HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-05-16lob [ncaticn: fc.* Iot #Aaaeeaore Map fl htbdiuision: Asner: Phone:Addt,eas City: rS Deacribe l,lotlt:t.-t NeD 1 Value L 6_Date of Applicaticn. Additicn RemoCeL General P lutnb 1ng t1 c Pag:e 1 of 2 ..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT],'' /PERMTT 225 liorth |th Street Springfield' 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ec t,r ca Sur:erv IN EIectriciirrr Iout, City Deaiqtated Rcoeipt t I 3gq kte: OR !,|OVED Sanilary eeuet capped at ptopefiy Line Septic totk pwped atd filled vith gru:tet SPFINGFTEI-D I_t ia the reaponoibi.Lity of the permit holder to oee that all inopectiona ate nade at thc proper tine, that acoh add,rese is neadable fnon the atreet, anC that the pernrtt aatd ie Located at the fu,ont of the orooertu.tBuilding D.luicion approv'ecl pian shctl renain on the Building Site'at aLL' tihea.- PR)C9DUPE-F04 ItlsPEc?I2N.??Q\ES?..CALL726-3769 (yeconder) etate yout City d.eefgnated job nwtbet, iob aCdnea, type of inspeelicnrequestcd a-nd ahen you _uiLL be neady fo_r inspection, ContractorB oi A,hers nane Ztd plone nwtbet.- Requeete receiu'd b-efcre- ?:00 ct'ciLL be nade the aante dcy, requeate ncde afier 7:00 on vtLL be rmde the nert wking day. rob *unbetr,, p.qf)4( 03 wp?RFLOO!1 pLUtlBl!,tc s \E1\\ANICAL:robenad.e@of floor inaulction or decking, P:0. ST 4A_D B.EAM: To be nade prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation otdecking. ROlCil pt,utlBtltc. ErEClltlcAL ! MECH_ AN ICA L : lo uoit-7iTo--Dc-Z6iiii7-until theee inspeetions haue beex, nad.e atd approued. FfIEPI,.AC=E: h.ior to plccirq facingmcterials and, before franinlg tnrpul_tion. FRAtlIttC: l'tust be requected aftetapptoval gf rough plwr,bing, eiectni_cal & neclunical. ALI roblirlgbracing e- chinmcye, etc. nust be . coilpLetcd. llo ucrk is to be con_.-cecled until thio inspection hae'been nade anC approved INSULATrON/VA?OR- BARRrER lllpqcrl)il :Io be nade atter all inoulaticn and rcquired uapor batrie?a @e in pla,oebut befote any lath, gyp*utn boatd, or unLL oouering is applied, and befoteory inaulation ie concealed. DRluAr,L. INSPECII)N: ?o be rmdeafter aLL Ct'yvnLL is in place, but prior to any taping. MAS0N!?!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting on uerticala in accotdq'tce Lrith u,B.c, Section 941 < UO2DSTOVE: After inatallation iaampleted, CURB A APP|L2ACH AZRON: Aftet formaate enecbeC but pt*ion to por,a"ing concrete. SIqFPAT,K e_DRItlEItAy: pot, all con_ctete pauirq uithin atneet fight-of-txy, to be made aften atl btca-uating canplete & forn usork & aub- base nnterial in place. IENCE: hhen conplete -- prooiCe gatet or nooable eections thnough P, U.8.. Ftnal - I{hen aboue itme ate eanpleted and uhen Cenolition ie canplete bn suu:-tute noued ard pretrioea cleaneC up. Btooking otd, Sct-up Plunbing connectiona -- adt€r ad, watet Eleotttoal Conneotion - Blooking, aet-ut and- pltnbing co-nneotione rruet bL- apprct'edbeforc requeeting aleolrioal inepettion Aooeesotg Butldtng Pinal - After pcrchee, akinting, decke,eto. @a