HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1988-02-22Date:€€. #O.. RESID'\TIAL.. 225 NortTr stt, iwnfPLrcATI,N /PERI/lrr Springfield, Oregon 97477 BwLldi-ng oi.tsi. si.on 726-37 53 SPFI'rccFIELD ,/-frfr p* e6' LDl,tttl ft/ MechanticaL Constmre?ion Lendet SITE INSPECTION: e-.arr;tlo",'b"t tt ie the responaibility of the permit lodet to eee tltat aLL inspectiotrs ee nade at the p?ope! tine, that ecch ,zdd.ress is rensable fran the at?eet, and, that the pez,nrtt catd ia Located at the frottt of tlte propertlt.*Suilding Dioision appro"^ed plan shell remain on tlp Building Site at aLL- times.- PROCfuUPE FOR II,ISPEC?I9I!-RIO.UEE\rCALL726-3769(yecotder) state youn Citg desigrnted job ntonber, iob aCdress, tgpe of ir*pecli.cn eadgforinspection,Contlactansoia,,","',,,nL"ipn"7nnumbel,.-RequestsreZeliZabZ7cre.?:00a'lt"ill be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nade aft* ?:00 on viLL be made the ne.ct uotking day, fotme ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l4ECHLllICAL: To be nade befoz,e any uotk is cotset,ed. FOOffNc & F)UNDA?ICN: Io be tnade @ e"'t"eltcG-ay e eacau at ed and forns ate enected, but ptior to pout'ing ccncreta. ANDIRGROU!]D PLUMDINC, SEWR, W.4TER. DEA|IAgE: ?o be made ptioz, to fiL- @-66nehee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUTiBINC & MECHANTCAL : oy floor insul,a,tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade prior tofrsttTffiGn o7 floor itauT,ation or deckinc.- *t -'i RO TJGH PLUIB IItIG.' ELECTR f CAL & l,lECH-- ANICAL: No uork is to be co.^ered ,frliTthese inspections haue been mad.e and approoeC. EtPLPLACE: Prior to placirq facingmat;id; and before f"*ri"S inspe".- tion. PFAlIlq: ltust be requested after app"ouat of rough plhrbing, e1ectui-cal & meclnnical. AL! z'oofing braeing & chitmeys, ete. rntst be ; cornpleted. tto uork is to be con- ." cealed until this inspectLon lns|been mode anC apptotsed. FTNAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICALut FINAL ELECTRICAL Iour Desier,ated {Number fs INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ald required uapor bmriers @e in place but before otg Lath, gypswn boarC or tnLL couering is applied, cnd. before oty insulation is eoncealed. DEI.DLTTIA!! OR |.:OWD BUILDI|]CS Sanilaty seuer capped at y,operQl Lire Septic tutk putrped and. fi.Lled urith gz,axel Final - Wen abcue itens ave ccrnpleted and uhen Cqtclition is complete o? st"uc- ture mooed and prenrLaes cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aarte! otd uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing connections tn;st be apprcaed before requesting electrical inspectio,"t Accessory BuilCirtg Firnl - After pctches, ekirting, decks, etc. dre completed. To be nade after pz-iar tc set up of \\ f ,T;'I DRYilALL INSPICTION: | / l;1ter-AT-fiyu;r.ns - but pnior. to cny tapi Tc be made in pl.ace, ns. T MISQIIRI: Steel Location, bonddiffilgrouting or uev'ticals in accotdqtce ?iLth U.B.C. Section 2415. W)2DST)VE: After installation i,s ccrtrpLeted. CURB & A?PROACH APPON:ee erecteC but ptiot, to cottct ete. SIDEWALK & DRT',WAI: Eor aLL con- e"et; pao@Giffi street night- of-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conelete & forn wrk & sub- base matertal in place. After forns ' pout"[rtg il ?ENCE: ta4ten co,nplate -- Prooid.e gates or nooable sections tht'ough P, U. E. ALL g,oject conditions, sueh as the installation of street trees, co:pletion of the :: requ'f..red 'l,andscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfi.ed before the BUf LDINC FfltAL ean be requested- /D\ ilNAL BaILDING: The ?inal Building fnspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing YJ Electnical, qtd. Meclanical fnspeetions hqlre been nade atd approtseC. ,lob Location: Aesessore Map #a Lot # Svbditsision: Amet Addtess: ,Dza b.oz<* ft*tn ,b 5-m riwa*'=.*-. Descr"Lbe Hork: Value asDate of 7-zz-a8 Ad&Lticn RemoCel Genet aL ELeetrical Y w *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSNTET|I TO BE I,ADE /1.Y NO COST TO EUY Page 1 of 2 / I tr I 7 ,rooorn ro " /cga z L.CO dJOB NO. Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXAIIINED t?e eornpleted application fo? penrit, cnd do herebg cettifA that aLL information het,eon is ttue atr.d. cotrect, cruC I futtket, cet'tify that ang ard aLL uork pez,fotrned shall be dane in aeeoz,- dance ,"tlth the 2ydinances of the City of Springfield, and. the La;;s of the* State of 1z,egon pertainino to the uotk Cesbyibbd herban, and ttut NO OCCU- PANCY tlill be rmd.e of any sttuctur,e uithout permission of the Buitding Dt-oision. r fut'ther certify that only contracior.s and enplcyees uho a"b i,neonpliance uith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this project 2-*-AF UAEE z- 22 €y Bedtooms: Ene?du Sout ces TuoeLot Faces - Setbaeks Ileat Df House Caraqe Aceess.,later lleate-? No?th Eost FirepLace South Woodstou'e Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stoz.ies LOT ?WE _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panlnndle Cal-de-sac Total Eeight lopography West -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is gz.anted on the erpress condition thr.t the sdid_consttaction slnll, in aLL respects, eonform to the }rdirnnce adopted Siy the City of Springfield, incl.uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstraeticn and. use of buildtnqs, and may be suspend.ed ov, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said 1ydir,ances. TOTAL VALUE x Va ,tB S.D.C. 1.5 o 43 Building Pev,nrit ?otal Clnrges State Date Paid Signed: Receipt #: Plumbing Perrnit No person slta'l.L consttuct, instal?., alter or clnnge dnA nea cr existing plunbirq or dtainage sustetn in uhole or in patt, unless such person is ttp Legal possessot, of a ualid plwnber's License, escept that a pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to p?ope?tg uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGE 4> f * -s- Eirtures Resilentia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Ictal ITEI,l NO EEE LflA fr1,I, Res. So. ftq. Neu/Eztend Cincuits 2az ..*ary*2=-se Ianzpcz'ey Seytiee *_:re /. /3 Wheve State Lau requires t\tat the electrical uork be done by an Electu*ieal Contraetor, the electricaL portion of this permit sltall not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been aigned by the Electuical Cont!,actor. Eezmlt rl Total Electricql Permit NC FEE ClIARCE * Mechqnicql Permit fuhanst Hood Vcodstooe Vent Fan PetmLt fssuanee Meehanical Permit -- ENCROACEMENT -- See,trtty Deposit Storage Maintenanee Pezmit Cuzbcut Sida,talk lence EZeettieal Label Mobile Honte TOTAL AI,IOW? DUE:*/Zz. Zt Date hprnee ETtl'S ?otal CTwraes Sf,aLe, -- Pl ann'i,ng & Devel opment Job'No'@ JoB ADDRESS Qzo /,), .. .;HT:T OF SPR,LIrTGFIEI,] OFFICL OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date 22.81-TO Bu'ilding Divis jon CALL FoR -tH:r:[:-I NSPECTOR IFOR: --- INSPECTI0N 726-3769 ORMATION:26-37 53 ***:k 4 n6, JOB ADDRESS )IT:T OF SPR,I\TGFIEI,: OFFTCE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street 0ate J TO: lannitg & Development Building Division ob. No. 1- 6 i?l c*, l, , ,, a K cs t-o lt 2 o Ga l Oc-. ,/, o Oa,t Io-t I 1 C )/z 5 Y OL anf ) -t (CI*L (J CALL FOR REINSPECTION I NSPECTOR , **** CALL FOR. --. INSPECTION 726.3769 ..-- INFORMATiON:7 26-37 53 **rrrr ?o {G I ,V /J f+(ltf-:,\. -e' BIO RTQUISI February 1i, 19BB F-76953 - 92A North 22nd St., Springfield EXTERIOR OF DWELLING Replace damaged exterior siding Replace damaged rafters and ridge Replace damaged plylood sheeting Reolace darnaged roofing materia1 Rep'l ace damaged ce j I i ng joi st End plate framing INTERI0P. 0F Dt^IELLING S.t,l. BEDROOM:T-T5- wind-ow Sheetrock - tape and texture Door and frame Closet doors and framing Replace damaged vra1l studs N . !'l. BEDROOI4:3-TTr wI n?orv Sheetrock - tape and texture Door and frame Stud fram'ing for closet and door Closet doors and framing BATHROOT{.. AAI-Ioor and frame Glass for w'indow Remove viny'l and repair floor as needed HALL: Remwe and replace damaged sheetrock Tape and texture MIDDLE BEDROOM: GlassEF w'in?