HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-02-24" RESID-,rlTlAL" zzs Nor.th rrn ironfPLrcArr,N/PERMrr SprLrryfield, 0regon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 SPHINGFTEII' # Date 2-a &0/c GeneraL Conetm.ction Lenden It io tlta rceponcibitity of tlc pernit ttotl* to aee that aLL inspectiotts oe nade at tlte ptope" tine' tl",at each addrees is realabie ftan tl'e otteet, and tat the panrtt cati ia L@ated at th9 front of tlle ?"ope"t7.*Buildi.W Ditticion dryru^ed plot shz.Ll remain on tlp BunLding Site at aLL tines. PR11EDURE FoR INSpECtToN Rq7WST..CALL726-3769(z,ecotdet,) stdte aou! City desi.gna-ted job nz,cnber', job aCiress, \aPe-of inspec!_'L^cn eadgfot,inspection,Contlactorso7alner's-,lg,,emdp?anenunbel.P'equestsyeceixedbefcre7:00a:ttiLL be nade the eame fug, ?equests made after ?:00 @n vLLL be node the noat'aotking dag. O r ^ ,/ rour cifu Desi-sr.ated. Job Nwnbet' ,", "' f /O C /// Remti-ta/l Tn maofi.an s .rob Locaticn: ?cs lat #Assessors Map # Satbdizsision: f-r/ -#--lha^{/Or.mer: eg3 4 3.WAddress:Phone:'l ^/),1-Ll-.Yrt-, ztp:City: 6:-4 r t-t NeD ValueDate of Additicn RenoCel Contvactors Lisc. HAd.dtess DA Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connecti.one -- aaoe? otd. uater Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-up and plwnbing eonnecti.ons rntst be apprcxed before requeeting electrieal inspectiott Accessory Building Pirnl - After pcrekes, akdtting, decks' etc. @e eonpleted. Page 7 of 2 SI?E INSPECTIQ!: Io be nwde after &;aoatlo",Et prtor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WlHt-llICAL: To be made before any ffik-ii-iueved. POOTLNG & F1UNDAruCN: Io be npCe ;fr;i tl,enctrs at e eacatsated and forns ate etected, but ptior to pourirq ccncrete. UNDzRGROAYD PLUMEING, S!'IEP. WA?EI, DE{IltAtLE: To be nade y"Lor to fil- @'6inehes. LINDEP,FLOOR PLUTDIIIG & MECIIANICAL:of floor insuktion o" decking. POS! AND BEAM: To be made prior toGdTffiffof ftoor iwulation ot fucking. ROUGH PLU!,IBII'IG. ELEC?RICAL & MECHA lniCef,: No uork is to be cot'et'ed .wt Tthese inspections haoe beer, mol,e and approtsed.. rylEPL$eE: Prior to plccirg facl"S - mater"tals ard before froning inspee- tton. ?lAI|!!c: Irtust be requested after @1, of rough plttnbing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALL t'oofing bracing E chhrmeys, etc. rrust be . eonpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con- - cealed until this inspeetton las 'been mode anC approrted. FTilAL PLUMBING PIilAL WCHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL required oapor benie?s @e in Place bat before ory Lath, Wpsurn boatC ot' tnLL cottering is applied, atd. before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTTON: Tc be nade @let-dT@ts 'tn p|.ace, but prioz, to any taping. I'IASONRI: Steel Location, bond TZffijg?outing or uetti.cals in aceordotee LrLth U,B,C, Seetion 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: ettpT;tA. After install.ation is CURB & APPFCACH 4!R0!: After fonns @.e elect;A but polo; *Poumng BUILDTi]CS Saw)lary saser capped at PtoPerfui Lize Septic tutk y"orped e'd fi.LLed urith gra;sel INSULATION be made after a linal - h1ten abctse'L*uens are ecnple and ahen Cq.oliti,on is cornplete or ture mooed otC. prerctses cleaneC up. Hcnes ted istlae- | il conc?ete. SLDEWALK & DRILEWAY: For aLL con- c"et;nat 6 ulffi et?eet