry. hoden to see that aL!.inspeetions are nadc at .!he pro?er tine, t!.,at each ddress is reahb'.eeatd is Located at LL renain on tlu buaLa..ng s! the frontte at aLL of the p"ope?tA tines. of irspee=icn befcre 7:C0 * ?1oc:D"'PE FoR fitsP:nroll .WUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state !ou? city desigraxed. job mmber, job aiiness, tupeleouesiea a-ci uizen uou aL.LL_be re-11a-fT ir,,speetion, c";;;"r;;; ci asnets-nc,r" Loi pi-r" r,utber. p.equescs reeeii;ed.:;izl be matie the sde dcy' lequests nad.e afier z:oo-cn-ill-i"- rraan the nest wtking- aa"\. lcur Cifu Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is:(bcr I l nacie after set up of ?o maCe WOODS?OTIE: ccnpTm. aDt fr. 5"t", P.A.E. required uapor beriets @e in p?,ace bat-_before oq Lath, Wpswn bcatC on LnLL coue?ing is applied, od. beforeotg irtsulation is cortcealed. DRYI,IALL TiISPECTTON: ?c be nadeafter aLL C.zguaLL is in pIz.ce,but ptiot to cny ta?Lng. MASONRU Steel Location, bond beans, girouting ot terticals in accordotce uith A.B.C. Section After installation is /:P r'aT,?: weiiLti.l.;!tc;L: 7o be macie before ang .tlo:rk i.s eoueted. Fq0T.01C , FOUTDATICN: ?o be na.Cedlte? Drencnes are escauated and. fozms ate erected, but ptiot, topou?.-ng ccnc?ete. - ultpsqcpourD zLUW!!!9,_EEWz._ !!!ELJLirq crenehee. I tlaoFnyzoon ptunruc a tnennarc,at, -t 'J2 be moa.e p?io? to installation offloor insulation or decking. I posr 4t!o aem: To be nade prlor to| L:1sla.LLatlcn of floor insuT,.ation ot d.ecK.tl€. --l ROUCH ?LUIBIIG, ELE1RTCAL I |4ECH- I w:til these inspeetioris haue been and. aoproued. I E|PEPLACE: tutot to plceira faeinqI materials and before frafing Zr"pnl_tion. 1 fnn:fnc: Ltust be requested. afterI app_rooal of rough plrm,bing, electri_a.L & neclanical. ALt roofing bractng A chinmeys, etc. mtst- be . eontpleted. tto t^prk is to be con_ -.-cealed until this inspectLon lae-"b.? nad,e atd. apprcued. CURB & APPRCACH AP?ON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pour.ing conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRftEtAy: For all con-crete paoing uithin st?eet right-of-txA, to be maCe after aLL ezca-oating complete & for,t oork & sttb- fo.se natetLal in plzoe. I{hen conplete -- ProoiCe or motlable sectians thnough l Kl l FTilAL PLUI,BillC FNIAL UECHAilICAL FTNAL ELEO9TCAL ALL pro,iect conditiona, such as the instaltation of Btteet trees, conoletion o;- tietequired Landsccpir.g, ctc.' naat be satisfied befote the BULLDINb plinL can be requested.. FfNAL BU|LDfNG: The Einal Build.ittg fnapection mct be "equeated cfte? the Pinal PtunbizXElectrical, otd. Mecharieal fnspectiono ierue been nade atd'approued. Sanileg seoet cqtped zt propertg. Zit:e Septic tank p:r.zed and iilTed uith gratei Final - lfitez abcue itazs are ealoleted. arui uhen Certclition is eonclete ir si-."-tute nouei oti prerLaes clZanei up. Blocking old. Set-up Ph"mbing connectiotts ai. ualet Electt'tcal Ccnnecti.on - Blockittg, set-u atld plutnbing cowpetions ,nist be q2tcxbi befote tequeeting electrical inspec:io- Aceessory nui.LCing akitting, deeks,pcrehes, 1^t^) Pinal - !,fteretc. are conlp ?age ! of 2 QALL |4AI\HCLES AND CLEANOWS ttUS? BE ACCSSTBLE, ADJUS?jti,it? T0 9E ttADE t? tto cgsa To eryy I I .mJ @ I tr ""qnc(8'l soLAR AC( ''s REQ.-L-co c---1JOB Lot Sq. Ptg. z of Lct Caterage .! of Stories'?otal Height :rropogrcphy rM aw? _ Interiot _ Cora,ef _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Bedroat:s: lieat Access toDe L House Lot Faces - ?OTAL VALUE 3.D.C. 1.5 r Building PetwLt Stdte ?otal Cltargea !isf.*es tesiienti.a.L (1 bath) Seaer Plunbtng Perrit FEE Receipt #: Sigted Plumbing Perrnit No person shall consttuet, install., altez' ot, e|nnge GnA ned cr e=isting plwnbing or dtainage sAsten in zshole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a r:alid plwtbet"s Licensb, esceDt tl",at a De?scn nay dc plw;bing uork to property ahich is oumed, Leased or operateti by the appli.