HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1986-05-08.. RESIL -NTIAL.. Ii APPLICATION/PERT,IT 225 Nonth |th Street SprLngfield, 2r,egon 97477 Buildi,ng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPHIHGFTELD city: Ned Additian RerloCeL Date of App General -<6 Descz,tbe llotk: Val,ue L_l &JnJob Lacaticn: Aaaessors Map #?cs Lot #a3 c E 4b -3(s8Addtess:Phone: e/-o/c- d .'N \) Date: # aL Pltnbi.ng l.teclunieaL : Consttaeticn Lendet I-t is the responsibi_Lila oi tne pez'nrLt holder to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the p?ope? tine, that eaeh cddress is readabie tor!-tl" atreet, anC tlut the,permtt eatd ia Located at the fzani of the properta.*suilding Diuiciot aDptou*ed pl,an sLnLL remain on thz Bunldnng site Zt aLL' tiines." ?PocrDt;PE Foq rltSPtCrIoN !-!-QyEST;CALL726-3769(recotder) state yout, City desigrnted job nwrbet,, job aiicess, type of inspec=icn!2ouesxea a.td u4en gou uiLL be readg for inspection, Contraetcrs ci Ahe"s nc.ne Znd p'hone ntonber. .lequ.sxs reeei.t;-ed befcte- 7:00 an'--LLL be nade the sane dcy, vequests nade aftez, 7:00 an urLLL be nade tke nest torking- d-ay. You" C1:tA Desigrated Job Nunber fs:oPeatt'-na,'l Si;9 Ll.9-Ffi:i?.Y.. To be nade aftenezcc,nion, TG prtor tc set up of forns. ANDE.?SLAB PLUi.ETNG, ELECTRICAL & i,ECI!.a.ilICAL: To be made befo?e any .tlotk ie eotsered. lOQT.tNc & FOU\|DATfCN: Io be tnaCe;F;; tt;;;s ate etcauated and. forms are erected, but ptiot to pou?tr.g ecnerete. UND1RGP)U\\D ?LUMEING, SEWq., W.ATER, DRAfilAGE: To be maie pz'ior to fil-Lir4 trenches. AilDERFLOOR PLUI.EIIIG & I|ECHANTCAL :to be nad.e prioz, to installation of floot insulation or decking. POST AND BEAII: To be nade p".Lo! toinstallaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLABIXG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,{ECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be coueredwtil these inspections lnue been nade and. approteC. PfPEPLACE: Prtor to plaeirq fccingnaterials and. before franing inepeb-tion. INSLILATTON/Vt.POR B.4RRTER IIISPECTIO\I : To be made after aLL insulaticn ard. required uapor bawieys @e in plaee but befoz,e any l.a.th, Wpslnn baaz,C or tnLL cooeting is applied, attd. before otg ittsulation is concealed. DRIWALL IIISPECTION: Ic be nadeafter aLL drguall is in pLace, but pz,ior to any taping. \LAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accordotce uLth U,B.C. Section 241S. WOODSTA'IE: ;cnpT;tA. After installation is I I CURB & APPROACH APPAN:ee erecteC but prior After fornsto pourirq corlc"ete. SfDWALK & DRTIEWAY: Por aLL con- crete pansing uithin street fight- of-tey, to be made after aLL etca- oating eatrplete & fozn uork & sub- base naterial in place. A!!l: h4ten cornplete -- Protside gates or nooable sectians thnough P.U.E. FRAI.IING: ltust be requested aftet apptoual of rough plunbing, eleetu"i-a,l & nechanieaL. ALL toofing btacing E chitrmeys, ete. rrust beconpleted. lto uctk is to be con- cealed until this inspection has been nade anC approtted. I FTUAL PLUINING 1 ruet MECHANTIAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Sanitarl seuer eapped at properfii Lire Septic tank p-"rped and filled urith g"ra:sel linal - ltthen abcoe itens are earpleted and uhen Cqolt tion is cor;wlete oy styLie- tute noued and. pretriaes clZanei up. l.lobile licnes Blocking otd Sat-':tp Plttnbing connections -- ael)e? otd. uater Electrical, Canneetion - Bloeking, se-,-uD and plutnbing connections m;st be apprcxed befoz,e requesting e?.ectrLcal inspeelio:': Aecessor'; BuilCnng Piral - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. @e eotnpleted. Page 7 of 2,ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTYE\II TO BE I'hIDE r''T IlO CCS? TO CITT Anter: I Tr T ALL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of stteet trees, eonpletion ol the required Landsccpitg, ete. " mtst be eatisfied befote the BULLDING FINAL can be requested. ?INAL BUILDING: The Final Bui.Lding Inspection nast be requested after the Final Plunbing ElectricaL, and Mechanical fnspections ltaoe been nade atd appnorsed. .IO?AL AI4OIJN? DIJE: *3=,t o r--coC Bedtoonts: JOB NO.soLAR A( SS REQ.- .. \-/ Lot Faees -Enzrou Soutces Tyoe Setbacks Ileat Df House Cataqe Accesa.Hater lleate?Notth EosX FirepLace South Waodstove Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cooenage # of Storiee Total Height Topogtcphy Itr rwE _ fntetior _ Corner _ Panhantd.Le - Cul-de-sac llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This petwLt ia granted on the eq)ress condition ttnt the said consttactionstnll, in aLL tespeets, confonn to the Ordirance adopted fuly the City ofSpr"ingfield, inel.uding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulating the ecnstmtbticn anl. use of buildings, otd mey be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon uic- Lation of anA pnctsisions of said 1tdinances. TOTAL VALUE ITE14 IJU x ue * ITEM N0.FEE S.D.C. 1.5 t Bui-Lding Penlrit ?otal Clnrgee State Date Patd PLan lictutes Sanitatg Seuer ,late? UO1S Go _fs. (do N0.FEil NC F!E itsnzce PTU'S Vent Ea, ilcodsto;te Receipt # Signed Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Pl;nbing PerirLt State Nan/Erterui Circuits Sewiee Stcte ?otal IT!i4 &thanst HooC Permit fssuance Meclnnical Permtt Permtt Curbcut SidewaLk Ze llotne Plumbing Permit No, person shall consfuaet, install, alter ot clnnge anA neu cr existing plutnbing or drainage sAsta.n in uhole or in patt, unlees such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunberts Li,cense, eacept th,nt a pbtson nag doplunbing uonk to property uhich is oaned, Leased or opet:ated by the applt- cant. Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tltat the electrical uork be done by an ELeetu LcaL Cont?acto!, the electz"ical portion of this permit slnll not be ualiC untilthe Label Lns been signed by the Electuical Conty,acto7,. Mechonicol Permit ,t Secat'L P Lan uate L f HAW CAREFALLY EXA.I,|INED the eornpleted application for pez,nit, and dohereby certif.y that aLL info,rnatibn hereon' is true and e'oz,r,ect', and. rfu,tkez' certify that any ard aLL aork perfor,:ned sLnLL be done in aeeor-danee tLth the 1tdinancb.s of the city bf bpningfieid., ""a tn" Lats of ther rt:t^?- of-l-rgocn p-ez'taining to the aoik cescriboa nnilr.i.,-"ia-tut No lccu-PANC, uirl be rrude of any stt'ucture uithout permissi-on if tie suitd.ing DL-uision' r fw'ther cert-ii-ii- thit-i"iy-ioitroctot:s and enplcyees aho ate inconpliance uith oRS z01.b\s uf.tl te"""Zi on this project L CEARGE ilaintenance