HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-04-27Pece". Date: # .. RESID {TIAL" APPLICATION /PERI'LIT SPEINGFIELD 225 North |th StY'eet Springfiald' )regon Building Di.tsi,sion 7 26-37 53 97477 Job Locaticn:U Jn5 Tos Lot #Aesessora MaP # Stbdioision: Atmer:s ??Phone:Addzess Descz.Lbe llork: 4- e7- t-l N e,t)u.^*, r/ValueDate of App Lication lddition RemoCel 5O /<-a--t k cJ* L Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aaue! otd, uatet Electrical Ccnnecti.on - Bloeking, set-up and. plutnbing connections rrust be apprct:ed before nequeeting eleelrLcal inspeetiot Accessor,; Bui.LCnng pct ches, skit ting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. are ccrnp Pege 1 of 2 Const-r"tio, L"nd.t Reauired fnsoecticns It io the responaibility of the petmit lplder to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the pnope? tine, that eaeh address is readac':e iry- t]n st?eet, anC, that. the pamtt eatd is Located at the frcnt of the property.*Builditg tuJuiciot app,o"*ed plan slc.Ll remain on the Building Site Zt aLL' tilmes.' PPocEDUpE F1R. INS?EC?I)N MqWST;CALL 726-3769 (recordet,) state aou! Citg desigrnted job nwaber,, job aCitess, type of inspee=icn requested ard aken gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contraetars or ot)ners nane Lnd phone nurlbet. P.equests reeeixbd befcri 7:00 ciziLL be nade the eane day, ?equests made after 7:00 on tiLL be nade the next aotkt[ day.?qoffiIour Cifu Designated Job Nwnber fs: 9I?E INSPEC!ION: e4cau;n;;; but ?o be nade aftez, pt"ior tc set up of fonns an,e erected, but prioz, to pour'Lng to trenchee UIIDERFLOOR PLUITBTNG & I4ECHANTCAL: ?o be made priot to instalLation of floor insulation oy decking. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRTCAL & MECHAIfCAL: To be made befot,e ang uork ie eouered. P)OTING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be rm.Ceafter tz,enches a?e eseatlated and POST AN! BEAM: ?o be nade pri,ot, to76Tdffi6Tof floor insulZtion or decking. R)UGH PLUtBgc. ELECTRTCAL & \fiECH- ANfCAL: No aork is to be co.-et,edffilTthese inspections h,aoe been made and. approtteC. Ptiot, to placirg facing and before froning inspee- TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTTON : To be made after aLL insulaticn a:d required oapor bawiers aye in place but before ory Lath, Wpsun baayC or tnLL coueting is applied, ard. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL filSPEC?f)N: Ic be nadenfter-iT-ilyuilTts in pLa.ce, but prior to any tapirq. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beons, grouiirry or uerticaLs in accordqtee Ltith U,B.C. Section WO0DSTOI,/E: After installation i,s anrpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fortnsee erecteC but ptiot to pouring concrete. S[DE\,/ALK & DRTT,EWAI: For aLL con-cr.et"n$W ulffin street right- of-rny, to be made after aLL ecea- oating conplete & fonn uork & sub- base material in place. forms. FTPEPLACE:mat;iA; tion. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?RIII|ING: Ituet be requested after approual of rough plw;bing, electri-cal & nechanical. AL! roofittg braeing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be eornpleted. IIo uctk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetion has'been made anC approtsed. IENCE: hlhen eomplete -- ProoiCe gates o" nooable sections through P.U.E. - ---:_ ALL pt'oiect condttions, suck as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of the required Landsccping, etc,, m)st be satisfied before the BUfLDfn'G FLNAL can be requested, *ALL I,|ANHCLES AND CLEAN)IJTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?\IENT TO BE \L4DE AT ItO CCST TO CIty n FT,NAL BUTLDTNC: The Final Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested after the Pi.nal Plwnbirry \J Electrical, otC Mec?nnical fnspections haue been mad.e and'approrsed. DEI,fiLTT IO!] OR .',:OW) tsL' ILD::;CS SanitarJ seuer capped et properQi Lit:e Septic tank pw-ped and filled trtth gra;sel Final - hthen abcue itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cqnclition is cotrplete o? styuc- tute notsed anC prenn aes cleaneC up. R"{1 GeneraL tr I r JOB NO. ?otal Total O soLAR AncEss RE a.-L-co c* Bedroons: Perml-x Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Electricql Permit Were State Lau requiz,es that the eleetyical uork be dnne by an Eleetrical Contractor,, the electyical portion of this permit sLnLL not be oalil until the label lns been signed by the Eleetrical Contractor. PLan Exsninev,uaxe * f EAW CAREFULLy EXAI\INED the eornpLeted application for pernit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation het,eon is true and. eoruect, attC I fw,tker certify that ang ard aLL aork perfor-ned slnll be dane in aceor- dance tith the lrdinances of the City of Springfield, and the La;s of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, c,nd. tlat N0 OCCU- PANCY ?'/17.L be nnd.e of any structuz,a uithout pennission of the BuiTding N-oision. I futther cez,tify that only eontractors and anplcyees uho ee in eonpLiance ui.th ORS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project Lace LC? TWE _ fnterior _ Co?ner _ Panhand,Le Cltl-de-sac Lot Faces - # of Stortes ?otal Height Topographg Df Hause Access th I?EM T iU x Value Building Volue & permir rlis -perrnt -is granted on the er?r,ess cond.ition tlnt the said. constru.tion "^MlL, 3.n-1LL.z.espe-ets, conform to the Czdirnnce adopted 6iy the City ofspz','ngfiel^d' i.ne-lud.ing the zoning crdinance, regulatzng thL ccnstzacticn ?y,ron of build[rq.s,. artd mey b.e- suspended o, reookeC at "ry time upon ,ic_LatLon of any prcuisions of satd Ordir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 c Building PenrLt State ?otal Clnrges ITEM N0.FEE CHARGE Fi-rb,s,es Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consttwet, instalT-, alter ot, eVwnge anA nel cr e*isting plurnbirry or drainage systen in ulnle or in pazt, unless such petson is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, eteept t?nt a pbrson nag do plunbing uork to prope"ty uhich is ooned, Leased or opetated by the cppli- cant. Resil.ential (1 bath) Seaer 5aa Plwnbing Pertrlt State b * FEE Res. Sq. ftq. Na,t/Eetend. Citcuits Tanpcroy Seroice IruM it^FEE LiIMAL llcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit bhanst HooC Yent Fdt PermLt fssuanee Mechanical Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Eeryta Deposit Storage Maintertanee Perwit hpbcut - Sideualk ,qenee Electnical Label Mobile tlome TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*# Euo bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct cou.rognT ./ / ,", -n Date ,/