HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Correspondence 1991-09-27CITY OF OFEGO'V sPr FIELC, DWELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBUC l,lOBKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAG EM ENT 225 FIFTH S;BEE' SPRINGFIELD. CF. 97/;. t503; i26'37:3 DATE: September 27, 1991 TO: Applicant and property owners/resj.dents within 3OO ft. FROM: Kent Ku11by, planner Aide, Development services Dept. SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION APPLTCATION The city of Springfield, Development Services Department hasapproved an application for a Home Occupation permit. State Iawrequires that when an apprication is - approved all propertiesLocated within 300 feet of the subject property be notiiie-a. Anyowner/resident may appeal this decision. As part of the application review process the city reviews theapprication based on adopted stindards in the springfieldDevelopment Code relative to the request. The city can also imposeconditions which may be necessary to achieve compliance with theintent of the Springfield City Council rf the appricant and/.or nearby property owner (affected party)feels aggrieved by this decision and feel the Director eried i;reviewing this request based on adopted standardsr dD appeal may befiled. The appeal must be filed in accordance with ai€icfe r.5 ofthe springfierd Development code which is availabre at theDevelopment Services Department. An appeal must be filed within 10calendar days of notification, by 5 p.m. october 7, 1991. The Decision of the Director shall become finat eleven days afterthe date of this decision if no, appeal is filed. If you wish to discuss this matter please contact Kent KuIIby,Development services Department, city of springfield, at 726-366b,(9 am - 1pm). Sincerely, 6^r Kent KuIIby Planner Aide Planning Division (See map and description on reverse side) 500 A11 tax lots shown on the map are zoned LDR - Low Density Residential t-->tro/o. l-lO *, CccrpryT,onl //z.xrt tT Az?Rpv{1-- / tr INFORUATTON REGARDING rIIE APPIJICATTON APPr,,rcA!{T: Mark siegrist rJocATroN oF REQUEST: 485 N. 21st street, springfield, oregon iIOURNAI, NUMBER: 91 09 156 PROPOSAL: Repair service for large appriances. A copy of the application is available at the Development ServicesDepartment. If you have questions about this hone occupationpernit, catrl Kent Ku1lby, planner Aide, #ZZe-sG6O, (g am - 1 pm) 3 au4, 8300 82@ yrr' 8r@ I 8700 8600 850() @o 3@ 4 200 3 .d roo 8800 79038900 6 77007901 7o0 B@ ? 7600 6 4200 .41@ 900 5Z 7902 7500 I4000 lloo A3/: +5mf! : ,i 93900 ;il--r"t20oi lr I I tm It r300 I l4CX/ i a -'i566'"',-'"\1 oa r. 4goo tz3600 t400 r2800 l572@ t0(Jull egoo '?;l'*tlY 1600Tloot? A tos@o l+5400 t700 13000 7000 \ rD' F tr,E $TR EETt{,e,- U,F LrJ lrJ(r Fo oz N OJ ,-a, (v D STR EET D STREET7400 Location of Horne Occu at n 47@ s3oo 15 57@ DECISION OT' THE DIRECTOR The applieation has been approved based on eonformance with Section 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Code as follows: A. The prinary use of tbe buikling is a dwelting. B. The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantlyaffect the cbaracter of tbe dwelling or neighborhood. C. COUPI,IA}ICE WITH TEE FOLIJOI{ING SIIALIJ OCCUR AE ALIJ TIMES : 1. One sign shall be permitteds a non-illuminated, wall signnot larger tban one & a half square feet. 2.There shall be no display which would indicate from theerterior tbat tbe building is being used for any purpose otber than a residential dwe1ling, excluding the one signpermitted in 1., above. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9. Tbere shall be no outside storage of materials visible from public property or adjacent private property. Mechanical equipment, except that which is compatiblewith residential purposes, shall be prohibited. there shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke,dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line resulting from the bome occupation. Ibe bone occupation shall not create hazardous trafficconditious or utilize on-street parking of nearbyproperties. If the proposed home occupation requires any nodificationto the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature thatis not typically found in a residential district, theproposed home occupation sha1l be consideredinappropriate and prohibited. t{o mercbandise, other than what is produced on-site shall,be sold to the public from the premises. (No merchandiseshall be sold from the residence. ) The use or storage of bearry equipment or heavy vehiclesshall not