- cant. x Value Ls4 CHAPCZ Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the esp"ess condition tlat the said-constmtction slull-, in all rbspects, eonfcrm to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City of SprLngfield, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulcting the ccnstructicn ald, use of buildings, utd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at ary tine upon uic- Lation of @tA prcoisions of said }rdinances. * Electricql Permit Wete State La reouires tlni, tie electrical uork be done by an llecttical Cont"a.eto", the eleeyrLcaL cottion of titis oernit sitall x,ot be oalii until the Label has been signed Dy the Elecxrical Contrcct.o?. ,ia"t/Zzterui Circuits Setoiee Total i itJ i -aAit: J ft{echqnicol Permit bizanst HooC ',ie?tt P@t .lcodstotse )ccari PewrLt Issucnee Mecitanicel Perwrtt -- ENCROACHI4E!,]T -- t ,'-oraoe .,.tbc-ttt :iCeualk lobile llane 1 * PLan Ebanlner f HAW CAREFULLY IXLAINED the eonpleted appli-cation for permit, cnd da hereby certify tha.t aLL info:nation heteon is ttue anC eoruect, cnl f furthet, certify that any ar.d aLL aork perforned slnll be dote in accor- dance vith the 2rdinences of the City of Springfield, and. the Lc;s of the State of Oregcn pertainina to the uoz,k Cescribcd herein, cnd !|lct NO jCCU- PANCY uill be nade of any st?uctute uithout permission of the 3ui-lding D;.- oision. f further eertif',i that only cont"actors ard enplcgees Dho dre in conpliance aith 1RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this projeet )-lLl- k6 Date tat L^i:1aa- I ,ttFJLv4 ^3TAL A,IIOUITI DUE: I (orl I L/[,04...*-- ,l -I Ut.142+.1) ,'sSr'.1 IL,L. \ IL I k <- 8r.is*^, r-s ri\. [t t 3G'1 / t *c'."A, {", erJ:'t;t - 1:'i Lr",-Q Va ri +u- M j-' " A{1.^ (.+, I Ste,t +h:cLr.j-4 ,ntr;nn lrt -A.rgr*g 0r.'q,9 (o- Qo*{ CERTIFIED LETTER September 10, 1986 Rosie Adams 925 North 22nd Street Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Rosie: This letter is being sent to you by certified mail with restricteddelivery to verify that you are still the owner and occupant of the houseat this address. As a recipient of a home rehabilitation loan from theCity of Springfield, you will recall that the full amount of the 'loan, including the principle and the origination or interest fee of 7 percent,is due and payable to the city upon sale or transfer of this property. Sale or transfer is defined to include the actual or attempted sale bycontract, assignment, lease, rental or other conveyance to any otherperson, as well as the transfer by will or inheritance to any person otherthan a surviving borrower upon the death of one borrower. (Specifica'l'ly,for instance, using the house as a rental unit while you retain ownershipis not permitted). It will be the practice of the City to contact youperiodically in this manner in order to confirm that no such sale ortransfer has occurred. Secondly, you should also recall that the terms of this loan require youat al I times to keep the house and other improvements on the propeityinsured against loss or damage by fire. The amount of coverage is to beadiusted when necessary to reflect not less that the current appraisedvalue of the property and improvements. The city of Springfield, at ?25North 5th Street, is to be named as an additional iniured party on thepolicy. If the Lane County Hous'ing Authority has been named on your insurance policy in the past, please navi tfris changed as soon as possi-b'le. You have also promised to furnish a certificate of this insurance to theCity. This certiffcate of insurance must be furnished to the City eachyear when your homeowners insurance is renewed. If you have not yet doneSo, please direct your insurance company to send the City the certificateof insurance automatically in the future when you receive notice of andpay the annual premium. Final1y, in keeping with the home rehab'i litation policies, the City willmake 'dri ve-by' i nspecti ons at two (2) and fi ve (5) years after constructi on completi on i n order to determi ne i f your home i s bei ng adequate'ly maintained. If this 