HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-05-13r( , POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 10 Scr..rd Ave., Spfd, OregoE CONSTRUCTTON PEBMIT# LC-77{-AO TBS. TL: L7-03-22.4.1 ' 3N subdivision: Bueda vr.st., Lot 3, BlocL 2 This permit for the relerenced property is hsreby CAIICELI.EDD. .. .Getbacks and othor conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of thi6 permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or olher remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address:Luclen E. Vlll-eneuve, Jr., L042 South 70th, Spfd, Oregon Owner/Address: Dr. Robert A. Mofflte Contractor/AddresstslL1 Sklltem contractor's os + 001655 Total construction Value: 92002100 Construction approved by this permit:Dry rot repaLr. 97477*r,Telephone Telephone Telephone 7 47-4822 I Water Suppl v na + Bedrooms:na +Plumbing Fixtures: n6 + Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning + na Parcel + na Parcel Size: 99 x t-30 Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: {5r ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5t ;rear property line: 6r pUE Special lnstructions not going beyond exlstlng foundation. For information call 687-4394, Candi WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + naq lnstallation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches;6 I nstructions: Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' gal. min. septic tank capacity; AT APPLICANT Setbacks I n teil-o r p roperty I i n es Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield--lo- 10' 10' 100' 6*a For information call NA between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., NA CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: lU\ Group: NA - Fire Zone:g4 lnstructions. PERMIT CANCELLED AT APPLICANT'S REQUEST...; Use Classification NA For plans information call NA between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.gA For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. lane countyDirections to Site: NA Date tssued. 05113/_Bo 6l!'.t- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401c55-1 3 By: R.L. McGuckln/1ky t /c Permit * *i' ?O Name (please print) Address Appl i cant 0wner ( ) Reason for can 1 ing pe rmi t CANCELLATI FUND tractor ZATION DateSi gnature Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are ordinarily nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumb'ing portions according to the amount of the permit processed. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS Authorization for possible refund:ol lo o/ lo /o ol lo Building permit fee Mobile home fee Plumbing permit fee Plan check fee State surcharge fee *-a$ $ $ $ $ $ -c)- Si gnature WATER PO LUTION CONTROL Authorization for possible refund: TOTAL AMOUNT Date Septic disposal system $ Site inspection fee $ TOTAL AMOUNT $ Date O- ol /o S'ignature TO: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Bujlding permit refund $ Septi c d'i sp. sys t. refund $ Site inspection refund $ TOTAL TO BE REFUNDED $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: 24-08-24/Acct 46960/Prog 021 24-08-25lAcct 42.l33/Prog 0ll 24-08-25/ Acct 42134/Prog 01 2 Receipt # Recei pt # Receipt # Name Address S'i gnature Date DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I c74-tl9 *f,i'DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEI'4ENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the Affidavit: I If this application is for an agr Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonj owner of record :Sfi:0n:lt:. t 's. ,titii z-]l*#t{ti#ittilt.t'iit /-/ iffiilii}#iii hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. tural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and and for no other purpose. I have the following 1ega1 interest in the property: contrac t purchaser;lessee;holder of an exclusive o ption to purchase; cu ns) --Y-duly authori toa Si gna ture/Addres s r, who is nOl/appl icat ion.ru,0 , Tel ,ti fy: e or Date /-/_,Ovner /-7 Contractor !X mail z'l X, Pnone Phone enon"@ [,Jhen t is If Corunercial Residential: # of employees _t#,lifl.,ti1ww"ii t&#..*lii /:/ Existing, BP # 17 Proposed, SI # 'li t Owner Contrac tor Contractor's 0SR# 6lL<{Plumbing by SI test holes ready Sceiliiil:ii. *frrir.l :st*iiirtXii rr .* i l#:,:]ti.#lits:lit#ili::: i[ffii Fee Total Va.'l uati on $$ $ $ at at each $ each $ /_/ Rece i ved l,later Supply Proposed Su btota'l TOTAL $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $ $Existing _ Year Instal led $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks:t, f"on Cornment To be typed on t, si Parcel #Parcel Sizfi nt.; rear Da te CP&I Type_ Group_ Fire Zone Use C To be typed on r"" r, lassification ) # -\---7-----T--'7 DateBy For plans i ons to /-/ IIFO,/ Plans to: rf,1L4e&I /-l iPc ! Planning /-/ Public Works /J Elevation /-/ n/a , Address /-/ Facil i ty Permi t / / Environmental Health ( area s pec tor FOR INFORI'IATI0N about progress of your application call c74-L7L Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted CP& I l,JPC set( s ) set( s ) Da te Requ i red Date to PCC permit Controt Center 687-HELp $87-4357) DO NOT !.JRITE BELOW THIS LINE Valuation By I 2 3 4 5 6 t0 12 I4 t t6 u 20 22 24 26 28 .T 32 34 36 38 40 !2_ 44 45 48 50 57 54 56 i...fi.!lI i:Lil.ii! iY Iii:ir'; i::ii""" }'ii;'i tf:ti!:::!:f''i ,tF'i,:,'.jt-jfii'.iT'i,r:l:..i...i::i''liiL.jul:, i*l.Ji-:j.i::i'] i:;", ..ii:i friji]Fj'iii4;J,5ij 'i'1. {, J '7+..{Li:144,},i}}i}{:} j';i.llilJ l. ? i:iUf:i{ri' !r i,I'i:':i itiitJ i)i...iii; IYI'il: Ll,:r:lr- ft i\i.i i-.::iii:;i'l;i i.'iii Fl{l LJi'i:l: i:i t'*i:ii ili:iiii:- il!:'i:ii-. iliti *Lj i l: ui'j ii[::j:i-:ii ]: i:i l'j: ilN :;ii i:"i i.Jri:i'i f ir'' ii;',' l:; i::' i i : ',r'j 4 i{ rj l:l' l:'i:i Ii i.i i:i T l:i ll i ::i i:: ;::' 'ii l' 1:i' !.:'i... iti:, i:r.i. f,'j !.ji:i!::."i: : i,ij " l-i,:.,il.iii-i.l'l i.i!:i;:. l,'; ;:: i'' i-i r 'il l' i' ,q, i l::'i::'i::'( :I : .r r:-rr"' , r 'l_!1... ! 1...1-I l;-, :-... I ::j L i i:.; .1; '.|' f:r 'l :i: ;i :-i Ii i: i.'i ri i:;: i; f- i. i,. r.. it i.-. i:..i l'.i L. i'i !:. r-, lr r" t:. i::. * rr4fio sAl'E ?01'li , ,!i''F: I:Ht;F I E:l-* -LLI I tli-! STilh:IfS N$ tlllSl' V*iL.LJilT i Lli! 3 BL.r. ;] l?l nf:1: i*rfr'1 r'[[ I]ft\ :.:l-i{:}t ::4 " irtj} 3 I nt1 L.tI !' r tiF {: i:'i.-Ali f;:t..i:V AB$Fi f F' i:tit{F L[::TII] EtY 1'$1'AL F Ft #.x. -r'^ rir' i.-fi*i I 1 _r l.t t.t I I F'l r-' L,lLri I t;i l,:,1 j - 126 tl 6 ro2 el : 8l - F 6A 5; ! 