be permitted. Heavy equipnent and heavyvehicles shall include, but not be linited to the use of:seni-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bob cats,refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, commercial buses,farm tractors, garbage trucks and Log trucks. a D. 10. Any home occupation which requires more than one vehicl.efor its operation shalr be plohibited. The one vehiclepernitted shalr be linitEa to passenger vetricres,passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 11. No residence sharl be used as a headquarters or dispatchcenter where employees or subcontraltors report to theresideuce to be dispatched elsewhere. L2. rhe applicant shalr sign -t!is agreement with the cityacknowredlging these conditions as werl as additionaiconditions deemed necessary to achieve compliance. 13. customer access to home occupations sharl be rinited tothe hours of Z E.E. to 6 p.m. T}IE FoLr,owrNc SHALL BE PROETBTTED As A IIOI.IE occupATroN: 1. Automobile repair, iucruding but not linited to tune-upsralignments, body-fender woik, painting, detairing i"6upholstering2. Bearth sarons, grfnos, dance studios, aerobic exercisestudios, karate and judo instruction3. Medical and dental offices4. Mortician, hearse services5. Tow truck services6. veterinary uses (including care, grooming and boarcting)7. whoresare distrubutiou taking up more than the equivareit,of {0 percent of tbe prinary residence Any-home occupation which bas been approved by staff sharr besubject to revocation by staff if tbe home occirpation is foundto be in violation of the conditions under wfricfr the homeoccupation was approved. :rhe revocation decision may beappealed to the Planning Comnission in accordance witti ttreprovisions of Article 15 of tbis code. Any home occupation which bas been approved by the pranning comrnis=1on shalr be subject to revotltion bf the rranninfconmission if the home occupatiou is found to be in vioratioiof the conditions under whicb the bome occupation pernit wasapproved. The revocation decision pay be appeared to the citycouncil iu accordance with tbe provisionJ-or Article 15 ofthis code. The revocation sbalr be sent to the applicant inwriting. - The_ho:ne oecupation sharl sease within-io days ofthe receipt of the revocation notice. IT IS FURTtrER I'NDERSTOOD rIIAT APPROVAIJ OF TIIIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPITICANT FROI{ THE REQUIREI'IENTS OF ANY OTHER CfTY CODESOR ORDTNANCES. E CITY OF SPRINGFIELD # 3s to11COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY . TELEPHONE NUMBER c- TYPE OF DI{ELLING: SINGLE FAMILY x DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE t] BRIEF DISCRIPTION 0F l"t{JOR PROBLEI'{S:d m)//eD a// PHONE NO. PHONE NO.? -Bag /oe ?//-3?8/ h uilcov€e d u//€rb DArE /e- €- BB olrlNER a ADDRESS RENTER 0 de 4 o5A SIGNATURE oF oCCUPANT (PCNTER) *le ho { DSA .S ]a ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 4B,r NoPl| 2/s* &' '12 /o IS c *{;t Aouse a Aea/*l hoz.a Aeal is u{{;c l"f FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ?/ tl Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Comp liance Comp liance Obtained - Date #gg)c (1 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CIfi OF SPRINGFIELD PHONE NO. 27r'a7 ADDRESS RENTER d o5,'A .fa /a PHONE NO ?47 -8A97 SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY . TELEPHONE NTJMBER L - ?2o/ o,e 7//-3?8y' TYPE OF D TELLING: SINGLE FAMILY x N MULTIPLE trDUPLEX BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF I{A,JOR PROBLEII{S:d ftlr a//Eou A DArE /A- €- 8B ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 4Bg NoPl| 2/s* & ovtxexEX*€L ?eo/1, ruryq Slaorte W *le h,e rs u0_u tv co v€e,d c.l c *4;t Aousc a Aea/*l hor*a- Aeal )s i rts u{{r' ,I DSA c)]ao )/,'to A,m, /Zail)*o, 7- f( / r) htit .4 )A %n o--N@E--e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY /!, ;kn E ) /l)//l/V4c/a Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date BUILDING DIVISION 7 t./.-l ( v)c 2- PLANNINC AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINCFIELD Don MoorerVsE -' z//E t*,/re NE;#wo/o7f 7*Aa 7b T*ra fut rus /nweV7, 4*€ lV,z/rZ ,lg//ac/L7 2 ,oziy, Ha<, TSuSEb ilrrr af ilEA 7P ,eryA7K aR ,eryLaeE rua7&<-rVr9 effi%) ffi12 /D flAfl &)zzv>.t) *)) /,e"VA^ tdrk LU?{) )/ft ttruDqJs t<) &1)pot>no (ltp*,*t-7 7b ryED Urs p sdrLlta4) , ftLSo ln2arse) W /.qo, q, Q-7ru5/E n+zL) ta.t 7V,</h4z//dv/ 7/a>t t. ,+E /g m?/trt lw FtttzoT p ,w2v7*. l,aqo*zn i att4-, Wffb< /D/*Va,vW 7/b mllaa y'n4L6.e , ,rz(sT aa qotu/-E) i AerAlT,zVa B? 7nJ Dm@ 6tueq /f ts