'drive-by' inspection indicates that your home is not being adequately maintained, the City may request that youallow further inspections of your home to be made and that you correct any maintenance problem discovered by such inspections. If you have questions regarding this letter, you may contact Bill Schaubat 7?6-3753. Thank you for your assistance'in keeping our records up to date. Si ncereJy, {r//ZU1 Bi 1 I Schaub Rehab Speci al i st BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR:Rosie Adams 925 North 22nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Phone: 747-2060 These specifications are for bid purposes only. Some modifications may be required should bids exceed available funding, or should a bidding contractor discover an omission in the specifications. The final draft of work item specifications will be developed after the bid selection. It is the responsibility of each bidding contractor to notify the Housing Rehabilitation Specialist upon finding a work item not included jn the bid specifications. Should the Housing Rehabilitation Specialist agree with the contractor's recommendation, each contractor from whom bids are being soiicited will be notified of the change and allowed to adjusttheir bids. Contractors are responsible for hauling away all debris created by construction activity. Contractors may suggest alternate materials, methods or design. Contractors must submit prices on all numbered items on the bid sheet and any alternative. Total all bid iterns at the space provided at the bottom of the bid sheet and complete other requested information. Return bids to homeowner. AII work must comply with the applicable State of Oregon Specialty Code. All permits and inspections are the responsibility of thecontractor. upon completion of repairs, the dwelling must comply withthe City of Springfield Housing Code. If questions arise on bid specifications contractors may contact BillSchaub, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, by calling 726-gT53, 1 Exterior Repairs Install new, dual- glazed, white-finished aluminum windows with screens at all existing window locations including heated east patio. Install exterior 1x6 casing around windows. NOTE: One window in each bedroom must comply with Section 1204 SSSC ( min. net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft., min, opening heisht 24 inches, min. opening width 24 inches, finished sill no more than 44 inches above finished floor ). Install necessary finished interior trim in order to complete installation. Instali new solid-core, 3-0 exterior door and frame at front entry. Metal or synthetic wood doors may be used. Instail new hardware, exterior lockset, deadbolt, threshoid and weatherstripping. Install interior and exterior casing. Paint or stain and seal door, frame and casing in owner's color choice. InstaII new 3-0 door and equipment as described above at east patio en- trance. Retain existing storm door. Install new seamless gutter and downspout. Direct downspout output away from dweliing with splash blocks. Ifhen ail exterior repairs are complete, clean, scrape, sand and prepare exterior of dwelling and garage to receive paint. Protect surrounding shrubbery, roof covering, windows, etc. from paint over spray. Apply two coats of good quality exterior semi-gloss latex paint. One body and one trim color may be chosen and applied. IYeatherization Repairs Install attic insulation to a value of R-38. Ventilate attic in compliance with SSSC Section 3205 (c). Install R-19 under floor insulation with vapor barrier facing heated area. Support under floor insulation at 24 inch intervals with lath, netting or other suitable support. Install 6 mil poly- ethylene vapor barrier. Ventilate under floor area in compliance with SSSC section 2516 (c). Wrap all exposed under floor water supply piping with insulation rated at R-3 or better. TOTAL BID PRICE: SIGNATURE: DATE: BUILDERS BOARD #: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: 2 3. 4. 5 ':+.-