HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-05-19Recei # SPFtINGFTELD fitbdittision: NN ' Address: ?_u ciQl: .. RESID ITIAL..' ';;;irr-rrr*r*, 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, 1r'egon 97477 BulLdl,ng Dl-ulglon 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: t 2 & Aeseeaors Map #'/0 6oo-;t/ Cc-- eo cssc Asner:L'l'It Tct Lot fl Pl,,one 3 o a 1 rto F or h)or T_u TI Na) Deecribe Hotk: Ril l( " 44.,re s To c r ii i'7 c-^l .tYftn/ t4u Fronr f,arfldditicn 5 F'7, Date of App Licatian 0 GeneraL l.!ech.cri L Constmteticn Lender It is th6' respoasibilitg of tle pelwtt holder to see that aLL inspections ate r,ad.e at thej'ron the atteet, and tlat the petnrtt card ia Loeated at the front of the propetty.tEuildiq Noiciot acpro"*ed plan slcll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL t[mes. ?t!o:ir';pE FoR ritspicTl9l! R!?!E!!..CALL726-3769(reeorder) state you! City desigrnted job - ?eouestea arui uken gou uiLL be reatig for inspection, Corttraeta?s o" Arne"s nctte cnd aiune;i|L be nade the sone deg, ?equests nad.e aftez, 7:00 6,n urLLL be nade the ncct aotking day. Icur Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: ,"r,9 /rc Date: t pro?et tine, thdt each cddtess is tea)ahie ' ntm,bet,, job aiiress, type of ir,spee=icn ra.inber- Peques;s receixed befcte 7:00 c:' a i.iSTre,e ite ". /F /r/y fI I I E lIIl a Jii: ,1.'J-\j':r- --r",': JO Oe mAAe aften erc@)ation,but pricz, to set. up of forne. AilDE.qSLAts PLUI.EIilG, ELECTPICAL & ],ECH.!-iIICAL: ?o be nade before ang r'totk tls cotseted. F1OT.ING 1 FOUIIDA?ICN: ?o be naCe after tyenches a?e ezcaua ted and forms ane ereeted, but prion to pou?Lfig ccncrete. UIIDERFLOAR PLUI,EING & I|ECIIANICAL:robei@of floor insulatian ot decking. iNEILAI:IONIVA?OR EARRTER INSPECTIOIIo be made aftet, aLL insulaticn e"d. required uapor bcriers @e in place but before oty latlt, Wpsum bcarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTf)N: Ic be nade after aLL dtyuaLl is in place, but prior to any taping. MAS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond beons, g"touting or oerticals in aceordance Llith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. '/CODSTOI|E:ccraT;m. After installation is CURB & APPR1ACE APPON: After fonnsee etecteC but prior to pourLng concrete. STDEWALK & DRfiEilAI: For aLL con- e"ete pA@Affi etreet right- of-teA, to be naCe after aLL ezea- vating eanplete & forn ttotk & sub- base naterial in pl.ace. a posr l,ao aeau: To be nade prtot to, I GiiGxGiof ftoor insulation or deckittg. --.-I ROUCH PLIJIIBI!:C. ELEC?RICAL & I,IECH- I - ttr:til these inspectiors haue been nade and aponoued. 7 f*wuce, pr.Lor to plccir4 facingI ndte"i-;t; arul befone'fronini in"pnl- tion. j ynu:twc: ltust be nequested. af*et b) "pp".,r"L of rough plttnbing, eieetri-cal & neclanieal. ALL roofing bractng E chinmcys, etc. ttast be completed. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cecled until this inspeetion ltae-"been nad.e anC apptooed. PTilAL PLUI|BII|G FINAL UTCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL !E!!E: h4ten eonplete -- Py,otsiCe gates on motlable sections through P,U.E. ALL pt'oiect conditions, such aa the i.nstallatlon of styeet trees, co:roletion o1- the required Landscaping, atc., rntat be satisfied before the BUILDIN? FII\AL can be tequested. FINAL BUILDIN?: The Final Building Inspection m$t be requested after the linal PlwnbingElectrical, anC l|eelurieal fnspections haoe been made ard aoproueC. DEi,ioLru-OP Sani:az.J seuer eap?ed. ct properlT Lir:e Septic tutk p-"rped and fil.Led trLth gra;;el Final - Ivrhen abcoe itens are cc:npletei arui uhen Cenclition is eomolete o? st?ue- tuxe mooed ani pretrLses cleanei up. Bloeking otd. Set-up Pltmbing connections -- aa)er od. uatet Electtical Cannection - Blocking, se-,-uc ard plurnbing connections m;st be apprc"^ed. before requesting e|eetyical'inspeeiio:i Aeeessory BuilCing Ei-ral - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. an,e eonpleted. Page 1 o! 2 *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCSSSIBLE, ADJUS?tIEill TO BE tlllD| AT NO CtS? To cITy /{6"&1-or' L tr tr tr JoB No. <Ur675bsoLAR AccEss REQ.-r--coC BeCtoans Enet,qu Sourees Tyoe Ileat llater lleater Range Lace Wood.stou'e r-ot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooerage I of Sturtes ?otal Eeight Topogrcphy LC? ?WE _ Interiot _ Cor1er _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Aeeess. Grozt Lot Faces - P. L. -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit rhis permLt is granted ot the erp"ess eondition t\at the said consttuetions^hall, in-all 1,es-pe-c-ts, gonform to the Ordirwnce adopted giy the City ofspringfield' ineluding the zoning cvdinance, r,egulct'ittg thL ccnstructicnotd .use of buildings, otd may be- suspended or rbuokec Lt "ry tine upon uic-Lation of dty prouisions of iaid Ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE ITE14 x & { ? a NO UIUITUL S.D.C. 1.5 e Building Pemit Total Clnrgee State PLan Date Paid Reeeipt #: Signed CiiAP,GENA,FEi - atf ltbh.res Sarzi Plumbing Perrnit iResidzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrtt State Sute1^.ayae llan/Ezterui Circuits Sey"uice ?otal i?!;.! ,s biunst Hoo,1. Vent Fot ilcodstove PerttrLt fssuntee Mechanicel Pernit -- ENCRCACHMENT -- Secai No- pereon slnll consh'ttct, instalL, alter ot clunge ana neD cy eristino Z!*2;"s or drainage sa2lel in uhole o, in part, "unlesL """t, pniiii-ii-tnnLegaL .possessor of a ualid plutnbez,,s License, escept that a pZtson na.g dopltnbing uoz'k to propetty which is oaned, LeZsed or operatei ty-ln" "pplr-eant. Electricol Permit were state La re-quires tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleetz,iealContracto", the eleetr.ical poz,tion of this permit slwlL not be oaliC untilthe Label lus been signed 4 tne Elecfi,ical' Contyactor,. Mecharnicol Permit 6-z-ea 5-tq-Bb Pernrtt :unbeut Sideualk r HAw 1AREFULLY ExAilTNED the eontpleted application for pennit, and. d.oherebg eertify tlnt aLL irfotmatibn hereoi is ttue and. cb*eet', cnc. rfut'tker 9ettify that any ard aLL uotk perforned srall be dote in aeeot-dance tith the opdinance: of the cita bf bprtngfield, ard the Laas of the* state of oregon pertainina to the ooik cescribZh l.rniLii,-"i- ti-t No occu-PANcy tttl bb ru1e of any" structure uithout permission -o1 tt. 3uitding DL-oisio,n-. r fut'ther certifE thet only cona,actors ffia enplcgels uho otb ineonpliance oith 2RS ?01.0ss aiLL be used on this project L lobile Hqre -?TAL N4OUIIT