HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-06-16" RESID-..lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERTIIY 225 North Sth Street Springfield" )regon 97477 Butlding Ditsision 726-37 53 z0 SP'IINGFIEL.D Pccei Date: a Job tacaticn: Aeceesors Map # Subdittision: Q,ner: Addtess: a0s 43o AJ,Phone 1 7 z{0 zip: ?ct Lot # T'H L/o,.Deset ibe Honk: 4z,r,4e)Additicn RenoCel ilobiLe Date of Apo Licaticn GeneraL ?1 ^^+-i ^-7 l.!eci^,ar.ic.zL Va?-ue .f{ Consip-rcticn Leruier It is the'rescottsibility of tle permit hoder to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the p?ope? tine, that ecehaldtess is rea;n\'-e ;'rom the atreet, anl thct the permtt eayd is Loeated at the front of tl.,e prooerfgteuilding.Huisior acpro"-ed clan shzll remain on the Euilci:.ng Sit; at aLL times. ?:C?:r';P, F?P i:tS-DiCTICll RI?UESTTCALL 726-3769 (yeeorder) state you? City desigtnyed job nunber, job ai,*ess, tlpe of itcspee=icn ?eouesJed and ui':enyou uiLL be reatiy for inspcction, Contrdetc?s c" Asne:s nc.ne cni pi.one n'*nbcr. P.eques;s receixed befcte 7:C0 ct:iLL be macie xhe sane dcy, ?equests narie cftet, 7:00 on urtll be naae tne ncst:sorkin; aa;. Icur Ci.fu Desigra.ted iob Nutnber fs *uo4rar I a poor.r:;c t FCU::D,1Tn?N: ?o be np.Ce ) ;fn; xl,;;;ics ate eccauated and fotns ate erected,, but prio? to pou?ang ccnereta. - u uD tRcpc u : ; ) p LU !.tpJ!i i2LEut:L_ i,'.A!E!))Lirq trenches. 7 unomvLocR pLUlBntG & tlECllAurcAL:tof floor insulction or deeking. 1 Posr nto aem: To be nade prLor to) ffiL-lilc" oi i'Loon insu|arion or deckittg. _1 ROI.'GII PLA:BI::C, ELEC!!?ICAL .O, I-IECH- I - ur:til these inspeetiors have been nade and cooroued.. 1 np.*teczi pnto, to plceir4 facing) naterl;G arui. before'fradni ;""p"L- tion. a rwtmc: ltust be requesteil. after ) @"1 of rough plwa+ng, eieetri- a,L & mechanical. ALI roofing btactng E chinmeys, ete. mtst be . eompleted. !1o Dcpk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection laa-''been nad.e anC apprcoed. after eecatatlcn, but prtor b set. up of llrlh?oar,) =rt,taf"^ ,rd^FDf ntf ovllu-.lJDA- : Ju...):)lJ. .._v.1.:'.iLL a |SCI:.:.:IICAL: io be marie before any ttor,k is eooered. ?TilAL PLUII.BIIIC FIIIAL NECHANICAL FIIIAL ELEtrRICAL : : : : :' ;;.: I C :; / V APC.q P.i.?.?r:.? M S? ! j ! I C l, : required oapor borie?s @e in plaee b'ut befcre aty Lath, Wpslnn bca.ri or tnLL cooei,ing is aooli.ed, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRY\IALL fNSPICTfON: Tc be nade -, after aLL a.z.yuall is in place, but prioz, to cny taping. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or ue"ticals Ln aceord.otce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2475. After installation is ):;:-'Li?:c:t ;? :.:31=: 5.'Er::; -.s IlOODSTOT,'E: cctrpT;na. CURB & APPRCACI] APPON ate e;;;tA-6;;niG;.: After formsto pouring ' conc?ete. SIDEWALX & DRfIEWA!: Eot, aLL eon-cretenffiTtG; street z,ight- of-tx:y, to be maCe after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base mcterLal in place. IENCE: Wen conplete -- ProuiCe gate; or mooable eeetions through P.U.E. ALL pnoiect conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of atreet trees, co:toletion of t'oe requined Landsecping, etc., iuat be satisfied