5E -)60 62 64 lane countY HOLID SLIP APPLICATION # il!r'-7 Name Address pco The above lication is being held for the follow'ing reasons: r_1 .f------f W'*tw* Ipqfiffir" (?tilrw {LtT *(a try{aw ft Date ;*A, ?l ti Division S'ignature Te1 ephone This app lication will be held until If the information required above has not been furnished by tha t date your application w ill be cancelled. Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken p'lace as of the date of cancellation. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTM,"fA 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE. OREGON 9r*7form C74-139 lane countyHOLD SLIP APPLICATION # il!t-.- fr Name Addres s Zip Code The above applicat'ion is being held for the following reasons: I lie Division Si gnature Date Te1 ephone This application will be held until If the 'information re above has not been furnished by that date your application w ill be cancel uired ed. q I Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPASTMEN 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON ,{a form C74-139 s7 | '- Sub:;lrttcltttt /'rr:a v'I t'\ ' lti') '1, Ir, ...:llr ,_l i.rl I rr.o ;,, ' ;lp il.rrr,.r L/it''! ,2 (" ':at) t'',.:' l( - "- i i( ',t-,.,,i t i 1/./ \/- I i ,, . .):' .,. lr l,' - '/r:nlllall()tt :,'.' :. ' 1' : ' ) a .'| ?"' 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PlSase conlact hirrr willt ;tn v quesliont reqartjir;r; llti: ieporl. We guarantee 24'hours s e rvic e. .rii-', l's,l-,-i I I L, $tlB.$ITUCi lJHE$'l'iir i: (. ) irr_f,LrnT No I i"l| .t't-ot__ __l C'i-i'/El'ilrrilAL Xoni;;tt.at. RFi'oRT - lJPt'r i ' if '-Al- 1.r.',Ti: I , Jv I \ ', ?r .t ( I'lL' - ( ,--/;(,\ r)w|FA'5, 1!Alta C /.ollRtt 5S t, Itr, /l ft :' lln trt lf l(,Pt r:l lOll OfiLt tt tl / r /.I or LoAtl :.JO C(]i]E Z I B ..r)froL, rf- t,t3l lokTiot . ar "^rnr StllrjctURrL Ir:. t.:tor' . Cr'€x aAL rnr^rPt \" P.O. e lx 51 lti ' Elrgone, (.'1a1116 !'i" i Phons (5';3t C83'1 I 71 STATi D A R U I Z E O ST RU C T IJ R 1\ I. PF ST C O I'i I I, O !- I}I'J O i- C T I O I'I F . P C CT 1rr( r''r.,1{i', , l..l lll ,i [r ilIt l,ir_,ti l'. t i- 11 l',t r. i :'l.,tatt t\ ir,,\ i o\,\ltisPErj'!'E0 BY Ttils ts A suB-srBUcTuBE [.lspECTtol'l cNLy. srJts FLoot't LtvEL 8. RELo']' '.'/F .tsstj:lr. ;l'l i',\ttii-rrY ANY oTIiER PORTIOTI OF STRUCTUPE I.,NLESS SPTCIFICALLY IiOTi::)'I\ IiliS iIi.POiIi. addfr.,nat coara .,1 lraDaall',q o. a!r'ta'lu.'l r'2.'r CJ' :' r^6 2''f i 'itf i c'r '':i)6! .,r,ra.l),,t,t 1,. o il taa./,r.ft,n ry u. .r. rL'ia, !)..6 bv lr* a.or'an(t lh,r cua".(.lLt In . ru,'O'td rhr^''1nr''_t '.,i c SfE liAGPAl"l !t-) Z1 i:.r i: /. : i F L tf T E n t.t t f f::; O Ai t;ij i l()'wD I EPI'.r lT ES FUI IGi]fiOT t,,E ET LLi)tROEr-iNGJ - CARF'ENTEIi AI{I-S- (-Lt LULrisr oranls t:.yc rts I \/ E M.)15'rl J FtF- El.itTH'l;c;OC C()lr At) ; '/ [ f :'I: 'J i: E f .r* D f-,YlSfl'.(. i[:lJ;) r r rf [[tii$lftlQ,$r r I ._. :'rr_ ug c!i1.r_- . . -' :.,e r-D!^(tri^' - \/d// _s,'i.tulTljri4L DAMr.Gil V t/ V =a in f AUr.T\ Gi', D= LEVFU INA.CCESSiUI [: i,l'iiir!' v,/!,r'aR LFAK -- DC\Aft,t sircut's CTi.1itl: *'r- -t) (,lIl'"1!Fl. r u t, ir iErt t iJir- rl,r tc'' r:'co.,i :,';t.l f';:, l/U.tL o. cD. 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