right- gf-txA" to be nade after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sttb- base rnaterLal in plaee. IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- ProtsiCe gates or nooable seeti.ons tlwough P.U.E. ALL pt,ojeet condLtions, such ae the i.nstallat1on of stTeet tt'ees, conpletion-of the o"qiir"a- i"a""qt"O, Ztc., mtst be satisfied befot e the BUILDTNG IINAL cah be requested. |INAL BULLDIN\: Ihe Einal Building Inspection nuEt be requested after the .linal Plunbing L/ Elect*ical, o,d Meehani-cal rnspections -hq,e been made and appnotsec' *ALL I,TANITCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BD ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?!'IEI'II ?O BE I'L4DE A? NO CCST TO CI?T ,^^Kred@ ,fr, f u I tr u Z Type/Corat:Zone: AeeupancU Croup:BeCt oans: SOLAR A ESS REQ.-L-co c Lot Faces -Ene?qu Sources ?uoe Setbaeks Ileat Df House Ca"aqe Aceess.Hater, lledte"No"th East Fireplace South Hoodstoue I-ot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cooetaga # of Stories Total Height Topography LOT TWE _ fntertor _ Comer _ Panlnnd,Le Cvl-de-sac llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permi.t is granted on the etpttess condition that the said constructionslwll, in aLL respects, eonforn to the hdinance adopted \iy the City ofSpz,ingfield, ineT-uding the Zoning Cz,dinance, regulating the ecnstrubticn old .use of buildings, otd may be suspend,ed oy reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisiona of said ?z,dirnnces. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid ITEI|FTC x S.D.C. 7.5 r Building Paldt ?otal Clntges State rTEM N0.TEE CEARGE Pi^rtutes Residenti.al (1 bath) Sanitarg Saner 70-t\.f 50, oo llatey I ?a.oo/.22 3 /.zO Plumbing Permit No- pet,son stn_ll consttact, instal!, alter ot ehan4e anA neu cn eristing qlwnb,irq or drainage slstan in ahole ot, in part, unless sueh person is- the Legal .possessor of a ualid plunbet,ts Lt)cense, eacept that a pbrson may doplwibing uork to propertA uhich is ottned, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. Plunbing PetrLt State tvwge v.ul-qvo - ITEM NO.FEE Res. So. fta Ilau/Ectend Circuits Iatpctog Setttice t{he?e state Lan reqtires tlat the electrical uork be dane bg qn ElectrLealcont"deto", the electz"tcal portion of this permit sltall rot be oalic unti,Lthe Label lns been eigzed bg the Eleetu*ical Contracto". Pemii: Stcte ?otal Electricql Permit NC FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit khagt llooC llcodstotse Vent Fan Permit fssuatce Meclnnical Pemit SeatrttA Deposit Stoz.age illaintenance Petmit , naT Cvtbeut Sila,talk lence Eleetrieal Ia.bel Mobile Horna # Signed: PLan uate TotaL I HAW CARE?ULLy EXAttINgD t|,e cornpleted applteation fot penrit, and doItereby eertif_y that aLL informatibn hereoi is ttue and clorrect, and tfurtket' eertify that any ar.d aLL uork performed svnll be done in accot-danee with the ordinances of the city bf bpringfield, and the La:,;s of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uoy,k CesZribZd nnnllr, anit ttat NO OccU- PANCY uill be rnad.e of a\a stlucture uithout petnisaion of the Buil,ding DL-tsisio,n. r furthet' eez'tifs- that only eontz,aciors ad. anplcyees uho arZ ineanpliance aith )RS Z01.0sE uiLL be-used on thie project /"*.> 4,1? TO?AL AJ,IOUN? DUE: *3 |zo Signed Date JOB NO. htndce E?u'S ?otal Charaes State .. ENCROACHMENT