HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-05-15.. RESID[ ]TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI.ff? 225 Notth 5th Street SprLngfield, 0regon 97477 Bu1- Ld1,ng D't Dl,slon 7 26-37 53 4 SPFTIitGFTELD J, U 0 V"U AP \ signed: Date: 5- I S- *,5 General Consln glion_Lendd, It is the teaponsibili.ty of tle penrit hoZd* to aee tlut aLL inspections oe nade at the pro?ey time, that each address is reaCable fron the at?eet, and tltat the permit eod ie located at the frant of the WopertZ.*Buif,ding Diuici,ott appro"*ed plbt slnll remain on the Bualding Site 'at aLL' t{mes.- PPoc DURE. FoR INSPEC?I)\I| R!4WST.'CALL726-3769 (tecotdet,) state you! City Cesigrnted job ntonber,, iob aCi.z.ess, type of inspee='icn tequested and ohen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contraeta?s o! Arners nane and plnne mtntber,. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 anttill be nade the sane dcg, ?equests mcde aftx ?:00 an urill be nwde tke nert rsorking d.ay. Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Number fs:7 so 3?g Hcm)1-nad lnafiDnfl at4 *1 N, ate )+,",!Job Locaticn: Assessors Map #?cs Iot # Subdioision: Ad!1ess: QotoMog. Ph*:: I?:?1/?2r>U/ oK zip: f z/7 KCity: Describe Hotk: Qo .oo Nr"-b'' Additicn Page 1 of 2 FI?E INSPEC?ION: Io be nade afteres;auatlon;m prior tc set ip of fotns. INOULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION :DEMOLTTTO!] OR |IOWD BUILDI1ICS?o be naCe aftet, aLL insulaticn a",d required oapor burie?s de in place but before ory Lath, Wpsltm baatC or tnLL coueting i,s applied, ard. before Sanituy serser capped at ptoperQi Lire i otu iroulation is concealed.Septic tank p"rtped otd filled rrith gza;;el I ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WClt].llICAL: ?o be nade before anyffi'liTorsered. FO1TIN9 & F)UNDATICN: lo be rmCe @et,-6encGs a"e acatated and fozns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret€. DRYI|ALL TNSPECTION: Tc be nade;Fa Af&imns in ptace, but prior to any taping. Steel Location, bond or uerticals in TL U.B.C. Section After ittstallation ie ccmp CURB & APPR)ACH APP,ON: Aftet fonnse,e elect;AEtVio" to pouring concrete. SIDEWALX & DRI',WAY: Eot, aLL con- crete paoirq uithin styeet right- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL erca- oating cqnplete & forrn usotk & sttb- base nwtez"ial in plaee. linal - l{hen abcoe items are ccrnpleted and uhen Cq.tclition is complete o! struc- ture moued and. pz,enrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- sare? and uatet ElectticaL Conneetion - Bloeking, set-uD and plunbing eonneetions rn;st be apprct;eci before requesting eleclrtcal inspection Accessory Building UND|RGROUIID PLAMEING, SEWR, W.ATER, PRAIilAGE: To be made priot' to fil- @'tt,enches. AilDERELOOR PLUMBTNG & MECEANTCAL:Io be mod.e priot, to instalLation of floor insulation or decking. POS? A,ND BEAM: To be nade pt"ior to ffi7T8f,6{of floor iraulation or decking. ROUCH PLUIIBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be cotsered ffilTthese inspeetions hnue beq, mad,e and approteC. FTP4PLACE: PyLor to placirq facingmaterials and before franLng inspee- ti,on. FRAIIIN1: Ltust be reqtested after approual of rough phrnbing, electri- caL & neclwnieal. ALL toofing bracing & ehinmeys, etc. rruet be . eompleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- " cealed until this inspeetlon lastbeen made anC approued. Pirnl - After etc. ote comp pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. o FTilAL PLUMBII|G FINAL ATCHAIIICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL PENCE: When compLete -- tuooiCe gates o" nooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the z'equired Landsecping, ete., tmtst be satisfied before the BUTLDING FilIAL can be requested. fiNAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspeetion mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, otd. Meclnrical fnspeetions haue been nade ard approtteC.r *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN! TO BE I44DE AT NO CCST TO CNY ./\,f \ /- o,ner: [)n^^1 A""-*J* TI Date l I SOLAR -^CESS REQ.- t..'J 50 dJOB NO L-CO Beit oons Access,Df House Lot Faces - !!eat bourlces % of lct Cotterage_ LCT ?WE _ fnterior _ Coraer _ Panltand.Le _ CUl-de-sac # of €tories Iotal Hztght, Topography tot Sq. ?tg. ITEM T:U x Building Volue & Permit This pennr,t is granted on the espress eond.ition tl14t the said constractionshaLl, in all nespects, eonform to the Crdinance adopted L)y the City of SpringfieLd, including the Zoning Cvdinance, r,egulctitzg the ccnsttucticn ord use of buildLngs, otd may be suspended oy, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said hdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Pe"iit State Date Paid ?otal Clwges ITEM N0.FEE LrufrUL Ficttxes Plumbing Perrnit No, pereon stnll consttuet, instal?,, alter or etange anA neu cr ecistingplwnbing or d.rainage systa-n in uhole ot, in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's L,i,cense, eacept tlnt a pe?son nag do plutnbing uork to p?opertA uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. Residentia.L (1 bath) Sa'ser Plunbtng Penrit State Electricql Permit Were State La,t requires tllat the electyical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contnactor,, the eleetrical portion of this permit sLuLL not be oali.C untilthe Label lne been si,gned bg the Electuical Cont?acto". PerwLt Iotal (,o o I(dzD NC.FEE UTIMLL I o { Mechqnicol Permit Nas/Eetend Circuits Setntice bhanst HooC llcodstooe Yent Pat Permit Issuqnee Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec.*'itA Deposit Storage Maintenance Permtt Cvrbeut Sida,talk lenee Electrieal La.bel Mobile Hone Reeei,pt #: Signed PLan ErorLne?Date TotaL * I HAW CAREFULLy EXillfNED the cornpleted application for pertnit, afld. do hereby cettify that aLL i;tfotwution hereon is true and cbrreet, and. f fwtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned aLnLL be done it aceor- dance tttth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of theState of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescyibed herein, and t?nt NO OCCU- PANCY ?till be nade of anA structwe uithout permission of the Buitding DL-oision. f further certify that otly contraclors ad. atrplcyees uho a?b inconpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project q-/6-rc TOTAL AM)UNT D|JE: *d t{,bD Signed Date llate!