HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-06-03ltc --t 2-- ttL.O(il(: - RESIDENTIAL PERMIT At,PLICATION lnsPerctionr,,'.'(i-3760 Ollie c 7.t6-:)/',') L0(lAllOl\, ()l l'llOf'}Oijl l) WOItK AS(lF (;SlOtr'l l.ln P: \ ? --12) Lol SPR }.IELf, boz /d*Aj, -a\ :r JOB NUMBER 225 Fiftlr Street Sprrng(icl<J, Oragtttt 9'(41 I TAxLor ll9oO-- SUBDIVISION: -- ?:-o 1q-/ ht, owNF- R: . Er-rZa.ef=t{ Mu*.9- ADDRESS: ,232;0 LJ . IT--+K* PHON E SrArE: O*-- - ztP: -9:1 41-a -CITY: . AEC- ILIG4FTELQ- - nrrraoor,l/ __ ADDIT|oN DEMOLISH OTHER R d 3roDESCRTBE W()RK: -?e-l*ao - NEW GENERAL: Borrcrx- Cos- - - -41q-AJ GL+\5*4 PiloNECONI RAC]()I( S NAI\4E ADDNE:;S EXPIRES --1trnirrs PLUMI]ING MECI.IANICAI ELECI'RICAt-: CONSI CONTRACTOR # 591t2+- - QUAD AREA: .' OF BLDCS OCCY GtioUI' , oF siTotltt :; WATER HEATI,N FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: * OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: , SQUARE FOOTAGE: _ CONS I R. TYI'I - OFFICE USE - RANGf:: -- I'IEAT:IOURC;E: LAND USE: -- I OF UNITS: To request;rn trlspectir,,rr, you rnust call 726'3769. This is a24hour recor<Jing. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.rn. will bt-, mac,a the sirilr(-'working day, inspections requestecl after 7:00 a.nr. will be made the following work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS | '-l Rorrgh Mcclrirnical - Prior toL--J cov(ir. f]Rough Electrical - Prior to fJ tl X L_l LJ letnpor .rry Elec tr ic Site ln...1rection - To be rnade after ex(..lvatiorr, lrut prior to Settlrrg lrrIfilS. Undelsl.rb Plurrrbirrg/ Electrical / Meclrarrical - Prior to cover. Footing - Aftt.rr ttenches are excavalC( l. Masonry - Steel location, bond bcallrs,,)r()utin0. Fourrd;rlion - Aflr:r forrns;rre erecte (l l)ut pri()t t() conctr-.le place,rrrr,r r t. Under.gr()uncl Pltrnrbing - [rrior to ftllirril trcnclt Underl loor Plurntri ng/ Mechanical - Prior ro insrrlailon or rler;king. Post anrl Beam - Prior to lloor insulrilit.,r-r or declii ng. Floor llrsulation - Prior to deckinil Slorrrr llower - l,tlor lo filling trencll Waler Line - l)rior to lillintl lrench. cover. Electrical Service - Must be approved to ol)tain perrnanent ele,;trical [)orver. t:l Fireplace - Prior lo facing materials arnd f rarning lnsp. l-_l Frarning - Prior lo cover. l-l Wall/Ceiting lnsulation - prlor tot-J cover. Drywall - Prior to tapin0 Wood Stove * Af ter installation lnserl - After fireplace approval an(r lnstallatlon of unit. Curbcut & Approach - After forrns are r-.recled but l)ilor toplacernerrt of concrete. Sidewalk & Driveway - After excavation i:; complete, [orrns anrj sub-b;r:;c ntatcrial irr place. I -l Fence - WlrL'n cornple tcd. Street Trees - When all required trecs are pl;irrted. Final Plumbitrg - W[rcn all plurnbing worl( is corillrlcte. Final Electrical - Wlrcn all electrical worl( is coI,tl)l(]le. Final Mech;rnical - Wtrcn all meclranical work is r;r.rrrrltletc. Final Building - Wtrt:rr iill required inspcctions lravu becrr approved and buildirrg is r:ompleted. Other __ MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS l_-l Alocking and Set-Up - Wlrcrr ail - l)locking is cornplete. l-*-l Sanirary Sewer - l)rior tu frilirr<; - - trLln(:ll Electrical Connection - Wlrcrrl.llocking, set-ul), ancl ltlurrrbirrlltnspections ltirve ber-,rr irl,l)rovt(, and tlre horrre is connL,(it,r(l tuthe service pirrrel. Final - After all rerltrrrcti inspections are apl)rovrl(l andporches, skirting, decl<:;, and venling fiave lteen irtr;l;rllcd. Rough I'}lumbing - Prior tcr covi)r. l:] r_l .x il fl [--l plumbing Conhections - Wtrr:rr|J lronre has beun conn(.,clud lo water and scwer. fl r_l rJ f_l E tf Lot (aces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total height Lot Type ., -- lnterior _--- Corner - Panhandle -- Cul'de'sac Se t bac ks PL.HSE GAR N S E ACC APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This perrnit is gr;rntod otr lltc express c<-inditiorr tll;rt the l;ai(l construction shall, in;lll rosl)e(lts, c<)nfortn to llle Or(lillarrce adoptetJ by the City o{ Springfield, irrcludinq the Developnlenl Cocle, l'e(lulatirl(l the construclion :tttc! usr: of t ritOInq", :rntl ntay [.rc sttspt-'ndetl or tevo[<ctl ;rt any titrtt. upon violation of atry provisiorrs of said orclinanccs' ReceiPt Number:- D.rtePlans Revi ewed BY Plan Check Fee: Date Paid Received BY BUILDTNG PERMIT VALUE (A) SQ. FT, X $/SO. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee Systems Development Cllarge is due on all utrdeveloped propertles within the City linrits which are beirrg itnproved'SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SD (B) c) ADDlTIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) SanitarY Sewer Water Storm Sewer lSO Mobile Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE No I FT. r.r. FT.4r' "ot) (c) &o .C'D L,NPlumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge Woocl Stove/ lnsert / Fi replace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT Mechanical Pcrntit (D) N0 lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Fu rnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By signature, I state and agree, that I have caref utly examined the cornpleted application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct' and I lurtlrer certify that any and allwork performed shall be done in accordance withtheordinancesoftheCityofspringfield,andtheLaws of the Stale of Oreg;on pertaining to the *tlr11 6656ribcd lrerein, ancl that NO OCCL'IPANCY will be tttarlt: of ;rt'ty structure without pcrmissiotr of the Building Safr:ty Division I f urther certify that orrly contractors and entDtoyr:r:s wlto are ln cornpliancc witlt ORS 701 055 will bc r'tl;rlcl otr tlris proiect. I further agrec to ensurc tlrat all required insl)ections are requested at the proper time' that each address is rcadable f rom thc street, that the l)crmit carcl is locaterl at ttre Iront ol the lrroperty, and tlre approvecl set of plarrs will rcttrain on the site at all tiriles tturing construction Date (-a.4t- Signatu re MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS I1,eb Total Miscellaneous Permits (E)t4 .ro +Scfe-,. 3d C+------ D --- ft Mobile Home Statc lssuance State Surcharge Demolition State Surcharge Sidewalk Curbcut RECEIPT NUMBER 1971 " ) VALIDATION RECEIVED AMOUNT RECEIVED DATE PAID TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) 4c ..(a S THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE - HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OB ON T}{E HISTORICAL REGISTER? --lf yes, this application must be signed arrd aPProved bY tl'rc Historical Coclrdirrator prior to permit issuance' 4z,dp