be1'ore the BUILDTNC FfilAL can be requested. EINAL BUfLD1NC: The Final Buildittg Inspection mtst be requested cfter the linal Plunbin-t Electrica.L, otC Mechar.ical Inspect'iots Isrsc been made atd approoeC. Sani:ar1 setet eqpei:t progeriry Lire Septic totk p:.ryed a:d. fiLLeC tLth gre'-ei lincl - I{hen abcue:utens ote ecnplexei ard uhen iqtcLltion is cozclete or s'-z.ie- xuye nouei anc pretrises cl'eanei up. Le iicnes Blocking otd Set-:tp Plunbing connectio-ns -- aailer od, ualer Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloaking, aet-u. arui plutnbing eonnections m;st be al??cxec before requesting eleetrical inspee:iot Aceessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrekes, skirting, declcs, etc. a?e conple'-ed. Page 1 of 2IALL I|ANHCLES AND CIEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE:II TO BE I',,]IDE /.T IIO C3ST TO CI?! { ,fu T l ll l JOB N 4/t soLAR AC SS REQ.-r--co d oceucaneu GtoLtS: ! [ot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Canterage_ I of Storles -'otal lelcht fopogropt;y :yE:.! ?OTAL VALUE LC? ?WE _ Intetior _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac PCD LACC -- Fees -- Building Vo lue & Perm it rhis pennt t is granted on the er?"ess cond.ition tttat the said. constmction s^hal.L, in_all.res,pe-c.ts, gonforn to the Otdinance edopteC by the City ofSpt'.ingfie7,rl, ineluding the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulctirg tltb ccnstraetiZnotd .use o^f buildings,. utd may be suspended on r-eookec Lt "ry tlme upon uic-Lation of m! prcoisions of iaid Ordirnnces. ln^ 1<- Euilding Pernrlt State ?otal Cherges Reeeiot #: Signed Lot Fdees - ieatEetbacks P. L.House Cayaoe Aecess Vater qaa llorth Soti.th Hest x Valuc PLan Check Fee D-+^ D^: ) Tesiiettial (1 bcth) Seuer D7 .,-\: - - D^*' + ';a;/Zrtend. Cincuits Set uiee Plurnbing Permit No person slull constmtct, install., alter oz, ehange anu nel cr e:istina qlwn2inO on drainaqe sys_te!1 in uho1,e or in part, LnLesZ sueh person is theLegal possesson of a ualid plunbez,,s Lieense, es.eept th.at a D'e:son nau dopltnbing uo,k to p"ope?ty uhich is oumed, Leased ot, operatea by the ippli.-eant. Electricol Permit wete state Lao v,eouires tl^a.t the electrical uork be done bu an gleetrieez contractar, ti'te electrtccL corxion af this petmit siull ncx be ualii untilthe Label ius been elgnei ly the Electrical'Contrcctoy_ l!1a^: :-J-1.' ,s Mechqnicol Permit :-i1a$t Hooi ent Fat 'coCsto;se aeuta- :nrit rCeualk Penmt issucnee Meeinnictl Pemtt -- LNCRCACHI4EN? -- t PTan Esaniner ?otal Chcroes r HAw cAREFaLLy gxLurNED th.e eornpleted aoplieation for permit, cnd dohereby eertifg that aLL itfonnation hereon is ttue anC cb*eet', a,l Ifut ther, -certify that any arl aLL aork penfonned shall be do:..- 'i, o"=on-dance tith the 1rdinence.s of the ci.ty of spt:ingfield, and the ic;s of thestate of oregcn pertainina to the wrk ceseribbd herein, cnd tat No occu- !!r!?.r-._*ill-b-e nyde of anA" structute vithout pernission L7 tnn iuiltiing Dt_DLsLon. f funthen eertify that otly cont,actors ard enplcuees ulp aie incotpliance uith ORS ?01.0ss uiLL be used on this projec't ee 1 tbile llane )-c.- :;C :.- | vt.rJtaD 5.od )TAL AilOAil? DUE:'53e Date *KA Wood.atou*e