oanpleted, SITE INSP|C?ION ercavaticn, but forme ccnerete, trenchee FITIAL PLUI|BIIIC FINAL MECIIA\IICAT, FINAL ELEC"TRICAL ?o be nnde after pr.iot, tc set up of naCe and 'NC to UNDERSLAB PLUI.EIIIC, ELEEIRICAL &uecltilr@ny wt,k ia couered. To AIL pnoj tequired ect conditions, such aa.the i.nstal-lation of atteet tteee, conplotion of the' landsccping, etc,, rust be eatiafied before the BUTLDiN'7 ptierr' oon be requested FINAL B|ILDTNC: The Fina| Build,ing. rnopection mtst be tequeoted after the Final ptwnbing\J Electrical, anc Mectwnicit iiipi"i;""r't.rri;' t;;;-ia-"' o,ra approued, 'AI'L I'|ANHCLES AND 1LEANOUT7 iluST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI?ENI ro BE M4DE AT NO COS1 rO CEy 5{*0.rr are are enected, but ption to n tr JOB NO. total soLAR AcCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ BeCroons: Receipt ll I I I\AW CAREFULLy BXAMI\IED the conpleted application fo_r permit, and do her's6, certify that aLL itfotmation heteoi ie tnue and correct, tnC I furthLr certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned ahall be dote in aceor- 'dance tith thZ- OrdinancZa of the City of Springficld, atd tha Lane of the state of 1regon pentaining'to the lu,rik ceecribed herein, cnd tlat N0 }ccl- pAiCy iitt b"e ,nCe of any st'lucture Dithott permiosion of the Suilding N' ,)iaion. I funthen cZnfiii; that otly contractors at;d ezplcyeea uLo d"e in canpliance'aitn OnS 701.05s uiLL be ueed on thie proiect TryA.Etcninet'uaLc 7 5 I t:* w7 rwg Interion _ Cormen _ Panlandle - Cul-d.e-eac Aecess -- Peee -- ter toDe L.Nouee Lat Facea -Lot Sq. Ptg. 7 of lot Cooeragc I of Storiee Total lteight Topography rTEM X lue Building Volue & Permit Thia penilt ia oranl;ed on the aipreas condition tlnt the taid con:itntc-Li.onaltall, i.n.all reapcct,c, conform Lo the 1rdindficc:tdotr.te.l iy thc City olSpr-ingfield, including tlrc Soning Crdinancc, regulctitr,l tltla acnctru'ctiZn and.uee of buildings, and may bo euapended or reuokeC-at ctiy t.--ne upon uic-la.tion of arty pncuiaione ol t;aid Ordir,ances, TO?AL VALUE s,D,c. 1.5 x A ' Building Penrit State Date Patd ?otal Clargee i Signed N0.FEE Plumbing Permit Nq pereon ahall .cottst"uct, inatal!, alter or changc 6ny neu) cr eaistingplmbing or drainalle aystez in uhole or in part, wtlesi such person is- the Legal poaaessor of a ualid plwnber's liconse, ercept that a pe:,son na.g do plunbing aork to property which ie oumed, Leased on operated by the appli- cant. Fiatuted Reeid.ential (1 bath) Sant Sanen Penit State ,l Electricol Permit llhere State [,an requires tl"a.t tha clectrical uork be done by att Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of thh pannit shall not be oaliC wttil the Label llae been aigned by the Electrical Cotttrdctor, ITEI'I Nat/Ettend. Circuita Senfice PSE 4 Mechonicql Permit Ethanet ltood. Vent Fal Permit feeuotoe Meclanioal Pemi:t i ,Jr 1;!,,,, 'l t r: .o ?L l4aintenanee Permib Cvrbca! Sida'tal,k ?ance Eleetnical ta.bel Mobile ltane ToTAL AllOUltT DUE:.3\ Y Signed Date - Y CIIARCE,TliM F\tnnnao Flll'9 llcodatot e