-ow Add door and frame Remove panel ing S.E. BEDROOI'4: Glass for w'indow Add door and frame PANTRY AND HALL: m-il ace p'an doors Replace framing as necessary Texture walls and ceiling UTILITY R00t'1: KITCHEN: nenrove damaged ceif ing Add new sheetrock - taoe and texture Repair and refinish kitchen cabinets Replace g'lass slider Remove vinyl and repair floor as needed LIVING ROOM: Replace glass in window OTHER: InstatI insuIation as needed Paint interior throughoutinstall light fixtures as needed Repl ace Repai r s glass w heetroc 'indows and door k cei f ing, tarre and texture Add new 30" door and frame _1 /_t EVT-IGREEN LAND TITLE ,O. 1317 N. 18th . P.O. Box 931 ' Springfield' OR 97477 741-1981 LOT BOOK SERVICE ELT-B B I 5 'ocroBER Lt 1987 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 NORTH A STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ATTN: JACKIE MURDOCH We have searched our Tract Indices as to the property described: Beginning at a point 875 feet North and 1815 feet South B9o 301 West of the Northeast corner of the James A. Ebbert Donation Land CIaim No. 74, Township L7 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Mer idian, thence North 65. 00 feet, thence South 89 " 30' West 125.00 feet, thence South 65.00 feet, thence North 89" 30' East 125.00 feet to the place of beginni.g, in Lane County, Oregon. "c )4 ? * and We as of September 29, L987, at 5:00 o'cIock, p.m.: find that the last deed of record runs to: GERRY L. KEPHART as tenants and RAELDA A. KEPHART by the entirety We also findprior to the the following apparent incumbrances within ten years effective date hereof: 1. Mortgag€, including the terms and provisions thereof, executedby Jerry O. Blackmore and Merrilyn G. Blackmore, husband and wife, to The State of Oregon, by and through the Director of Veterans' Affairs, dated November 22, L977, recorded November 23,1977, Reel 874, Reception tlo. 77 75151, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $29,200.00.Gerry L. Kephart and Raelda A. Kephart, husband and wife, assumed said Mortgage by Assumption Agreement recorded August 29,1986, Reel 1416, Reception No. 86 33582, Lane County Oregon Record s .suit to foreclose the subject Mortgage was filed June L7,I987, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 16 87 05280. CONTINUED ELT-8816 PAGE 2 3. Judgment against Gerry Lee Kephart in favor of The Oregon, Department of Human Resources, entered December Lane County Circuit Court Case irto. L7 80 11606, in the $1, 200. 00. State of22, I980, amount of We also find the following unpaid taxes and city liens: 4. Taxes, Serial No. 17 03 36 L2 07700, Code 19-00, Account No. 32L107, I987-BB, $1,159.69, due and payable. This is not a title report, since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent incumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices, and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title. The liability in connection with this Lot Book Service is expressly limited to the sum paid therefore, and the issuing company will not otherwise be responsible for errors and omissions therein. The charge for this service will not include supplemental reports. EVERGREEN TITL BY: We have also searched our General Index for judgments and state and federal tax Iiens against the above-named grantees and find the following: 2. Judgment for child support, against Gerry L. Kephart in favor of Cynthia C. Kephart, entered February 5, L982, Lane County Circuit Court Case No.15 81 01953, in the amount of $100.00 per month. m-l5 #grcszc FIRE DAMA.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Building Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building DATE: 8 -,r-27 (-\ 44o Address or location of bui'lding qN 2z -rj >n Name of or.,ner Type of building fu*, .EJ Estimated value of building Estimated 'loss to bui ldi no o $ Date of fire 8- y-nl -6lb Locatjon of damage 'in bui'lding (Roof, Wal I , Exterior, Interior, etc. ) Structural weakness as a result of the fire (Burned rafters, Beams, "loists, etc. ) Add'itional pertinent information Electrical llazard l&;.a q:.rqA-e " (tJi ri nq , 0ut'l ets , etc . ) cc: S j qned (/I { I olg-cof,600 ' --.l' 600 (\STREET i Ti i L- f lrJ uFa i lrJ lrJGFU' a tI tt I I \ t t hx l F I t 14 ,T 4 5OO a tr\J I I I -) 58o'f, ,.1A ftt a l-o\ rF o$l toc dqT rri(\l t) ciz GI GI -'L_ 2? 2 J. "rYLOa ! oa' ru .s $ s s sr\. rsll \Il \\r- ralr \lls .EDa r2t05 ) tot t2@. I I I ; i I f. rb , I I I .l LG. !.Da.l!'oa'icr tat tii'l r' Lg Lttt-'E' rc. t ar'O' t0' u.lCra'b' t- I at2 ro4 ,r' ETlr FU' -NI STNEETT r,EI- u@ I 9200 \ a o.co 790060@ Ttoo 700 lz ltpo t t200 \I 15 Itrts r 9500 tcoo ta950:l 96()1 i r7!@ it6rt(,9500 950r ro3 t '|toT rroo loeoor2tOOilooo fg, l|{@ I.-.--,J.'84, -al3s I ft- ta-.I I I