DIJE:'zy./y Date " RESIL-..lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Stneet Springfield, 2regon 97477 Bui,LdLng Diuiston 726-37 53 Job tocaticn: ,2 4' a0 Phone: '-7 Ll44 Desct-ibe l,lork: Qctres 7o ax iS7 )"Y' ^/ ilu Fra^ r farr ,"r,9 /rco 6oost/ Cc-- Tc.c Iot # SPFIINGFTEI-D 3 o P.ece:ct ! Date: Subditsision: Asner:L NN Address: 2-u L{le ^il ts" c-,nl "t-Ytt 5 F.T, ) t-t NeD rta F or rd|t t-xl Additian RemoCel Date of Appli"oticn- CeneraL Plumbi.ng t!echar.ie,zL Constructicn Lerden It ie the. responsibility of tle penrLt hollet, to see that aLL inspections ate nade at lhe pvope? time, that each address 'is vsa)n;'-2 ;'rotn the at?eet, and tlat the pentrtt catd is Located at the fra'nt of tl,e oroperty.,qui!d.i4 D,iui:iot ac.proxed plan sVtcLL yeaain on th€ Building Site at aLL tines. rn^^5n'r'r nnp rt'oD='4fgfl_BEQE5!.'CALL726-3769(r,ecorder) state your City desigrnted job nmber, iob aiitess, t'gpe of irspee=icn ?eouesxea aridzen gou uiLL be reatiy for inspection, Contractcrs cr Aile"s nc:rc cni olane nunber. Peques;s teceixed befcre 7:90 a;lLL be na<ie the sane dcy, pequests made after ?:00 an tiLL be nade tke ncst aorking dcE lcur Cifu Desigr,a.ted Job Nunber fs:{u c sac leati,tai Ttsnoofi.er* :---l S;--E -I.','-e-:ii::J.'J.' To be trude after , 1 diiii[-iG pz.Lo? Ec se! up oJ - fctme. -1 AilDE.lSLA3 PLL'!.3r!IG. IL|C?PICAL 8 | :.ECI!.).:IIC;L: ?o be macie beiore cny DOrk LS CODet'ed.. -J1 roor.ntG ! FoltitD,trrcN: ro be nad.eLJ ;fte; wenc6at;Zscan;ated and. forms ane et,ected, but prior to pouring ccnc?ete. Q y!,pEte:pu::o pturnwc, sswp, w.Arm, /)AW@.?o be naie orior to fi.l- 7@rencne". lF /r.yf -1 unoenrtooR pL(J:ErNc & r4EClrANrcAL:to7 floor insulction or deeking. 1 posr euo oeAr: To be nade prior to) 7ffi1""1c" of fToor ir,sul)rion ot, decking. -- ROI.IGH PLU!BI:]C. ELECTPICAL & I,{ECH- I - w:til these ittspeetiors iuue beer nade and aDprotsed.-1 gtpEPlecti ttto, to olceira faeina) *a;afrG arul before'frordni 7;"p;- tion. 7 fna::fnc: Muet be nequested. after N dpp".rr"L of rough plur,bing, eiec*,i-eal & neelwnieal. ALI roofing bracitlg €, ehinmeya, etc. trust beconpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectiott lae-"been nad.e anC apptotsed. ) ruaat pL,tltlBrttc I rnnr MEcnANTcAL ) rrnnr ELEnRTIAL l a II]SL'LAT IOII / VA.POF EARRIE R ITISPECTIO|I : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn a"d, requTred oapor boriets @e in plaee but before oty Latn, Wpsun bcarC or ta.LL cooeting is applied, utd before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL mSPttrI)N: ?c be made -. after aLL dtguall is in place, but ptior to any taping. I4ASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gzouting or uerticcls in accordorce LlLth U.B.C. Section 241 S. WCODSTOiIE: ccnpT;T;a. After installation ts CURB & APPRCACH APPON:After fornsue ereeteC but pri,or to pourLng eonc?ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRfjEWAI: Pot aLL eon- crete paoirq uithin stteet tight- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL etca- oati.ng canplete & fom wrk & sub- base naterLal in place. ?ENCE: hhen complete -- PtouiCe gates o? mooable aections through P.U.E. ,Ei-:OLITIO:: OP :.:CY!) B',.,;ILD:::CS ALL pt'oject conditions, sueh ae the installation of street trees, eotloletion of the nequined Landsccpir.g, etc., iast be eatisfied befote the BUfLDIN? FilIAL can be requested- PINAL BafLDfNC: The Final Build.ittg Inepection mtst be requested after the lincl PlunbiryElectrical, and. ileclanical Inspections 'raue been nade and-appnoueC. Scni:atX saser eapped ct pz'ogeri4 Lite Septic tank y,,qed ann iilled rrith gratel li,nal - h1ren cbase 'Ltens are ectpleted. arui uizen Cqlcll.tion is eotnplete o? s',:aJ- tuye moued od. prenrlses cleanei up. llobile licnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbi.ng eonnections -- aaie! al. ua)er Eleettical Cannection - Blocking, set-u. and plwtbing connections m;st be apprct;ei before requesting eT.eclrical inspecliot: Accessory BuilCing pcrekes, skirting, decl<s, Leied. Pinal - After etc. are conp Page 1 o! 2'ALL |4ANHCLES AND CTEANOWS UaS? BE ACCqS7TBLE, ADJASTltEill ?O BE tiADE /.? ttl crsl rO Cry Aesessors Map # //'6"&/-or' tr JoB Ho. <u,,oT5bsoLAR Ac r-s REQ.- .y BeCt ooms : L-co * 5- ,Iat Sq. Pt . z cf Lct Couerage ! of Stortes Total Height Topogrcphy ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Paldt ?otal Chazges Fi.ztt^tes Residenti.a.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Pltrlbind Perrit State ai an / Ezt erui C it, ctti t s Seroiee ?otal :?!;.: J Z.ha)st HooC 'lent Fat 'lcodstote PermLt fssusce Meeitanieal Pennit -- E|ICRCACI{MENT -- 'aLn ernrit Iotal utbcu! ida,talk obile Hqre LCT ?WE _ fnterior _ Coriler _ Panhdndle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Vcrlue & permit *i-",,p"yot.is granted otr the etp"ess eordition trwt the said. eonsttaetion Y::'^::,itL.?e2pee.ts, conform to the Ordinanee adopted 6:y the City ofrP?LngJLeLd' ineludinq the zoning cydittance, regulcting th-e ccnstta-ctibnotd use of build,i,tas-- arzd n1a a"_" ""op""a."i or t,etsokec at cna time upon uic-lation of altA pn"r:irior" of Zaid. otd.inances. ,( Plumbing Perrnit No, pereon slall eonsfuaet, instal!_, altet, ot, citange anA nea cr eristinqqlumb-ittg or dt'ainage "y"_l? in uhole or in patt, "r*Ln"Z "i"n- p"i.|-ii" tnnlegal.posseasor of a t:alid pl_unbet,,s LicensZ, *9ept th,at a pZ"";;';"; 1;-plunbing aork to prope?ty uhich is ouned, Leased o, operatii Ly-lnn ippli-cant. Electricol Permit where state Lan re_quires t|"a.t the eleetrical uotk be done by an llectticalContractot,, the eleetz.Leal pottion of this oermit s?aLL not be ualii untilthe Label lns been signed by tize Electrieal' Contractor. Mechqnicql Permit 6-z-ea r HAw cAREEaLLy sxAM!ryEq lhe cotnpleted application for permit, cnd dohereby certif-y that aLL ittfo:tnation hereoi is ttue and. clotreet', otC. Ifutthen eertify that any ard aLL uoyk perfozrned sluLl be do:-." l:, ,"ron_danee vith the ordinanee-s of the city of bpningfield, atd the L,a;s of thestate of oregon pertainina to the uork cescribid herein, cnd. tiut No occu- !!r,-C-l *ill-b: tyde of any- structure uithout permission by tn" silla.f.ng Oi-ulslon- r furthen eertifE that otly cont"actors and enplcyees uho arb ineatpliance uith ORS ZO1.0SS uiLL be- used on this projec't * Aeeess Lot Faees - P. L. l,lo"th East LaceSouthtote Nest Y VaLue /la* ? 7q -)Date Paid: CEARCE Zl,/v Signed FEE :--endira alt t aa- z/./y Date q- zb Sef ncks House Ca?aae )TAL ltll1UllT DUE:.